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Thread: Random General Headlines

  1. #511
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    Yeah wtf is with this beatification of JP2? This Pope had to clean up a LOT of shit that JP2 covered up.

    When I woke up this morning and saw the news on Twitter, I said "Holy shit" and woke G to tell him. I didn't know that it had been nearly 600 years since this last happened, whoa,
    Benedictus isn't my favourite Pope ever, obviously, but he has indeed tried to clean up some of the mess. I don't know, people seem to get stuck on the 'but he killed communism' stuff, without realizing the hypocrisy of it: this man tried to destroy both Vaticanum II AND liberation theology, two of the most important christian reform movements of the 20th century. And he's the one responsible for the illogical emphasis on sexual morality, something Benedictus has been trying to dial back on. He's done some good stuff, but nothing that makes up for what he did to catholic reform movements. He set us back 200 years, this bloke. But apparently people think he's this nice old guy who liberated Eastern Europe and had tea with Mother Teresa.

    It's an odd move, but I'm glad he did it: after JP's relishing of suffering, I'm glad Ratzinger (always more of a scholar and an intellectual) figured out that him drooling and stumbling through being the head of an administrative behemoth was not a good idea.

  2. #512
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    LOL, people still give a fuck about the pope.

  3. #513
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    Well, I'm a catholic, so yeah.

  4. #514
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    So a nuke was detonated this morning you guys are still talking about the pope?

  5. #515
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fixer808 View Post
    North Korea just got one step closer to being a radioactive wasteland.
    that's the 3rd time they've done it so, maybe. But considering the NUMEROUS nuclear testings that we did here in the U.S., it probably didn't do much.

    Quote Originally Posted by Elke View Post
    Benedictus isn't my favourite Pope ever, obviously, but he has indeed tried to clean up some of the mess. I don't know, people seem to get stuck on the 'but he killed communism' stuff
    I remember the whole Lech Walesa Solidarność thing (I had a cool Lech Walesa in jail shirt) but I don't think we credited the Pope for any of it. Weird.
    Last edited by allegro; 02-12-2013 at 08:02 AM.

  6. #516
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    It's really odd, because for decades he'd been scheming behind the scenes, and then someone figured it out and suddenly it was: OH JP U IZ TEH SAVIOUR OF UZ ALL! Maybe it's a typical European thing, because Eastern Europe was always less of a US concern, as opposed to the USSR itself. Don't know.

    It also shows the deep schizophrenia in the antitheist community: on the one hand every moral statement by the Pope gets scrutinized to within an inch of its life, but the really worrying aspects of papal power are neglected or barely mentioned.
    Another reason why it needs to be a Pope from the developing world: someone with that background might put the emphasis more on brdiging the gap between the North and the South, on the emancipatory message of the Gospel and on ecology. [Again, Benedict tried to smuggle ecology in, but not enough.]

    Though on the other hand I do think the efforts in oecumene should be continued as well.

  7. #517
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    Quote Originally Posted by Deepvoid View Post
    So a nuke was detonated this morning you guys are still talking about the pope?
    And you're adding anything to the discussion how?

    Piss or get off the pot.

  8. #518
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    I was merely making an observation.

    Jesus Christ ... take it easy buddy. Why the attitude?
    Last edited by Deepvoid; 02-12-2013 at 09:42 AM.

  9. #519
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    So I get facepalmed after someone tell me to fuck off for no reason?!

    What the hell did I do wrong? I feel like I'm in the twilight zone. lol

    Anyways ... back on topic. Our own Cardinal Ouellett will likely be named the next Pope. He's the most logical choice and very influential. Won't bring back the Church in Quebec but still nice to have someone from around here being consider for this job.
    Last edited by Deepvoid; 02-12-2013 at 10:04 AM.

  10. #520
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  11. #521
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    Quote Originally Posted by Elke View Post
    It's really odd, because for decades he'd been scheming behind the scenes, and then someone figured it out and suddenly it was: OH JP U IZ TEH SAVIOUR OF UZ ALL! Maybe it's a typical European thing, because Eastern Europe was always less of a US concern, as opposed to the USSR itself. Don't know.

