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  1. #2431
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    We did see this happen in real time when it happened in Paris, and then one of our ETS friend's brother was missing and then I went out to dinner with my husband that night, and my husband and I spent the whole night wondering and worrying about somebody here's brother, only to find out the next day that his brother had in fact been killed by the terrorists among all those others killed at that Eagles of Death Metal show, and I gotta say it was very very real and upsetting when it happens in a community of people you kinda know online. We are a world community, and it is upsetting when it happens anywhere, I think.

    My husband and I, at dinner that night, contemplated our sitting there at dinner just like those innocent people in Paris, except they were gunned down at their dinners. It could happen to us any time, at any place, now. That is our new reality. But living in fear puts them in control, I guess.

    This is really no less horrifying than watching those planes crash into the two World Trade Center buildings, then watching the buildings, each over 110 stories tall, completely collapse, killing over 2,996 and injuring over 6,000.

    Yes, this is our new world reality.
    Last edited by allegro; 06-12-2016 at 05:27 PM.

  2. #2432
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    The commentating over this shooting is by far the worst I've seen. Everyone is trying to push an agenda. It literally took minutes for the right to point fingers here and there. They're doing the exact same thing they blamed the left for doing when lthe Dylan Roof shooting happened.

    The sad thing thing here is the fact that the person who will gain, and hate to use this word, but it's true .. is Donald Trump. He will milk this tragedy like you won't believe it.
    The trumpbots are already saying "told you so".

    The FBI apparently investigated the guy but yet he bought two guy legally couple days ago. Go figure ..
    Last edited by Deepvoid; 06-12-2016 at 04:02 PM.

  3. #2433
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    I have no words for what is going on. I couldn't believe this happened in all places, Orlando. And didn't someone get killed in the same city a few days ago?

  4. #2434
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    I still hang by my words that nothing will be accomplished about this. Everyone will have forgotten in a few weeks time, and it'll just be replaced by yet another mass shooting. 50 people isn't enough for this country to care. Hell, they didn't even give a shit when however many kids died in Sandy Hook.

    So unfortunately yeah, I truly don't think jack shit will happen over this because this Country is trash. $$$ is power over Human Rights.

  5. #2435
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    Quote Originally Posted by Deepvoid View Post
    The FBI apparently investigated the guy but yet he bought two guy legally couple days ago. Go figure ..
    The FBI had no reason to arrest him for anything, and there are currently no gun laws that prevent people from purchasing guns who had been "questioned" by the FBI. Hindsight is always 20/20. The Sept 11th guys hijacked planes using box cutters. It wasn't until it was all done and over that it was discovered that the CIA was alerted about these guys but did nothing, because the CIA never suspected that people would fly planes into skyscrapers.

    Quote Originally Posted by thevoid99 View Post
    I have no words for what is going on. I couldn't believe this happened in all places, Orlando. And didn't someone get killed in the same city a few days ago?
    Nobody suspected San Bernadino, either. ISIS asks their followers to carry out acts of terrorism in places where it will not be expected, during Ramadan.

    “Ramadan, the month of conquest and jihad,” Adnani said. “Get prepared, be ready ... to make it a month of calamity everywhere for the non-believers ... especially for the fighters and supporters of the caliphate in Europe and America.

    “The smallest action you do in their heartland is better and more enduring to us than what you would if you were with us. If one of you hoped to reach the Islamic State, we wish we were in your place to punish the Crusaders day and night.”
    Ramadan 2016 began on June 5 and ends on July 5.
    Last edited by allegro; 06-12-2016 at 04:32 PM.

  6. #2436
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    Quote Originally Posted by richardp View Post
    Hell, they didn't even give a shit when however many kids died in Sandy Hook.
    If there was ever a time when changes needed to be applied or at the very least, attempted, it was after Sandy Hook.
    When all you ended up getting were thoughts and prayers, you just knew that the number of occurrences or the type of shooting wouldn't change jack shit.

  7. #2437
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    The FBI had no reason to arrest him for anything, and there are currently no gun laws that prevent people from purchasing guns who had been "questioned" by the FBI. Hindsight is always 20/20. The Sept 11th guys hijacked planes using box cutters. It wasn't until it was all done and over that it was discovered that the CIA was alerted about these guys but did nothing, because the CIA never suspected that people would fly planes into skyscrapers.
    Furthering my point, that you cannot prevent these attacks, especially when these terrorists have an easy access to guns and ammo. The tools are right there for them to get.
    The truth is, they couldn't pull this kind of attack in every country.

