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Thread: Doctor Who

  1. #541
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    Quote Originally Posted by Space Suicide View Post
    No Who in 2016? Lameeeeeeee.
    I'm not hugely surprised, Capaldi had the crap kicked out of him in the last season and needed knee surgery.

  2. #542
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    Quote Originally Posted by DF118 View Post
    I'm not hugely surprised, Capaldi had the crap kicked out of him in the last season and needed knee surgery.
    Did he really? First I've heard about it!

  3. #543
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    Quote Originally Posted by Space Suicide View Post
    Did he really? First I've heard about it!
    Yeah, same injury Matt Smith had, due to running and turning on the spot to face the camera.

  4. #544
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    Okay. Cautiously optimistic about this, assuming Peter is still sticking around. This new guy was a major Torchwood writer for the first two seasons (though I still have yet to actually watch Torchwood). I think Moffat may have realized that he had outdone himself last year in terms of timey-wimey BS, forced happy endings, retcons, Mary-Sues, wasting villains and monsters, and now botching The Doctor's return to Gallifrey by using it as little more than the setup for the grand finale of The Clara Oswald Show despite her already having a perfectly good exit two episodes earlier. At least River became a bit more tolerable than usual in the Christmas special, albeit as a semi-prequel to her first on-screen appearance, before she went through an inverted character development because of timey-wimey shenanigans.

    Shame that we're going to have to wait until the end of the year for the next episode (though they're justifying it by having too much competition around, as competition partially led to s9 having the show's lowest UK ratings since the 80s). At least that gives me just a bit more time to continue catching up on the older episodes and maybe get around to watching at least one Torchwood episode.

    EDIT: Maybe Chris Chibnall could bring back Jack if RTD won't let him bring back Torchwood.
    Last edited by Patrick_Nicholas; 01-22-2016 at 06:07 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Space Suicide View Post
    This should hold us over until Christmas. Not too sure what to make of it, though. I read an article some months back that in which the head writer essentially wanted it to be almost completely original, as in, a show that JUST SO HAPPENS to be set in the school that was only relevant in two stories (25 years apart!) prior to Clara becoming a teacher, with no returning characters besides The Doctor... and that's if we're lucky! Essentially something completely unrelated being shoehorned into the Whoniverse just to get attention. Contrast that to Torchwood and Sarah Jane Adventures, each of which starred a former companion and occasionally featured monsters and characters from their parent show (albeit rarely in the former).

    But it's now said that The Doctor's repeated visits to the school (mostly offscreen) will have an impact on the plot, implying there may be stronger connections than just the setting.

  9. #549
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    I'm not holding my breath for Class. If it's good it's good, but it's almost certainly not going to scratch the itch that Doctor Who does on any level for me. I don't see the point of connecting it to Who anyway, beyond the attempt to grab a built-in fanbase and presenting the illusion that there'll still be a decent amount of Who-related content in 2016 (aside from the usual stream of audios).

    I know that sounds unnecessarily cynical, but that's how I've felt ever since it was announced, and particularly after we were told that there would be no proper Who in 2016 besides the Christmas special.

  10. #550
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    New companion to be announced on Saturday.

  11. #551
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    Quote Originally Posted by Patrick_Nicholas View Post
    New companion to be announced on Saturday.

  12. #552
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    I can't say I'm feeling it, but then again it's just a two minute clip and most of the time it takes me a little bit to get the feel for a companion. I do think it's a cool way to announce it, releasing a whole scene for us to watch, but I don't know what they're doing filming episodes already when there won't be anything new until next year? Or did I miss something? Regardless, goddamn do I love Capaldi as the Doctor. He's so golden and I can only hope we get much more of him for years to come.

  13. #553
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    Capaldi is my favorite Doctor in this series besides the painfully obvious Tennant choice. Though I always liked Eccleston's. I like Smith's lastly but he's still really good and unique to me. I love all 4 of them.

