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  1. #14161
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    All In fucking ruled. MJF/Cole was MOTN for me, followed close behind by Stadium Stampede III. Felt surreal to see AEW in such a large setting, as someone who's been there with the company from the beginning. Felt like a proud dad seeing everyone get their moments in front of 81,000. Also, regardless of how anyone feels about Saraya, her winning the title in front of that crowd with her family was just an absolutely legendary moment for the sport.

  2. #14162
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    I don’t follow Saraya closely anymore but I hope she just dates jerks and isn’t one herself.

    It was a nice moment for her. My friends weren’t happy and I admit I too wanted Toni to win it back but I was fine with Saraya winning.

    To me, that match had Jamie Hayter hanging over it. Wish she hadn’t gotten hurt. Can you imagine the reaction she’d have gotten? Maybe next year.

  3. #14163
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    Shida should've kept the title to me but for a "Feel Good" moment I guess Saraya needed it. Saraya has been treading water to me since her return. Nothing about it has been great, her in ring skills are dialed back due to ring rust and being safe, the women have evolved past her level and her presentation has been poor since the heel turn with the Outcasts.

    Definitely hope the group breaks up, Ruby goes her own way and Toni swings to BCG or back to solo. Her promo skills have improved. Been a big fan for ages but her promos were always bad.

  4. #14164
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    I don't think Saraya will actually hold the title for very long. If anything she'll hold it until Hayter is finally cleared again and then drop it to Hayter. Shida deserves a much longer run n front of an actual audience, but I do think Saraya's win at Wembley was really important for the sport. Who knows, maybe her having the title will put the pressure on her to push herself harder to get that ring rust off in full. Because I do agree that her return has been very lackluster, for sure. As for Toni, this vexed Hollywood starlette character she's doing lately is the best thing she's ever done. It's so good. She has improved TREMENDOUSLY on the mic and I'm all for it.

    But in other news, can we seriously SERIOUSLY just fucking fired Phil at this point? How many more major events is AEW going to have overshadowed by his garbage ass backstage behavior. Get rid of him ASAP.

  5. #14165
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    Quote Originally Posted by richardp View Post
    But in other news, can we seriously SERIOUSLY just fucking fired Phil at this point? How many more major events is AEW going to have overshadowed by his garbage ass backstage behavior. Get rid of him ASAP.
    Tony just gonna give him a 3rd show.

  6. #14166
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    All In was awesome, from the pre-show till the end the quality was great!

    My favorite matches were Jericho VS Ospreay, Bullet Club Gold VS The Elite and MJF Vs Cole, Stadium Stampede was fun too!

    I was a bit disappointed by FTR vs The Bucks, not bad, but expected so much more, but I'm sure this is the first of many matches...

    I'm so happy for everyone involved in it, they just proved wrestling is alive and well.

    EDIT: Saraya deserved his feel good moment, the WWE would never give her one like that ever again, also so happy for Samoa Joe and Sting who got wasted in WWE and got another second chance.
    Last edited by henryeatscereal; 08-28-2023 at 04:42 PM.

  7. #14167
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    I guarantee you I’m not doing this for another 9 months trying to talk logic to those that aren’t interested in facts and just hate Punk but the vast majority of accounts going around have this one on Jack Perry. Maybe the story changes, maybe it doesn’t. That’s where it seems to stand currently.
    Last edited by Swykk; 08-28-2023 at 06:39 PM.

  8. #14168
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    Oh, he's just upset he'll never surpass his dad in this...

  9. #14169
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    Who gives a fuck who started it. It’s yet ANOTHER backstage incident involving Phil that’s overshadowing a phenomenal wrestling event. Regardless of who started it, when the same guy seems to be in every single confrontation, that’s a major red flag. But yeah it’s probably just a company wide conspiracy against him, it’s all fake news, right.

  10. #14170
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    I just find hilarious idiots like Erich Bischoff mocking Tony Khan for standing "prima donna" behaviors...

  11. #14171
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swykk View Post
    I guarantee you I’m not doing this for another 9 months trying to talk logic to those that aren’t interested in facts and just hate Punk but the vast majority of accounts going around have this one on Jack Perry. Maybe the story changes, maybe it doesn’t. That’s where it seems to stand currently.
    What logic is there? Veteran or not drop the petty stupid horseshit. He's above that type of garbage, or at least that was the sentiment he tried to say last year. Issues with Moxley match, Elite and's adding up. If you don't want drama then let the whiny pricks like Perry just look like a fucking clown acting out and not getting a response from you. Don't even entertain it. He can't help himself.


    CM Punk and Jack Perry have both been suspended for an altercation before the start of the All In pay-per-view, Sports Illustrated has confirmed.