    It also shows the deep schizophrenia in the antitheist community: on the one hand every moral statement by the Pope gets scrutinized to within an inch of its life, but the really worrying aspects of papal power are neglected or barely mentioned.
    Another reason why it needs to be a Pope from the developing world: someone with that background might put the emphasis more on brdiging the gap between the North and the South, on the emancipatory message of the Gospel and on ecology. [Again, Benedict tried to smuggle ecology in, but not enough.]

    Though on the other hand I do think the efforts in oecumene should be continued as well.
    "scrutinized to within an inch of its life"??
    news flash: Most of us nonbelievers simply don't give a fuck about the Pope. Sure, we will laugh when he has a high-profile announcement containing socially archaic ideals. Anyone who is actually scrutinizing this is a very small minority. Your silly religion just isn't that important.

  12. #522
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    Nevertheless, a Pope resigning is still historical news. She was responding to my post, and I think it is an interesting response.

    Quote Originally Posted by Deepvoid View Post
    I was merely making an observation.
    Jesus Christ ... take it easy buddy. Why the attitude?
    She is an Admin on this board. She's doing her job.
    Last edited by allegro; 02-12-2013 at 12:20 PM.

  13. #523
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    That silly religion has more than a billion members.

  14. #524
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    Quote Originally Posted by Elke View Post
    Well, I'm a catholic, so yeah.
    Ahhh, yes, I see. No wonder you're so principled & bitchy about murder for a good cause OHWAITNOTHAT'SFUCKING RETARDED. :P

  15. #525
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    She is an Admin on this board. She's doing her job.
    Let's move on shall we?

    Back to the invisible man in the sky and whatnot.

    Benedict XVI was in a huge sex scandal. He did not punish any bishop (for cover-ups). The Vatican has been laundering money. He promoted Sainthood for Pope Pius XII. Against condom distribution. Icing on the cake, he was a nazi.
    You guys support this?
    Last edited by Deepvoid; 02-12-2013 at 01:56 PM.

  16. #526
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    Quote Originally Posted by Deepvoid View Post
    So her job as an admin is to be rude to other users for no valid reason. Job well done.

    Let's move on shall we?

    Back to the invisible man in the sky.
    Her job as an admin is to keep an eye out on the discussion and keep things on topic. One of my favorite ways to do this as the guy who runs this board is to ask, How does this post contribute to the conversation? Your response indicated that you were making an observation. Now think about how interesting your observation is, in the context of a thread about headlines. Your post is basically a judgment on the other posts here, saying that you believe the nuclear test in DPNK should be discussed more than the resignation about the pope. How about you just... talk about the DPNK test.

    She had a reason for her post, but I do not think she was being rude. You, however, are trivializing other members, and continuing to not really contribute anything of worth to the thread. If you want to complain about the moderation, there's another subforum for that. Go do it there.

  17. #527
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    Quote Originally Posted by Leviathant View Post
    Her job as an admin is to keep an eye out on the discussion and keep things on topic. One of my favorite ways to do this as the guy who runs this board is to ask, How does this post contribute to the conversation? Your response indicated that you were making an observation. Now think about how interesting your observation is, in the context of a thread about headlines. Your post is basically a judgment on the other posts here, saying that you believe the nuclear test in DPNK should be discussed more than the resignation about the pope. How about you just... talk about the DPNK test.

    She had a reason for her post, but I do not think she was being rude. You, however, are trivializing other members, and continuing to not really contribute anything of worth to the thread. If you want to complain about the moderation, there's another subforum for that. Go do it there.
    You were too fast for my edit as I thought it would be more mature to remove my comment about the admin.
    I did contribute with regards to Cardinal Ouellet and my thoughts on his possible nomination.
    And further again on the negative things surrounding the short "career" of Benedict XVI.

    Can we call a truce here or shall we continue to tango?

