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Thread: Professional Wrestling

  1. #12151
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    Quote Originally Posted by ltrandazzo View Post
    The name associated with the rumored offer is Randy Orton, supposedly. This isn't confirmation, but Randy's name is attached to the rumored offer.

    I, personally, can not stand Randy Orton (he reminds me of every dumb bro in STL, so... it's 100% unreasonable of me to feel this way but still, bite me) but if AEW somehow gets him, that's a big fucking deal.
    Randy watches AEW on twitter so it could be

  2. #12152
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    I don't see Randy ever leaving WWE . Lifelong. I'm sure he's curious to see how it ends up (Like everyone else).

  3. #12153
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    AEW Double Or Nothing announcement(s) was pretty good.

    I don’t know everyone that’s signed now but I’m interested in getting to know them. Adam Page cut a promo but was again interrupted by PAC. The Lucha Bros came out after Best Friends said their piece (dressed as 1995 WCW “invading” Outsiders) and attacked The Young Bucks. AAW Women’s champ Kylie Rae signed and was confronted by a woman I don’t know much about. KENNY OMEGA is with AEW because of course he is. I wanted to slap seven kinds of shit out of people who thought WWE was a real option. Chris Jericho confronted him and they had a pull apart.

    DoN card looks like:

    The Young Bucks vs Lucha Bros
    Adam Page vs PAC
    Chris Jericho vs Kenny Omega

  4. #12154
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swykk View Post
    DoN card looks like:

    The Young Bucks vs Lucha Bros
    Adam Page vs PAC
    Chris Jericho vs Kenny Omega
    Don't forget SCU vs. Cima and two unnamed opponents.

    I thought the rally was great! Admittedly, I didn't start paying attention to the Elite until after All In. I obviously knew Cody and knew the Young Bucks in passing. I walked past Daniels and Kazarian on the floor of C2E2 one year and I recognized Scorpio from DB and Kane's therapy sessions, LOL. At the time, I had no idea who Marty or Page were and I had never seen a Kenny Omega match. All of that being said, I am VERY excited at the prospect of AEW getting a platform to elevate more pro wrestlers and put them in front of my eyeballs. I'm pulling for them to be something different and really hope they can succeed.

  5. #12155
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    I just hope I can get a ticket now. I have already booked my trip.

    Word is they sent over 12,000 presale passwords last night.

  6. #12156
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    God everytime i hear Roman's theme....i keep that even a real guitar? it sounds like a damn midi coming out of a DAW...

  7. #12157
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dryalex12 View Post
    God everytime i hear Roman's theme....i keep that even a real guitar? it sounds like a damn midi coming out of a DAW...
    His theme song blows big time. It's an even worse S.H.I.E.LD. Theme.

    As for things sucking, RAW is unwatchable fucking garbage. I skimmed it tonight and last week and I'm astounded how barren they are with ideas and matchups. My favorite being in formulaic Moment of Bliss segments where she utters 3 sentences and gets interrupted is getting old. Feels like nothing more than backdoor match and feud starters. Glad I skipped most of RAW tonight overall. Caught her 1 minute segment with Becky Lynch on twitter. Hope she gets more relevant again because honestly she's the only thing making me tune into or pay attention to RAW. Lame.

    I'm not even a fan but Asuka's position at the moment is a crime also. She has no opponents heading into WM35.

    No idea why they had to shoehorn Charlotte into Becky and Ronda's match so desperately. Annoying. To think and read that Alexa was overpushed in 2017 and 2018 online and hated is laughable considering Charlotte trumps her and every woman on the roster ENTIRELY when it comes to main event matches and championship opportunities.

    Last edited by Space Suicide; 02-11-2019 at 10:52 PM.

  8. #12158
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    It would be better to have Rhonda/Becky one on one and Charlotte to face Asuka in a rematch, but they are doing the triple threat match and that's a fact, i don't hate it, i guess there are worse matches, but i would rather have the one and one.

  9. #12159
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    You really want Charlotte and Asuka again after what happened? Asuka is just now recovering from that. I don't want that at all. Charlotte doesn't belong in the Rousey/Becky match either. Less harm done in the triple threat. Probably take the fall and protect Rousey, keep the door open for a one on one Becky/Ronda at some point since he wouldn't actually beat her at mania.

    It just sucks to see Charlotte forced into the match. But that's what I think they might do.

  10. #12160
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    Quote Originally Posted by Piko View Post
    It just sucks to see Charlotte forced into the match. But that's what I think they might do.

