I just saw Rush: Beyond the Lighted Stage, and, as a closet rush geek, i was SO fucking thrilled to see that someone FINALLY fucking did a documentary about them. It was great to find out that so many contemporary musicians like Les Claypool (though i could have figured that one out from John the Fisherman,) Billy Corgan, Vinne Paul, and yes, even the Treznor...are rush geeks too!

PJ20 was fucking great, and awhile back, someone here turned me on to "Hit So Hard" as "a better documentary about that time period." It was fucking great too, it's about the drummer from Hole.

I loved the GG Allen doc, but i love watching train wrecks and insanity in general.

One i haven't seen mentioned here that WAS on netflix...not sure if it still is...is Levon Harris: Ain't in it for my Health. It's about a member of The Band. I am not overly familiar with The Band, but it was really cool to see how the old man lived his life all the way to the end...smokin' dope and making music.

If you're a Rush fan, the new Clockwork Angels concert movie is pretty fucking good, but be prepared to indulge them: they play damn near ALL of clockwork angels and with a string section. CA is, i guess, some kind of concept album, a fact that was lost on me even though i own it.

I'm sure all of you have seen Closure, but if you haven't, make SURE you watch that shit.

What is "the little wayne doc" you guys are referring to?