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Thread: Random Music Questions

  1. #1
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    Random Music Questions

    Bring it on!

    Here's one of mine:

    I'm trying to find a hip-hop group that was posted in Ye Olde ETS a few months ago. I remember their name had four words and they had some very weird and unique performances with lots of staged stuff. They had played in a late night show (I think Ferguson or Letterman) once.

  2. #2
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    I cannot, for the life of me, figure out this song. It's an OutKast song that references their song Ms. Jackson (I'm not looking for the song Ms. Jackson). I believe there's a line like "we sang 'I'm sorry Ms. Jackson.'" I have since forgotten all the other relevant information. The radio station does not list their playlists from prior days, so I'm stuck. Google has not helped me.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by wizfan View Post
    Bring it on!

    Here's one of mine:

    I'm trying to find a hip-hop group that was posted in Ye Olde ETS a few months ago. I remember their name had four words and they had some very weird and unique performances with lots of staged stuff. They had played in a late night show (I think Ferguson or Letterman) once.
    Sounds like Odd Future Wolf Gang Kill Them All and 'twas Fallon that they played.
    Last edited by RocketScience; 01-23-2012 at 04:45 PM.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by aurelius View Post
    I cannot, for the life of me, figure out this song. It's an OutKast song that references their song Ms. Jackson (I'm not looking for the song Ms. Jackson). I believe there's a line like "we sang 'I'm sorry Ms. Jackson.'" I have since forgotten all the other relevant information. The radio station does not list their playlists from prior days, so I'm stuck. Google has not helped me.
    i'm sure this isn't the song you're searching, but it's the closest i could find.
    the track i've found has a similar line ("Listening To Outcast, I'm sorry Ms. Jackson")

    "The Game - Better On The Other Side"

    (line comes at 2:23)

  5. #5
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    because somebody posted a game track itt

  6. #6
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    So, since there is no thread on UNKLE and since I don't have any news that would warrant one, except for the occasional "who else likes UNKLE" talk, I'll ask my question here:

    Google leaves me with pretty much nothing, but is there any live recording available? A (soundboard) bootleg maybe? I've seen some footage of a gig in Sydney, but what I'm searching for is audio from 2007 until now. Any help is highly appreciated! Thanks in advance!

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by dlb View Post
    So, since there is no thread on UNKLE and since I don't have any news that would warrant one, except for the occasional "who else likes UNKLE" talk, I'll ask my question here:

    Google leaves me with pretty much nothing, but is there any live recording available? A (soundboard) bootleg maybe? I've seen some footage of a gig in Sydney, but what I'm searching for is audio from 2007 until now. Any help is highly appreciated! Thanks in advance!
    I'm a big fan of UNKLE and have never come across a circulating live recording other than an mp3 audio rip of the Sydney gig you mention from 2008. It's from the webcast of the show they played at The Metro. It's 1hr 25min, quality is sadly 128kbps mp3, but it's a really brilliant show and shows UNKLE's more guitar heavy live sound beautifully.
    It's crazy that nothing else seems to be circulating audio wise. There are of course a ton of UNKLESounds and James Lavelle dj mixes all over the net, but nothing "live" wise. There used to be a Russian show from 2007 on dvd doing the rounds, and a rather poor quality rip from the Sydney webcast too.

    I'll upload the Sydney gig to a wetransfer link if you want it. It's not tracked or anything though. I think I grabbed it from Dime, so it may still be available there too.

    Lavelle just posted a wonderful new 2hr 30min mix on his soundcloud page if you're interested. https://soundcloud.com/james-lavelle...resents-living

    UNKLE really deserve their own thread I think.

  8. #8
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    I'd be totally awesome if you could forward me that Sydney show somehow, since I'm too stupid to rip it on my own. It really is a shame that there isn't anything else. I'd kill for a live DVD since the visuals are amazing aswell as one can see from a couple of youtube videos. I really don't know why they never bothered to tour around these parts. I would pay good money to see them just once!

    I really love what Lavelle does with his mixes and the amount of people he has worked with is utterly amazing. Besides Trent there is pretty much no one of my favorite artists missing within his discography. A very underrated genius IMHO!

  9. #9
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    ^^ I'll pm you the link when I get home later.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Camille View Post
    ^^ I'll pm you the link when I get home later.
    If you could shoot me one as well that'd be awesome!

    Thanks for the heads-up on that new Lavelle mix, too - I'll have to dig into that soon.

    I love UNKLE. I've seen them live twice, both times at Webster Hall NYC. The second time Lupe Fiasco came out and rapped over "Chemistry" which was actually amazing. I distinctly remember him holding a white paper plate, which no doubt had lyrics handwritten on it, while he energetically moved around the stage. I've never really gotten into Lupe's solo stuff, but I like his collabs with UNKLE.