  11. #12161
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    Quote Originally Posted by Piko View Post
    Charlotte doesn't belong in the Rousey/Becky match either. Less harm done in the triple threat. Probably take the fall and protect Rousey, keep the door open for a one on one Becky/Ronda at some point since he wouldn't actually beat her at mania.

    It just sucks to see Charlotte forced into the match. But that's what I think they might do.
    My two cents on the triple threat: I remember being really mad that Shawn Michaels was going to be included in the Benoit/Triple H match at Mania back in 04. I thought the better story was the singles match and Benoit's ascent to the top would be more meaningful without Shawn's involvement. I'm not sure how the 1 on 1 would have played out, but boy did I enjoy that triple threat match. I WANT Becky vs. Rhonda one on one, but I have faith in these three women to tell a great story and keep me entertained. So long as Becky comes out on top with the title as the last image of Wrestlemania, I'll be happy.

  12. #12162
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    I think that adding Charlotte to what will end up being a triple threat makes sense in the way that they've done it - making sure that she's the 100% hated heel in the match. Ronda is about 60/40 now and Becky is the obvious underdog who has a ton of obstacles and distraction to overcome for her to get what is rightfully hers. It's a different dynamic from doing a 1 vs. 1 match where the outcome is much clearer. Maybe Ronda retains? Maybe Charlotte gets the upper hand and wins? Maybe Becky beats them both down and truly cements herself as The Man? They're all question marks right now instead of absolutes, and aside from WM34's troll ending, they help overcome the likelihood of a certain outcome in the likely main event of WM35.

  13. #12163
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    Quote Originally Posted by Space Suicide View Post
    Dude, she just got back from injury and she does not have a program right now. We have women's tag champs being crowned involving six teams from both shows in one of the most dangerous matches in WWE and a hot feud for the Raw Women's title that could main event WM35. Fastlane is next month - I'd expect steam to start building for the Smackdown Women's title in regards to Asuka and potentially something else for Alexa. And if she doesn't have a big program, that's also OK, because this gives her time to come back around again. She's a top heel who went into two straight Wrestlemanias and two straight Summerslams as the champion. That's fucking incredible. Let the woman heal up and refresh herself.

  14. #12164
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    Question for you guys. Opinions on Elias? He seems pretty neat so far, I don't think ive seen many that use like a live concert as a gimmick.

  15. #12165
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    Not a fan. He’s not a good wrestler. His promos are okay even though they’re entry level Cheap Heel Tactics.

  16. #12166
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    He's good. Lost a ton of steam lately. They don't seem too sure if he's face or heel though.

  17. #12167
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    Quote Originally Posted by ltrandazzo View Post
    Dude, she just got back from injury and she does not have a program right now. We have women's tag champs being crowned involving six teams from both shows in one of the most dangerous matches in WWE and a hot feud for the Raw Women's title that could main event WM35. Fastlane is next month - I'd expect steam to start building for the Smackdown Women's title in regards to Asuka and potentially something else for Alexa. And if she doesn't have a big program, that's also OK, because this gives her time to come back around again. She's a top heel who went into two straight Wrestlemanias and two straight Summerslams as the champion. That's fucking incredible. Let the woman heal up and refresh herself.
    Following all her social media accounts for over 4 months since October to see PC updates and photos was exciting to me. The new changes and adjustments she'd made to herself is astounding also. Loved her Royal Rumble appearance and thought she did well, only to be on RAW a night later and lose along with Mickie James to Nia and Tamina (of all people) with flying colors like no name local jobbers and then spiral to two bit parts with her mediocre talk show with no actual prominence is just....boring to me. It's frustrating to watch.

    I know how it goes with popularity and importance on the roster. Lynch went from loser of 2017 and to worthless pre-show Battle Royal of WM34 to main eventing WM35.

  18. #12168
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    Quote Originally Posted by Piko View Post
    You really want Charlotte and Asuka again after what happened? Asuka is just now recovering from that. I don't want that at all. Charlotte doesn't belong in the Rousey/Becky match either. Less harm done in the triple threat. Probably take the fall and protect Rousey, keep the door open for a one on one Becky/Ronda at some point since he wouldn't actually beat her at mania.

    It just sucks to see Charlotte forced into the match. But that's what I think they might do.
    I'm not crazy about Charlotte/Asuka, but it would make more sense, plus it's a rematch now with the title involved.
    Charlotte does deserve a spot in Mania, but forcing her into Becky/Rousey just feels wrong, the Asuka match at least has potential to be great (even if they bury Asuka again...)

