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Thread: Life in general: does it suck or is it awesome?

  1. #61
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    It's still confusing and it sometimes doesn't make sense, especially now that I've gone over that phases where I thought I knew more than I did in my late teens and early 20s. I could've done without it altogether though. There is something about humility that actually makes life easier to bear, and easier to comprehend though, in spite of its complexities and unpredictable surprises that sometimes have little to no explanation. I also still wonder why I'm here. (I have a feeling that we all tend to do that at some points in our lives.)

    I'll also make sure to have a no holds barred approach to my ego too. It's one tricky motherfucker.
    Last edited by Halo Infinity; 09-14-2013 at 09:44 PM.

  2. #62
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    life itself could be great, but people make it shitty for each other.

  3. #63
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    And especially for themselves. It's not funny how much worries and doubts have infected our societies and it's a bitch to get out of that mindest once you've lived it for too long. It's sneaky and hits you over the head when you need it the least, but I keep it with @Kris : Hang in there folks! Things will work out in the end and ultimately most of it doesn't matter anyways or will be forgotten in time.

  4. #64
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    I hope this doesn't sound so off-base to those that don't see it this way, but I'm sometimes thoroughly convinced that having an increased understanding and awareness of your family history and childhood, and perhaps most of your adolescent years can actually help you see and know why and how you are the way you are, and what you could and should look for in terms of what you'd want to get out of life. I think if done right, with whatever variables and factors falling into the right place, there's a chance that it could even help you find your ultimate purpose and calling, while also increasing it.

    I'll also admit that I've been guilty of dwelling on the past, but I'm also convinced that you can learn a lot of stuff from it as means to improve your preset and future while making amends as you take life day by day. (Which is ironic as I still sometimes forget to do that, despite how many times I've considered it before, but I suppose that's just human nature after all.)

  5. #65
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    It's all about cultivating positive habits and not focusing on the shit! The times my life has been pretty damn awesome so far definitely surpass the times it's been shitty and I should be grateful for that. That is something I'm still learning, especially right now when things are not too bright. You are the creator of your well being and while that may sound too esoteric for some it's all about caring in the right places and being a bit more dissociate when it comes to your inner turmoils. Catch some breath when the waves come crashing and take your time to actually think not dwell, long or suffer. It's hard, I know, but dropping a bad habit is always hard. And even if it takes you a long time to kick it you might want to develop some good habits that could outshine the others and make you feel great.

    Looking at the past can bring out some great solutions for the future but you should not start to dwell on things that once were. I'm also not a fan of thinking my upbringing and family are the sole reason for things being great or bad. It's not that easy and most of it comes from your own mind frame. Developing a stable and affirmative (to get away from the positive/negative, black/white pattern) is what it's all about for me. People look up to me for that very reason and I keep looking up to people who do it better.

    There's nothing ironic about knowing and not doing so. That's perfectly human but your goal should be to get going. All of us should do more. Especially the things we like. Knowing about this is the first step to achieve, but it doesn't work if it's the only one you will take.

  6. #66
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    What you said is what I've meant to strive for in a way to, and yes, I also don't think how and why you and your life is what it is solely based on your genetics, lineage either, and family life either, nor should it be. We all still have a choice on how we manage our lives, regardless of the benefits and consequences/burdens that will inevitably occur. (I hope this is what you mean too. That's what I got from it, and have always heard that piece of advice many times. I think and hope that we're on the same page here.)

  7. #67
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    Exactly! I was hoping I got my point across. It's difficult sometimes to express some deeper thoughts in another language hence why I rely on posting more superficial stuff on here. :P

    I got a friend who's seeing a therapist and he told her that everything that bugs her is due to her family. WTF?, I say! How are the decision my father made and the ones my grandfather made responsible for who I am on a personal level? Of course your environment plays an integral part in building your own character but in no way am I the result of good or bad decisions made by my family or others. Even if that's the case I can still take things in my own hands, do something, try to surround myself with other people or try to reframe my views. The things she's coming home with after seeing that therapist are driving me mad at times. Damn!

    I am someone who is easily influenced by others. I still won't change my view or doing but I get offended very easily and start to question. I also made the mistake in the past to take advice from people who are clearly not doing better but I was afraid of a "professional" (so to speak) view. I'm glad I got that sorted out and it helped me a great deal to really define a small circle of people of whom I will take advice from and sometimes ask for.
    Last edited by dlb; 09-14-2013 at 11:54 AM.

  8. #68
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    I remember Bill Hicks mentioning how life was about being free to do as you're told and to live by and for money, because you literally and figuratively can't go anywhere without it. I also don't mean to impose and views, or to say it's the way for everybody, or what life is always like and about, but listening to him say that was quite the reminder. In other words, it helps remind me why I should really strive, despite my confusion, qualms, and how much I can feel and be out of place.

    To me, life has become about survival, and hopefully finding pleasure and happiness with in and elsewhere, and not be a burden, and hopefully remain childless and happy. (As Bill Hicks would've wanted himself, were he to have lived longer.) Which reminds me, I think I'd like to make a Bill Hicks thread some day, with the exception of somebody else beating me to it. I've also thought this way long before I heard of Bill Hicks though, but he just has a way with words. (As any talented comedian should.)