    The incident remains under investigation by AEW.

    It began on Sunday during the All In preshow. In the middle of Perry’s match against Hook, there was a spot that involved a car window. Perry looked in the camera and said, “It’s real glass, cry me a river.” That comment appeared to be pointed directly at Punk, who had objected to Perry’s desire to use real glass on a recent episode of Collision.

    On Sunday, when Perry returned backstage after the preshow match, he exchanged words with Punk. Though there are multiple accounts of what actually took place, eyewitnesses have confirmed there was physicality between Punk and Perry.

    It is important to note that, as the commotion unfolded, AEW was mere moments away from the most significant pay-per-view in company history.

    All In was scheduled to start with Punk against Samoa Joe. But due to the altercation, there was a quick-but-significant discussion about having a different match–the six-man tag pitting Kenny Omega, Kota Ibushi, and Hangman Page against Jay White, Juice Robinson, and Konosuke Takeshita–open the show.

    The wrestlers in the six-man tag were prepared to start the pay-per-view, but that turned out to be unnecessary. Punk and Joe opened the show as planned after Samoa Joe spoke with Punk, multiple sources confirmed. To the credit of Punk and Joe, their match took place without issue.

    The timing of the ongoing investigation adds a complicating factor for the suspended talents. AEW holds three live shows in Chicago this week–Dynamite on Wednesday, Collision on Saturday, and the All Out pay-per-view on Sunday–and Punk’s presence in his hometown is a massive draw. As of right now, it is unknown how long the investigation will last.

    Sports Illustrated will continue to cover the story as it develops.

  12. #14172
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    Eventually AEW is going to have a PPV that makes mainstream news that doesn't directly involve a circus backstage. Khan needs to hire someone to work on improving the backstage culture because obviously he has no interest in doing it.

    I comment I read on /r/squaredcircle that killed me

    "Punk is like my favorite ice cream, he is both soft and served."
    Last edited by tony.parente; 08-29-2023 at 09:31 AM.

  13. #14173
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    Quote Originally Posted by tony.parente View Post
    Eventually AEW is going to have a PPV that makes mainstream news that doesn't directly involve a circus backstage. Khan needs to hire someone to work on improving the backstage culture because obviously he has no interest in doing it.

    I comment I read on /r/squaredcircle that killed me

    "Punk is like my favorite ice cream, he is both soft and served."
    I don't necessarily think Khan has no interest in improving backstage behavior, I personally just think he is really overwhelmed with all of it and doesn't know how, and for whatever reason everyone around him is just kinda letting it happen and not taking their own initiative. I don't know. I don't watch football that much, but it's my understanding that owners of a football team have many more people between them and the players that take care of egos and locker room antics, etc. Whereas owning a wrestling organization you are directly involved with the locker room in almost every single way.

    Either way Tony needs to do his fucking job and get rid of the source of all of the backstage problems. If it's a contract legality issue, take his ass off of TV and have him sit at home until it runs out. I really love AEW, but it truly is going to run the company into the ground if Phil is allowed to continue making asinine calls backstage and constantly starting fights with all of the talent. He's extremely toxic, thinks he's above his own bosses, verbally insults his coworkers publicly in a highly unprofessional way, and doesn't perform well in the ring anymore, blaming his own botches on "unsafe" talent. He's a fucking trainwreck and he has to go. There is no logic whatsoever to keeping him around. He said he hates it in AEW after the scuffle with Jack. Good. Great. Take your fake ass world title and go back to WWE.

  14. #14174
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    Quote Originally Posted by richardp View Post
    Take your fake ass world title and go back to WWE.

  15. #14175
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    Quote Originally Posted by tony.parente View Post
    Eventually AEW is going to have a PPV that makes mainstream news that doesn't directly involve a circus backstage. Khan needs to hire someone to work on improving the backstage culture because obviously he has no interest in doing it.
    I agree, TK is the chairman, the booker, the creative director, it's just too much, he has veterans now that can help him with that

  16. #14176
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    Quote Originally Posted by henryeatscereal View Post
    I agree, TK is the chairman, the booker, the creative director, it's just too much, he has veterans now that can help him with that
    See also; the primary problem with AEW from the start. He thought it would be easy based on his fantasy league experience... yeah, no. It doesn't work like that. And the longer he waits, the more of everybody's time he's wasting.

  17. #14177
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    UPDATE: He was told of a suspension via his lawyer. Just read this. Nick Hausman clarified what SRS had heard.

    Agreed he should have just let Jack be a whiny baby and cry himself out with his real glass. No word one way or the other for Jack but the word is that he’s going to take the majority of the blame here.

