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Thread: Professional Wrestling

  1. #13621
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    I no longer believe either Vince or WWE want to give anything to Hunter. I used to think that Vince would gradually turn over the company to Steph and Hunter as he got older, but it has become apparent that he wants the company run his way, and only his way. He's either going to split the company's shares among his team of executives at the time of his death, or he's going to sell the company. There is no longer any sign that Hunter is being groomed to take over.

  2. #13622
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    Quote Originally Posted by ThinkIcouldburn View Post
    I no longer believe either Vince or WWE want to give anything to Hunter. I used to think that Vince would gradually turn over the company to Steph and Hunter as he got older, but it has become apparent that he wants the company run his way, and only his way. He's either going to split the company's shares among his team of executives at the time of his death, or he's going to sell the company. There is no longer any sign that Hunter is being groomed to take over.
    Yes, all the firings sound more to "kill the NXT stench", than "keep the WWE safe", because "those guys didn't vaccinate" (still not buying it...)

    Seems Hunter lost most of his power (at least creative) in WWE, he's being "punished" for losing the "Wednesday- night wars".

  3. #13623
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    He could leave anytime he wants if that’s true.

    If what you’re all saying is true, why wouldn’t he leave and try to buy ROH or just start his own thing? Once he recovers, I bet he does nothing of the sort.

    Money is probably one reason and the other is he is not this guy a lot of you think he is.

  4. #13624
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swykk View Post
    They never got rid of Hunter, but he did use it to try and remake himself into something he isn’t and never had been; a benevolent figurehead that just wanted to give back. He is a politicking egomaniac that screwed over anyone that was better than his mid card ass and that’s all he will ever be. Just like Stephanie tried to rehab her image with the Women’s revolution, Hunter used NXT. “Getting the rub one picture at a time with actual talented wrestlers, brother, but I gotta go over Sting for that big Mania payday.” It’s optics.

    I watched NXT for the talent when I did. It declined long before his health issues. His father in law and his wife hate wrestling. Why would we assume any differently with Hunter? He’s lashed out at fans in the not so recent past.

    Nice try, though.
    It's just what I've seen is all. There is no need to sound so haughty with that "nice try" shit, it was just my honest opinion for what I've seen. Granted I haven't been paying too much attention so, hey I could be wrong. There are better ways of responding and you know, trying to educate me on the topic than just saying "Nice try." It's really hard to say what is going behind those closed doors. I don't think we will really see a change until Vince finally kicks the bucket.
    Last edited by Dryalex12; 11-08-2021 at 03:16 PM.

  5. #13625
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    If it’s education you’re looking for, look at how he acted after he married his way into world champion runs. He never earned it. He held down every person he “worked with” that he felt threatened by—RVD, Jericho, Kane, and Booker T just to name a few. He was such a little bitch that he’d even run over people he didn’t need to like Tajiri and The Hurricane, whom The Rock worked with and was generous with. He was always so jealous of The Rock, whom he and Shawn attempted to ruin as well.
    Then when he transitioned out of being full time, he did everything he could to kill CM Punk’s run when he was having his momentum in 2011 (also tried to kill any hope Punk had of rising up to begin with because he literally got jealous when Philly chanted louder for Punk than they did for him and Shawn during a Survivor Series team match in 2008). There was also no reason for him to go over Sting in their Wrestlemania match, other than the bullshit politics he is notorious for.

    As for NXT, I’ve already explained he’s an egomaniac and like his wife, he saw an opportunity to rehab his image and it largely worked except for those hilariously on brand pictures he has to take with everyone he signed because he desperately needs that rub. When NXT started declining, he would get snippy at press conferences and such about how it’s the fans being too smart or even more funny, he’d deny being shaken by AEW. Classic McMahon family shit on the denial part. And I’ll say it again, we’ll see what happens when he is better, but I bet he does nothing and maybe even talks about how much he likes his new role.
    Last edited by Swykk; 11-09-2021 at 10:35 AM.

  6. #13626
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    I saw Marty Jannety talking about PRETTY much being involved in a fucking sexual assault on Luna Vachon the other day.
    I LOVED The Rockers. They were like, the highest fliers of the last era I REALLY cared about.

    I'd never heard him in a shoot interview like that. He sounds like he hit his head one too many times. He talks like Larry the Cable Guy.

