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Thread: The little things that scare/depress you.

  1. #31
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    Here's something...I have a dream of being a bee keeper. I am afraid that I will never achieve it =[ Just as a hobby. I'm swamped with other life stuff and I can't even predict if I'll be in the same spot in 5 months. I wonder if I'll be able to make a commitment to place long enough to have a hive or two of my own for funsies and saving the world.
    It makes me sad thinking "what if it doesn't happen!!"

  2. #32
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    Indulgent, self-important introspection masquerading as sensitivity.

  3. #33
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    The overall death and demise of physical media. and the online stores for retailers are my only hope for the most part now. I also suppose that I still enjoy collecting physical media when it comes to my favorite musicians, authors, TV shows, movies, and video games. Even as just a Generation Y kid, it really is sad for me to see it all go away, and I'd also be in denial if I said it never had that affect on me. However, I still liked getting some SNES games on my Nintendo Wii, and it sure beat going to eBay, so I'm not trying to say that it's all bad, or that I'm against going digital. (I'm a fan of collecting and supporting whenever I can, and you could say I'm a loyal Nintendo fan after all these years.)

    I suppose I'm just going to miss going to stores for brand new physical media, as a lot of the ones near my house have been phased out, and it's only a matter of time before the remaining ones disappear as well. I'm even more surprised that it really took until the early 2010s for such a thing to get going. I thought that it was going to happen in the late 2000s. (It sort of did, but not at the rate it's gone in the early 2010s.)

    I also find people-pleasing to be very depressing, and I'm still guilty of it in lots of ways. I think I need to find a balance when it comes to caring and not caring about what other people think of me. I still think that it works both ways though, because being too uncaring about what other people think of me can also lead to me becoming extremely inconsiderate. And well, feeling and being inconsiderate is not just a bummer, but also an awkward bummer.
    Last edited by Halo Infinity; 05-15-2014 at 03:36 PM.

  4. #34
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    Stalkers. You never really know if they're creepy and harmless or creepy and harmful, especially when they know how to get to you and could show up at any minute. I know this guy is mentally ill, but he's exhibited rapey behavior towards my ex, which is especially strange because he's clearly gay. In fact, he's really just after me (this is according to my ex, btw). What a confused load of fuck.

    Quote Originally Posted by Timinator View Post
    Indulgent, self-important introspection masquerading as sensitivity.
    I think I know what you mean, but can I get an example please?

  5. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by Magtig View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Timinator
    Indulgent, self-important introspection masquerading as sensitivity.
    I think I know what you mean, but can I get an example please?
    Everything posted by Kris.

  6. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by Timinator View Post
    Everything posted by Kris.


  7. #37
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    Any situation or location where I don't know exactly what to say, and when to say it, or also not knowing how exactly to take things that are said to me. This is sometimes also based more on awkwardness, obliviousness and ignorance as opposed to fear and sadness.

    Saying the wrong things at the wrong times and places. Saying too much, when less or nothing should be said. Saying too little when I should've spoken up more. This is also why I actually feel a lot more comfortable when humor is avoided in most conversations. This isn't to say that I can't laugh at anything, but humor in social interaction is where I constantly keep messing up, especially when the joke's on me, or whenever I'm making the jokes. As mentioned in other posts and threads, I've been terrible at that for about as long as I can remember. I also try to avoid intense emotions in public for this very reason as well.

    This pretty much sums up my problems and qualms regarding miscommunication altogether. Hindsight in general can also be a tremendous downer since it can always be held against me, as I'm also prone to bouts of shame, guilt and regret as my own worst critic and enemy. (Along with realizing that there was a lot of stuff I should have never ever said to start with.)
    Last edited by Halo Infinity; 07-30-2014 at 10:36 PM.

  8. #38
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    I just made an awful decision and watched one of those slideshows of photos that was made for my grandma's funeral.

    What a fucking dumb thing to do.

  9. #39
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    Needles. They're tiny and they scare the hell out of me. I don't want those pesky bastards entering my body. I HATE THEM.

    I was going to post this in the Irrational Fears thread, but then I found out it's a pretty common fear.

  10. #40
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    Being constantly lonely.

  11. #41
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    Quote Originally Posted by Charmingly Miserable View Post
    Being constantly lonely.
    That is one of my worst fears, being alone. People belong in pairs.

