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  1. #2731
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    Quote Originally Posted by DigitalChaos View Post

    this is the best one yet. We are on to straight justification of killing people now.
    That's absolutely not what's being said and you're being downright dishonest. Go pout in your room.

    Putting things in context is never excusing them, and as the main driving force behind the Gun Laws thread you are perfectly aware of that. Don't be childish.

    As an individual I'd gladly shove my thumbs into the eye sockets of Abdeslam, the last member of the squad behind the Bataclan attacks. Still I'm very aware of the circumstances that led those stupid assholes to join Daesh and of the socio-economic context leading them down that path. There is a logical thread behind all this. I can see it and comprehend it. I'm not excusing shit. You can easily guess that I'm not condoning them mowing down a hundred people.
    To go even further, I'm not even condoning me executing anyone in the name of revenge or payback. But hey, look at this, an armed force decided to vaguely target my people and I'm already daydreaming about offing a motherfucker.
    I wonder if someone who has lived this way all his life and is facing a seemingly untouchable overbearing force would actually feelthe same... Or what would happen if they had access to guns.
    Last edited by Khrz; 07-09-2016 at 02:32 PM.

  2. #2732
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    Yes, it sure does.

    The BLM vs ALM differentiation is important in the U.S. not because all lives do not matter but because of appropriation, which is common in our history. A movement starts and then that movement is misunderstood and/or is or appropriated by another slogan or hashtag or movement, (deliberately?) drowning out the original message and movement. In the case of minorities with little-to-no voice, this is especially important when their "black" message (intended to unify the black community against injustice) is brushed off and replaced with "all," thereby neutralizing the threat of their movement. Understand? ALM is to preserve the status quo, to prevent a minority uprising. Of COURSE, all lives matter. But ALM appropriates the BLM slogan and discounts their movement in one fell swoop.

    We will need BlackLivesMatter and AllLivesMatter for a total solution. Each one will solve part of the problem and that's good.

    Consider this: Black Lives Matter is successful and the killing of innocent black people by police finally ends. What about the other races? They may still be being killed. I think the bigger issue is that there's something about police training or procedure or organization that allows the killing of innocent people to go unchecked. Yes black people are targeted more often. MUCH more often. but you see that white people are also killed in large numbers, along with other races being killed as well.

    I'm for Black Lives Matter. This will lead to one part of the solution. But remember that there is another part that we will later have to solve. If we push BlackLivesMatter, targeted black killing is ended and racism against black people is diminished (presumably). If we push AllLivesMatter, all innocent killings by police are ended, but there may still be the issue of racism to deal with.

    We have two issues: racism and unchecked police behavior
    Last edited by cashpiles (closed); 07-09-2016 at 02:27 PM.

  3. #2733
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    Quote Originally Posted by cashpiles View Post
    We will need BlackLivesMatter and AllLivesMatter for a total solution. Each one will solve part of the problem and that's good.

    Consider this: Black Lives Matter is successful and the killing of innocent black people by police finally ends. What about the other races? They may still be being killed. I think the bigger issue is that there's something about police training or procedure or organization that allows the killing of innocent people to go unchecked. Yes black people are targeted more often. MUCH more often. but you see that members of another race are killed in greater numbers (whites).
    Look, you aren't from this country so it's hard for you to understand; the report you quote regarding police killings is deeply flawed and highly inaccurate and does not contain most of the actual data because so many police departments across the country have not even filed any reports in decades. The data you cite is not real, and it's not even relevant. The BLM movement is a movement not only against police brutality, but against racism, ghettoization, substandard education, all kinds of stuff. There is NO SUCH THING as "All Lives Matter." It is not a movement, it does not exist other than to stifle the Black Lives Matter movement. White is not a race that needs to be protected in this country. We have enough representation, rights, etc. We don't need a "movement" to organize ourselves based on race and, if we do, we certainly do not need to appropriate the slogan of a black movement.