    And well, some parts of life are just a meaningless crapshoot to start with. (That is, unless you believe that life has no meaning at all. And not that I'm arguing, I just thought I'd put that out there.)
    Last edited by Halo Infinity; 10-30-2013 at 05:52 PM.

  9. #69
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    On the topic of money, a professor once told us, "life is a shit sandwich, the more bread you have the less shit you have to taste."

  10. #70
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    Well, as far as this shit sandwich goes, I'm sure as fuck counting my lucky stars, especially when I consider how much worse it can get. That's also one of my favorite quotes because it's true. What I life I've lead here, and what a way life has lead me.

    "Well, you know, it could've been worse."

    Not that I have it anywhere near "rough", but I'm just taking a moment to be grateful in this crapshoot of an existence that has some order here and there. (To make things hopefully a bit clearer, you can say that antinatalism has moved me to certain extent.)

    And that's also not to say that I'm trying to state that life is nothing but meaningless suffering either, but I like the case it makes. I just want to be happy and comfortable, and thankful for the chances I still have in this world while they're still there.

  11. #71
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    As I get older, I'm obviously seeing more reasons as to why I should grow a thicker skin. I'm still trying to hang in there, in spite of becoming discouraged due to fear and depression. I'd rather not be afraid of life, but I've been accustomed to that mentality for quite some time in spite of my faults and blunders. No wonder why most people say you should deal with your problems head on as much as possible, since running and hiding doesn't always work, or even never works. I'm also still trying to find my niche, wherever that might be. I should also never forget just how difficult being a good person and a productive person can be. I'm amazed at how ironically lose focus on that, since they're clearly among life's ultimate purposes. I'm just hoping to somehow make it, although, no wonder why it's hard when I ever have a hard time finding my self-worth.

  12. #72
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    I'm incredibly sensitive. Sometimes it sucks. But like... I don't want to have to put walls up, you know?

  13. #73
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    I've been there many times myself, so I might have some kind of idea. It's even worse when it makes you feel far too vulnerable and ashamed to even ask for help. It makes me wish I had all the strength and intelligence to just figure out everything on my own. It seems like we might have this very same thing in common, by a lot.

  14. #74
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    My job is done for the season, now I need a new one to pay January's rent, or I'll have to ravage the money I've been setting aside to go to Spain in the spring. :/

  15. #75
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    Even when things seem okay, it also seems like I was always afraid of life and looking bad in one way or another. I often think that the less mistakes I make, the happier and more comfortable I'd be. I've been told that's far from the truth though, and I've been accustomed to think that way for a long time. Believing in myself, loving myself, and living with myself isn't always as easy as I'd like it to be. My constant fear of being wrong, conflict, looking bad, getting hurt, and getting in trouble was always with me, even when I'm all by myself, and nothing bad has happened, or will happen. It's clearly related and connected to my fear of failure as well.

    However, I think that's why it has to be much different for people that have found a career that they've absolutely loved, since it would be as if they were born for that specific niche, and if they're proficient at what they're doing, they'd most likely never have anything to lose. This is not that say that it makes challenges, disappointments, and all sorts of pains vanish altogether, but there is always a huge difference between doing something to get by, and then doing something to get by while loving it at the same time.

    I still just hope to find my niche, or whatever purpose I have in life, other than to survive and hopefully seek and obtain pleasure and happiness.

    On the other hand... I'm still trying to be okay with myself. I suppose it could be one of those things that only end at death.
    Last edited by Halo Infinity; 12-15-2013 at 09:58 PM.

  16. #76
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  17. #77
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    I spent Christmas sorta alone last year. I went out to Long Island and saw The Hobbit in 3D and smoked pot with my friend Mike. And I'm glad I did SOMETHING. But it still suckkkkeeed to not celebrate Christmas with anyone. It's Christmas. Going back home this year.

  18. #78
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    Good! I try to every year, but I don't have to go that far. I think I only missed it once or twice since moving to the city in '99.

  19. #79
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    I suppose I just need to focus more on sorting out some, or even a lot of personal issues and aspects of my life in order to get it together. Perhaps I'll be more secure, contented, and happy once I get those things out of the way with some diligence, patience, and self-control. Anyway, it's been a rather enjoyable stay here, at ETS, in spite of some awkward moments here and there.

    And with all that said, Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays Echoing The Sound, and a Happy New Year too.

  20. #80
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    Life in general: does it suck or is it awesome?

    Quote Originally Posted by Thaned View Post
    Last day of being a teenager today. A decade ago I was in Year 4, so it's weird to look back over the past years and see how much I've changed. It'll definitely an introspective & thoughtful kind of day today.
    I gotta say, your posts this year have been real mature, I totally forgot you were a teen. Welcome to the twenties- awesomely fun decade. Grab it hard and enjoy!