    Here is another one...lately i have been constantly terrified of being abducted by "aliens." I use the quotation marks because i believe that they are inter-dimensional beings rather than interstellar travelers.

    What EVER the fuck they are, those standard grey aliens...i am SO scared of waking up in their custody!

  12. #42
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    Having no safety zone. Fleeing from one motel to another. Waking up not knowing where I am and feeling like my psyche is wet tissue paper about to tear.
    Knowing that I brought these conditions upon myself, knowing I am to blame for pushing you over the edge, not seeing the hurt building in you until it was too late - all in the name of avoidance, denial. I hate myself for that. Not because of what the consequences have born, but because I was ignorant to you. Something I thought I would never be.

  13. #43
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    Quote Originally Posted by somethingelse View Post
    Having no safety zone. Fleeing from one motel to another. Waking up not knowing where I am and feeling like my psyche is wet tissue paper about to tear.
    Knowing that I brought these conditions upon myself, knowing I am to blame for pushing you over the edge, not seeing the hurt building in you until it was too late - all in the name of avoidance, denial. I hate myself for that. Not because of what the consequences have born, but because I was ignorant to you. Something I thought I would never be.
    Doesn't sound like you're in the best place, not sure where abouts in Oz you are but if you're near Sydney/Wollongong then I'm happy to catch up for a coffee if you wanna have a chat. Hope things get better for you.

  14. #44
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    ^ Oh woah, see how awesome the folk are around these ETS parts? That is a kind, great offer and thank you for extending a hand, but I have just arrived at Port Augusta heading west. Anyway, I'm better off alone right now. The head space that only one person could fix, if only. I have let down the one I love, and this pain is what I deserve. And I still have internet credit so I can vent some shit on the board. Thank you @ophelia_

  15. #45
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    What EVER the fuck they are, those standard grey aliens...i am SO scared of waking up in their custody!
    I would be SO FUCKING PSYCHED to be abducted by aliens. Mother of god I would be so excited.

  16. #46
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    Dying. Thinking about the end of consciousness freaks me out and keeps me up at night, (like now). I'm banking on getting old and falling apart. Eventually I won't give a shit once it becomes a hassle to get out of a chair. Getting old scares me too, though. Most interactions with strangers scare me too.

  17. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by tony.parente View Post
    I would be SO FUCKING PSYCHED to be abducted by aliens. Mother of god I would be so excited.
    see that's what my mom says too.
    i don't know why it scares me so bad...maybe the fuckers have already abducted me
    @icecream , i've gotten on a kick where i was just utterly consumed with the horror of my eventual demise, and as a matter of fact, the first time it happened i was about your age.
    i'm a little more convinced now that this life isn't the only one. and i'm not one of those christians who has a solid belief in an afterlife where we retain our selves and uncle charlie and gramma and the dog are waiting for us.

    but there's SOMETHING...i fucking FEEL it in my heart of hearts. and i DO believe that the force that created us has insured that that something isn't fucking godawful. on the other hand, if, god forbid, our consciousness DOES just go out like a light...well, how bad could that really be?
    But i REALLY don't think that's the case.
    Last edited by elevenism; 08-04-2014 at 04:25 AM.

  18. #48
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    It's just the thought of not existing freaks me out. Once you aren't conscious you won't know that your dead. But that not existing again forever is weird. Every moment here is important but I seem to waste them doing unimportant things like fucking around on ETS. I could take that time and learn Russian or something. The Smiths song Heaven Knows I'm Miserable Now has really stuck with me lately.

  19. #49
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    That ETS has a "Professional Wrestling" thread.

  20. #50
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    One of the things that really bring me down are the fact that my family won't be around forever.I know it sounds duh stupid but you're having some discussion with them or enjoying their company and suddenly you realize that one day you'll wake up in the morning and you won't be able to phone them or talk to them in any way.Makes me really sad.

  21. #51
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    Two nights ago, I took some advil a little before bed because my back was hurting. It made my back feel fine, but I felt my heart pounding and felt like I was feeling some fluttering feeling as I was trying to fall asleep. It didn't feel irregular, but I was a little freaked out. My girlfriend, who had already been asleep, woke up startled and asked if I was okay and said she had a dream that I had a heart attack. She had no idea my pulse was feeling weird. I was fully freaked out.

