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Thread: Professional Wrestling

  1. #1561
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    It'll either be Cesaro or Ambrose. They've been pushing Cesaro a little by putting him with Zeb and have him winning matches for a change. Ambrose is one of the most protected guys on the show, he hardly loses, he's great at what he does and a Ziggler or Del Rio/Ambrose feud would be fucking awesome.

    As for the Raw MITB. I thought for sure it would be D-Bry, but after how Monday ended with him above the ladder, I'm skeptical, that's not a good sign on the go-home show. Then I saw the Smackdown Spoilers, and Orton ends the show the same way. Maybe RVD, I'm sure Lesnar will screw Punk over, Kane is out, Sheamus isn't over, Christian would be better suited for the WHC. It's all up in the air.

    I just hope Cena gets his ass kicked by Mark Henry. Henry has delivered some of the best promos of his career with Cena.

  2. #1562
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    Well... i was able to finally watch RAW and i was not disappointed...

    The Wyatts were cool, despite the gimmick is very similar to Punk's Straight Edge Society, i think it worked OK, the only thing that sucked was Kane being humiliated but what are you gonna do?

    I think RVD will win the MITB match... leading to a feud with Daniel Bryan and even a Bryan heel turn sometime in the future...

    As for the SD! MITB match it will be either Cody Rodes (he was ready a long time ago) or Barrett; Cesaro is great but i think it's too early to give him the title and Sandow, Ambrose, Fandago and Swagger have yet to pay their dues...

    I don't care for Cena (still i hope Henry wins because he deserves it...) and I think Ziggler will win this sunday, finally a PPV to look forward to... im even considering ordering the damn thing (not just download like i usually do, lol...)
    Last edited by henryeatscereal; 07-10-2013 at 10:57 PM.

  3. #1563
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    So Kane is taken out of Sunday's MITB match due to jobbing to make the new guys look good Monday? Cool beans. It's not like he was going to win anyways but the total misuse and no rewards for his 15+ year talent grind my gears a lot.

    Vicki needs to fuck off all WWE TV airwaves. Shrill voice is fucking annoying and her character doesn't do jackshit.
    Last edited by Space Suicide; 07-12-2013 at 08:35 PM.

  4. #1564
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    Looking at it from another perspective, there's not much more he can really do. He's peaked. Not sure how he feels about it, but he's been putting a lot of guys over in the last few years (like Jericho does now also). I'm wondering if they're going to replace him (with Wyatt?)? Read a few places that the "injury" could lead up to a tag match at Summerslam with Taker (who apparently got hurt the last time he wrestled. So who knows?). Something's going to come from this.

  5. #1565
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    Quote Originally Posted by Piko View Post
    Looking at it from another perspective, there's not much more he can really do. He's peaked. Not sure how he feels about it, but he's been putting a lot of guys over in the last few years (like Jericho does now also). I'm wondering if they're going to replace him (with Wyatt?)? Read a few places that the "injury" could lead up to a tag match at Summerslam with Taker (who apparently got hurt the last time he wrestled. So who knows?). Something's going to come from this.
    There's a ton he can do. He can be a relevant solo title holder and have good storylines if given the meat to sink his teeth into. Every title he's held that was of big status (WHC) was lackluster and short-lived. One night when he 'beat' Stone Cold at KOTR 98 which he lost the following RAW and that short-lived lackluster 2008 run that lasted I think three months. He jobs to everyone and has such an inconsistent streak of matches it just boils my blood sometimes. He's totally miscast, used to make others look good and never gets high profile wins when they matter. His last and best big wins were in 2004. His character peaked shortly after he unmasked in 2003 but he's still in top form and a recent interview I read in 2012, he said he was in great shape and as good as he ever was and has a good five years left.

    If that rumored Tag Team Match does occur at SummerSlam, it will be predictable and it will be Kane and the Undertaker losing because Kane will get the lose for the

  6. #1566
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    There's no way they would lose. They would NEVER get Taker to job. You do have point though. The guy can move for a man of his size and age. But, I think it really comes down to how they want to use him. Hes capable of putting on a great match, but as a character, they probably view it as played out.

  7. #1567
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    Re: Professional Wrestling

    I just realized last night that the WWE title MITB match is all faces and the WHC MITB match is all heels. Weird.

  8. #1568
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    Yeah, that's very weird. Should be interesting thought.

  9. #1569
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    The great thing about Kane, is that he's still fierce and is always willing to put people over. Eventually he'll turn heel and become a badass again, but he didn't benefit much in the past year teaming up with D-Bry. I do think he deserves one last run, it would be awesome to see him win the Rumble and then get a title shot at WM, but that's not realistic. I've always liked Kane, and I respect him for trying to get guys over. Kane is sort of in that purgatory of main event guys like Sheamus and Randy Orton and Big Show where they won't compete for titles, but they'll be there for feuds with other guys trying to break in.

  10. #1570
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    Damien Sandow wins. I was going for Rhodes, and it looked like he had it until Sandow comes out of nowhere.

  11. #1571
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    Damien Sandow wins? Wasted opportunity. I could honestly give two fucks for that guy.

  12. #1572
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    I think it's pretty cool he won. Anxious to see what they do with him now. Looks like we're getting a Cody Rhodes face turn though.

  13. #1573
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    That was a good MITB match. Cody Rhodes won me over and man, I was really hoping he won until Damien Sandow stole it from him. The AJ-Kaitlyn match was alright because of Kaitlyn while I also liked the Axel-Miz match. The Crybotch-Jericho match sucked because of Crybotch. What a crappy way to win that match.

