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    Professional Wrestling

    Not following WWE as much as I should, since...well...I'M GOING TO BE IN MIAMI APRIL FOOL'S DAY Brother got tix for my birthday. Super stoked about it all, especially just being in Florida after what might be another real suck-ass Indiana winter.

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    I watched older videos from 95 and 96 via youtube and watched some old Goldust vignettes and matches. He was a creepy, disturbing motherfucker. I always thought he was a retarded, lame joke. Guess they chose to do that to his character later on down the line.


    Last edited by Space Suicide; 12-30-2011 at 05:43 PM.

  3. #3
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    I liked Goldust. He was funny and definitely a very different character. In fact, they're going to build up a feud with him and his younger brother Cody Rhodes for one last big run for Goldust.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by thevoid99 View Post
    I liked Goldust. He was funny and definitely a very different character. In fact, they're going to build up a feud with him and his younger brother Cody Rhodes for one last big run for Goldust.
    I'd definitely enjoy that. I'd watch that and enjoy it, top notch. As said, I never liked Goldust as a serious character. After those retro clips I watched last night from his initial debut and ensuing years (till about late 1996) he was quite a deliciously odd, bizarre and overall charismatic gimmick afterall. The vignette videos were strange and downright creepy feeling to me. I enjoy that. I've always enjoyed the strange and personas as such. I wish Wrestling was still like that.

    I don't watch much RAW or SmackDown! these days for good reason but the reemergence of a masked Kane makes me excited and relive my childhood. He's always been my favorite wrestler. If the feud with Goldust and Cody Rhodes does happen that'll give me further reason to watch.

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    WWE has been surprisingly good this year. I mean, sure they still make very questionable decisions when it comes to their booking, but overall things have been going really well.

  6. #6
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    I'm mixed about WWE's content though I'm happy that guys like CM Punk, Daniel Bryan, and Zack Ryder are finally given the chance to shine as champs. Plus, I like guys like Cody Rhodes and Dolph Ziggler who I think are great heels. They really need to stop trying to make Cena turn heel though I still don't like the guy. And they really need to shut Michael Cole up. BTW, does anyone thing that 1/2/12 is about Y2J?

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    Quote Originally Posted by thevoid99 View Post
    I'm mixed about WWE's content though I'm happy that guys like CM Punk, Daniel Bryan, and Zack Ryder are finally given the chance to shine as champs. Plus, I like guys like Cody Rhodes and Dolph Ziggler who I think are great heels. They really need to stop trying to make Cena turn heel though I still don't like the guy. And they really need to shut Michael Cole up. BTW, does anyone thing that 1/2/12 is about Y2J?
    Quote Originally Posted by Kid Charlemagne View Post
    Maybe Lesnar is coming back, hence the retirement.

    Loved this year for the WWE though, first time I've been invested in them fully since 2002. They really struck gold on CM Punk though. The guy is a fantastic wrestler, he can do interviews, and on the mic, nobody is better. He's going to be the face of the franchise for many years to come.
    Sorry to dig up some OLD posts but holy moly these comments are wild after 12 years.

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    Maybe Lesnar is coming back, hence the retirement.

    Loved this year for the WWE though, first time I've been invested in them fully since 2002. They really struck gold on CM Punk though. The guy is a fantastic wrestler, he can do interviews, and on the mic, nobody is better. He's going to be the face of the franchise for many years to come.

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    jake the snaaaaaaaaaaaake!

  10. #10
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    So Jericho was spotted in either Memphis (where Raw is tonight) or Nashville, one of the two. He's been working people on Twitter left, right, and center saying he's going to be in Hawaii.

    Poor WWE, they just can't keep anything under wraps anymore. It's like when both Nash and Booker were spotted before the Rumble this year in the airport where the Rumble was...

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by poinoup View Post
    So Jericho was spotted in either Memphis (where Raw is tonight) or Nashville, one of the two. He's been working people on Twitter left, right, and center saying he's going to be in Hawaii.

    Poor WWE, they just can't keep anything under wraps anymore. It's like when both Nash and Booker were spotted before the Rumble this year in the airport where the Rumble was...
    I was hoping it was going to be Undertaker, but I can deal with Jericho.

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    Next week, Jericho turns on the fans. I was expecting him to frown when they had the close up of his face when he was at the top of the ramp, and kind of wave off the fans in a dismissive manner.

