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Thread: Professional Wrestling

  1. #91
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    Quote Originally Posted by onthewall2983 View Post
    And the wealth of stuff on YouTube is staggering. Dig deep and you'll see what I mean.
    LOTS of old matches, promos, vignettes, interviews and commercials of time long since past. I'm subscribed to 3 of the best vintage channels - ones dedicated to Goldust, Kane and the Undertaker.

  2. #92
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    The best thing WCW ever did was turn Hogan heel, and I think if the WWE did that with Cena, we'd get a similar situation and it would be a shit ton more interesting. I think most fans are glad to hate Cena just for the fuck of it, when you have a guy like CM Punk to root for, it makes it easier. Daniel Bryan turning face would be great to see as well and I hope they take advantage of it. Money talks though and unfortunately until someone can surpass Cena in popularity, he's going to be a face until all the kids who are fans grow up.

  3. #93
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kid Charlemagne View Post
    The best thing WCW ever did was turn Hogan heel, and I think if the WWE did that with Cena, we'd get a similar situation and it would be a shit ton more interesting. I think most fans are glad to hate Cena just for the fuck of it, when you have a guy like CM Punk to root for, it makes it easier. Daniel Bryan turning face would be great to see as well and I hope they take advantage of it. Money talks though and unfortunately until someone can surpass Cena in popularity, he's going to be a face until all the kids who are fans grow up.
    I never fully understood how and why he became a kid favorite. His original, best and first big gimmick as the snide, disrespectful, dickish battle rapper wasn't really kid friendly at all. I know he became face beating JBL at WM 23 but still.

  4. #94
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    I have no idea either, but damned if the last event that I didn't go to (Vengeance back in October) had a shit ton of tweens ad kiddos wearing HUSTLE LOYALTY RESPECT on everything, while everyone in their 20's and 30's who look like they can tell you who's going to win and why had the CM Punk flag shirt (myself included), that CM Punk flag is like the goddamn Black Flag bars in the wrestling world I swear.

  5. #95
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    Quote Originally Posted by Space Suicide View Post
    I know he became face beating JBL at WM 23 but still.
    He became a face way way before that. I remember him as a face as early as when he beat Big Show for the U.S. title during the first match at WM 20.

    Early rumors are suggesting that Cena's facing Undertaker next year. Makes sense, he couldn't beat Rock this year but is going to end the streak and will die trying if he has to is probably the whole theme of it. Someone on another board said his dream is still alive that Cena becomes a heel by cheating to win and ending the legendary streak.

  6. #96
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    Quote Originally Posted by onthewall2983 View Post
    He became a face way way before that. I remember him as a face as early as when he beat Big Show for the U.S. title during the first match at WM 20.

    Early rumors are suggesting that Cena's facing Undertaker next year. Makes sense, he couldn't beat Rock this year but is going to end the streak and will die trying if he has to is probably the whole theme of it. Someone on another board said his dream is still alive that Cena becomes a heel by cheating to win and ending the legendary streak.
    True but he essentially became the wreck he is now with the shitty spinner WWE Championship belt when he beat JBL that year. Then his annoyance, lame face gimmicks, winning streaks and headlining flops became what he is now. He's been on this shit since what, 2005? Damn.

    I'd enjoy the heels witch and I really do love Undertaker but I wish he'd lose the streak already. I wish HHH would've done it this year but no dice. Fock!

  7. #97
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    There is a lot, from where I'm sitting, to respect about Cena. He takes his negative response in stride, and has often brought it up in promos. He doesn't sulk about it or ignore them, he knows any response is better than no response. He has a strong passion for the business that these days is only seemed to be shared by the top guys that came before him, and now guys like Punk and Bryan. His ability on the mic is second-to-none in the company (as long as Rock isn't around) for pure energy and dramatic strength.

    That said, I can get where people like you don't see it. With any top guy, especially in WWE, there's bound to be an inverse reaction that isn't the desired one. 15-17 years ago, promoting Shawn Michaels was a good chunk of the show. And I thought myself when they were pushing him hard that I hadn't seen anything like that since then.

  8. #98
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    Quote Originally Posted by onthewall2983 View Post
    There is a lot, from where I'm sitting, to respect about Cena. He takes his negative response in stride, and has often brought it up in promos. He doesn't sulk about it or ignore them, he knows any response is better than no response. He has a strong passion for the business that these days is only seemed to be shared by the top guys that came before him, and now guys like Punk and Bryan. His ability on the mic is second-to-none in the company (as long as Rock isn't around) for pure energy and dramatic strength.

    That said, I can get where people like you don't see it. With any top guy, especially in WWE, there's bound to be an inverse reaction that isn't the desired one. 15-17 years ago, promoting Shawn Michaels was a good chunk of the show. And I thought myself when they were pushing him hard that I hadn't seen anything like that since then.
    It's just the fact I don't like this ongoing gimmick. He's always in main events, always wins every feud, always has a belt or is contending for one, always in your face. In 2003 and 2004 I was a fan and I loved his battle raps, disses and his overall dickish charm. That all faded away and he has remained the same stagnant, stale, boring and predictable wrestler he has been for a long time. What's the point of wearing jeans now? I know it's his trademark but they went amazingly with his rap master dickhead gimmick. Now not so much, but he can't get rid of them now though. No, don't take me out of context of taking him apart by his damn clothes now, I'm not.

  9. #99
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    Fair enough.

