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Thread: Insane Clown Posse

  1. #1
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    Insane Clown Posse

    Yes, I was the same person that made this thread back in 2005. I really just wanted to get it out of my system for quite a while. I'm also not going to argue about them like I used to, and I was actually always interested in how and why they generated so much hate. I also post in peace. Even Kid Rock and Limp Bizkit don't seem to be nearly hated as much as the Insane Clown Posse. I actually found out about Violent J and Shaggy 2 Dope through their beef with Eminem. At first, I didn't want to give their music a chance, since I just listened to all the bad things that were said about them, and I didn't like how they dissed Eminem.

    However, it didn't take me that long give their music a chance though, and I actually got into quite a lot of it, but go figure since I already like a couple of Kid Rock and Eminem albums. And not that I have any room to talk, considering my other tastes, and especially after making this thread, but I thought it would be interesting to see what ETS thinks of the ICP specifically these days, although I'm sure not much of their reputation has changed since my first attempt at an ICP thread in 2005. Aside from that, I always think threads like these usually get the most jokes and laughs anyway, which I don't mind, since people don't seem to get heated over threads as much as they used to here.

    I also haven't followed them as much as I've used to, but I'm still able to find something to like in their albums and songs in spite of all the loathing, insults, and criticisms they receive. And well, like I said in this thread, I don't think I'd feel right to pretend to hate them anyway. (And well, seeing the hate is what's to be expected, as they happen to be what even they themselves deemed as the most hated band in the world.) Any actual questions about the ICP are welcome too.







    Last edited by Halo Infinity; 10-20-2013 at 07:35 PM.

  2. #2
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    Insane Clown Posse

    I've seen them twice. Both times were free. I laughed a lot. But honestly, the culture the band breeds terrifies me. I knew a few people who went full on "Juggalo" and have absolutely ruined their lives. The "band" is entertaining at times if not taken seriously.

  3. #3
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    In a supermarket near my house there's a whole shelf section full of different types of Faygo.
    I don't think I'd ever actually seen it before. #midwest

  4. #4
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    You've gotta give them credit, they knew how to draw in fans.

    Also, I think Mike E Clark is a great producer. I just wish he'd work with somebody else.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Frozen Beach View Post
    You've gotta give them credit, they knew how to draw in fans.
    They got their first real soapbox to appeal to their audience when they stumbled on that lucky controversy with Disney. They lucked out there... otherwise they'd be playing at church revivals and AA meetings at this point.

  6. #6
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    At one point when I was pretty young, maybe 13, I thought they were hilarious..
    I think I liked the Great Milenko..Or the one with the song "I stab people" the best.

    I grew out of that very quickly. It's kind of shocking that they're still around, to be honest.
    You'd think something so stupid would have lost it's novelty long ago, but nope.. They persist.

  7. #7
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    I really like ICP and have a Hatchet Man tattoo. But I would never act like those stereotypical Juggallo people you see around who shout 'whoop whoop' and all that stuff. I got the tattoo more to honour a friend of mine than to show the world how "down wid da clown" I am. It's fun music though, although The Mighty Death Pop really had nothing new to offer and was pretty boring.

    Any group that can produce Vera Lee deserves a shred of respect. It makes up for Miracles

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    Even if you like ICP, you gotta admit, this is the worst cover ever conceived EVER

  9. #9
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    I can't.
    It's not the band really, it's just the fanbase.

    I mean mother of god.

  10. #10
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    still the most unintentionally funny thing ever:

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Frozen Beach View Post

    Even if you like ICP, you gotta admit, this is the worst cover ever conceived EVER
    What about this cover?

    Last edited by Halo Infinity; 10-19-2013 at 11:00 PM.

  12. #12
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    I have a love/hate relationship with this band. I'm an ironic fan I suppose. I dislike most of their appeal and their aesthetics but find some songs by them funny or well done. The quality obviously declined and kinda got worse as years progressed though.

    Carnival of Carnage has some great tracks. Funny since it doesn't even take itself serious:

    The Riddle Box (probably their best as far as I'm concerned) is also consistent. The Great Milenko is all right, mainly due to the singles. The Amazing Jeckel brothers was the last album from them that was really worth a shit. Ever since 2000 they've gone downhill as their fame rose. Idiotic fans. Truly idiotic.

    Juggalos and Juggalettes really turn me off. They're usually dumb as shit and obsessive to hell and back. They also do everything blindly, such as drink an off brand soda just because the band likes and uses it, what a retarded thing to do.

    P.S. This is the only band with any semi-worthwhile Horrorcore rap outside of my personal fave, The Geto boys.

  13. #13
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    I never like talking about this because everyone and their mother hates this group but all that is really superficial. Most of their material is pretty deep, wether it be Amy's in the attic, Mr, Johnson's head or Vera Lee. No, they aren't high brow but it's because they make it a point not to be pretentious and to just be as relatable as possible. Do I dig everything they have to offer? No. But, if you can tolerate rap and dig honest emotions, and interesting stories, it's pretty good stuff. Sure they do have songs for laughs, most of which i never got into but whatever it was really the production that pulled me in. Mike E Clark is pretty impressive! Even if you hate the lyrics try just listening to the music, stuff like Old Evil Eye, Echo Side, I Found A Body or 12. BTW, no human with any self respect should refer to themselves as a juggalo. That element of whole thing never gelled with me.