    Our lone wolf terrorist had to use a lever-action hunting rifle because that's what's available here.

  8. #2438
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    Quote Originally Posted by Deepvoid View Post
    Furthering my point, that you cannot prevent these attacks, especially when these terrorists have an easy access to guns and ammo. The tools are right there for them to get.
    The truth is, they couldn't pull this kind of attack in every country.
    France has some of the strongest gun-control laws in the world. Look what happened in Paris.

    No, we can't prevent this anywhere.

    In Canada, they can use homemade easily-made bombs created with legal materials.

    Again: In Sandy Hook, the shooter stole the guns he used; he did not purchase them.

    I am all for the banning of high-capacity weapons and magazines. But that won't stop terrorists.

    The "Boston Bombers" used homemade pressure cooker bombs.

    September 11th, the biggest Islamic terrorist act in history, used airplanes as bombs.

    That's our new reality.
    Last edited by allegro; 06-12-2016 at 04:38 PM.

  9. #2439
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    Quote Originally Posted by Deepvoid View Post
    Furthering my point, that you cannot prevent these attacks, especially when these terrorists have an easy access to guns and ammo. The tools are right there for them to get.
    The truth is, they couldn't pull this kind of attack in every country.

    Our lone wolf terrorist had to use a lever-action hunting rifle because that's what's available here.
    Heh, your lone wolf must have been deprived of those super illegal pressure cookers that we saw in the US.

    Edit: beaten by allegro, and beaten hard.

  10. #2440
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    @allegro of course i remember Paris and khrz's brother, but i didn't WATCH it in real time as i have been since this news broke.
    having it happen to him made it real for me too. This shit brought it close, physically.
    And i was thinking the same thing, about the WTC. This is damn near on par for me.
    I've been telling everyone to watch and wait, that our country will be unrecognizable by 2020 for a long damn time, and secretly hoping i've been wrong.
    If this IS our new reality, eventually the streets WILL be shut down because we will be living in a fucking warzone more or less, except with a shadowy enemy.
    Which is another thing i hate about this-the shadowy enemy. When 9/11 happened and i wasn't sure who was responsible, i had my statue of liberty flipping the bird with the text WE'RE COMING, MOTHERFUCKERS for my computer background.

    I wish i could pull that out now, but coming for who? This guy so far looks to be a lone wolf.
    Last edited by elevenism; 06-12-2016 at 05:26 PM.

  11. #2441
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    @allegro of course i remember Paris and @Khrz 's brother, but i didn't WATCH it in real time as i have been since this news broke.
    having it happen to him made it real for me too. This shit brought it close, physically.
    And i was thinking the same thing, about the WTC. This is damn near on par for me.
    I've been telling everyone to watch and wait, that our country will be unrecognizable by 2020 for a long damn time, and secretly hoping i've been wrong.
    If this IS our new reality, eventually the streets WILL be shut down because we will be living in a fucking warzone more or less, except with a shadowy enemy.
    Which is another thing i hate about this-the shadowy enemy. When 9/11 happened and i wasn't sure who was responsible, i had my statue of liberty flipping the bird with the text WE'RE COMING, MOTHERFUCKERS for my computer background.

    I wish i could pull that out now, but coming for who? This guy so far looks to be a lone wolf.
    You know, though, as has been mentioned by Europeans etc. in this and other threads, we Americans have been really lucky. I was getting my teeth cleaned about 10 years ago and my dental hygienist at the time was a former Brit and she told me she was on the plane with some American guy who had sorta "forgotten" that he had packed a gun in his luggage, and how we are all complaining about all this "security" we have to endure, here, but how the British are so used to it, it's just something they have endured for a really long time, they don't even care about it, but we are like "oops, I forgot I PACKED A GUN IN MY FUCKING CARRY-ON." And how the Brits have endured getting their city completely BOMBED during World Wars I and II, and having to rebuild, and then having I.R.A. bombs in the city all the time, and then subway bombs and all that shit, and we think we have it so "bad" here but we really don't. Sure, we have these stupid occasional mass shootings but even those aren't happening NEARLY as much as the DAILY shootings of children in Chicago. Seriously.

