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  1. #4531
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    Yeah. It sucks. @marodi , i agree that his amplification of the SH ideas sucked.

    But are we to be charged a billion dollars for repeating a conspiracy theory?
    Is that freedom?
    and i mean, hell: i PERSONALLY didn't hear any SH theories from alex.
    Rather, i watched a 3 hour, pseudo professional documentary on youtube.
    It certainly didn't cause me to harass anyone, or to believe the event was staged, but it DID kill a few idle hours.
    I'd imagine AJ watched the same shit.

    i guess i kind of fall into the "say whatever the fuck you want" camp.
    Free Palestine.
    Sue the people who harassed people.

    I'm not saying another word, because this always results in everyone being mad at me, and you guys are pretty much the only people with whom i socialize for real.

    Edit: and, AGAIN, to be clear, i'm not saying Jones has NO liability, in terms of lawsuits.
    I didn't watch it, his coverage, and i'm not watching it now.
    I liked alex when he was a dude from Rowlett, who spent every waking moment railing against GWB.
    But a BILLION dollars and counting?
    Last edited by elevenism; 10-12-2022 at 07:15 PM.

  2. #4532
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    Quote Originally Posted by marodi View Post
    Alex Jones may not have created the Sandy Hook conspiracy theories but he sure help spread them to a vast audience. And he made a shitload of money doing it.

    And like @otnavuskire said, his lies had enormous impact in the real world for these people. Like this:

    That's from the article posted above.

    Free speech is me saying:" I believe vaccine are causing autism. I believe COVID is no worst than the flu. I am not getting vaccinated."

    Defamation is me saying: " There was no mass shooting at Sandy Hook. No children died there. Those parents are actors being paid by leftist so they can come after our guns and implement more restrictive anti gun control laws. These people are liars with an agenda."

    See the difference? For the record, I've had my 4 shots of Covid vaccine and I've had my flu shot yesterday.

    Alex Jones deserves to burn in hell for all I care. He is not remorseful at all for all the pain and suffering he caused. Even today he was mocking the court, the jury and the prosecution.
    Yes, I do see the difference there. And if he is just lying and pushing an NRA agenda, then yeah, fuck that.

    I guess I'm still seeing grey in one area though, maybe you can clear it up. If the conspiracy didn't start with Jones, then is it possible that he did in fact believe the theory? In other words, if he were fooled himself and then he spread the theory while actually believing it to be true, would that change things? Like, does the court have to prove that he never actually believed any of it and that he was lying about it all along?

    Sorry guys, I probably should have just googled all this and got up to speed. But I appreciate the conversation.

  3. #4533
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    But are we to be charged a billion dollars for repeating a conspiracy theory?
    Is that freedom?
    And this is the aspect of it that caught my attention. Because then it would seem that people are not only responsible for their own lies and defamatory statements, but would then be responsible for being fooled by someone else's lies and then repeating them.

    Maybe the court already proved that Jones never believed any of this in the first place, but setting him aside and speaking more abstractly, is that how things work?

  4. #4534
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    Quote Originally Posted by burnmotherfucker! View Post
    And this is the aspect of it that caught my attention. Because then it would seem that people are not only responsible for their own lies and defamatory statements, but would then be responsible for being fooled by someone else's lies and then repeating them.

    Maybe the court already proved that Jones never believed any of this in the first place, but setting him aside and speaking more abstractly, is that how things work?
    He did make that money off of his evil shit though. Fuck him. Sandy Hook was a tear in the universe. He's not going to go hungry. Maybe he won't be living in luxury but who cares? Most of us have to struggle just to live a decent life. & all can be taken away easily just by getting sick for example. This country is a failed experiment, done in by greed.

  5. #4535
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    Not only "fuck Alex jones" but we all know this is going to be settled out or court for like 30 million, right? That dude is not ever going to be in danger of trying to make a living.

  6. #4536
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    So we all agree Kanye should be sued by Jewish people within the entertainment industry for his "death con 3" remarks right?