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    Thanks alot! That show is so dope that I'm lost for words. Eventhough some of the vocalists are not present that doesn't take away from the dynamic of the live performance. A really great show and god do I wish there was more. :/

    keys to the kingdom is one of my favorite songs of all time and the live version is even better in parts.

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    I am trying to find a music video that I'm pretty sure I saw around the mid-90s. It was an electronic track (low key, sort of Bonobo-ish), no lyrics, and the video was mostly animated, or, if not animated, it was heavily processed to look like it was. It was full of imagery inspired by Soviet (or communist in general) propaganda art. Yeah I know it's all pretty vague. Help me ETS, you're my only hope!

  13. #13
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    Question for some Brits who know. Wikipedia had this to say about The Stone Roses - Second Coming album:

    "The second album by the influential Manchester four-piece, it suffered greatly at the time from the sheer weight of expectation generated by both the 5½ year gap between it and the band's eponymous debut, and the band's withdrawal from the live arena for 4½ of those years."

    Damn, did England get that mad that The Stone Roses went away or what? I dig that album.

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    they were considered to be the second coming of jesus. put out their rock solid debut and the hype and backlash was crippling. there are a few good songs on that album, but they mostly dropped the ball on that record for sure.

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    Recently "found" Quantic 5th Exotic again and was really digging on it the other day. As i tend to be a more rock orientated person i was wondering if anyone could point me in the direction of some music more along those lines, dare i say electronic?

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    Anyone can recommend good train ride music? I used to listen the shit out of the Social Network soundtrack during my university days but it doesn't quite cut it anymore. I'm looking for something like this, a bit up beat, not too quiet or even shoegazey. What do you guys and girls listen to on your way to work?

    Since I'm closing in on an hour right now I just can't listen to any NIN, BRMC, Black Angels, Primal Scream, QOTSA etc. anymore without going nuts when 100 people stand around you and you have to really crank the volume up.

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    This question is only about physical mediums of music. I really am curious about this, because I remember CD players still being the "in" thing when I was in high school.

    Wasn't the actual decline of the CD's popularity at least somewhere in the mid 2000s? Like at least around autumn or winter of 2004? When I was in my last year of middle school up until my last year of high school from 2000-2004, I still remember CDs still being a hot item in 2000, 2001, and 2002 in spite of file-sharing. CDs and CD players were still widely used in all of 2003 and most of 2004 from what I've seen.

    I only ask because some people make it seem like CDs were the way they are now back in the early 2000s, but I still find that hard to believe. I'm sure it was at least around late 2004 to early 2005 when MP3 players really became the "in" thing altogether.

    And well, knowing that there are vinyl fans here, which brand of vinyl players would you recommend?

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kris View Post
    This question is only about physical mediums of music. I really am curious about this, because I remember CD players still being the "in" thing when I was in high school.

    Wasn't the actual decline of the CD's popularity at least somewhere in the mid 2000s? Like at least around autumn or winter of 2004? When I was in my last year of middle school up until my last year of high school from 2000-2004, I still remember CDs still being a hot item in 2000, 2001, and 2002 in spite of file-sharing. CDs and CD players were still widely used in all of 2003 and most of 2004 from what I've seen.

    I only ask because some people make it seem like CDs were the way they are now back in the early 2000s, but I still find that hard to believe. I'm sure it was at least around late 2004 to early 2005 when MP3 players really became the "in" thing altogether.
    I think you're correct. While iTunes and the iPod were introduced in 2001, they didn't really catch on until the middle of the decade because that stuff wasn't originally cross-platform. I don't recall CDs really being in trouble before that time.
    Last edited by piggy; 10-10-2013 at 03:52 AM.

  19. #19
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    Also, most of the affordable mp3 player were quite weak on the storage departement, and phones weren't the omnipotent tools they are now.

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    Isn't a minimum of 2 to 3 years a normal gap in between albums? It also seems like 4+ years would be an actual hiatus of some sort, and the least amount of time I've seen between albums was around 1 year to several months. So yes, 2 to 3 years is the normal interval of time between LPs, right? It really does seem that way.

  21. #21
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    1-3 years is reasonable. i don't think there's a set standard though, especially if the band is always playing live or recorded a few tracks/eps over the course of time. any longer than 3 years and you're in nine inch nails or even worse, scott walker territory. it's a far cry than the 6 months/1 year max there was in the 70s/80s...

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    In the 90s, a 2 year gap was very common and that's still pretty common today. However, when dealing with an older band like U2 for example, they'll typically slow down and the gaps will get to be more like 4 years or so.

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    So, to anybody that remembers, around what year, or years did compact cassettes decline?