    I gotta say though... the videos were excellent, but this was far from his best return. I think it did what it was supposed to do, which was to showcase how fucking arrogant he is. Punk is the #1 face, that's not changing (John Cena totally doesn't count).

    I heard that Undertaker and Miss Taker were spotted in Memphis as well, but I didn't see photographic evidence for that like I did with Jericho.

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    It started off great and then... ... ... exactly. That was terrible. I was happy to see Jericho and he didn't really do anything except get the crowd excited (which he is still great at) but didn't say anything. I wanted more.

    Raw sucked tonight. Punk is being screwed by Laryingitis and we're going to have another stupid match. The only saving grace was R-Truth being crazy as usual.

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    That's the point. It's supposed to piss you off and make you want more at the same time. He's trolling you. He does that shit every day on his Twitter. Not surprising in the Twitter centric universe of WWE 2012 that Jericho would be the biggest troll in the company. That whole thing was ego masturbation at it's peak and the crowd ate it up, just like they were SUPPOSED to do.

    This gimmick, man... it's got potential. I like it. Master manipulator, Jericho is. I look forward to next week.

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    I thought for sure he was going to turn on the fans last night. Epic troll Jericho could have legs. But damn, did it look like he was having a blast with it last night. And I marked out a little hearing "Come on bay-bee!" again. I just hope the videos get some sort of explanation, like who's the "she" in them. Steph coming back to TV soon?

    Also, it turns out the picture of Taker and McCool in Memphis was an old picture. A few weeks back HHH said he ended the streak at Wrestlemania, which is building to HHH/Taker III this year. Taker/Shawn these matches aren't, last year it was do a move and lay there for five minutes...lather, rinse, repeat.
    Last edited by poinoup; 01-03-2012 at 11:57 AM. Reason: Gotta add more smark opinion! lulz

  16. #16
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    After thinking about it. I think Jericho is going back to that heel persona he previously played. It was a good trick. Still, I like him as a heel. I'm just hoping they do a great build-up for a match between him and CM Punk.

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    I saw that little video clip. Jericho is still awesome. I hope you he does more ".... you idiot!"

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    Anybody watch Ring Of Honor? They put their TV show online for free now.

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    I used to be into ROH a lot back around 05-07. I've only read news sites for their results since. I may have to check it out again now that the show is online.

    Nice to see Haas and Benjamin back together again, there's a tag team that the WWE really fucked up on.

    And are they really doing unprotected chair shots to the head there? Have they learned NOTHING? Get your hands up.

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    It depends on the wrestler. Most put their hands up or do back chairshots but guys like the Briscoes refuse to do it. At the last iPPV, Nigel (who's doing color commentary now) was screaming at them to put their hands up and sounded pissed when the unprotected chairshots kept on coming.

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    Roman Reigns was voted the #1 wrestler of 2016 in the PWI 500?


    What an absolute joke that list has become. My respect for PWI is now completely dead and gone.

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    Quote Originally Posted by NYRexall View Post
    Roman Reigns was voted the #1 wrestler of 2016 in the PWI 500?


    What an absolute joke that list has become. My respect for PWI is now completely dead and gone.
    I stopped taking PWI seriously a long time ago. They're a bunch of WWE sheep. After all, didn't they give Rookie of the Year award prizes to Erik Watts and David Otunga?

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    Quote Originally Posted by thevoid99 View Post
    They're a bunch of WWE sheep.
    Agree 100%, as evidenced by the fact that not one TNA guy is in the their top ten this year. Lashley dominated for six months and held ALL THREE singles titles at one point, and he's barely in the top 25.

    Kenny Omega took over the Bullet Club, won the IWGP Intercontinental title and was the first Western wrestler to win the G-1 Climax, and you put Chris fuckin' Jericho higher than him? What the fuck did Jericho do this year, besides lick Owens' balls and go over AJ in some bullshit WM match? Sheamus held the WWE title for three weeks and he's number 17??

    And fucking John Cena. What did that guy do this year to earn the number 10 spot? He took time off twice for surgery and movies and lost every high-profile PPV match he wrestled when he was around. And he's one of the top 10?

    An absolute fucking joke, lol. It's like the MTV music awards, WWE-style.

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    Quote Originally Posted by thevoid99 View Post
    Mahal retains once again w/ the help from the Singh Brothers. He's a bum. How can anyone take him seriously when he has to have a couple of lackeys win as well as giving Meekmahan a boner because of his steroid-drenched body? Plus, fuck Blandy Boreton.