  7. #4537
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    Quote Originally Posted by burnmotherfucker! View Post
    So we all agree Kanye should be sued by Jewish people within the entertainment industry for his "death con 3" remarks right?
    Since he's in the entertainment business he'll be taken care of other ways without the hassle of going to court. He's already getting cancelled in some ways with more to come. What that guy needs is some help & to stay on his meds. I don't know what his issue is (& none of my business) but some of it reminds me of my dad's second wife who was bipolar. When she was off her meds it was frightening.

  8. #4538
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    Quote Originally Posted by chuckrh View Post
    ...This country is a failed experiment, done in by greed.
    Well, amen to that.

    My wife and I were just discussing the possibility of moving to Tuvalu, if and when I get my little inheritance.

    I guess the main issue would be whether or not we are accepted.

  9. #4539
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    I'm gonna go ahead and say humanity is a failed experiment done in by greed. Not sure things change all that much by location.

  10. #4540
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    @burnmotherfucker! Ye can say whatever he likes, right?

    I mean, he's the greatest artist to ever exist...according to Ye.
    I mean Michelangelo? Mozart? Da Vinci? Shakespeare?

    Shiiiiiiitiit. They didn't make MBDTF!

    Edit: dude you read my mind, regarding humanity in general.
    I THINK Tuvalu is the smallest country in the world.
    They'd probably charge us extra for fish, but, were we accepted, we could catch our own damn fish.

    But there ARE places that are much cheaper than the US, that ARE relatively safe, where we MAYBE could take some bread and live out our sunset years.
    Last edited by elevenism; 10-12-2022 at 09:24 PM.

  11. #4541
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    Quote Originally Posted by burnmotherfucker! View Post
    So we all agree Kanye should be sued by Jewish people within the entertainment industry for his "death con 3" remarks right?
    Nah. He didn't sic his fans on rabbi So-and-So. He's a racist who happens to have mental health issues. Someone needs to keep him away from social media until he gets help.

    Jones will never pay all that money but he is being made an example of. It does give some sort of closure to the parents of Sandy Hook but it may also drive the conspirators underground.

    @elevenism I'm not mad at you, my friend. It may be that you knew of that man before he became an asshole. Maybe he wasn't always like this. People change.

    As for conspiracy theories that turn out to be true: a couple years ago, it was revealed that Robert Ballard was looking for lost nuclear submarines when he discovered the Titanic. Searching for the Titanic was his cover story. He found the subs early and he said to the Navy: " Hey I have a few days left, Imma use your stuff to really look for that ship!" And he found it!

  12. #4542
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    Quote Originally Posted by marodi View Post
    nah. He didn't sic his fans on rabbi so-and-so. He's a racist who happens to have mental health issues. Someone needs to keep him away from social media until he gets help.
    kanye west does not care about jewish people!

  13. #4543
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    Quote Originally Posted by burnmotherfucker! View Post
    kanye west does not care about jewish people!
    Oh man I've got nine different similar phrases in my head now: don't get me started.
    @marodi the Jones I knew in the early '00s...I thought he was a LEFTIST. I quit paying attention to him when he started saying certain things, like over a decade ago. There's a larger conversation to be had, here, about speech, but I remember the last (two) times this happened and I'm staying out of it. I am part of this corner of the internet, and I already know what everyone thinks, so there's no point in having the same bitter argument with beloved e-friends and acquaintances.

    THEREFORE, DO let's pivot to Ye.

    I've been wondering: is this the straw that breaks the back of his public image?

    I mean, Jesus Wept.
    How many "bipolar genius" passes is he gonna get?
    I don't think anyone else in the world could say the antisemitic stuff he said and maintain popularity.

    I've been thinking all day that Kanye is on the verge of being fully deplatformed, if he doesn't come with an apology in a hurry.

  14. #4544
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    jesus fuck.

    i'm sorry, and i know from experience that my opinion of Alex (who spent his formative years a few miles from where i spent my formative years) isn't welcome, here.

    But, here's the thing: alex didn't create those theories.
    He reported on them.
    He also APOLOGIZED for the sandy hook thing YEARS ago.

    He's already been utterly deplatformed. So now, what...we wanna make it so he can't buy food?

    I understand suing him, to make an EXAMPLE, but good lord.
    These numbers are getting kinda high.