    Of course police need better training. But the reality is this: I live in a nice upper-middle class neighborhood. And the cops in my boring neighborhood don't go around brutalizing anybody, the worst that can happen is maybe we get a warning for speeding on Ridge Road. Michael Jordan (former basketball star) was one of the only black people living in my city, and word was he used to speed over 80 mph on a local road and the cops let him do it because HE WAS MICHAEL FUCKING JORDAN. I know a few cops out here and the biggest risk of "burnout" is BOREDOM. But if you are DWB (driving while black) around here, yeah, our police dept got into trouble several years ago for profiling and pulling over minorities for no apparent reason. In another north shore suburb of Chicago, they passed an ordinance that said you could not have anything hanging off of your rearview mirror, which was found to be deliberately discriminatory toward Latinos because they commonly have religious icons like rosaries or crosses hanging from their rearview mirrors so it was a way to profile Latinos and pull them over. Better training (ESPECIALLY REGARDING THE MENTALLY ILL), better community involvement, regular psyche evaluations, etc. is really needed. But this is all SEPARATE from the BLM movement which goes far beyond police brutality, etc.
    Last edited by allegro; 07-09-2016 at 02:38 PM.

  4. #2734
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    Quote Originally Posted by Khrz View Post
    As an individual I'd gladly shove my thumbs into the eye sockets of Abdeslam, the last member of the squad behind the Bataclan attacks. Still I'm very aware of the circumstances that led those stupid assholes to join Daesh and of the socio-economic context leading them down that path. There is a logical thread behind all this. I can see it and comprehend it. I'm not excusing shit. You can easily guess that I'm not condoning them mowing down a hundred people.
    I was thinking the same thing about the Charlie Hebdo shooting. It was terrible and I remember your being very very upset by that but at the same time it was, um, predictable? That's not saying that the staff at Charlie Hebdo "asked for it" but the idiots who did it are so predictable and even satire is not allowed so they were bound to do some shit like that it was a sad outcome of the free press. We always know that there is sometimes a price we pay for our freedom. September 11, same thing. Reverend Wright got all kinds of shit for saying that " " ... "Violence begets violence, hatred begets hatred, and terrorism begets terrorism"

    Quote Originally Posted by Khrz View Post
    I wonder if someone who has lived this way all his life and is facing a seemingly untouchable overbearing force would actually feel the same... Or what would happen if they had access to guns.
    Well, and isn't this kinda like what capital punishment is all about, but on a much grander level? A feeling of satisfaction that the culprit paid an ultimate price? But for what? But I digress ...
    Last edited by allegro; 07-09-2016 at 02:56 PM.

  5. #2735
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    It was terrible and I remember your being very very upset by that but at the same time it was, um, predictable?
    Ahahaha yeah I was, and if I remember correctly you even worded it quite closely to how @icklekitty phrased it, which at the time I interpreted (like many here apparently) as "they were asking for it", indeed.
    Which wasn't what was said, and isn't what's being said here either.

  6. #2736
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    So does anybody else feel like this is the Beginning of the End?

    My next prediction is some sort of awful violence at the RNC protests.

  7. #2737
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    So does anybody else feel like this is the Beginning of the End?.
    No actually, I feel this is the beginning of a revolution, the beginning of much-needed change.

  8. #2738
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    No actually, I feel this is the beginning of a revolution, the beginning of much-needed change.
    + 10000000

    hoping the growing pains are as minimal as possible, but yeah...i am throwing down behind your statement, with agreement and a fuck ton of hope and faith.

  9. #2739
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    I suspect, considering the guy did two Tours, he also had PTSD and this went far beyond what we are seeing at face value. If you look at the videos of him shooting, he was wearing military garb, he was taking military stances, he just snapped.
    Thinking about this shooter, I feel like there are certain similarities between him and Christopher Dorner, that LAPD cop from a few years back who just snapped and started killing people after seeing abuse and racism, reporting it, and then being retaliated against. He wrote stuff like this in his manifesto...