    I was watching "House Hunters International" and this chick in her 20s was looking for an apartment in Tel Aviv and she ticked off her list of "must-haves" ... the typical U.S. must-haves in a condo are "nice kitchen," "open concept," "1.5 baths," etc. HERS? Must have a bomb shelter. SERIOUSLY.
    Last edited by allegro; 06-12-2016 at 04:59 PM.

  12. #2442
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    Did you really have to fucking tag him in your post Tony? Jesus fucking Christ that's insensitive and abusive. I don't think he wants to be tagged every time someone makes a reference to the event his brother was killed in.
    Last edited by DigitalChaos; 06-12-2016 at 05:22 PM.

  13. #2443
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    The FBI had no reason to arrest him for anything

    Someone on Facebook is all "when someone is being investigated by the FBI do we just wait for them to do something evil?" And I'm just bitting my tongue trying to not say "nah, we just nominate them as party presidential candidate."

    That's what a lot of people don't get about that info. The FBI investigated and found nothing they could go with (probably). It doesn't mean the FBI fucked up or that we shouldn't allow people access to weapons simply for being investigated by the FBI. It does mean that basically every "background check or psych evaluation for gun purchase" would do jack shit though.

  14. #2444
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    This is very true @allegro . WW2 bombing comes to mind first for me.

    And good god i want to visit the Holy Land, but i don't want to die in the fucking crossfire.

    I remember hearing about rave parties on an NPR piece years ago, where palestinians and jews came out in harmony together to eat ecstasy and dance.
    I thought this was beautiful, and i also thought "WOW, a party where your life means more because you may lose it tomorrow! A party in the name of unity that might get hit by a stray rocket!"

    In high school, for the newspaper, i interviewed a Kurdish student who had made his way to Texas. And i was pretty clueless at that point. This interview opened my fucking eyes. He and his family had tried to escape Iraq through the mountains in the north, but all of his family had died. And he was missing 3 fingers on his left hand. When i asked him about that, he said "oh, landmine" quite matter of factly.

    Also, have you seen Frontline's Children of Syria? It helped put some things into perspective regarding Daesh and who suffers most from their psychopathic regime.

  15. #2445
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    Quote Originally Posted by DigitalChaos View Post
    Someone on Facebook is all "when someone is being investigated by the FBI do we just wait for them to do something evil?" And I'm just bitting my tongue trying to not say "nah, we just nominate them as party presidential candidate."

    That's what a lot of people don't get about that info. The FBI investigated and found nothing they could go with (probably). It doesn't mean the FBI fucked up or that we shouldn't allow people access to weapons simply for being investigated by the FBI. It does mean that basically every "background check or psych evaluation for gun purchase" would do jack shit though.
    PLEASE say it, and add me, so i can see it

  16. #2446
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    Quote Originally Posted by DigitalChaos View Post
    Did you really have to fucking tag him in your post Tony? Jesus fucking Christ that's insensitive and abusive. I don't think he wants to be tagged every time someone makes a reference to the event his brother was killed in.
    Did you mean me? He talks about it in the N&V thread, his brother's wife just had his brother's baby. I deleted it the tag to appease you, but it isn't like he stopped talking about his brother. That meant a lot to us as a community, he didn't live in a bubble. We were there, in real time.
    Last edited by allegro; 06-12-2016 at 05:35 PM.

  17. #2447
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    Quote Originally Posted by DigitalChaos View Post
    Did you really have to fucking tag him in your post Tony? Jesus fucking Christ that's insensitive and abusive. I don't think he wants to be tagged every time someone makes a reference to the event his brother was killed in.
    and if you meant me
    A. please don't fucking call me Tony.
    B. you are right and it's force of habit. i removed it.

    edit: however, @allegro is right too. The member who must remain anonymous posted about his brother in the past 48 hours or so about his brother in the grief thread.

    edit 2: dude if you think i'm tony, then PLEASE don't add me on facebook. and you are drawing far MORE attention with your snappy remark.
    Do you think he isn't reminded?
    Last edited by elevenism; 06-12-2016 at 05:38 PM.

  18. #2448
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    lol whoops. I swear I saw tony post that. Sorry everyone! I hate ETSing on my phone.

  19. #2449
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    The member who must remained anonymous posted about his brother in the past 48 hours or so about his brother in the grief thread.
    And pics of the baby and stuff. It isn't like he's trying to forget his brother.