    As for the new companion, she seems alright. Not enough to give a good idea of how she'll behave or act so I'll reserve judgment but I'm intrigued enough.

  14. #554
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    Okay. Is she really not going to know what the Daleks are? Because I'm assuming she's from Earth, which the Daleks invaded multiple times as you know, unless there are still more Cracks In The Universe floating around. I'll try not to dwell on this. But... is it just me, of did the beginning use recycled footage from "Into The Dalek"?

    Not too sure what to make of her, given that all we've seen of her so far is a two-minute promo of her obnoxiously asking stupid questions for the lulz. Hopefully we'll get a three-dimensional character this time, without needing a boyfriend to contribute nothing to the overall arc aside from putting her at odds with The Doctor. And I don't want any more Doctor/Companion romantic tension, either. Ten/Donna proved this is no longer necessary. At least it was (mostly) tolerable in the first half of s8 and throughout s9, with The Doctor trying to steal as many scenes as he could to remind us that this is supposed to be his show, not Clara's; and also because of my crush, the beautiful angel known as Jenna Coleman, taking the role of the (part-time) companion.

  15. #555
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    The impression I got from her outfit and the way talk of 2017 as the future when we know this season comes out then was that she's possibly from the 80's or something, which could be very neat. But who knows. Wouldn't be the first time Moffat chose overly-quirky attempts at humor over continuity.

  16. #556
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    Trailer for Audio Broadcasts with Ten and Donna. Never sene them posted and since they're coming sooner rather than later there you go.

  17. #557
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    My favorite Doctor's debut story is getting an animated release for its 50th anniversary!

  18. #558
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    Awesome. 60's and 70's Who ftw.

  19. #559
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    Christmas Special tonight.

    There's a preview for season 10 out today:

    I loved Clara a lot but this looks really good!

  20. #560
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    It seems they're trying to go for a lighter tone for this season. They seem to be advertising Bill as the comic-relief companion, in contrast to Clara being Ms. Drama Magnet in S8 (somewhat rectified in S9, last three episodes aside). Hopefully they'll bring the Time Lords back to have them actually answer for their crimes in the Time War, beyond simply kicking the President and High Council off the planet about 20 minutes into the last season finale.

    I know I'm asking for a bit too much, but I'd also like to see some other monsters/villains return as legitimate threats again:

    The Cybermen, after "Death In Heaven" (their last big appearance) reduced them to simply cyborg zombies controlled by a magic bracelet; The Sontarans, because their last big appearance as antagonists was in Sarah Jane Adventures (and predated the introduction of comic-relief character Strax) with little more than a comic-relief cameo aside from Strax since then; and, of course, Missy, because Moffat went out of his way to have her kill a comic-relief character to show how vile she is, only for Moffat to pull a u-turn just two episodes later with a bunch of "frenemy" crap (save for her trying to trick The Doctor into killing Clara). I was seriously hoping that Missy would be the one responsible for Clara's end, instead of how it actually went down. Missy is coming back this season, so maybe have her temporarily align with The Doctor against a Time Lord antagonist (possibly Rassilon, given the Drums arc) only for her to turn against The Doctor at least 20 minutes from the end (instead of at the climax, like her last appearance).
    Last edited by Patrick_Nicholas; 12-25-2016 at 11:28 PM. Reason: started saying a phrase, but forgot to delete what I started when deciding to word it better

  21. #561
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    x-mas special was really fun and sweet. i've had a crush on the actor who played grant since forever so it was nice to see him in something where he was great. matt lucas is a great companion and i'm glad he'll be in (at least some of) the upcoming season. also really excited for the upcoming season in general, the new companion looks adorable and hilarious.

    "doctor what?"

  22. #562
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    I also enjoyed the special which is surprising as it had jackshit to do with Christmas and the plot and characters were ridiculous as hell. I hate to say it but I liked the story and thought it was light hearted enough to be one of the better specials in awhile. I'm excited for season 10. I'm hearing something about April 2017 but who knows?

