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Thread: Pictures of your Pets!! :D

  1. #331
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sister Midnight View Post
    I didn't know where to post this so I thought I would post this here. I have already posted pictures of my two cats and my tarantula. I'm a big supporter of the pot movement and I was at my local dispensary here in Nevada, did you guys know they have pot for your pets?

    First let me state that I love my two cats dearly and there isn't anything I wouldn't do for them, I buy them tons of toys, the expensive Blue Buffalo for cats, cat food they have really cool beds but they sleep on mine all the time, I spend lots of time with them and develop routines because cats respond better to routines. Here comes the funny part, I don't know how I feel about giving my cats pot, first of all, neither one of them have jobs, they lay around the house all day, you have to constantly clean up after them and from time to time they destroy furniture. Not to mention they sleep 23 hours a day if I give them pot they will be comatose all the time.

    The other thing is and serious part is, I make a conscious decision to smoke pot knowing the benefits and the downside to using marijuana but it is me making that decision for myself. My cats trust me that anything I give them that is edible is safe and won't hurt them. I'm not saying pot is not safe, but for a cat? They would have to come to me and say I would really like to try some pot, but since they can't talk they are not getting any.

    I'm not sure about the whole pot for pets thing, if one of them were sick and the CBD could help them with easing pain, or give them an appetite if they weren't eating then I would reconsider it. Pot for recreational use for my cats, I don't think so, they are just going to have live with chasing the red dot on the floor for amusement, chasing the lie. I do it in my life with my job so they can chase the lie as well.
    THC is toxic to both cats and dogs. CBD is not. My Siamese gets CBD oil twice a day for his arthritis and it seems to be helping.

  2. #332
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    look at this gorgeous boy <3 looks like he's floating in space

  3. #333
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  4. #334
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    your pic is broken @theimage13 .

    i wish i wasn't allergic to cats.

  5. #335
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    Quote Originally Posted by kel View Post
    your pic is broken @theimage13.

    i wish i wasn't allergic to cats.
    It's not broken. I'm gone 300 days a year so I can't have pets. Is joke, get it?

  6. #336
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    Quote Originally Posted by kel View Post
    your pic is broken @theimage13 .

    i wish i wasn't allergic to cats.
    i'm allergic but i have them anyway. daily generic zyrtec and washing my hands after petting/snuggling them to make sure i don't get their hair/dander/saliva near my eyes keeps me fine. i have year-round "seasonal" allergies anyway so i can never breathe properly no matter what. my wife gets hives if she snuggles them too much but she barely even cares because when they're affectionate, it's so sweet.

    Quote Originally Posted by theimage13 View Post
    It's not broken. I'm gone 300 days a year so I can't have pets. Is joke, get it?
    that's sad you should have a road squirrel who just chills on your shoulder while you're touring.

  7. #337
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    I wanted to take a shower but someone was already in it. and he doesn't look too happy about being interrupted.
    Last edited by elevenism; 04-01-2021 at 03:17 AM.

  8. #338
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    Should I get a shih tzu or corgi? I have never had a dog before and the only pet I have had was a kitten, but I had to return her because of allergies ;_;

  9. #339
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    I just love this thread.

    It’s been 5 months now since I lost my sweet wolf boy, and I can’t tell you if/when I will think about getting a new furry buddy but I absolutely love seeing all of your animal buds.

  10. #340
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    Quote Originally Posted by IwakuraLain View Post
    Should I get a shih tzu or corgi? I have never had a dog before and the only pet I have had was a kitten, but I had to return her because of allergies ;_;
    That really depends on your lifestyle and money for ongoing costs. Dogs are more costly than cats and vet bills could range from $150-500/year barring any emergencies which could easily cost upwards of $1000. Food will be $15-50/month depending on how gourmet you go.

    If you have never had a dog it is a good idea to "borrow" a friends dog for a week to get a better understanding of the time commitment they need and how it would work with your schedule.