  10. #100
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kid Charlemagne View Post
    I have no idea either, but damned if the last event that I didn't go to (Vengeance back in October) had a shit ton of tweens ad kiddos wearing HUSTLE LOYALTY RESPECT on everything, while everyone in their 20's and 30's who look like they can tell you who's going to win and why had the CM Punk flag shirt (myself included), that CM Punk flag is like the goddamn Black Flag bars in the wrestling world I swear.
    he had a "RAMONES" tribute shirt, so that makes sense, Punk is a talented son of a gun with indie cred and charisma like none other so in a way he's like Black Flag, lol

    ...just waiting for a The Clash tribute shirt

    Boo Berry!

  11. #101
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    Man, Cena got dogged tonight. Looks like he'll be disappearing for a little while too. Who am I going to boo now? Haha. Made it seem like Vince was firing him. I don't think Vince could. I think he'll just be taking some time off.

  12. #102
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    I would've preferred Lesnar to have won the match and have Cena destroyed and then on Raw, have Vince McMahon reveal that Cena took a lot of punishment and will go away for a while. Just so that Cena could come back months later, much to our dismay and try and destroy Brock like the Super-Cena that we know and hate.

  13. #103
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    Lesnar should've won. They made it took too easy to beat him. But I'm guessing we'll find out more tonight. I'm thinking it might have something to do with Triple H coming back. Probably how they'll write him off for the time being.

  14. #104
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    Daniel Bryan's mach was fuckin solid, i glad the WWE gave him and Sheamus more time to show us their stuff, i don't care for Cena, but it's clear to me they are putting him aside of the WWE and maybe build Lesnar for a feud aganist Orton, HHH, Taker or The Rock

  15. #105
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    Assuming HHH is next once he's over his "broken arm".

  16. #106
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    i haven't watched RAW so i didnt knew about this, but still pretty clear they are cooking a feud with WWE biggest heads, i would also love to watch a feud of Lesnar VS Sheamus and Lesnar VS Big Show (this feud was awesome back in 2002)

  17. #107
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    I would be more interested in seeing Lesnar fight Daniel Bryan since they both have technical backgrounds while Bryan also has a bit of a MMA background. It could be interesting if done right.

  18. #108
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    I think Bryan is able to put a Wrestlemania level match aganist Lesnar (similar to Kurt Angle VS Lesnar at Wrestlemania XIX), Bryan has shown us that he's able to work with big men

  19. #109
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    WWE has always had good talent at all times, they often misuse them though.

  20. #110
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    Try and guess who I want them to bring back.

  21. #111
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fixer808 View Post
    Try and guess who I want them to bring back.

    Did I get him?

  22. #112
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    Heck yeah.

  23. #113
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fixer808 View Post
    D'awwww. Close

    I tried to name every lame wrestler I could think of. I missed a few...

  24. #114
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    Doink was not a lame character, just a missed opportunity at developing what could have been one of the greatest heel personas ever.

  25. #115
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    I remember Eugene on Raw a long time ago. He beat Kurt Angle for his Olympic gold medal I think.

  26. #116
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    Quote Originally Posted by Space Suicide View Post
    Did I get him?
    You missed the ECW Zombie.
    God I hated Eugene so much.

    I thought Extreme Rules was fantastic. Three great matches, minimum of filler, and Lesnar... Wow. That extended vacation has given Brock something he was utterly devoid of in his original run: a personality. They played into his UFC experience perfectly during the match, and I feel they've already established him as this legitimate athlete, antisocial bastard hell-bent on dominating anyone he sees as competition (but in a very fresh way informed by knowledge of his real-life persona). He also fills in the niche of an expert technical wrestler, something that in my opinion has been dead in the company since the departure/mortality/best-not-to-think-about-it of Kurt Angle, Eddie Guerrero and Chris Benoit. There's been a distinct tang of wrestling-school-generica about their talent picks for some time now.
    Regardless of the result, in my opinion that match established Brock as an absolute monster in a way that his snowplough through 2002's roster didn't convincingly manage. I haven't watched Raw, so am not sure how they're handling the aftermath, but taking the opportunity to rest Cena 'on injury' fits perfectly.

    This and Wrestlemania have been the only bits of WWE programming I've seen properly (as opposed to switching off after ten minutes) in five years. Wrestlemania I thought was awful, but after Extreme Rules I'm very much looking forward to the next PPV.

  27. #117
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fixer808 View Post
    Try and guess who I want them to bring back.
    My choices

    Last edited by henryeatscereal; 05-01-2012 at 09:06 PM. Reason: all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy

  28. #118
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    He could have made a decent character and an excellent foe for the Undertaker! We did get him as Kevin Thorne though...I cared about Ariel more though....

    Quote Originally Posted by Vertigo View Post
    You missed the ECW Zombie.
    God I hated Eugene so much.

    What made you hate Eugene haha?

  29. #119
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    Quote Originally Posted by Space Suicide View Post
    He could have made a decent character and an excellent foe for the Undertaker! We did get him as Kevin Thorne though...I cared about Ariel more though....
    Kevin always failed at WWE, but i think the Mordecai character had potential

  30. #120
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    Quote Originally Posted by henryeatscereal View Post
    Kevin always failed at WWE, but i think the Mordecai character had potential
    Yeah I remember him. His uptight music and his semi-satanic cross that was ironic but wasn't meant to be. Only matches of him I remember are Judgment Day 2004 vs Scotty 2 Hotty and at Great American Bash 2004 vs Hardcore Holly.

    On topic of Lesnar and the mention of Holly I stated above, anyone remember that feud between the two when he returned after Brock powerbombed him and broke his neck? It led to that weak final match at Royal Rumble 2004 where Holly lost haha.

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