  14. #1574
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    The MITB match was great. The rest has been pretty forgettable thus far.

    edit: Super Cena strikes again...
    Last edited by Piko; 07-14-2013 at 09:10 PM.

  15. #1575
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    Quote Originally Posted by piko View Post
    super cena strikes again...
    Fuck yeah, man!

    The WWE needs to grow some balls and stop letting Cena win every fucking math he's in. No point of even watching the match because you know he wins anyway.

  16. #1576
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    I know. It was a good match but man... the fact that Cena won... again just makes it very boring. The pop that RVD got... damn!!!!!

  17. #1577
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    I knew RVD was going to get a huge reaction, but damn! Did you notice the quick nod to Sabu? I think the main thing I really dislike about Cena is how predictable he is. If he's in a MITB match, he's likely winning. Royal Rumble? Winning. Nothing new about him.

  18. #1578
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    Et Tu Paul Heyman? Curtis Axel screws Daniel Bryan and Heyman screws Punk leaving Orton the new MITB winner... BOO!!!!! Great match though.

  19. #1579
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    Re: Professional Wrestling

    Randy Orton is my least favorite wrestler, so I'm very unhappy that he won.

  20. #1580
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    A little letdown by Orton winning it. I figured it wasn't going to be Bryan though. Would've been too obvious. The second he took the briefcase on raw was the end of that. Summerslam should be interesting though. Not sure if i'm ready for a Blandy Borton title reign.

    Quote Originally Posted by RJK View Post
    Randy Orton is my least favorite wrestler, so I'm very unhappy that he won.
    Orton's one of those guys who had his moment. Guessing they trust him again to stay out of trouble. Let's see if he blows it, again.

  21. #1581
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    Only the WWE could have a PPV that decreases from the beginning. First MITB match was fantastic, great ending, Sandow deserved it, one of the best heels in the business. Divas match was great, and then the WHC match was just good, with a lousy ending. WWE Championship match sucked since we knew Cena was going to win despite getting his ass kicked for 92% of the match. Then the MITB match. First of all, no Kane replacement, then we have Curtis Axel beating up Daniel Bryan for no good reason. I'll give them points for Heyman screwing Punk, since it was inevitable and sort of creative, but Randy Orton? Seriously? The guy who has been jobbing to the stars for three years? Someone who keeps violating the wellness policy, this is the guy? Sheamus would've been wors, because fuck Sheamus, but Orton is BAD!!!!! I would've rather have seen RVD with his two star frog splash, rather than the most boring guy on the roster.

  22. #1582
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    I thing I really liked about the first match was that they gave it to an up and comer. The way it should be. Bryan should have won. He's the guy who needed it. And of course Henry wasn't going to win... and the divas match was decent. The divas match last month was much better.

  23. #1583
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    Didn't watch. I'm happy that Sandow won but not down with Orton winning at all. Orton sucks. He's a decent wrestler, nothing special and is absolutely awful on the mic. I have to mute Orton's matches because of Cole: RKO....OUT OF NOWHERE!!!!! Fuck you cole. Fuck Cena too.

    Is Mark Henry back to retiring now?

  24. #1584
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    Not surprised and delighted for no Kane replacement. Anyone else notice it was a 7 man match? The standard is and always has been 6 men. Chopping Kane off and making it 6 left it the norm.

    Orton...not bad but we'll have to see where this goes.

  25. #1585
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    Re: Professional Wrestling

    I could see Daniel Bryan beating Cena at Summerslam and Orton cashing in and beating him two minutes later. You know because WWE has no faith in one of the most over superstars they have.

  26. #1586
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    Cena doesn't lose cleanly. Only way he's going to lose and drop the title is either by Orton cashing in, or Bryan turning heel, which is a horrible idea right now.

  27. #1587
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    -DB is on such a roll he doesn't need to win MITB to prop him up. I'm okay with giving it to Orton the dude has been boring ever since he was the Legend Killer
    -I don't hate John Cena but I agree his matches are so fucking predictable, it's just like what is the fucking point. Henry dominated most of the match and Super Cena takes it.
    - I am okay with Sandow winning MITB. I wanted Ambrose but, he'll be propped up later. Wouldn't have minded Cesaro who I really liked but his thing with Swagger is just starting.
    -Jericho the PPV jobber these days. Ryback.....boring.
    -Divas Match....yeah. Am I the only one who finds AJ fucking annoying? sure she's cute I suppose but her character is so annoying.
    -Ziggles/Del Rio match was okay til the ending.....AJ is annoying
    -Glad Curtis Axel beat Jizz, hate that dude
    -Rob Van Dam! Looked okay got a huge POP, 15 stitches, and I think lost a contact during an interaction with Christian during MITB. One of a kind!

    I would give it a C as a ppv average. My favorite part was when RVD went to do his R-V-D thumb thing at the start of the last MITB and he got jumped by all the other guys it was like "Welcome back motherfucker"

  28. #1588
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  29. #1589
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    That's a lot of staples. Saw the pic of Punk. He got a nice little gash to the back of his head.

  30. #1590
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    Quote Originally Posted by Piko View Post
    That's a lot of staples. Saw the pic of Punk. He got a nice little gash to the back of his head.
    I saw that too. Man, that looked bad. I saw blood on Cody Rhodes as well.

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