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Thread: Random General Headlines

  1. #2971
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    Quote Originally Posted by Khrz View Post
    Plus, you know... The fact that when something horrible happens in an American school, your first thought isn't "knife"...
    And when something horrible happens in France (or anywhere) your first thought is muslim terrorists.

  2. #2972
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sallos View Post
    And when something horrible happens in France your first thought is muslim terrorists.
    I'm sorry, did I pinch a nerve, or was there a further point in stating the obvious there? Because I fail to see how that contradicts my statement. It actually supports it in that yes, this is the same phenomenon.

  3. #2973
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    Quote Originally Posted by Khrz View Post
    I'm sorry, did I pinch a nerve, or was there a further point in stating the obvious there? Because I fail to see how that contradicts my statement. It actually supports it in that yes, this is the same phenomenon.
    I just find it interesting how, when something like this happens, the left wants it to be a gun violence issue, to push their agenda, same when the right wishes its muslims doing it, and the left wishing it was a white christian male, to push another agenda.

  4. #2974
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sallos View Post
    I just find it interesting how, when something like this happens, the left wants it to be a gun violence issue, to push their agenda, same when the right wishes its muslims doing it, and the left wishing it was a white christian male, to push another agenda.
    You mean that every political and ideological party sees any event through their own particular lens ? Groundbreaking.

    But that wasn't my point. My point is that given the context it was fair to assume that someone had *shot* the school, just like it would be fair to assume that any instance of suicide bombing in France was motivated by salafism. The initial report was of a shooting. With, you know, a gun. Whether politics jumps on the bandwagon comes after the fact, after the initial reporting and let's face it, that's a thing they do.

    That's a thing @DigitalChaos just did, again, ironically, since nobody here went the guns right route initially. The very thing he constantly chastises the left for, jumping on the bodies to plant his flag on it.
    Part of the left goes "should be less guns", part of the right says "they sure wish they had more guns now !". Speaking of France, I remember distinctly the guys on the US right going "see what happens when you restrict guns ?" right after the fact. It's nice to pretend to stand on some sort of moral high ground and to be above and beyond the herded masses. At least make an effort not to be blind on one side.

  5. #2975
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    Quote Originally Posted by Khrz View Post
    That's a thing @DigitalChaos just did, again, ironically, since nobody here went the guns right route initially. The very thing he constantly chastises the left for, jumping on the bodies to plant his flag on it.
    Part of the left goes "should be less guns", part of the right says "they sure wish they had more guns now !". Speaking of France, I remember distinctly the guys on the US right going "see what happens when you restrict guns ?" right after the fact. It's nice to pretend to stand on some sort of moral high ground and to be above and beyond the herded masses. At least make an effort not to be blind on one side.
    I have pointed this out previously. He gets so indignant about the left using these situations to further their stance on guns, but sees no problem when he is doing it time after time. I don't understand that at all. The belief that one side uses these tragedies to advance their goals is false... Both are doing it. Like people will still be bleeding in the hallway, and he will be here hollering about what the left is going to do.

    It would be good for everyone to have some compassion and acknowledge the loss during these situations instead of jumping straight into what it means for their personal politics.

  6. #2976
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    Nope. I think it would be good for EVERYONE to pause and acknowledge that these are real people with real families who are grieving.

    I said that both sides use these tragedies to further their stances, and it is shitty all round. But you specifically always come in yelling about the left doing the exact same thing that you do. Which is very odd.

  7. #2977
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    Quote Originally Posted by DigitalChaos View Post
    Yes yes. Pointing out that the left turns everything into an anti-gun push is *totally* the same as turning it into a pro-gun topic! People should just keep their mouths shut and let the left do it. .. Mmmmk
    And derailing a conversation about a tragedy towards a a pet topic of yours is *exactly * the same as stopping people from turning it into a gun discussion, righto!

  8. #2978
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    Man, you're sure showing the left. I hope all those crooked politicians are reading the forum though, it would be so sad if your brave rebellion was to take place in a vacuum.

