Quote Originally Posted by botley View Post
That is utter fucking nonsense. What do you think can be stopped faster, a dude running around with a military-style automatic assault rifle or a dude with a bolt-action manual hunting rifle with a magazine he has to reload every ten rounds? What do you think is easier to get in a society that bans the former but allows the latter under sensible legislative control? And if an assailant did use the latter to attack, what would happen? Spoiler alert: they are stopped. Quickly. We know this to be true.
You don't seem to know your own laws or basics of guns. AR-15's aren't banned in Canada, they are restricted (requires more processing work). AR-15's aren't automatic (they are semi auto), nor are they assault weapons, nor are they "military" weapons (they are designed exclusively for civilians). But i get it... it's the scary black guns... There are also quite a few of those guns that are unrestricted in Canada, like the Tavor TAR-21... so I don't know what society you are referring to that has supposedly banned such evil scary devices. But yay for bragging about how your citizens kill eachother with different guns than you hear about in the US news. Guess what, ours use bolt action guns too... it took 90 min for police to stop the shooting of Charles Whitman who hid up in a clock tower with a bolt action rifle. He hit 49 people.