    Some fair perspectives here, you know, minus that one. The logic is Punk didn’t start this, it appears.

    And I’ve gone over last year’s thing plenty and in detail. Pretty annoyed by getting bullshit from both sides because I like everyone involved and didn’t choose. Very annoyed by how I was treated for calling almost exactly how it was going to end up like everybody just forgot about Bret/Shawn, Edge/Matt Hardy, etc. I don’t have that same view here. Jack Perry is an okay wrestler with no personality.

    And Tony, I love you man, but it seems you just don’t like AEW and prefer WWE. Which fine, okay. We’re opposites there and I can respect that.
    Last edited by Swykk; 08-29-2023 at 02:28 PM.

  18. #14178
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    WrestleOps is saying Miro and Punk exchanged words after Jungle Jack left? Jeebus, 1997 WWF wasn't this dysfunctional, haha. I'm not a Punk guy, but he is right when it comes to using real glass. To quote Lance Storm, "At that point who are the real marks?"

    Good seeing Lawler last night after the stroke earlier this year. Looks really good.

    (It was also nice only paying $16 for the show...)
    Last edited by poinoup; 08-29-2023 at 04:11 PM.

  19. #14179
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    Again it doesn’t fucking matter who started what. The fact is that Philip is at the center of EVERY backstage incident and scuffle. Any other boss on the planet at any job would get rid of the employee interrupting the work flow and employee culture by constantly being involved in fights. I’ve literally let motherfuckers go in my previous job as a GM for the very exact same thing.

    Also even if Jack Perry instigated this one, what’s the difference between that and Phil going out in front of an audience and calling Adam Page a peg warmer guy or whatever the fuck. How does it make sense to be like “Jack is an asshole for saying something to Phil” when that’s literally all Phil does, run his fucking mouth about other people.

  20. #14180
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    Anyway, I found an AEW Adam Cole figure today and got it.

    He’s so damn good at wrestling and by all accounts is a good dude.

    His feud/friendship with MJF has been great. I keep thinking he’s going to turn and align with The Kingdom and Roddy. Possibly at All Out.

    This is just an Adam Cole appreciation post.

  21. #14181
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    I think this is the beginning of the end for Punk in AEW, he'll leave on his own,

    I also heard they messed up with his travel arrangements and nobody in AEW picked him up, that's unprofessional and dangerous (no matter if Punk is unprofessional too, the company didn't act better...)

    I think Punk will end up in WWE (ew...) but it's for the best of all parts involved...
    Last edited by henryeatscereal; 08-29-2023 at 10:05 PM.

  22. #14182
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    Quote Originally Posted by MrLobster View Post
    Oh, he's just upset he'll never surpass his dad in this...

    It’s this kind of throw deep from the bench of the annals of pop culture that make me stick around

  23. #14183
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    Quote Originally Posted by richardp View Post
    All In fucking ruled. MJF/Cole was MOTN for me, followed close behind by Stadium Stampede III. Felt surreal to see AEW in such a large setting, as someone who's been there with the company from the beginning. Felt like a proud dad seeing everyone get their moments in front of 81,000. Also, regardless of how anyone feels about Saraya, her winning the title in front of that crowd with her family was just an absolutely legendary moment for the sport.
    I can now say the best hardcore match I have seen broke out into the Royal box

  24. #14184
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    Quote Originally Posted by henryeatscereal View Post
    I think this is the beginning of the end for Punk in AEW, he'll leave on his own
    Honestly I think the best course of action is to give him his own show to separate him from the people he has drama with.

  25. #14185
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    I'm a huge Punk fan but he's been a cancer in AEW and I hope he's quits or gets fired. I'm over him and at least he didn't drive The Elite out of AEW

  26. #14186
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    Also talk about wrestling a broom, that's essentially what Osprey did with Jericho. Great match but that's not because of Jericho

  27. #14187
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    Quote Originally Posted by tony.parente View Post
    Honestly I think the best course of action is to give him his own show to separate him from the people he has drama with.
    I agree, change the name of "Rampage", rename it "Punk TV" and put Joe and FTR in every match.

  28. #14188
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    Quote Originally Posted by tony.parente View Post
    Honestly I think the best course of action is to give him his own show to separate him from the people he has drama with.
    That’s the point of the show’s existence to begin with.

  29. #14189
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    Quote Originally Posted by Space Suicide View Post
    That’s the point of the show’s existence to begin with.

  30. #14190
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    Not feeling these All Out matches at all. All In was so good and just a week later aside from OC vs Moxley, I don’t care all that much about the rest. It seems like filler between All In and Grand Slam.
    Last edited by Swykk; 08-31-2023 at 10:48 AM.

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