    Edit: i'm gonna go out on a limb. fuck it.
    Speech is free, as long as people agree with the majority, i guess.
    And remember: i'm FAR more left wing than 95% of you guys, in my approximation.
    I'm into the Weather Underground, and Carlos the Jackal.
    Hell, my friend and i once participated in xxx xxxxxxxxx that involved gxxs, in the city of xxxxxs, to make a leftist statement.
    not high enough. needs to be enough to send a message to everyone like him that this is not to be encouraged. He released a statement today about how those families will never see that money, and I hope the judges take his foolishness into account when the eventual movement of assets is found.
    Quote Originally Posted by burnmotherfucker! View Post
    Fair enough. I'm not out here saying he was right in his Sandy Hook conspiracy. Obviously, that was bottom of the barrel stupidity. I'm also no legal scholar, so I'm just genuinely asking about this stuff.

    But "free speech is only free as long as it doesn't hurt someone" is pretty vague to me. Did he call for his listeners to commit violence? If so, then yes, that falls outside free speech. And, furthermore, if one of his listener listened to his lies and took him seriously and then decided to go harass those poor parents, isn't it the listener who is committing the crime of harassment in that case?

    Again, I'm new to this case, idk the particulars. I'm not asking if Jones was morally right here, he obviously wasn't. I'm just asking how lying on an entertainment program can be grounds for a billion dollars owed in court.
    because his followers believed his lies and caused the families grief? to the point where several of them have had to move more than once? I know you said you don't know particulars but in this instance you should try to so you know why these numbers are so high and why people are so upset at him.

  15. #4545
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    This is what would happen if the homeless guy yelling at people at my local bus station had a billion dollars and was considered important tomorrow with no steps in between . There no reason Kanye West should have any kind of platform, no reason to care what he has to say or ascribe him any credibility. But he had some clever raps like 20 fucking years ago so here we are.

  16. #4546
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    But are we to be charged a billion dollars for repeating a conspiracy theory?
    Is that freedom?
    Is it worth living in a country where someone can gleefully profit off the pain and suffering of the families of mass shooting victims without consequences? Is that the kind of freedom you want to have?

    Freedom of speech is not freedom of consequences. People have to take responsibility for what they say, especially when it hurts others. Most of us were taught that as kids, so why is that so hard for people to wrap their heads around these days? That said, the best thing Alex Jones can do right now is to eat a bullet. I have zero sympathy for that man after what he's done over the years. It's one thing if you're just ignorant and don't know any better, but to actively lie about something, and continue repeating that lie for profit is truly heinous and despicable.

  17. #4547
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    Alex Jones repeated lies SO awful, he prompted his followers to taunt and harass the parents of the children killed at Sandy Hook. Jones convinced his followers that Sandy Hook was a hoax, that it never happened, no kids died, the parents were actors, etc. He continued to push the lie, for years, with slickly-edited videos.

    Jones’ followers were calling and appearing at the parents’ homes for YEARS, with death threats, threats to DIG UP the children’s graves, piss on the graves, desecrate the graves in various manners. Jones’ followers RELENTLESSLY harassed these parents. These people sent the parents pictures of dead kids. Did the worst shit you can imagine. Their children were shot to death, and then this fucking JACKASS, Alex Jones, decides to drum up this conspiracy theory FOR PROFIT. He’s made MILLIONS off of this.

    Jones is pretty much committing bankruptcy fraud right now so he’ll hopefully go to Federal prison.
    Last edited by allegro; 10-15-2022 at 11:43 AM.

  18. #4548
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    But he was wacky once upon a time in A Scanner Darkly so why bother?


  19. #4549
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    Alex Jones has some kind of disorder and I have no idea what it is, but that guy sucks so much, and it is astounding that he built this media empire where millions of morons got duped by him. Fuck him. He's such human trash.

  20. #4550
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    For those of you trying to pull me back into the AJ thing, I said I wasn't saying another word, twice, I think.
    Reread my previous posts.
    I think my position is fairly clear.
    Hell. Read my posts from when he was deplatformed.
    I'm not fucking doing this, again.
    I LIKE you guys, a LOT.
    99% of the time, our thoughts and opinions are pretty fucking similar.
    But, yes. I believe in free speech, passionately, unless it's a literal, specific threat or call for.violent action.