  9. #2979
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    The topic of the people who were injured at OSU got derailed. BY YOU. You drifted the thread. You could have put the thread back on track, but you didn't.

    Some people on campus initially panicked and thought it was a shooting; it wasn't, but they still Tweeted misinformation about a shooting; not to intentionally mislead people, but because they were panicked and scared. Some concerned people then Tweeted about too many shootings in this country, based on the information being tweeted from campus. The media put out information based on information coming from campus.

    Despite that, many people were injured by a disturbed person who drove onto campus and stabbed some people.

    We could talk about those injured people, it's sad, then move on, but you already drifted the thread to drumbeat your same old agenda, drifting it off the original topic.

    Donald Trump says that the attacker should not have been in the country in the first place, even though he was a legal permanent resident and a student; ISIS has praised the attack.

    ISIS has praised the attack, according to a self-described news agency for the terrorist organization. The group called Artan a “soldier of the Islamic State” who had “carried out the operation in response to calls to target citizens of international coalition countries.” But ISIS has used that phrasing to describe other violent actors without laying specific claim to the act itself. And so far, investigators say there are no indications that Artan had direct connections to ISIS or al Qaeda. Investigators suspect he was inspired by a mix of terrorist ideologies and that’s what sparked him to act “out of the blue”.

    U.S. Rep. Adam Schiff, a California Democrat who sits on the House Intelligence Committee, issued a statement Tuesday evening saying it appeared Artan had been radicalized online. Schiff stated, however, that there was no evidence yet that he was communicating with radical terror organizations overseas.
    Last edited by allegro; 11-30-2016 at 11:48 AM.

  10. #2980
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    Yeah, oddly enough, Isis has always been rather straightforward whether it comes to claiming responsibility for an attack. I don't think they ever pretended to be behind actions that weren't truly theirs.
    Here they're "only" encouraging that kind of attack.
    I'm a bit confused though, are they saying he was radicalised, or was the reason for this attack completely different?

  11. #2981
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    This essay written by a retarded Professor by the name of James Livingston made me angry:

    so I e-mailed him with this:

    Hello James,

    Your article is a load of shit. Imagine a world where people don't get paid for work. Let's suppose that anything they do, they do because they want to. It's their own desire and free will. I don't think anyone would be entitled to the fruits of these pursuits. They would have to be given out of kindness. So you have some people "producing" more goods of value than they can use - like food from farming. Some of these people choose to share. Some of them don't. Why do some chose not to share? Because some lazy fucks did nothing to help produce these goods. Why should they get any? There has to be some measure of value and a system reciprocity.

    Perhaps in the future when robots produce everything and do all human jobs and provide all human services. When the production system is self-sufficient and self-repairing. then we can be free of "forced" labour.

    Until then, we need to work/provide a service/cheat the system.

    You damn fool.
    James' reply:

    Fuck off, you moron.

    James LivingstonDepartment of History
    Rutgers University-New Brunswick

  12. #2982
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    And that's newsworthy how, exactly?

  13. #2983
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    Quote Originally Posted by Khrz View Post
    And that's newsworthy how, exactly?
    because his essay was in the news. his essay IS the news. my response to his essay is tertiary, usually just like when anyone comments on a news item.
    Last edited by cashpiles (closed); 12-04-2016 at 04:22 AM.

  14. #2984
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    Somehow it feels way more fitting in the "little things that piss you off" thread. That's not exactly a headline...

  15. #2985
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    Damn that warehouse fire which killed at least 36 people in Oakland. ...claimed the life of one of my favourite up and coming musicians.
    The band was a twopiece duo called Them are Us Too. Released an absolutley beautiful album in 2015 called Remain. Shoegazey/Dream Pop band. Were not that famous, not sure how many know of them,...but still. One of the best new groups.


  16. #2986
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    Quote Originally Posted by Exocet View Post

    Damn that warehouse fire which killed at least 36 people in Oakland. ...claimed the life of one of my favourite up and coming musicians.
    The band was a twopiece duo called Them are Us Too. Released an absolutley beautiful album in 2015 called Remain. Shoegazey/Dream Pop band. Were not that famous, not sure how many know of them,...but still. One of the best new groups.