    Death in general gets me down. I'm afraid to die. My mom passed away a month ago and I never realized how much I could truly miss a person. It helps to just be around the ones I love and enjoy their company to the fullest.

  22. #52
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    Hornets, bees, roaches, moths, maggots, worms, slugs and spiders. Drowning, heights and flying. Bad surprises.
    Last edited by Halo Infinity; 08-16-2014 at 10:41 PM.

  23. #53
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    You're more than welcome. Feel free to inbox me if you need to chat or anything.

  24. #54
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    Quote Originally Posted by icecream View Post
    It's just the thought of not existing freaks me out. Once you aren't conscious you won't know that your dead. But that not existing again forever is weird. Every moment here is important but I seem to waste them doing unimportant things like fucking around on ETS.
    Something that helps me is knowing that really, time enjoyed isn't time wasted. I think spending time conversing with a community of people you mesh with and make your day better/more entertaining is totally valuable, not everyone has that luxury. Learning Russian would be cool, too, but would it lead to you doing something incredible like becoming a diplomat or helping Russian tourists travel, etc.? Not necessarily, it would just be something interesting and fun you did that you enjoy. Isn't that what anything you enjoy is? I am able to feel far less guilty about spending so much of my life focusing on things that I simply enjoy/love because knowing we get so little time means that I'm doing things that ensure that those moments are less miserable than what they could be. I'd much rather spend my time doing something that makes me feel happy as a person and doesn't hurt someone than doing something that makes my life miserable but is technically a productive thing. And being happy is productive -- not only does it make your day/life better, but those who care about you and are close to you will be better off knowing that you are doing well, too.

  25. #55
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    Quote Originally Posted by kleiner352 View Post
    Something that helps me is knowing that really, time enjoyed isn't time wasted. I think spending time conversing with a community of people you mesh with and make your day better/more entertaining is totally valuable, not everyone has that luxury. Learning Russian would be cool, too, but would it lead to you doing something incredible like becoming a diplomat or helping Russian tourists travel, etc.? Not necessarily, it would just be something interesting and fun you did that you enjoy. Isn't that what anything you enjoy is? I am able to feel far less guilty about spending so much of my life focusing on things that I simply enjoy/love because knowing we get so little time means that I'm doing things that ensure that those moments are less miserable than what they could be. I'd much rather spend my time doing something that makes me feel happy as a person and doesn't hurt someone than doing something that makes my life miserable but is technically a productive thing. And being happy is productive -- not only does it make your day/life better, but those who care about you and are close to you will be better off knowing that you are doing well, too.
    It sounds a lot better when you put it that way. I always think, "I could be doing this or that instead and my life would be more fulfilled." Then I just think, "Fuck it, doesn't matter what I do because I'm going to die anyway and nothing I did will matter." But as long as I'm doing something I enjoy it doesn't really matter what I do.

  26. #56
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    After living with pooches for a long time and now not, I always skip a heart beat when opening the front door. Even though I know I've closed the adjacent door so they can't get out, a little voice screamed "check the dogs!". This still happens and depresses the fuck out of me.

  27. #57
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    Jealousy, envy, people-pleasing, guilt, shame and regret. Having a very hard time forgetting bad experiences and them letting go. Being called boring, as it can even hurt as much as being called stupid.
    Last edited by Halo Infinity; 08-07-2014 at 10:11 PM.

  28. #58
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    Kanye West is married and I'm still single... That depresses the everloving fuck out of me.

  29. #59
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    Quote Originally Posted by The_Prowler View Post
    Kanye West is married and I'm still single... That depresses the everloving fuck out of me.
    Now I'm depressed about that as well... Dammit.

  30. #60
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    Realizing that so many things could've been done differently, or didn't have to be to start with. Failing miserably at being a good person. (This also includes bad thoughts, emotions and words on my part.)

    Having a lack of trust and forgiveness in myself and others to the point that I isolate myself to complete loneliness. I sometimes live like a hermit because of that. It also certainly reminds me as to why lots of people are just able to let things go and move on to the point of even forgetting it all/any bad deeds/experiences that might've occurred.
    Last edited by Halo Infinity; 08-14-2014 at 12:44 AM.

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