    Last edited by elevenism; 11-08-2021 at 10:35 PM.

  7. #13627
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    I saw Marty Jannety talking about PRETTY much being involved in a fucking sexual assault on Luna Vachon the other day.
    I LOVED The Rockers. They were like, the highest fliers of the last era I REALLY cared about.

    I'd never heard him in a shoot interview like that. He sounds like he hit his head one too many times. He talks like Larry the Cable Guy.
    Jannety has been a trainwreck for a few years, the guy even has claimed murdering someone (then saying it was a work...), having offers to star in a porn flick and having sex with underage girls (after comparing them with their daughters...).

    I don't think half of what he says, but it's clear the guy doesn't know how to get attention, this Luna story (that could be true or could be bull), it's yet another example...

    I hope the guy gets the help he needs.
    Last edited by henryeatscereal; 11-09-2021 at 12:05 PM.

  8. #13628
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    Meanwhile, Eddie Kingston is over here becoming the biggest face in the industry.

  9. #13629
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    Quote Originally Posted by the duder View Post
    Meanwhile, Eddie Kingston is over here becoming the biggest face in the industry.
    I heard about him, but never saw his work until AEW, i'm very impressed with his promo skills, i think the guy could be huge...

  10. #13630
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    Cannot wait for tomorrow. Here's to Page being the first dude to kick out of the One Winged Angel... I hope. It's time for that pop.

    Also, who saw Lee Moriarty making the front page of Pitchfork? Good on the dude, he was a standout WM weekend.

  11. #13631
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    Very excited for Full Gear as well. Not really a bad match (on paper) to be found on the card.

    My picks:

    Jurassic Express
    Thinking “No Contest” between Punk and Kingston
    Inner Circle
    Lucha Bros

  12. #13632
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    I was predicting a CM Punk heel turn, but I didn't expect him to turn this hard!

  13. #13633
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    Holy fuckin shit, that was easily the best wrestling show I have ever been to, and one of the best I have ever seen, in person or otherwise. A few points:

    -minnesota snow storms suck, not a lot of accumulation but blowing wet snow made the drive up difficult, visibility was terrible.

    -just seeing Tony schiavone and Jim Ross, the voices of my childhood, almost me tear up like the mark that I am. I have said this before but the part of my brain that knows wresting is a work, shuts down when I am at said events, and it's fuckin real to me and I start shouting like a maniac (probably also because I can't do the same at concerts because taping, but I digress...)

    -mjf and Darby tore the place down, killer opening match. That missed coffin drop onto the apron, mjfs pile driver on the apron and that one legged back breaker, friggin brutality. I was hoping Darby was gonna go over, but it doesn't matter because the best wrestling matches make you not care who won, just the fact you witnessed wrestlers beat the hell out of each other. And I got to see one of my childhood heroes, sting!

    -if it seemed like the crowd was indifferent towards Bryan's win, it's because the target center was HOT for Miro! I'm not sure what it came across like on ppv but there was just as many, if not more, people chanting for Miro than Bryan. Another awesome match, I've seen both these guys at WWE events but never together and never allowed to work like they did. I do wonder if Moxley would have gone over or turned heel if he hadn't gone to rehab, but we will never know.

    -the jurassic express/christian vs superkliq was so over the top, high spot after high spot, tons of drama, and actual storytelling in the ring. That shooting star press (?) Lucha did off the entryway was INSANE. Ladder bumps, table spots,friggin THUMBTACKS. When Christian was fighting in the audience, that was in the section right below where I was seated. So rad, and the crowd singing along to Tarzan Boy before and after the match, just had such positive and energetic vibes, I don't think that could have came across on tv but it was just so cool being in the crowd for it.

    -i got back into wrestling right after punk walked so I never thought I would see him wrestle! And the blood, he had the crazy eyes and looked like a madman! Adam Cole had gotten busted open during his match and I wasn't expecting to see another Crimson Mask!