  21. #81
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    This looks like it could go into either The Mental Health or Work thread, but it seems to fit into this topic more. At this point, I'm definitely convinced that having a job that you really love doing is one of the ways to find your ultimate purpose and meaning in life. I'm not saying that it'll give you all the answers, but it appears to be one of the biggest answers in life. As for me, I sometimes still wonder why I'm here, but for now, it's been more about survival than any actual love or interest to do anything, and it has been that way with me for all my life.

    I'm also realizing more and more why timing is everything. ADHD along with other mental and emotional issues has blinded me from seeing that, or caused me lots of denial. Things would've also been a lot different for the better if I knew more about what I wanted to do with my life as opposed to what I wouldn't want to do with it.

    *I also really need more foresight in life. My hindsight is working just fine, but that's unfortunately when it's far too late to fix and/or undo things.*
    Last edited by Halo Infinity; 12-30-2013 at 12:35 AM.

  22. #82
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    Life just seems to be okay for the most part, although I still have to work on my patience. Realizing more and more as to how little I know, and how wrong I've been has also helped cleared things up for me, although I still associate being wrong with fear, shame, and depression. (Not to turn this into a mental health post, but it seemed to belong in this thread more.) But on the bright side, I've noticed that the blow of being wrong gradually softens as I get older. It's helped me cope with life's downs so far, and I hope to get over more my hang-ups with being wrong.

    However, I still like being wrong about bad things though, as I could never go wrong with that, ironically. And well, as long as I'm not less than okay, that's good enough for me.
    Last edited by Halo Infinity; 05-22-2014 at 12:34 AM.

  23. #83
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    Update: Sucks worse than usual.

  24. #84
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    Its odd, promotion, new place. But I'm lonely as all fuck.

    All my boys have gf so they completely withdrew contact from me.

    Been given the brother zone treatment to a woman who declined my offer to be her partner. Another circumstance where I invest in real emotion and let down.

    I'm just lonely. I feel ugly, I feel undesirable.

    On top I'm trying to get another band going since my drummer had a kid and had to sell his kit. Drummers are hard to find.

    So yea a few good things and a few bad. Just meh

  25. #85
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    I still can't help but think that the less mistakes I make, and the less regrets I have, the happier I'll be. However, I was always told otherwise, but when I'm in the middle of experiencing the mistakes, or feelings and thoughts of regret, it's still a bit of a downer, even when it's not that serious. I suppose this all just boils down to me needing to find a way to let things go, and to stop taking certain things seriously, literally, and personally.

    I'm also still coping with the friends and family that have already drifted apart from me, or have always been separated from me. I was always aware that people came and gone, but I thought that I'd have to wait until my late 20s to mid 30s to start seeing some of the bigger changes in people leaving me for whatever reason as I wasn't always alone by choice. I'm also still amazed that lots of people can drift apart from you under 25. I sometimes forget, but it's certainly a reminder to also just take things one day at a time, as I also have a tendency to think far too many things at once.

    Aside from that, I suppose life is still just fine, yet confusing, or even empty, as some things will never be answered, completed, or solved, but as the cliche states, that really is just life sometimes. It's also a constant struggle and conflict of not just doing good, but being good, since I believe that goodness is also based on what you think and what you feel, and for somebody like me, thoughts and emotions aren't always easy to control, and they don't always lead to the best of actions and motives. I also seem to have been shaped by some antinatalist and hedonist views, which have also lead me to want to clear my mind whenever I got inundated by such thoughts.

    I turns out that I had those types of thoughts long before I even knew what antinatalism and hedonism were. And well, that's just me and life in a nutshell. I just try to be grateful for what I got, and for what bad things didn't happen to me as a means to move on, and hopefully gain happiness, security, confidence, humility, insight, and comfort. Either way, it always could be worse.
    Last edited by Halo Infinity; 05-28-2014 at 02:54 AM.

  26. #86
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    While life has always been confusing to me, I think this is the most confused I've ever been so far. A lot of my mind has changed more than I expected it to, even though I'm often pretty much the same person. In regards to the thread title, sometimes it actually does make life suck, but it can also make life awesome depending on what it is. (In some cases, I think the confusion is also fueled by loneliness and isolation by circumstance if not necessarily choice.)

    I know change is constant and inevitable, and that starting over is just a part of life, but it still blows my mind sometimes because some things just seemed so right and true to me, as if I got it all permanently figured out on some level, but then it's back to the old drawing board again. It's also sometimes still overwhelming to learn about just how little I know after each decade passes. (And to think that it's almost the 2020s already.)
    Last edited by Halo Infinity; 06-24-2018 at 08:59 PM.

  27. #87
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    Sucked this week as my Dad was in hospital with an infection and dehydration. Thankfully home now, but a stressful week. Didn't know delirium is a common side effect of infections and hospital stays in the elderly.

    Was discharged on Saturday and readmitted on Sunday with weakness and low BP. Thankfully out now with support and off BP meds for now. A tough two weeks, so tired.
    Last edited by miss k bee; 07-19-2018 at 12:22 PM.

  28. #88
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  29. #89
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    sucks. i'm wore out.

  30. #90
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    Life sucks. I think I've just been single too long. I hate it when men treat me like I'm one of their bowling buddies. I'm not a man for God's sake.

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