    "This is a necessary evil that I do not enjoy but must partake and complete for substantial change to occur within the LAPD and reclaim my name. The department has not changed since the Rampart and Rodney King days. It has gotten worse. The consent decree should never have been lifted. The only thing that has evolved from the consent decree is those officers involved in the Rampart scandal and Rodney King incidents have since promoted to supervisor, commanders, and command staff, and executive positions."

    Obviously there are a lot of differences between their situations, and a lot of this is just my own personal speculation, but I can't help wondering if these guys came from similar mindsets. They both chose paths where they're putting their lives on the line for the good of their society, and yet every day they are bombarded with evidence that the very society they're trying to protect is hostile to them and their fellow black Americans. I can't imagine the emotional/cognitive dissonance and the feelings of betrayal that this must bring out in a person. I suspect that there are many black cops and black members of the military who struggle with these conflicted feelings.

  10. #2740
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    No actually, I feel this is the beginning of a revolution, the beginning of much-needed change.
    i hope you're right.

  11. #2741
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    This is all kinds of wrong and goes against the implied privacy rights of United States citizens.
    I'm glad that this bill failed to pass.
    Sadly none of this was reported on the news and I only became aware of it today.

    In the wake of recent mass shootings, Monday night the U.S. House of Representatives is scheduled to vote on an expansion of the Patriot Act, which significantly broadened government surveillance powers after 9/11. The proposed bill, H.R. 5606, expands Section 314 of the Patriot Act to cover non-terrorism or money laundering related investigations. Critics claim that the bill is a threat to the privacy of innocent Americans and is being rammed through Congress without debate.
    Here is the article the goes into more detail about the bill.

  12. #2742
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    FBI Closes 45-Year-Old Investigation

    I had heard the name DB Cooper before, but never really knew the backstory. Really a fascinating case when you look at all the potential suspects.

  13. #2743
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    I'm rather partial to this theory

  14. #2744
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    @Khrz more bad stuff happening in France with that truck driving into the crowd on Bastille Day. This is all so depressing.

  15. #2745
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    Eeeey, who's watching the Turkish coup live with me? What a fucking time to be alive! Unreal.

  16. #2746
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    Just read it and hope Erdogan goes to jail. Always hated this a-hole.

  17. #2747
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    What the actually fuck is going on with the year

  18. #2748
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    My mom's in the middle of nowhere with some friends since yesterday. Can't wait to tell her that she missed a neurotic going full-on GTA on Nice's tourists while Erdogan had to Facetime the whole world to confirm he was still president, for realsies.
    There's still time for Britain to detach the island and go sail away from the continent before she gets home.

  19. #2749
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    News coming out of Turkey is unrecognisable to the country i visited 15 years ago.

    I find it revolting the United States and the EU are voicing support for his government.
    He is absolutley loathesome and has brought Turkey to its knees.
    Its a bad situation either way, whatever happens the consequences for EU and Syria will be massive.

  20. #2750
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    Well Germany basically just told Erdogan to go fuck himself preferably somewhere else, so it's not like anyone is actually endorsing him.
    It's just that it would look really bad if the western world told Turkey "fuck democracy, you go boys !". Supporting his government ? Hardly, the diplomatic relations have gone south since he's been in place. From potential member of the EU, Turkey went straight into "friend or foe" status.

  21. #2751
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    Quote Originally Posted by Khrz View Post
    Well Germany basically just told Erdogan to go fuck himself
    Not too sure about that..didnt a German comedian get arrested for insulting Erdogan recently.

    Angela Merkel is trying to bargain with him to resolve the refugee crisis. You cant reason with people like Erdogan, he is sort of like Putin.
    They are both semi dictators.
    They are not democracies.

    Erdogan will only strangle democracy further after this. Massive step backwards.