    I'm. SICK as FUCK,.chronically AND currently, my worse,.one is in the hospital.and may or.may, my dad doesn't have long, and the LAST FUCKING THING in the WORLD.i.wanna anout.the finer points of.whoever the current boogeyman is, with the only to.
    Last edited by elevenism; 10-15-2022 at 01:40 PM.

  21. #4551
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    On to Kanye: idk WHAT the fuck Kanye is doing. But as far as his mental health issues, I'M more mentally ill than he is, in terms of what diagnoses he's shared.

    I've empathized with him a LOT, as I used to be considered schizoeffective, and now it's BP (with psychotic features), severe OCD, GA, Panic Disorder, social anxiety...

    But he's kind of crossing a line, here. See, even with all that? I manage to.not say a bunch of hardcore racist shit.

    "Deathcon 3" on "the jews?"

    ALSO, according to Vice/Motherboard, Kanye said a bunch MORE antisemitic shit, alongside some sheer insanity, and some shit that didn't fit tucker Carlson's agenda, that was edited out of the interview. They have the tapes.

    So. I've thought about this a lot, and I honestly believe that a lot of what he's doing right now is for MONETARY gain.

    He wants to become the official brand of the right.

    He already ALMOST pulled it off once: look at how many of the Jan 6 committee had on Yeezys.

    Shit, I'm scared to wear MY Yeezys, now ��.

    At least, none of these flatlanders know what Yeezys are, and if they did, they probably liked his recent messaging.

  22. #4552
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    Let's watch Alex Jones watch the courtroom (he didn't show up) as the jury award is being read:

    Bankruptcy fraud right here. You can't hide your assets, Alex.
    Last edited by allegro; 10-15-2022 at 02:42 PM.

  23. #4553
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    Victim blaming is no good, but sometimes you sorta got to.

  24. #4554
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    Did you hear about the attack on a power station in North Carolina? It's not the first time it happened. Hell, there was another one that almost happened in Texas until it was broken up.

  25. #4555
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    Yeah, my best friend in SC has neighbors who live both there and next to her. They were driving back to the SC condo because they had NO idea how long they’d be out of power.

    This is interesting that it also happened in California, etc. At first, i thought “who the hell would do THAT?!?” Now it’s making more sense.
    Last edited by allegro; 12-06-2022 at 12:37 PM.

  26. #4556
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    NC sheriff rules out right-wing activist as suspect in power outage after praying with her

    Emily Grace Rainey, a former U.S. Army psychological operations officer, posted about the outages that left nearly 40,000 customers without power, but Moore County sheriff Ronnie Fields told WRAL-TV that he prayed with her and determined her claims were not credible.

    "Yes, we had to go and interview this young lady and have a word of prayer with her, but it turned out to be nothing," Fields said.

    The sheriff asked the public not to post false or unverified claims about the outage, which was caused by gunshots at Duke Energy substations, because he said that took time away from their investigation.
    WTAF is this. It's kind of doing the opposite of what they thought it would do in that now I am even more certain she's part of it and I'm kind of looking at the cops sideways now as well.

    Well, more sideways.

  27. #4557
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    Lol yeah I think the FBI is gonna have to get involved.

    God works in mysterious ways," Rainey posted. "I used the opportunity to tell them about the immoral drag show and the blasphemies screamed by its supporters. God is chastising Moore County. I thanked them for coming and wished them a good night. Thankful for the LEOs service, as always."
    I don’t understand this anti drag shit. Didn’t they watch MASH??

    Last edited by allegro; 12-06-2022 at 12:49 PM.

  28. #4558
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    Lol yeah I think the FBI is gonna have to get involved.

    I don’t understand this anti drag shit. Didn’t they watch MASH??

    Or the beloved Monty Python

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  30. #4560
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    Ok, so after watching this whole railroad issue play out, and also, having my mind get CLOSE to back to...ahem..."normal," I'm 100% on the side of the railroad unions.

    Biden and Mayor Pete need to fix this shit, and it looks to ME like they CAN.

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