  18. #528
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    Quote Originally Posted by Deepvoid View Post
    You were too fast for my edit as I thought it would be more mature to remove my comment about the admin.
    I did contribute with regards to Cardinal Ouellet and my thoughts on his possible nomination.
    And further again on the negative things surrounding the short "career" of Benedict XVI.

    Can we call a truce here or shall we continue to tango?
    The post I replied to was "So her job as an admin is to be rude to other users for no valid reason. Job well done." That has nothing to do with the topic.

    Again: If you want to complain about the moderation, there's another subforum for that. Go do it there.

  19. #529
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    Can anyone explained to me how can there be a limbo one day and this dude comes in and says all of a sudden there isn't?
    How does that work?

    And is there a single catholic who truly believes this guy was infallible?

  20. #530
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hazekiah View Post
    Ahhh, yes, I see. No wonder you're so principled & bitchy about murder for a good cause OHWAITNOTHAT'SFUCKING RETARDED. :P

  21. #531
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    what in the fucking fuck. When is it ok to start calling Obama out on his shit? Now?!

    Obama to 'bypass Congress' on CISPA with cybersecurity executive order

    didn't he oppose CISPA last time?

  22. #532
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    So they pretty much torched Dorner alive. Still unconfirmed but all signs point in that direction.

  23. #533
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    ^^Just heard on the radio they believe they've found his body.

  24. #534
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    Obama administration defends $222,000 file-sharing verdict (for 24 songs)

  25. #535
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    The EO for CISPA is pretty sad. If I get this right, in his speech, Obama announced the Executive Order after saying that gun control needs a vote? What do they call that .. irony?

    Edit **

    Obama is far from perfect but then you have the GOP...

    Last edited by Deepvoid; 02-13-2013 at 07:51 AM.

  26. #536
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    Certain species of sea slug found to have "disposable penis."

  27. #537
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    Quote Originally Posted by theruiner View Post
    ^^Just heard on the radio they believe they've found his body.

    Radio transmission from the police.
    "Alright, we're gonna forward with the plan... with the burn. Like we talked about".

    Say what you want but there was no way the LAPD was letting this guy talk in court.
    The fact that they shot at two pickups without questioning the occupants were pretty good indicators they wanted him dead.

  28. #538
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    Your exalted supreme leader's assurance that war is peace and debt is wealth will be preceded by the live broadcasting of your government burning a man alive.

  29. #539
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    Quote Originally Posted by Deepvoid View Post
    The EO for CISPA is pretty sad. If I get this right, in his speech, Obama announced the Executive Order after saying that gun control needs a vote? What do they call that .. irony?

    Edit **

    Obama is far from perfect but then you have the GOP...

    The GOP doesn't justify it. If people would recognize the dichotomy as a false dichotomy we could make some progress.
    The fact that Obama threatened to VETO that thing a few months ago (during election season) is really... REALLY telling. The whole internet was up in arms about it and Obama came off as a good guy. If the everyone decides to ignore it this time around because it goes against Obama... well fuck you all.

    edit: they finally released more info on it. I retract some of my anger. The EO differs from CISPA in that it is only one direction of information sharing (Govt to private) whereas CISPA was bidirectional sharing. The ACLU is actually ok with the contents of the EO. Lame for being an EO though. Obama is still asking senate for more cyber security measures as well.

    As for Rubio... You can clearly see that they put peanut butter on the roof of his mouth to make it look like he can talk. Classic film technique for animals:
    Last edited by DigitalChaos; 02-13-2013 at 04:28 PM.

  30. #540
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    Quote Originally Posted by Deepvoid View Post

    Radio transmission from the police.
    "Alright, we're gonna forward with the plan... with the burn. Like we talked about".

    Say what you want but there was no way the LAPD was letting this guy talk in court.
    The fact that they shot at two pickups without questioning the occupants were pretty good indicators they wanted him dead.
    It's fucked up
    Here is a video from a live broadcast. I guess the cop didn't realize he was next to a reporter.

    "burn it!"
    "do it right now, fucking burn this motherfucker"

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