    Quote Originally Posted by Dryalex12 View Post
    Question for you guys. Opinions on Elias? He seems pretty neat so far, I don't think i've seen many that use like a live concert as a gimmick.
    Great talent and promos, but very average wrestler, i can't think of a single good match with him involved...
    Last edited by henryeatscereal; 02-12-2019 at 10:55 PM.

  19. #12169
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    Been in the ring nearly weekly, doing drills and such to get back into the groove...I'd LOVE to say I'm feeling great, but unfortunately I am not. My balance really feels off, Running the ropes makes me feel dizzy. I hate it. It's so frustrating.

  20. #12170
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    Quote Originally Posted by xfocalinx View Post
    It's so frustrating.
    That blows. Seriously though, take it slow. You'll get there.

  21. #12171
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    Yeah, take your time. Hope it works out for you in the long run. No need to rush.

  22. #12172
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    Stay positive, im sure things will get better.

    btw who the fuck said it was a good idea to call the raw PPV "Great Balls Of Fire"? fucking hell

  23. #12173
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    Quote Originally Posted by ThinkIcouldburn View Post
    That blows. Seriously though, take it slow. You'll get there.
    Quote Originally Posted by Piko View Post
    Yeah, take your time. Hope it works out for you in the long run. No need to rush.
    Quote Originally Posted by Dryalex12 View Post
    Stay positive, im sure things will get better.
    appreciate the kind words guys, I'm staying's just concerning..I was under the impression that once I was "cleared" I'd be GOOD.. I feel 100% in daily life..until an odd motion happens and I experience the vertigo. it sucks. I'm really scared this is as good as it's going to get.

  24. #12174
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    Quote Originally Posted by xfocalinx View Post
    appreciate the kind words guys, I'm staying's just concerning..I was under the impression that once I was "cleared" I'd be GOOD.. I feel 100% in daily life..until an odd motion happens and I experience the vertigo. it sucks. I'm really scared this is as good as it's going to get.
    It's fairly common to have some significant lingering balance issues after an injury like yours, but it's something that can be worked on. It may take time, but don't give up hope. If you haven't already, look into exercises to help regain balance. In the meantime, find what you can handle in the ring and adjust your style towards what you can handle. While yes, it has been done before, you suddenly only throwing punches, giving people the finger, and stunnering everyone because you think you're Stone Cold Shawn Pheonix would be hysterical.
    Plus the whole deaf ear "What?" thing would be incredible.

    Also, if you're not selling something like this yet, you're missing out.
    Last edited by ThinkIcouldburn; 02-14-2019 at 06:05 PM.

  25. #12175
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    "I said 'say it into my good ear!''

  26. #12176
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    Quote Originally Posted by ThinkIcouldburn View Post
    It's fairly common to have some significant lingering balance issues after an injury like yours, but it's something that can be worked on. It may take time, but don't give up hope. If you haven't already, look into exercises to help regain balance. In the meantime, find what you can handle in the ring and adjust your style towards what you can handle. While yes, it has been done before, you suddenly only throwing punches, giving people the finger, and stunnering everyone because you think you're Stone Cold Shawn Pheonix would be hysterical.
    Plus the whole deaf ear "What?" thing would be incredible.

    Also, if you're not selling something like this yet, you're missing out.
    hahaha hilarious! I told my friends i'm gonna combine Stone Cold's "what?" with Hulk Hogan's hand-to-the-ear taunt. haha!

    Real talk, my next shirt will probably say:
    "50% deaf
    100% flammable"

  27. #12177
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    I think the designer of the the new Jeff Hardy logo has some explaining to do. It's just a straight up rip off of the Tool logo. They just extended the T to make it look like a H.

  28. #12178
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    Uh oh, Corey you goon.

    If Carmella regularly visited the kids (as one of their role models) I'm definitely dissappointed in her, possibly forever, so I hope it's just "regular" cheating.

    As for Corey, he always rubbed me as an ass.

  29. #12179
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    I like Carmella, find her attractive and enjoy her work on screen. I respected and liked her as a person off camera also. Reading that sucked and disappointed me but it is what it is. Being truthful, it doesn’t affect my life and I don’t know them so I truly don’t care but I still lie most blame on Graves. I’m sure he probably initiated all of this and seduced her to lead to this. That’s not me excluding her of any blame either. The man is married, I’m sure she knew. She is also at fault here. They knew what they were doing.


  30. #12180
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    Sure, I usually don't care about who the mistress is in situation like these, because if someone wants to cheat, then whether you refuse to be the one he/she does it with or not makes absolutely no difference. But when you pull off something like a Ryan Giggs, where you have an affair with your brother's wife... yeah, that's a yikes.

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