  23. #563
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    Watching the Christmas special. Watchable, not great.

  24. #564
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    Quote Originally Posted by Space Suicide View Post
    Christmas Special tonight.

    There's a preview for season 10 out today:

    I loved Clara a lot but this looks really good!
    Oh god. This looks.....


    The whole trailer gives the season a strong "we want to be a funny, safe, family friendly romp that mom can watch with the kids before bedtime" kind of vibe. I hate that. I like the dark episodes. The episodes that give you nightmares. The episodes that mess with your head a little. This? Ugh. Bill sounds like some little kid who doesn't know anything about anything and asks a ton of annoying questions, and even The Doctor seems like he's trying to be the "cool dad". I really, really hope that the trailer just portrays the season all wrong. Otherwise, I can safely say I'll be skipping a season for the first time since I got hooked seven or eight years ago.

  25. #565
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    And now Peter is leaving the show for real.

    Three seasons seems to be the average lifespan of a Doctor, but I was seriously hoping he'd stick around a bit longer. He seemed like he had just barely gotten started around the time Clara was written out, especially considering that he had just gotten a new Sonic Screwdriver specifically for his era. I hope this isn't a sign that Bill, our first black companion since Martha, will spend her season living in Clara's shadow like Martha herself to Rose. Because I doubt that Moffat would want his last season to get him branded racist in addition to near-constant accusations of sexism (let's not get into that here, please).

    I'm just hoping that Moffat will not fuck up not just his last, but Peter's last season.

  26. #566
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    Spoiler: First episode reveals that the Doctor's companion is openly gay

    I know some people will be over-the-moon-excited about this. Me? I honestly hope it gets treated as "not a big deal," because in real life, it shouldn't be. But I understand that it's a huge change for a 50+ year old show.

  27. #567
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    Quote Originally Posted by theimage13 View Post
    Spoiler: First episode reveals that the Doctor's companion is openly gay

    I know some people will be over-the-moon-excited about this. Me? I honestly hope it gets treated as "not a big deal," because in real life, it shouldn't be. But I understand that it's a huge change for a 50+ year old show.
    i read an article where the actress says it's revealed pretty much right away and not treated as a big deal (which, to me, makes it MORE of a big deal in that it normalizes it, which is EXACTLY what we need to happen). so, yeah, i'm really fucking excited*!

    *i actually cried when i read the article, so...

  28. #568
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    Season 10 premiere tonight....

    New Doctor portrayal revealed

    I'm not super impressed from a distance. I won't judge yet however.

  29. #569
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    Well I really enjoyed The Pilot. It wasn't the best episode, story wise, but it was fun and a little odd, and I really liked Bill from the off. I was a bit wary before - largely because I've never been a fan of Matt Lucas. Presumably he'll play a larger role as the series moves on, but for now his character seems acceptable, I guess. I've been a big Capaldi fan, but I'm not too sad he's leaving. It is a shame that he doesn't seem to have clicked with a large chunk of viewers, but hopefully his run will be viewed reasonably well overall. I'm intrigued about the return of John Simm as The Master. Michelle Gomez has been so hugely enjoyable, so I'm hoping she sticks around for as long as possible. I guess there's no reason why we can't have Missy alongside The Master, but I'm guessing that will lead to something big and scary for The Doctor.

    I'm really surprised about the Kris Marshall rumours though - of all people he just doesn't seem a great choice to me. As far as I can tell though they do remain rumours for now, even if they are reported in traditional media. Personally I'd rather see someone a bit more interesting in the role, although to be honest I wonder if the whole show couldn't do with more of a break - take some time out with no set replacement for Capaldi and start completely afresh in a couple of years. Oh well - whatevs. On the plus side - there seem to be a lot of cool monsters in the trailer, so here's to a solid and scary series ahead.

  30. #570
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    Now THIS is awesome. Old-school Cybermen were way cooler, especially in their original incarnation. Creepy as fuck.

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