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Thread: Doctor Who

  1. #631
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    Quote Originally Posted by marodi View Post
    Are we really not going to talk about "Ruth", fellow Whovians?
    can we talk about how amazing that episode was and how fucking shit last sunday's was? HOW DID WE NOT IMMEDIATELY CONTINUTE THE STORY ESTABLISHED IN THE PREVIOUS EPISODE!?!? i want to know more about ruth, i don't give a shit about a really frustrating concept that tells us "plastic is bad for the planet" because we all know that. i don't want to be one of those assholes on IMDB that complains about a show being "too political" because i'm fine with politics when they're done well, but this was like WE ARE GOING TO HIT YOU OVER THE HEAD REPEATEDLY WITH THIS PLASTIC JUG. blergh.


  2. #632
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    Rant away, my friend. It was one of the worst episode I've ever seen. I couldn't believe my eyes.


  3. #633
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    Listen to the Doctor, people.

    God, I love her.

  4. #634
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    I hated the past season and it convinced me to not watch for season 13. The only positive was the new Master portrayal and that actor (forget name) did a great job in the two parter Spyfall episodes. Though his character took an enormous nosedive in the finale.

    The writing is absolutely dogshit. That's my main problem. The "friends" or "FAM" (cringe) never, ever felt like they gained any confidence or sense of identity with the Doctor in the two seasons they've been with her. They act almost exactly the same and you'd swear the prior episode you watched was their first with the Doctor.

    There is also no subtly in the real world lessons to be learned and the Doctor felt condescending to not just the "Fam" but to the audience watching at home as well. it was extremely off-putting.

    Also fuck that finale. The retcon so the Doctor isn't a time lord shit. Congratulations, you threw away all past regeneration cycles, timeline history AND 60+ years of lore. Piss off. I hate what Chibnall has done to this show.
    Last edited by Space Suicide; 04-09-2020 at 10:09 PM.

  5. #635
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    I dunno, this has just kinda felt like more middle-of-the-road Dr Who to me. No stand-out great episodes, but not horrible either.

    I rate it above Matt Smith's time as the Doctor, but below Capaldi or Tennant. She's doing well.

    I liked the Ruth bit. That was cool. But yeah, the finale didn't do much for me.

  6. #636
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    i have yet to watch the finale. i'm afraid, and so is sarah. is it really that bad?

    also, i am so pissed off that (unless it happens in the finale?) we got no resolution to the ruth mystery. i actually loved​ that, and had no idea it was going to go where it did. so the fact that the next episode was just like "welp, let's just ignore that and do something else, yeah?" really irked me...

  7. #637
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    Quote Originally Posted by Space Suicide View Post
    The retcon so the Doctor isn't a time lord shit. Congratulations, you threw away all past regeneration cycles, timeline history AND 60+ years of lore. Piss off. I hate what Chibnall has done to this show.
    I haven't watched the show for a while but....

    .....say what now? Not a time lord?

  8. #638
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    Quote Originally Posted by GibbonBlack View Post
    I haven't watched the show for a while but....

    .....say what now? Not a time lord?
    Spoiler: The Doctor was an infant of an unnamed race and the Time Lord founder woman rescued the baby and took her to a planet. The planet was that of the Time Lords, still not a created "race" by that point. The rescuer was a Time Lord and the Doctor baby is an unspecified race. The baby was subject to tests after the Time Lord woman discovered the baby could regenerate and change appearances and escape death. The Time Lord woman then managed to splice DNA of the Doctor baby into Time Lord DNA and make it so Time Lords can escape death by regeneration. Some stupid shit like that. It's dogshit, avoid it. It felt like an idiot who just decided to change shit because "why not?"

  9. #639
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    Quote Originally Posted by Space Suicide View Post
    Spoiler: The Doctor was an infant of an unnamed race and the Time Lord founder woman rescued the baby and took her to a planet. The planet was that of the Time Lords, still not a created "race" by that point. The rescuer was a Time Lord and the Doctor baby is an unspecified race. The baby was subject to tests after the Time Lord woman discovered the baby could regenerate and change appearances and escape death. The Time Lord woman then managed to splice DNA of the Doctor baby into Time Lord DNA and make it so Time Lords can escape death by regeneration. Some stupid shit like that. It's dogshit, avoid it. It felt like an idiot who just decided to change shit because "why not?"
    Yup, that sounds stupid

  10. #640
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    Quote Originally Posted by Space Suicide View Post
    Spoiler: The Doctor was an infant of an unnamed race and the Time Lord founder woman rescued the baby and took her to a planet. The planet was that of the Time Lords, still not a created "race" by that point. The rescuer was a Time Lord and the Doctor baby is an unspecified race. The baby was subject to tests after the Time Lord woman discovered the baby could regenerate and change appearances and escape death. The Time Lord woman then managed to splice DNA of the Doctor baby into Time Lord DNA and make it so Time Lords can escape death by regeneration. Some stupid shit like that. It's dogshit, avoid it. It felt like an idiot who just decided to change shit because "why not?"
    What the actual fuck.

    New Who has been bad from almost the beginning. The writing team should be ashamed.

    My father has been a fan since the very first episode with Hartnell, and he now only watches the show out of nostalgia and a lifetime love for the series even though he hates what they're doing. As a result of his dedication to Who, I've been a fan for my entire life. I recognise that Old Who wasn't always great and the special effects are for the most part laughable these days. However, they at least tried to write decent narratives with interesting characters. It was practically all drama, like watching a play.
    The new series (since Eccleston) has been an array of bungling plots filled with holes, two-dimensional characters, flashy visuals, and retcons. Usually a typical episode revolved around the characters being chased by fart monsters or some other such ridiculousness, with the conclusion being The Doctor saying something very fast and then deus ex machina occurring. I stopped watching in the early Tennant days. My line was drawn when he regenerated his entire arm after having it cut off. They turned him into a boring Mary Sue who can do no wrong and is basically God. The sonic screwdriver is the answer to everything. It's tedious. After hearing about this new development, I am so glad I stopped wasting my time with it. Seems it's gotten a LOT worse than that now.
    Last edited by katara; 04-10-2020 at 04:00 PM.