    I wouldn't limit yourself to specific breeds but heres a lowdown on the two you mentioned

    Shih Tzu's are quintessential lapdogs that are happy to hang out in the house all day with their person. Behaviorally they tend to like only one person and will guard them by barking at most noises coming from outside the house and they may bite strangers without warning. They like to be the only pet in the house and usually don't play well with other dogs. They have hair instead of fur which is better for allergy sufferers but requires regular grooming so expect to pay about $50 every 1-2 months for a good clipping and brush out. Their common health issues include dry eye, dental disease and bladder stones. all can get very expensive very quickly. Otherwise they are long lived and usually pretty sturdy little dogs.

    Corgis are herding dogs which means they are smart and high energy, so don't expect to tire them out by just letting them out into the yard (they need a fence or else may roam off). Behaviorally they like to chase and nip at heels if not given the proper outlets for mental and physical stimulation. They can also be very sweet, goofy and social when raised right. Corgis have a thick double coat that will shed moderately all the time and very heavily twice a year. when they "blow their coat" in spring and fall they would benefit from a professional groomer to prevent buildup of dead hair. Their common health issues include arthritis, disk disease from their long back, dental disease and obesity.

    Weigh your options, concerns and don't be afraid to ask lots of questions to breeders, rescues and veterinarians because in the end we all want the animal to be a good fit so it doesn't end up needing to be rehomed due to lack of owner understanding.

    Good luck! --your resident ETS veterinarian
    Last edited by millionmilesaway; 08-29-2018 at 10:31 PM. Reason: formatting

  11. #341
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    Quote Originally Posted by IwakuraLain View Post
    Should I get a shih tzu or corgi? I have never had a dog before and the only pet I have had was a kitten, but I had to return her because of allergies ;_;
    you should get some fucking empathy you asshole. your post in the transgender thread is so full of hatred and vitriol. you don't deserve an animal companion.

  12. #342
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    I present my (approximately) 6 year old German Shepherd rescue, Brock Lee. He's a little guy and had a terrible start to his life. He was abandoned and found near death one morning on a woman's porch in western Kansas. She contacted the German Shepherd Rescue of the Rockies and they took him in. He was severely dehydrated, had multiple open sores/wounds, and was malnourished from being on his own for weeks at least. After a few thousand dollars of medical aid, he was on the mend but Katie, the rescue owner, was forced to board him with another rescue due to a family emergency. While there, he contracted a horrific blood infection and was again near death. He had to have some surgery that had low odds of survival but somehow pulled through. Over the next year and a half, Katie nursed him back to health and he was finally ready to be adopted.

    My wife and I happened to submit our application at just the right time. We were looking at another dog, a female because I've had female GSDs my entire life and have never had a male, and Katie suggested this guy (named Bronco at the time) instead. She brought him over a few days later and it was instant love. He was absolutely adorable and the look of sheer excitement when we took him into our enormous backyard melted my heart.

    He's 65lbs and the sweetest, funniest little guy I've ever met. Our backyard is basically one of the busiest streets in southeast Denver with a bus line running along it. We have 170 linear feet of fence along this street and after a couple weeks of having him (got him October 2015), he made up a game where he sits as close as he can to the north end of the backyard fence and watches through the gaps in slats for the bus to come and when he sees it, starts spinning before finally taking off at full-speed to chase the bus south to the end of the yard where he explodes in furious barks, turns around and runs full speed back to bark at the north end, and then takes one more victory lap back to the southern end. He's since modified this game to include garbage trucks and street sweepers.

    He loves tortilla chips (but who doesn't?)

    Pooped after a long day chasing.

    Me making fun of the adorable way he lays with the fronts of his paws hanging over the stairs.

    Subtly begging (probably for tortilla chips)

  13. #343
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sister Midnight View Post
    I didn't know where to post this so I thought I would post this here. I have already posted pictures of my two cats and my tarantula. I'm a big supporter of the pot movement and I was at my local dispensary here in Nevada, did you guys know they have pot for your pets?