    -I hit the mech booth pretty late so all I bought was a logo patch. That's ok because I'm going to The Electric Fetus later today so Ill save my $

    So I decided to beat the crowd after the Punk match, and I'm glad I did. As I was heading towards the front entrance escalators of the Target Center, about 20 feet or so, I see someone still in their ring gear with their luggage heading towards the entrance, and at first I thought it might be a cosplayer but as I get closer I realize it's fucking Sting. I'm in my Cactus Jack "wanted: dead" shirt and as we pass each other I'm star struck in the same way before the Tension 2013 show when Robin offered me a slice of pizza. I don't want to bug him so all I can say "hey". He says "hey" back and I reach out for a fist bump, and the Stinger responds in kind, and we both keep walking our ways. Fuckin unreal, one of my all time favorite wrestlers in a totally random encounter.

    Overall it was a KILLER (and long!) night of wrestling, and I left not feeling the slightest bit disappointed (unlike WWE shows, where I have either nodded off at some point, had my intelligence insulted, witnessed shitty finishes, etc.) 11 out of 10, definitely buying the home video release of this show when it comes out. I'm preaching to the choir here, but if you have a chance to go to an AEW show do it.

    Last edited by SM Rollinger; 11-14-2021 at 08:07 PM.

  14. #13634
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  15. #13635
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    Last edited by poinoup; 11-18-2021 at 11:16 PM. Reason: Picture issues.

  16. #13636
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    Quote Originally Posted by the duder View Post
    Those guys didn't vaccinate either?

    I'm sure the WWE fired them because of that, since they are so worried about the safety of their talent...

  17. #13637
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    Those expensive egg segments were bad timing...

    Here's my review of the main:

    "Ok, they're in the ring. The camera keeps on moving. I think they're looking for an egg or something, I don't know, I wasn't listening. Nothing's happening, nothing's happening. Something about The Rock. Nothing's happening. It's over, a lot of people in the audience look pissed."

  18. #13638
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    Read about the "Egg thing", WTF

  19. #13639
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    I'm becoming a big Damian Priest stan, anyone else love to watch this guy?

  20. #13640
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    More on the fan who jumped Rollins. Sad all around.

  21. #13641
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    That Punk MJF promo

  22. #13642
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    Quote Originally Posted by RJK View Post
    That Punk MJF promo

    It was good.

    Seeing AEW Dynamite/Rampage in Greensboro on December 22nd. THEN I get to attend (when I buy ticket) to Battle of the Belts on January 8th in Charlotte! Between these two shows and Fight for the Fallen when I went back in July I have seen AEW live televised shows 3 times in the span of 6 months.

    I am attending WrestleCade this Saturday at Winston Salem for the Meet and Greets! Gonna meet Malakai Black for a photo and autograph. I'll post it here like a little fanboy I'm sure.

  23. #13643
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    Actually, MJF got the best of Punk in that one!

  24. #13644
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    Such an incredible Promo. I'm loving seeing Punk be able to get the absolute best out of the people he's sharing a mic with. He's clearly not just doing in ring work with the new talent BTS, but mic work as well. I was so wrapped up in it I didn't realize it went 25 minutes until half way through that first commercial break.

    Also, that Jamie Hayter Thunderosa match was so good. That fucking slap heard round the world from Thunderosa was something to behold.

  25. #13645
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    I look bad in most of the photos due to being caught off guard but thems the breaks. What a time! I would go again next year now that I know about how recurring it is and only 45 minutes away and 10 minutes from my girlfriends house.

    A post shared by on

    Scroll through the photos to see everyone I met.

  26. #13646
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    Nah dude, you look happy.

    As for that spectacular Punk/MJF promo, I think Punk won because MJF’s first round felt a bit weak to me (he did much better on the second go round). It was a great segment; didn’t feel like 22 minutes.
    Last edited by Swykk; 11-28-2021 at 03:29 PM.

  27. #13647
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    Considering buying tickets for Revolution. We're thinking of a family trip to Orlando during that time frame and my wife, a total non wrestling fan, was open to the idea. Tickets go on sale the 17th, so we've got a few days to think about it.

  28. #13648
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    Well, I missed out on the pre-sale tix for Revolution. Can always get hosed on StubHub if I decide to go.

    Really interested in tonight's Dynamite. Have a feeling the Briscoes and Brody King will be making their debuts with KOR being a solid maybe.

  29. #13649
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    About to leave for my outing then go to Dynamite/Rampage in Greensboro tonight.

  30. #13650
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    And just like that….

    Spoiler: Undisputed Era reunited..

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