  14. #14
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    If you're expecting me to shit on them since all I do is back Pitchforkian artists, there's the door.

    ICP suffer from their fanbase, they're not a great group at all honestly, but the backlash they receive is largely in part to the Juggalos who are the most revered and comical fanbase in all of music (swear to God though, some of the fans on this board now that NIN are touring are making a run at the Juggalos). They've marketed themselves well though since they obviously know it so well. Both gentlemen seem aware and cater to that. In other words, ICP know they're a fucking joke and thrive off that and due to anyone hating them, it only makes them stronger. There's plenty of other groups I hate more than ICP that deserve more hate, ICP are an institution, they're goofy, and they have us right where they want. Honestly, I understand people backing ICP more than that goddamn joke of a Miley Cyrus thread.

    Also, I have a soft spot for this song...

  15. #15
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    It seems there is a sub-sub-sub-sub-sub-culture of ICP fans that just like the music and don't go for any of the stupid image crap? Who knew?

    Wade in GTA 5 was a pretty good caricature of a Jugallo

  16. #16
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    Why does EVERYONE associated with these ass clowns have to wear facepaint?

    "White balding rappers don't look as cool as black balding rappers":

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by GibbonBlack View Post
    It seems there is a sub-sub-sub-sub-sub-culture of ICP fans that just like the music and don't go for any of the stupid image crap? Who knew?
    That's what actually helped me get into their music. I ignored the gimmicks and music videos and just listened to the songs and albums, and it turned out that whatever I liked about the Insane Clown Posse was among the stuff I already liked about Kid Rock and Eminem. It's kind of how I was able to get myself into Marilyn Manson. (I first got into the Insane Clown Posse when I was in my second year of high school, and they were among the first three gimmicky musicians that I got into, right up there with Marilyn Manson and Slipknot.)

    Ignoring the gimmicks and music videos seemed to help when I first checked them out, as I would just dive straight into the songs, and then the albums as my interest increased. As of now, that's my approach to any musicians with gimmicks, or a particular image or vernacular that stands out.

    Joke Ya Mind is sort of like the Miracles of 1993, without the "miracles that weren't actually miracles" part. And for those of you that would dare to give any ICP a chance, I'd highly recommend anything before The Amazing Jeckel Brothers. Carnival of Carnage to The Great Milenko is often the best way to go as a first-time listener that might end up liking or tolerating any of their music. I'm also way overdue in getting their EPs too. ICP is also from what it seems to me, have some of the best songs to listen to whenever I get really angry, or even depressed.

    If you end up liking any of their LPs from the 1990s, their EPs from the 1990s are definitely worth checking out too. Santa's A Fat Bitch, Ninja, and When I Get Out are among some of my most favorite tracks from their EPs.

    Last edited by Halo Infinity; 10-20-2013 at 12:23 PM.

  18. #18
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    I used to like "The Amazing Jeckel brothers", i never took it seriously or anything, it was just a funny-dumb rap album... excluding that i don't care about their latest stuff much... that "Chris Benoit" song was awful!

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kid Charlemagne View Post
    They've marketed themselves well though since they obviously know it so well. Both gentlemen seem aware and cater to that. In other words, ICP know they're a fucking joke and thrive off that and due to anyone hating them, it only makes them stronger. There's plenty of other groups I hate more than ICP that deserve more hate, ICP are an institution, they're goofy, and they have us right where they want.
    Down With The Clown is actually about that very point.

    If you really can't stand to sit through it all, just skip to 1:20 - 2:04 mark of it. That pretty much nails it, and you definitely got that right too.

  20. #20
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    To be fair to them, everyone seems to be saying that ther pre-Jeckyl Brothers stuff is the best....But I really like the Shangri La albums and The Tempest is solid from start to finish

  21. #21
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    @GibbonBlack - These were some of my favorite songs from those albums.

    This one's from the Eye of the Storm EP, but it actually grew on me.

    @Space Suicide - These were also some of my favorite songs from Carnival of Carnage.

    I've also always loved how well they closed their albums too. Taste is one of my most favorite old school ICP songs.

    And well, I just wanted to throw in the song that closed off Bang! Pow! Boom!, which is actually of the same title.

    Last edited by Halo Infinity; 10-22-2013 at 07:21 PM.

  22. #22
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    Eye Of The Storm and The Calm were good EPs. Has anyone listened to Growing Again on a plane? It's pretty awesome

  23. #23
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    @GibbonBlack - I just checked out Growing Again, and there's a little part that sounds like little part of Wax Museum. It's actually been a while since I've collected ICP albums and EPs. My last purchase was actually Bang! Pow! Boom!, but I'd still like to get a jump on more of the EPs and other albums they put out, such as The Tempest and The Mighty Death Pop!. I only have the Tunnel of Love on me as far as EPs go.