    The Turkish people will suffer the most..

    could have been a great country and example of how good an arabic democracy can be or to follow, Erdogan will destroy this.
    Last edited by Exocet; 07-16-2016 at 12:06 AM.

  22. #2752
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    Just saw this on Twitter, it's so true:

    Seriously In 20 years time and you're at a pub quiz and a question starts with "in what year" Just answer 2016

  23. #2753
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    Quote Originally Posted by Exocet View Post
    Not too sure about that..didnt a German comedian get arrested for insulting Erdogan recently.

    Angela Merkel is trying to bargain with him to resolve the refugee crisis. You cant reason with people like Erdogan, he is sort of like Putin.
    They are both semi dictators.
    They are not democracies.

    Erdogan will only strangle democracy further after this. Massive step backwards.

    The Turkish people will suffer the most..

    could have been a great country and example of how good an arabic democracy can be or to follow, Erdogan will destroy this.
    Yeah Jan Böhmermann wrote a very bad poem about Erdogan because he was pissed off by a song another political satire show from Germany. Böhmermann wanted to piss Erdogan off and he did.
    As far as I know by now the military failed...sad news...Fuck Erdogan!

  24. #2754
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    Quote Originally Posted by Exocet View Post
    Not too sure about that..didnt a German comedian get arrested for insulting Erdogan recently.

    Angela Merkel is trying to bargain with him to resolve the refugee crisis. You cant reason with people like Erdogan, he is sort of like Putin.
    They are both semi dictators.
    They are not democracies.

    Erdogan will only strangle democracy further after this. Massive step backwards.

    The Turkish people will suffer the most..

    could have been a great country and example of how good an arabic democracy can be or to follow, Erdogan will destroy this.
    Sad to think how far Turkey has come since Ataturk secularised the nation all those years ago

  25. #2755
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    What a great night it was, everyone! Or, to be hip and use fresh, dark memes: it was nice! Dead bodies all over twitter, I could watch a heli gun down a dozen people (wtf are those bullets btw.....), a rocket hitting the top of a building, civilians taking out tanks, tanks taking out civilians, a country being taken over then being taken back, while reading and even talking to some turkish people who were close and fled to their basement (if they had one) online. And now the inevitable discussions begin whether it was a false flag move, or a real coup, but if it was real, did Erdogan or co. knew about it beforehand and let it happen, etc. Very high energy, everyone!

    My favorite quote from another board is someone saying that he should just start making T-shirts with "I survived 2016" on them and become a billionaire. My only real fear though are nukes and nuclear plants. Like, I don't give a damn about Turkey being Turkey, but if someone manages to set off a nuke, then we might just be fucked.

    Anyway, I'm still completely stunned that back in 2001/2 everyone was floored that CNN showed footage of the Iraqian war. You know, like footage of missiles shot from a distance at nighttime and such. And now, ~15 years later, I can watch these stuff online, live, from POV perspective. In a way it's fucked up, in another way, I think without it, many of us could not understand the impacts of such a thing. Yes, the man who just got shredded by big ass helicopter machine gun bullets is indeed dead. Then again, it will always be morally questionable I guess.

  26. #2756
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    Quote Originally Posted by Exocet View Post
    Not too sure about that..
    Of course the didn't literally tell him to go fuck himself... They just denied his claim to political asylum in Germany as the events were unfolding, which diplomatically is the next best thing...

  27. #2757
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dryalex12 View Post
    What the actually fuck is going on with the year
    Quote Originally Posted by Ryan View Post
    Just saw this on Twitter, it's so true:

    Seriously In 20 years time and you're at a pub quiz and a question starts with "in what year" Just answer 2016
    Turkey has a coup almost every decade.

  28. #2758
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    This is just awful, and epidemic. Patriarchy needs to be destroyed.

  29. #2759
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    Ailes is gone from Fox Not News.

  30. #2760
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    Last edited by Your Name Here; 07-25-2016 at 01:12 PM.

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