  11. #641
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sesquipedalism View Post
    Wait. You gave up with the first episode of the second season, fifteen years ago? Why in the world do you even care enough at this point to post in a Doctor Who thread?
    Well, because as I said, I've been a fan of the classic series for practically my whole life. Saw a new post in the thread, thought I'd check it out.

    I wasn't really all that clear on when I gave up. I had mentally checked out on S2E1, but continued watching until, I believe, The Idiot Lantern (E7). Wasn't doing anything for me, so I stopped after then. I did catch an episode here and there. The last one I saw was the 50th anniversary with John Hurt, which was fun but did not stand up to scrutiny whatsoever. It's okay as long as your brain is turned off.

    Actually, alarm bells had started to ring for me in episode two of the *first* season, where a flap of skin desperately orders its attendants to "moisturise me!" while Britney Spears' Toxic plays in the background. I don't know, at that point, it isn't really Doctor Who anymore, at least, not the one I grew up with.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sesquipedalism View Post
    So, you're basing this on thirteen episodes of a new production that was attempting to revive a half-dead franchise?
    Yes, and maybe that's unfair. However, almost every time I've tuned in, I've left feeling disappointed or my intelligence insulted. For example, the episode where the TARDIS tows the Earth across space... I don't think I need to explain the absurdity of this.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sesquipedalism View Post
    I promise you, there were some excellent adventures in there.
    That's exactly the point. *Some* excellent adventures. If for every five episodes there was one bad one, I can excuse that. If only one in five episodes lands, it's not a good show, no doubt about it.

    There were a few I liked. One of the better episodes was The Empty Child, which was somewhat let down by yet another case of deus ex machina at the very end.

    I think you've proved my point in your above post when you stated that only one of the last three Doctors had a compelling arc.

  12. #642
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    ok, finished this season. some thoughts:

    Spoiler: i don't get why it's that big of a deal that the doctor was essentially the foundation of the time lords as a regenerative, yeah, there's a mystery as to where she actually came from before she was found by her adoptive mother, but i don't think that's a bad thing. the fact that the time lords themselves weren't originally time lords, just a human-adjacent race native to gallifrey who extracted what they found useful out of this child to make themselves (essentially) immortal and renamed themselves the time lords after discovering the ability to travel through time is 100% consistent with the arrogance and supposed "we know what's best" attitude they've always had on the show.

    sacha dawan as the master has been great and fun, i think graham is a great companion, wish ryan and yas had had more to do in general, though i still like them as characters, and i absolutely adore jodie whitaker as the doctor. i think, for me, she and her episodes are the opposite of the matt smith years. matt smith played the doctor as an immature and arrogant young man who made boner jokes and had not one but TWO companions who were madly in love with him (and he wasn't very clear with his boundaries at all), but there were so many amazing episodes and arcs during his time; jodie plays the doctor with a wonderful sense of curiosity and joy who's doing her best to be the best version of the doctor she can be, but there have been so many shit episodes (so far) during her run. it's frustrating.

    also, i liked capaldi as the doctor, i really liked most of his episodes, and i don't get the hate for him. plus, bill was one of my fav companions ever...

  13. #643
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  14. #644
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    Good riddance for that news reveal. I hope this show goes on hiatus for a few years after that clusterfuck.

  15. #645
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    Does anyone else here listen to the Big Finish audiodramas? I've listened to them all. So good.

  16. #646
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    Word out of England is that the show has their sights on, and is already 'in deep conversations' with their new Doctor.

    They want a fresh, 'Marvel-style' makeover for the show and Hugh Grant is apparently their guy.

  17. #647
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    Old Hugh's looking a bit like that muppet made out of leather from Muppets Go Medieval.

  18. #648
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  19. #649
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    Quote Originally Posted by october_midnight View Post
    He was fantastic in Sex Education. I'm excited to see what direction he'll go in as the doctor.

  20. #650
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    I'm also curious as to what happened with the 'deep talks' with Hugh Grant lol.

  21. #651
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    I still have yet to watch a single episode with Jodie (I've been busy these last few years) but I might give Ncuti a chance even though I've never seen him in anything. As for Hugh Grant, I was very impressed by Twitter getting so worked up over a rumor. One that made everyone forget that he's just too big a name to be afforded for full-time work on a TV budget.

    I'm cautiously optimistic about the RTD2 era. RTD1 wasn't perfect, but I acknowledge that some if not all of my issues with it were necessary to get NuWho off the ground; they also have nothing on some of Moffat's plots and characterizations (and possibly Chibnall's; even though I haven't watched the episodes of his run, I've heard he had some seriously polarizing plot points).
    Last edited by Patrick_Nicholas; 05-12-2022 at 09:11 AM. Reason: Removed unnecessary complaining about plotlines and characterizations given by the NuWho showrunners, especially Moffat

  22. #652
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    Tonight is the last ride of Jodie Whittaker as the Thirteenth Doctor. I'll missed her tremendously.

    Her regeneration scene has been officially released online. I'd suggest not to look for it because the Fourteenth Doctor is not who you expect.

    The "holy shit" factor is at maximum force with this one.

  23. #653
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    Ah, Fourteenth; I kind of miss you already. Or, I will be missing you? That timey wimey stuff is confusing.

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