    And yeah, I can see how Growing Again would be perfect to listen to on a plane. I also can't believe I passed up on getting any of the Forgotten Freshness compilations as I sort of "forgot" about ICP for a while. (Yeah, me out of all people, but I'd like to eventually get back into the swing of my ICP collecting again.)
    Last edited by Halo Infinity; 10-22-2013 at 10:22 PM.

  24. #24
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    I had a boyfriend who was kind of secretly obsessed with them. I mean, I can enjoy some of their songs for what they are. I even had one of their albums. But the fans who take it all super serious and don't realize that it is a big joke make me sad.

    However, they did lead me to discovering Tech N9ne... So, that's the best thing they've done in my eyes.

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sarah K View Post
    I had a boyfriend who was kind of secretly obsessed with them. I mean, I can enjoy some of their songs for what they are. I even had one of their albums.
    Which one? I'm guessing it was either The Great Milenko or The Amazing Jeckel Brothers. Most people here have seemed to have heard of those albums the most. (Which also makes sense, since ICP peaked at the top of their fame in the late 1990s even though their debut album came out in 1991.)

    Quote Originally Posted by Sarah K View Post
    But the fans who take it all super serious and don't realize that it is a big joke make me sad.
    I didn't realize how seriously lots of Juggalos and Juggalettes took it until I saw more news reports of them, and videos of the way they acted on YouTube. I really had no idea a lot of them acted that way.

    @Kid Charlemagne - I almost forgot to say that you were 100% spot on with the ICP suffering from their fan-base in spite of the success they generated. I inevitably thought of the whole Juggalo thing before, but decided not to get into it in that way, since I don't see the point in acting and looking like Violent J and Shaggy 2 Dope. I also felt the same way about the whole Maggot thing with Slipknot, as I also never really got into fan-base names, even though I still find them interesting.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sarah K View Post
    However, they did lead me to discovering Tech N9ne... So, that's the best thing they've done in my eyes.
    And I think for some, they can also be credited for leading others to discover Esham and Twiztid. (I also doubt Twiztid is hated as much as ICP.) I see what you mean there too.
    Last edited by Halo Infinity; 11-04-2013 at 09:28 PM. Reason: I fucked up my post. =P

  26. #26
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    Can we all agree that being born in 1775 doesn't make you '300 and something'?

  27. #27
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    Oh yeah, that's right. 1999-1775=224

    And being in the Civil War, entering enemy lines with a MAC-10? That shit didn't even exist back then! And what happens after a Juggalo eats Monopoly? He shits out Connect Four!

    I liked how they put in those "bloopers" in other songs. Another gag that was reused was the high-pitched "Fuck off!" gag on both Riddle Box and The Amazing Jeckel Brothers. As a matter of fact, I think Riddle Box, The Great Milenko, and The Amazing Jeckel Brothers were my first introduction to the Insane Clown Posse.

    As for any actual news on a latest release, Forgotten Freshness Volume 5 just came out very late last month.

    Last edited by Halo Infinity; 11-08-2013 at 12:42 AM.

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by _incoma_ View Post
    Most of their material is pretty deep, wether it be Amy's in the attic, Mr, Johnson's head or Vera Lee. No, they aren't high brow but it's because they make it a point not to be pretentious and to just be as relatable as possible. Do I dig everything they have to offer? No. But, if you can tolerate rap and dig honest emotions, and interesting stories, it's pretty good stuff.
    Maaaaaan..... you're making this really hard.

    I can "tolerate rap." Their music isn't deep. And yes, they're pretentious as fuck, they just don't realize how stupid they sound when they try to come across as profound (see the miracles song and their awful justifications for it).

    They are a traveling tent revival act wearing clown makeup to fool crackheads into becoming Christians. They are a bad joke.

    And seriously, honest emotions? COME ON.

  29. #29
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    Seriously, even if I still like them, there's no two ways about that. As a matter of fact, that's one of the reasons of them being disliked/hated that I actually understand the most, because there were even a lot of fans stopped being ICP fans when they found out about that side of them.

    And they knew they were going to lose lots of fans after revealing their beliefs to fans, because Violent J stressed that, "You are with us, or forget us." when The Wraith: Shangri-La was about to come out at the Gathering of the Juggalos seminar in 2002, which had the song Thy Unveiling on it. They admitted to leaving hints though. Miracles in several ways was referring to creationism as well. Miracles wasn't that much of a surprise to me after listening to Thy Unveiling, and I could only imagine how viral Thy Unveiling would've become if it was a music video.

    Oh, and for those of you that haven't heard of it before, this is where the ICP directly admit to being a traveling tent revival act for the very first time on a record.

    Oh, I almost forgot to mention that they have mentioned believing in God and thanked God in the liner notes of their albums ever since their debut in 1991. They didn't seem to hide it in the liner notes, but that's as far as they went to openly admitting their belief in God before 2002.

    -At this point, I thought that I might as well post the seminar they had at the GOTJ 2002. It was also featured on one of their DVDs from The Wraith: Shangri-La.-

    Last edited by Halo Infinity; 11-08-2013 at 02:41 AM.

  30. #30
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    "I want my shit" by ICP has to be one of the funniest songs ever... XD

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