    Crushed by this, Remain was an excellent album. Fuck 2016.

  17. #2987
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    I hope that, as the grief eventually starts to fade, the people who are angry at politicians, etc, in Oakland will learn from this and begin to understand why some things are the way they are in the adult world (meaning the world full of codes, regulations, permits, etc). I say this because I read a couple of quotes from younger people who were basically saying "it's fucked up that we're poor artists and we're being kicked out of Oakland already and now they're telling us we were supposed to have permits for shit?"

    I get it. You're grieving, you're angry, and being told that this could have been prevented (or at least, significantly improved) by playing by the rules gets you mad. But please...rules exist for a reason. Fire codes exist for a reason. From all of the reports I've read, this place sounded like it was guaranteed to end the way it did if something were to happen. And well...something happened.

    Accidents still happen, but they can be reduced in severity by keeping current with safety procedures. When the victims' friends and families who are lashing out finally begin to heal, I really hope that they can not only see that, but maybe use their new insight to help make sure that things like this don't happen again. It's a terrible tragedy, and hopefully we can honor the victims by learning from it.

  18. #2988
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    I just don't even know what the hell to say. This is horrifying. Summoning @allegro to assure me that this doesn't have a chance of standing... Ugh.

  19. #2989
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sarah K View Post


    I just don't even know what the hell to say. This is horrifying. Summoning @allegro to assure me that this doesn't have a chance of standing... Ugh.
    No way. Even a prior conservative SCOTUS ruling said minimum ability to strictly regulate or ban is at viability which is 24 to 28 weeks. Most women don't even know they are pregnant at 6 weeks. Heartbeat doesn't equal viability.

    See Casey (1992):

    (g) No change in Roe's factual underpinning has left its central holding obsolete, and none supports an argument for its overruling. Although subsequent maternal health care advances allow for later abortions safe to the pregnant woman, and post-Roe neonatal care developments have advanced viability to a point somewhat earlier, these facts go only to the scheme of time limits on the realization of competing interests. Thus, any later divergences from the factual premises of Roe have no bearing on the validity of its central holding, that viability marks the earliest point at which the State's interest in fetal life is constitutionally adequate to justify a legislative ban on nontherapeutic abortions. The soundness or unsoundness of that constitutional judgment in no sense turns on when viability occurs. Whenever it may occur, its attainment will continue to serve as the critical fact. Pp. 17-18.
    (c) As with any medical procedure, the State may enact regulations to further the health or safety of a woman seeking an abortion, but may not impose unnecessary health regulations that present a substantial obstacle to a woman seeking an abortion.

    (d) Adoption of the undue burden standard does not disturb Roe's holding that regardless of whether exceptions are made for particular circumstances, a State may not prohibit any woman from making the ultimate decision to terminate her pregnancy before viability.
    In the most recent abortion ruling heard by the current 8-Justice SCOTUS, the decision was 5 to 3 with Justice Kennedy as the swing vote. Even if Trump nominates a Pro-Life Justice (and that Justice is confirmed), the vote would be 5 to 4 in favor of upholding Roe v Wade.
    Last edited by allegro; 12-08-2016 at 03:09 PM.

  20. #2990
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    Things I didn't think I'd read in the news:

    Pope Francis uses scatological term in discussing media, fake news

    Reuters reports the pope also delved into “precise psychological terms” when discussing fake news production and consumption.
    “He said scandal-mongering media risked falling prey to coprophilia, or arousal from excrement, and consumers of these media risked coprophagia, or eating excrement,” Reuters reports.
    I mean, you do you Frankie. I guess that's the fancy Latin way they make it a sin?

  21. #2991
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    Great headline...

    9-Year-Old North Carolina Boy, Says He Was Fat-Shamed By Santa

  22. #2992
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  23. #2993
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swykk View Post
    Wait the guy is a firefighter, still doesn't know how hard it is to fake a fire ? And goes with booby-trapped gas cans ? What the fuck ?