  20. #2450
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  21. #2451
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    Yeah, @Sarah K posted that on the last page

    Seems to be more of this Ramadan-related hate crap.

  22. #2452
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    Quote Originally Posted by DigitalChaos View Post
    lol whoops. I swear I saw tony post that. Sorry everyone! I hate ETSing on my phone.
    awesome. so we are back to PLEEEASE say it and direct me to it so i can see the reaction!

  23. #2453
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    Yeah, @Sarah K posted that on the last page

    Seems to be more of this Ramadan-related hate crap.
    is it that @allegro , or could we be looking at a coordinated attack.
    I worked for a Muslim company for 8 years. It was a mom and pop place. i got to ask PLENTY of questions and became friends with a lot of them over the years (i did sales and they owned the joint and ran a valet service and did our inventory.) They were VERY devout.
    And they told me that they thought militant attacks were unlikely to occur during Ramadan.

    edith...the dude wasn;t an Islamic Extremist.

    Well...expect this shit too.

    This country is Doomed, i think.
    Last edited by elevenism; 06-12-2016 at 06:22 PM.

  24. #2454
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    Dude was a registered Dem who voted in the primaries. I'm sure someone will use that.... *sigh*

  25. #2455
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    Chiming in because untagging me doesn't take the notifications out guys !

    Which is really a non-issue. I'm watching the events unfolding in horror, way too familiar with what the victims' families are going through. Of course I'm seeing the parallels, and tagging or not I'm already in those peoples' shoes.
    I appreciate the sentiment @DigitalChaos , I do, but as @allegro pointed out I don't have amnesia. And when such an event happens again before my eyes, I'm already "tagged".
    I'm not commenting on it because the situation is way too complicated, politically speaking, and there are way too many culture-related topics at hand. And on the human side of that, well, there's not much to say really.

  26. #2456
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    All good. I just want to allow you to to opt in to the conversation instead of having people pull you in.

  27. #2457
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    this goes beyond any external solutions... maybe all humans have the capacity for violence... the only real solution is genetic modification of the human species... to remove the "violence instincts/dna"...

    my condolences to the families and friends.

  28. #2458
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    Quote Originally Posted by richardp View Post
    I still hang by my words that nothing will be accomplished about this. Everyone will have forgotten in a few weeks time, and it'll just be replaced by yet another mass shooting. 50 people isn't enough for this country to care. Hell, they didn't even give a shit when however many kids died in Sandy Hook.

    So unfortunately yeah, I truly don't think jack shit will happen over this because this Country is trash. $$$ is power over Human Rights.
    So true. It is your reality now. Doesn't matter how many #prays you will collect on twitter and facebook, doesn't matter how your actual president will phrase his or her devastation. Life will go on until the next shooting happens and so on.

    In a way, it's almost comical how it has absolutely no weight anymore. Stop for a few days, gasp, then just go on. The only people who will "care" about this a week later too will be politicians , because it might be a huge opportunity to support their agenda.

    Quite sad how death became so meaningless. One day a talented, young, happy girl who brought joy to others' lives is murdered in plain sight, on the next day 50 people are massacred. And that's it. We all might as well save a draft, which we can just copy paste every time such a thing happens. Then we can start the same bottomless arguments about muslims, gun control, media, fight vs. terrorism, etc.

    It always reminds me of some of (Yagami) Light's monologues in Death Note. Before the guy turned batshit crazy, he had some spot on insights.

  29. #2459
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    Actually, the worst bit I've seen is the erasure by the straight media in turning this into a 'oh, those terrible Muslims shooting innocent people' story, instead of portraying the truth that this is the biggest homophobic attack in decades. Sit the fuck down.

  30. #2460
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    Sometimes, your rebuttal to some of my arguments makes me wonder if I'm unreasonable in my way of seeing things. Then, I catch the various news here in Quebec and everyone is flabbergasted by the fact that someone on the FBI radar, someone who has been investigated twice by the FBI, has the ability to buy guns like he's buying condoms. I'm reassured.

    I do think allegro said it best. It is your new reality. Something most of us will never fully understand.
    Your system appears broken. Your laws appear flawed. Some of your rights appear unreasonable. You guys can rebut my opinion all you want, it still won't change the way I think.

    I could not have said it better myself.

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