    I checked out Wikipedia, and it said that the peak of compact cassettes was around the late 1980s, and that CDs were gaining popularity in the early 1990s, but even with what little I remember, being too young to really get into or care about music, I still saw compact cassettes and portable tape players being regularly used in 1990-1997. I think I've even seen actual LPs on cassette still being sold in 1998-2000, and 1999-2002 were around the last few years I've seen anybody use portable tape players in from last year of middle school and second year of high school. (And that was definitely during the first half of 2002.)

    I couldn't find any actual years being mentioned on Wikipedia though, but regardless of their diminished popularity by 2000, they still held out pretty well in the early 2000s anyway. I'm at least positive that compact cassettes were still "in" around 1990-1996 in spite of CDs taking over though.
    Last edited by Halo Infinity; 10-18-2013 at 06:04 PM.

  24. #24
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    Well, personally I was still buying cassettes during my first couple of years of high school in the mid 90s, because I didn't yet have my own CD player and cassettes were still considerably cheaper than CDs in those days. I would say they started to die right around 1997 or 1998. I feel like there were a lot of albums that came out in the late 90s that didn't really get released on cassette. Also, when portable CD players first hit the market, I think Walkmans were still winning for a short time because the skip protection technology either didn't exist yet or needed lots of improvement.

    Then CD burners became available in the late 90s as well and that was another nail in the cassette's coffin, since you could now make mix CDs instead of mix tapes. Oddly enough, however, cassette decks were still standard in some cars well into the 00s and the last car in the world with a cassette deck was made just two years ago.
    Last edited by piggy; 10-18-2013 at 10:33 PM.

  25. #25
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    I'm looking for an album and it's driving me nuts. I have no idea who it's by or what it's called. I saw it in the 'rock & pop' section of HMV a few months ago and can't find it now. I think the artist was somewhere between A and D. It was in a hardcover DVD slipcase (like the delux edition of the new Manic Street Preachers album for example). The cover was plane white with some handwritten-style text on the front. It was about how the artist had written the songs on album during a period after he and his girl had broken up. I think it might have contained photos or a book as well as the CD. If anyone can tell me what this is, I will be eternally grateful.

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    This isn't really a question, but I didn't realize that lots of casual fans also attended concerts. I used to think mostly die-hards, superfans, or hardcore fans attended concerts, and not that there's anything wrong with a casual fan, but as somebody that barely went to concerts, it certainly shows how much I know.

    As for some actual questions...

    1. From the looks of it, do rock musicians often get the most pressure and criticism for "selling out"? It happens in rap too, but not even rappers seem to be as pressured or criticized as harshly as rock musicians, and well, with pop stars, they're obviously expected to sell out.

    2. Do rock musicians also get the most flack for guest appearances on albums? When it comes to rap and pop, guest appearances seem to be more encouraged.

    3. And well, it's interesting how most rock musicians seem to outlast rappers and pop stars. I wonder why that's the case? (Although I could see more of why that would be the case with pop stars.)

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    I'm looing for a music video I had seen ages ago: there was this guy who kinda looked like a cross between Eminem and Chester Bennington (or maybe it was Eminem), he was wearing black rimmed glasses and was walking around a city. The song was very moody and he was rapping about stuff that sometimes were written on pieces of cardboard, and I only remember the lyrics "crap" and "kiss my ass".

    Also, a rap song by a rapper with a very smooth voice, the only lyrics of which I could pick up were "walk away" and "that's life/that's my life".

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    Random Music Questions

    Dude at work played me a band and I forgot to get the name I'll ask him when I see him again but I'd figure I'd ask here in the meantime. They were a metal band that had an almost dubstepy sound behind the riffs as well. Very heavy kinda reminded me of all shall perish but with electronic melodies and such. I thought they were really good. If I don't get a response here I'll post back when I find out if anyone is interested.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Trains View Post
    I'm looking for an album and it's driving me nuts. I have no idea who it's by or what it's called. I saw it in the 'rock & pop' section of HMV a few months ago and can't find it now. I think the artist was somewhere between A and D. It was in a hardcover DVD slipcase (like the delux edition of the new Manic Street Preachers album for example). The cover was plane white with some handwritten-style text on the front. It was about how the artist had written the songs on album during a period after he and his girl had broken up. I think it might have contained photos or a book as well as the CD. If anyone can tell me what this is, I will be eternally grateful.
    Hate to bump...but I reeally want to know what this album is. Anyone?

  30. #30
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    Random Music Questions

    Quote Originally Posted by Pillfred View Post
    Dude at work played me a band and I forgot to get the name I'll ask him when I see him again but I'd figure I'd ask here in the meantime. They were a metal band that had an almost dubstepy sound behind the riffs as well. Very heavy kinda reminded me of all shall perish but with electronic melodies and such. I thought they were really good. If I don't get a response here I'll post back when I find out if anyone is interested.
    The Browning is the name of the band.

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