    I read the results of this turdfest online, and saved myself three hours of life in doing so. Jinder the Jobber retains to nobody's surprise, and yet another jobber is now the de facto number one contender. Meanwhile Styles, Owens, Ziggler, Zayn and Nakamura get to fight over some worthless secondary title in the mid-card.

    Not to mention that cringeworthy love gimmick they've got Mike and Maria Bennett slumming to. Dude hasn't even stepped foot in the ring and already looks like a doofus. Even TNA gave them a better debut and gimmick to work with.

    What an unbelievably bad joke this organization has become..

  26. #26
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    I near-completely bypassed what was very likely another turgid, run-of-the-mill PPV and only bothered streaming the Lesnar-Joe match

    What an unbelievable waste of a fight. This should have been the hottest, most lucrative feud of the summer, culminating in a superfight at Summerslam, and they of course opt for a seven-minute match on some bushleague PPV with a stupid name.

    It's the same shit EVERY time with Lesnar: disappears for four months, throws a bunch of his lame suplexes, F-5, see you in another four months. Joe is every bit the destroyer Lesnar ever was and has been decorated everywhere he's been before WWE. You could actually have this guy as your champion on your flagship program every week and people would show up to see what he would do next, but's some suplexes and an F-5 and now yet another hot main event superstar is vanquished in ridiculous fashion by a part-time guy.

    It amazes me how truly and consistently awful the WWE and TNAImpactGlobalFarceWrestlingWhateverwecallourself have become. It's like an ongoing contest to see whose shit can stink worse, at this point. And the smell is getting far too wretched to justify even reading about it after the fact anymore..

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    Quote Originally Posted by Prettybrokenspiral View Post
    I near-completely bypassed what was very likely another turgid, run-of-the-mill PPV and only bothered streaming the Lesnar-Joe match

    What an unbelievable waste of a fight. This should have been the hottest, most lucrative feud of the summer, culminating in a superfight at Summerslam, and they of course opt for a seven-minute match on some bushleague PPV with a stupid name.

    It's the same shit EVERY time with Lesnar: disappears for four months, throws a bunch of his lame suplexes, F-5, see you in another four months. Joe is every bit the destroyer Lesnar ever was and has been decorated everywhere he's been before WWE. You could actually have this guy as your champion on your flagship program every week and people would show up to see what he would do next, but's some suplexes and an F-5 and now yet another hot main event superstar is vanquished in ridiculous fashion by a part-time guy.

    It amazes me how truly and consistently awful the WWE and TNAImpactGlobalFarceWrestlingWhateverwecallourself have become. It's like an ongoing contest to see whose shit can stink worse, at this point. And the smell is getting far too wretched to justify even reading about it after the fact anymore..
    I'm not surprised in what WWE does. Plus, I'm sick of Brock Lesnar as the top guy. Fuck part-timers. They don't belong in the business. As for Braun Strowman. If what happened to him doesn't make him a babyface then the WWE Creative and Meekmahan can go fuck themselves.

    Oh, and fuck Global Impact or whatever it's fucking called. The Man Who is Fond of Slapping the Nutz is just a con artist.

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    Despite what could be a decent match, Brock will destroy AJ at Survivor Series in about 3 minutes, with 18 of the same lame suplexes and F-5s he always employs.

    Deflated, AJ will drop the WWE title back to Jinder the Jobber on the very next SDL, because that's what the WWE does there's no way WWE is going to India without a Punjabi champion

    Jinder the Jobber will lose the WWE title to Triple H in India because WWE Triple H also believes winning the same title 16 times somehow makes him on par with Ric Flair.

    Jinder the Jobber and his Singe brothers will defeat Triple H for the WWE title in a rematch before WWE leaves India, making Jinder the Jobber a three-time WWE champion in the same calendar year, and every bit as formidable in the eyes of Vince Meekman as fellow paper-champion Roman Reigns.

    And thus, after this brief respite, every wrestling fan's living nightmare will resume into 2018, unabated.

    This has been your 15-second WWE wrap-up for the rest of 2017.

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    What the fuck was that? This was the debut of Brodus Clay they had hyped up? WTF? Is it me or is everyone having flashbacks of Flash Funk (2 Cold Scorpio) and PN News (remember him?)?

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    The Godfather, part 2?

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