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Thread: Professional Wrestling

  1. #421
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    yeah, $55 is a lot of money for really one match that i'm interested in, honestly who cares about sheamus vs big show, the only real draw to that is whether ziggler cashes in the money in the bank or not.

    and yeah, Guerrerro.....why??

  2. #422
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    I heard that they want Ric Flair to be RAW's new GM, but since they are not 100% sure if he will commit they are using Vickie as the "interim" GM...
    Im also debating wheter to order or not, im liking the Punk story so far, im pretty sure he will retain and I really want Zigglet to cash his contract aganist Sheamus (most boring main eventer on RAW)

  3. #423
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    Flair? Guessing he's almost done playing around in gymnasiums (TNA). That'd be cool though. Just keep him out of the ring.

  4. #424
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    Vince wanted "results or resignations", now can we start with Stephanie, and most of these z-level Hollywood writers?

    Three hours is just too...damn...long.

    It's really time to end the GM/Authority Figure crutch, but I think they have forgotten how to write without it. It's only going to get worse from here though I fear.
    Last edited by poinoup; 10-23-2012 at 06:30 PM.

  5. #425
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    The three-hour RAW is a flop. The ratings alone said it all. RAW sucked. That whole Matt Striker thing with Team Hell No was terrible and you could tell that Daniel Bryan and Kane knew it was terrible. Plus, can we stop pushing Alberto Del Rio? The guy is good in the ring but he's too one-note as a character. I just can't get into him at all. "It's my destiny". I just want to change the channel. He's one of those guys I always change the channel whenever he's wrestling along with David Otunga and Jinder Mahal. Those guys fucking suck. The Divas matches are also a bore and I always change the channel.

  6. #426
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    ^^^ I agree with pretty much everything you posted there. Team Hell No is awesome but I feel like its only a matter of time until it gets stale. I'm actually surprised it hasn't happened yet. Also, if Vince and the WWE know that ratings are down I don't understand why they would put Vicky Guerrero in charge. I'm pretty sure no one in the world wants to see more of her. Especially when Paul Heyman is available for the position.

  7. #427
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    I'm guessing AJ is probably going to get her job back. Probably some boring fued to get AJ in the ring. Lately, I've been DVR-ing it and fast forward through the boring parts. Suddenly, three hours turn into a single hour...

  8. #428
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    I still can't believe they are pushing a 3 hour RAW. 3 hours every week would have been a tough stretch during the Attitude Era, let alone now.

  9. #429
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    I think it's mostly because of the vast roster, the Attitude era didn't need 3 hours but then again they didn't have that much wrestlers back then...
    The main problem aren't the 2 or 3 hours RAW lasts, it's the poor storylines and the lack of interesting wrestling going on...
    Last edited by henryeatscereal; 10-24-2012 at 02:11 PM.

  10. #430
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    I like and am into RAW and WWE now more than I have been since 2006 but even I agree, a 3 hour RAW is just too long. PPVs used to be special in that right of being a 3 hour event and now it's just whatever.

    Hell in a Cell isn't looking too good. I preferred the October PPV being No Mercy...oh well.

  11. #431
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    The show dragged with two hours. They're more worried about ppv sales these days than the actual overall product. Raw used to have so much. But they're so concerned with teasing ppv matches instead of putting on a good show AND push a ppv.

  12. #432
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    Quote Originally Posted by Piko View Post
    The show dragged with two hours. They're more worried about ppv sales these days than the actual overall product. Raw used to have so much. But they're so concerned with teasing ppv matches instead of putting on a good show AND push a ppv.
    I wouldn't say so much as an overhaul of a push for the PPV but all they ever advertise is two main events and the rest of the card is filled with a bunch of random matches that hold no value, feud or anything. Need I remind you of Night of Champions Miz vs Mysterio match? Or No Way Out's tag team turmoil match? SummerSlam's divas match?

    What they need is to stop focusing on the same 10 wrestlers and develop mid-card feuds and lesser known stars.

  13. #433
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    The storylines are old and stale. Its like they don't care. Back in the 90s (even before the attitude era), there was more excitement in a single hour alone, than the half-assed writing they've got now. But IMO, it has turned into a three hour commercial. You get thrown a couple matches, but hardly and rarely anything to rave about.