    First let me state that I love my two cats dearly and there isn't anything I wouldn't do for them, I buy them tons of toys, the expensive Blue Buffalo for cats, cat food they have really cool beds but they sleep on mine all the time, I spend lots of time with them and develop routines because cats respond better to routines. Here comes the funny part, I don't know how I feel about giving my cats pot, first of all, neither one of them have jobs, they lay around the house all day, you have to constantly clean up after them and from time to time they destroy furniture. Not to mention they sleep 23 hours a day if I give them pot they will be comatose all the time.

    The other thing is and serious part is, I make a conscious decision to smoke pot knowing the benefits and the downside to using marijuana but it is me making that decision for myself. My cats trust me that anything I give them that is edible is safe and won't hurt them. I'm not saying pot is not safe, but for a cat? They would have to come to me and say I would really like to try some pot, but since they can't talk they are not getting any.

    I'm not sure about the whole pot for pets thing, if one of them were sick and the CBD could help them with easing pain, or give them an appetite if they weren't eating then I would reconsider it. Pot for recreational use for my cats, I don't think so, they are just going to have live with chasing the red dot on the floor for amusement, chasing the lie. I do it in my life with my job so they can chase the lie as well.
    There's a Denver company called Therabis that makes CBD powders for cats for a number of issues. We used it for about a year to help with our GSD's incessant itching and I do believe it helped. It smells...very funky, and he seemed to LOVE the smell and taste of it. However, we've stopped using it since replacing the 46 year old original furnace in our house this March with a brand new furnace + whole-home humidifier because his itching stopped entirely outside of what I would say is a "standard" amount of itching so I can't say for certain HOW effective it is, just that it did have a noticeable impact on lessening the amount he was scratching.

  14. #344
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    @klyrish your dog is adorable and so are you! <3

  15. #345
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    Yeah @klyrish , that's a Fantastic Beast you've got there!

  16. #346
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    @eversonpoe @elevenism thank you both! :-*

  17. #347
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    I share her a lot on the 'Gram, but here's my old lady princess, Charlie! She's around ten years old (unsure of her actual birthday as she was a surrendered rescue at around 2-3 years old back in 2011) and is one of my rocks. Love her goofy face so much.

    A post shared by on

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  18. #348
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lt. Randazzo View Post
    I share her a lot on the 'Gram, but here's my old lady princess, Charlie! She's around ten years old (unsure of her actual birthday as she was a surrendered rescue at around 2-3 years old back in 2011) and is one of my rocks. Love her goofy face so much.
    She's so cute and sweet!

  19. #349
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    Panda is the skipper:

  20. #350
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    Lazy summer days...

  21. #351
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    ^ pictures of yoda always make me giggle. he's such a goofy cutie.

  22. #352
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    Today we had to say goodbye to Nuala...

    She was 16. We adopted her when she was 4, and the last 12 were the best years of my life. She was an absolute angel, and we will never stop loving her.

  23. #353
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    @hellospaceboy Very sorry for your loss.

  24. #354
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    my little girl

  25. #355
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    @hellospaceboy I'm very sorry for your loss. She looked like the bestest dog.

  26. #356
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    My cat, Anunnaki's, first experience of NIN

    And the aftermath of my roommate's prank on our cat, Humbaba.

    Last edited by dedevoce; 09-06-2019 at 08:21 PM.

  27. #357
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    Said goodbye 10 weeks ago today. I miss him SO FUCKING MUCH...

  28. #358
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    The dog (almost 3 years old) somehow managed to shit in the cats litter box. He’s not a fan of bad weather so pooping in that room for him isn’t something new.

    Not sure if se should scold him, or congratulate him lol.

  29. #359
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    This is my friend Gordon

    Last edited by imail724; 12-02-2018 at 10:22 AM.

  30. #360
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    This is Charlie.

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