  24. #2994
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    And it's actually pretty difficult to get on with FDNY. And once you actually get on, pay is decent, etc. What a fuck.

  25. #2995
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  26. #2996
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    The thing that worries me most about this repression of information...this sort of censorship...
    Its quite disturbing...coming from the UK i was amazed how scared the Germans were to put any sort of blame towards the migrants.
    it was like Soviet censorship..North Korean censorship...

    I was in Berlin this summer, one thing that worried me, was this sort of denialism, this white washing....shielding people from information...
    There had been a few incidents, a rape murder situation, and a few foiled terror attacks....
    but the German media would not under any circumstance relate it to the was amazing to watch the deflection...

    even now 10 hours later, they wont say it was a terror attack.
    the French press instantly admitted it was a terror attack with Nice...the London soiler who got beheaded was instantly labelled a a terror attack.

    its this weird form of denialism in Germany its a bit creepy, i dont think people realise how bad it is..

  27. #2997
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    Quote Originally Posted by Exocet View Post
    the French press instantly admitted it was a terror attack with Nice...
    Not quite, no. It took a little while to realise it wasn't just the act of a madman. There were a lot of things that didn't quite make sense in the context of a terror attack. The press was actually prudent not getting ahead of themselve.

  28. #2998
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    @reznovka changed your mind yet, bud? Or should you write it off as collateral damage, necessary evil, etc.? Cuz' if you do think so, I'd like to see you explain it to the families of the victims.

    Unreal, people here are not phased, even joking about Germany's dementia, and understandably so, because not only Germany's migrant politic was borderline crazy, we were among the countries who got backhanded the most for not letting people in until someone from the EU proposes a feasible plan.

    People going crazy to prove/disprove that Trump is inadequate, meanwhile we have the biggest clowns here. Not just Germany, it's the utter failure of the EU - which people have been complaining about for years now, but seems like we are waiting for our own 9/11. Can't wait for Brexit going down as a very smart move in history, that's how useless this union is.

  29. #2999
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    Quote Originally Posted by Exocet View Post
    The thing that worries me most about this repression of information...this sort of censorship...
    Its quite disturbing...coming from the UK i was amazed how scared the Germans were to put any sort of blame towards the migrants.
    it was like Soviet censorship..North Korean censorship...

    I was in Berlin this summer, one thing that worried me, was this sort of denialism, this white washing....shielding people from information...
    There had been a few incidents, a rape murder situation, and a few foiled terror attacks....
    but the German media would not under any circumstance relate it to the was amazing to watch the deflection...

    even now 10 hours later, they wont say it was a terror attack.
    the French press instantly admitted it was a terror attack with Nice...the London soiler who got beheaded was instantly labelled a a terror attack.

    its this weird form of denialism in Germany its a bit creepy, i dont think people realise how bad it is..
    Indeed, and then people have the nerve to talk about fake news, and get surprised when the far right increases their numbers. What happened was only a matter of time really, in the last year there were about 4 terrorist attempts in Germany, which the secrets services and polices were able to prevent, but you can't stop them all. Also there was that guy that blew himself up in a festival. Who the fuck lets in 500,000 (or whatever number, i'm willing to bet its much more) undocumented people, alot of which are in their 16-20, without adult supervision, getting checks from the government, they're unemployable, don't speak german, an utterly lost generation. If this is bad now i think it will only get worst.

  30. #3000
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    In this case it's just journalistic integrity, they don't point the finger until the facts are clearly assembled.

    In this case you actually have some excellent means to prove this - firstly there was no ambiguity of language with the assassination of the Russian ambassador, as the killer clearly stated his aims.

    Secondly breitbart was running with the headline "truck ploughs into Christmas market" (or words to that effect, key word being truck rather than terrorist), and they can hardly be accused of being a party to a censorious liberal agenda

    However if you want a hysterical press that jumps to conclusions in order to throw red meat to the crowd, don't worry - the world is turning that way and supply will always cater to demand

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