  14. #434
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    Quote Originally Posted by Piko View Post
    The storylines are old and stale. Its like they don't care. Back in the 90s (even before the attitude era), there was more excitement in a single hour alone, than the half-assed writing they've got now. But IMO, it has turned into a three hour commercial. You get thrown a couple matches, but hardly and rarely anything to rave about.
    Again as I said: What they need is to stop focusing on the same 10 wrestlers and develop mid-card feuds and lesser known stars.

    My 10 Wrestlers of Focus that WWE Include Always:

    John Cena
    CM Punk
    Big Show
    Alberto Del Rio
    A.J. Lee
    Daniel Bryan and Kane (mildly even though I love them both; my top 2 fave wrestlers)
    John Cena
    John Cena

    Tell me when's the last time you seen a top-card main event storyline with Punk that hasn't involved John Cena in some form? They fought at Night of Champions, SummerSlam (with Big Show too), etc.

    Same guys go for the same belts, hence why I'm surprised and happy Ryback (lackluster that he is) is against Punk this PPV.

    The rematches these days are endless and gratuitous.

  15. #435
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    Unfortunately, they aren't going to work with midcarders. Too much work for them I guess. They have tons of talent that ends up as disposable. I feel kinda bad for Ryback. He's obviously not going to win Sunday. They build him up as an undefeated, juggernaut/Goldberg clone, give him a main event match so they can fill in for Cena. If Cena didn't have problems with his elbow, Ryback wouldn't have been even taken under consideration. It would have been Cena all the way. So now, they're going to take this green guy, undefeated, and lose to Punk. And knowing WWE, that could be the last main event for the guy until the inevitable "cut day".

  16. #436
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    For the past week, I've been watching the old War Games matches from '87 to '92 which I think are some of the best matches out there. The '92 War Games between the Dangerous Alliance and Sting's Army I think is the best War Games I've seen. It was violent, there were a lot of stakes, and moments that I couldn't believe. It's a shame that it will never be seen the likes again because of how lame the WWE product is and the fact that young fans are to jaded to see something like this.

  17. #437
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    Quote Originally Posted by Piko View Post
    Unfortunately, they aren't going to work with midcarders. Too much work for them I guess. They have tons of talent that ends up as disposable. I feel kinda bad for Ryback. He's obviously not going to win Sunday. They build him up as an undefeated, juggernaut/Goldberg clone, give him a main event match so they can fill in for Cena. If Cena didn't have problems with his elbow, Ryback wouldn't have been even taken under consideration. It would have been Cena all the way. So now, they're going to take this green guy, undefeated, and lose to Punk. And knowing WWE, that could be the last main event for the guy until the inevitable "cut day".
    Agreed all the way. My favorite example is Goldust. He was an amazing performer and wrestler. Dustin had incredible charisma at the start and his original stint was serious and something to be reckoned with. After his return in 2002 they made the character devolve into a joke, a piss take and a jobber. He never really got a fair chance for anything after his The Artist Formerly Known As Goldust run (which I LOVE and is an example of Non-PG WWE(F) :P) and it's a shame. He was really talented and had a great father. They rarely brought it up for Goldust but when it comes to Cody that's all they praise and refer to. Odd.

    Last mid-card feuds of great times faded out around 2005. Haven't given them any angles since.

    Quote Originally Posted by thevoid99 View Post
    For the past week, I've been watching the old War Games matches from '87 to '92 which I think are some of the best matches out there. The '92 War Games between the Dangerous Alliance and Sting's Army I think is the best War Games I've seen. It was violent, there were a lot of stakes, and moments that I couldn't believe. It's a shame that it will never be seen the likes again because of how lame the WWE product is and the fact that young fans are to jaded to see something like this.
    I know

    It's easy to blame that but I will: the younger audience. It seems that when Linda ran for Office and wanted to change the WWE to be PG it killed a lot of what made pro wrestling fun: violence, weapons, blood, swearing, over the top gimmicks, perversion, sex, divas, depravity. It kinda downplays some form of story opportunities to me, not saying WWE should focus solely on that either.

    I mean could you even fathom some of the storylines then being allowed now? One of my favies of Undertaker's past is when he tried to embalm an unconcious Steve Austin alive with Paul Bearer's help. That wouldn't fly at all these days.
    Last edited by Space Suicide; 10-24-2012 at 03:54 PM.

  18. #438
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    War Games was awesome. Bummed me out a little when they stopped doing it.

  19. #439
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    do you guys remember Jim Cornette??
    He lays out why wrestling sucks ass now.

  20. #440
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    Quote Originally Posted by Space Suicide View Post
    It seems that when Linda ran for Office and wanted to change the WWE to be PG it killed a lot of what made pro wrestling fun...
    The shining example of this that I noticed on Monday was AJ being so concerned that they might show her bra on tv that she was so completely distracted after her little fight with Vikki that she couldn't focus on keeping the crazy in her character.

  21. #441
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    Quote Originally Posted by PooPooMeowChow View Post
    do you guys remember Jim Cornette??
    He lays out why wrestling sucks ass now.
    This video is from 2010, so i understand his frustration, but i think this has changed a bit...
    Sure Hogan is still around in TNA and guys like HHH still main event on Summerslam but now is mostly "new blood"; guys like Austin Aries, Sheamus, Daniel Bryan, CM Punk, The Miz and Alberto Del Rio have been champs in the last years... i do understand Cornette's bashing the "usual guys" but "older" stars like The Big Show, Sting, Taker, Kane and even The Rock have helped push new talent, i think the problem in the WWE is mostly because poor storylines and the "PG" era restrictions...

  22. #442
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    I honestly haven't watch a lot of wrestling since the Bishoff days on Raw, I was like 11 thinking they do the same shit every night and stopped watching.

    I've seen a few Raws since then and it didn't look like it had changed much.

    I've just been laughing my ass off at Jim Cornette.

  23. #443
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    What a horrible finish.

  24. #444
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kid Charlemagne View Post
    What a horrible finish.
    Yes, fucking bullshit.

  25. #445
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    I just saw that ending. What the fuck? Man, WWE is really bringing the quality down on these pay-per-views. It's a fucking waste of money. I've been reading other wrestling forums. People really didn't enjoy the whole event. The crowd sucked and... Vince needs to go. He's ran the ship for too long and his dumbass wife just wasted $50 million of their money on her bullshit political campaign.

  26. #446
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    Pathetic match end. He's supposed to be this giant unstopple wrestler and he didn't get much damage on him at all and one small low blow made him lose? Stupid.

    I liked everyone's prediction with having it so Lesnar inteferred. That was a cooler, better idea than 'Oh No, the Ref low-blowed him!!!!' I didn't care or want legit win for Ryback but all this hype and story build-up between these two just seems like a giant waste of time with that unthought out, lackluster ending.

    This match really turned me off. I still like wrestling more now then in years but THAT was the sorriest excuse for a scripted ending if I ever saw one. They could've done so many options but they chose to write in this lame, little low blow from the ref? CM Punks reign is starting to grow boring.

    Last edited by Space Suicide; 10-29-2012 at 08:01 AM.

  27. #447
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    Agreed 100%. Lesnar interfering would've been awesome or a John Cena heel turn to help Punk retain would've been ideal. The match itself was bad as is with Punk stalling and them making him look like a little bitch. But a low blow and fast count? Pathetic. This actually could've been a very good match if they got creative with it and it ended up being a steaming pile of shit. It's a shame since the PPV itself wasn't bad. Big Show winning against Sheamus was great, but this is a PPV without Cena or Ziggler, a tag team title match that ends bad, a horrible Divas match, a good Cara/Mysterio-Prime Time Players match, Del Rio/Orton was okay, but the booking has been awful after they totally crushed it last year with Punk.

    The Punk/Cena match (with another horrible fucking finish) at Night of Champions was a classic match in the making, then they go to this. I'm so pissed I wasted three hours last night watching this.

  28. #448
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    Glad Big Show won. And yeah, the ppv kinda sucked. The second I noticed the ref, I knew something was up. I knew Punk wasn't going to drop the belt, and that it wasn't going to be clean. But they could've done something far better than this. Its like they didn't even try.

  29. #449
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    Man, I was so close to ordering this yesterday. Reeeally glad I didn't. Hell in a cell matches just aren't what they used to be. This one had potential.

    I'm a big fan of CM's just disappointing that he's being booked as the typical cowardly heel. I believe he's better than that.

  30. #450
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    And the Survivor Series main event will be Team Foley (Ryback, Kofi Kingston, Team Hell No, and Randy Orton) vs. Team Punk (CM Punk, the Miz, Rhodes Scholar, and Albert del Rio)... LAME!!!! I don't want to see that. I don't want to see Orton or Del Rio. They fucking bore me to death. I was hoping for Brock Lesnar and the Rock.

    And they give a million dollars to a breast cancer organization yet waste $50 million on Linda McMahon's stupid campaign. Fuck you Vince.

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