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Thread: Pictures of your Pets!! :D

  1. #361
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    This is the most feel-good thread on here, love seeing pics of peoples puppers : D

  2. #362
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    Last edited by imail724; 12-05-2018 at 01:05 PM.

  3. #363
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    quickest clickin' i've ever done. oh my god he's so cute (and so are you)

  4. #364
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    i got a dog yesterday, his names cooper

  5. #365
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    We went through some really hard times the end of last year, we lost both of our dogs within a two months span...
    We didn't want to jump into another dog ownership so quickly, but in January one of our friends had a litter of English Bulldog puppies, and we couldn't resist. We love our new baby with all our hearts!!!

    Anyway, Thessaly graduated puppy class today!

  6. #366
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    last friday, my parents brougt home my new little brother, Wesley Crusher (named by my wife). he's so sweet, and so cute, and if he's ever too loud, anyone can just pull a picard

  7. #367
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    Hello I am obsessed with my dog who is my child. She's the most beautiful soul. No idea what I did to deserve her nor what the world did to deserve dogs. Here we are looking in opposite directions and matching my car

  8. #368
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    I've not had a reason to post in here before, so I don't know if this is kosher, so I apologize in advance. My cat, who was just about 18 and has had low-level kidney failure for about two years now, passed away yesterday. Last Friday she just stopped eating very much and by Monday was just not eating at all. Her back legs couldn't keep up with her front ones and she had trouble walking more than two or three steps at a time. So we called a veterinarian who came to our house and put her to sleep. It's probably the hardest thing I've ever had to do, but I'm glad we did it here instead of in the vet office. I wanted to bury her in her favorite spot but my wife said it's an area ripe for demolition since it's right beside the driveway. She was on my lap through the whole thing and it was probably the hardest I've ever fought crying. Once the doctor left we just sat on the couch with her and wailed. Wrapped her in some cloth and laid her to rest in the back yard.

    My son had a concert last night and for some reason we didn't feel like leaving the house. Ordered a pizza and watched a movie. Then we went to Safeway for some ice cream. Just loaded up on the feels food. We shared stories of things she would do, like sneak up on my son while he would be eating dinner on the floor while we watch a movie and make like she just wanted to snuggle but all the while keeping an eye on his food. Or how she would sit on the couch and just sit next to you and push her forehead into your leg or foot or whatever and get so close to you so as to be practically under you. Or the bit about the shower, where you'd be taking a shower and then you'd see this little shadow on the curtain because she would be waiting right there for you to leave.

    I woke up in the middle of the night last night convinced I buried her in the wrong spot, that I did it all wrong.

    She loved sitting on our clothes.

    Or just hanging out.

    And laying on Lego blocks (no shot of that) and these spiky door mats.

    Her favorite spot was in the front yard where she could get the most sun and be with us while we were in the garage or whatever.

    She also yelled at us if we didn't take showers on her schedule. She loved drinking the leftover water for some reason.

    In her favorite spot again, in bloom.

    Go hug your pets. I spent all day yesterday with her on my lap and I wish I could do it again today.

    My wife said that it was probably a good thing that she was a chaperone on a field trip my son went on today, so they could keep each other company and their minds off being sad. Going to be tough tonight.

    Parents, what kind of coping did you use for the kids? He's pretty torn up because she's been his cat since he was born.

  9. #369
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegate View Post
    Parents, what kind of coping did you use for the kids? He's pretty torn up because she's been his cat since he was born.
    Not that I have kids, but I recently had to put my dog down and she was way more then just a pet to me. I'd say something similar to what a few people told me. Tell him it's alright to be upset, it's alright to be sad. Death is the saddest thing about life, but be thankful for how long you had with her. Remember how happy you made her and how happy she was to be a part of your lives. Then tell him you're there if he needs to talk or just a hug. Then be patient it's going to take some time. As for you, I'm sure you did everything perfectly. Pet deaths are brutal and you'll drive yourself mad wondering about what ifs. If you made every choice for her you could out of love, you did everything right.

  10. #370
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegate View Post
    Parents, what kind of coping did you use for the kids? He's pretty torn up because she's been his cat since he was born.
    I didn't want to "Like" a post about a death, but those pictures are precious.

    The previous poster hit it exactly on the head: healthy coping techniques. It sounds like you're already on the right track. Positively memorialize your pet, but not to an, "I wish they were here" extent; that becomes easy to wallow in. Unfortunately, most children learn through the loss of a pet or grandparent the finality/totality of death. I would NOT recommend getting another pet right away unless the whole family is on board. Overall, your child needs you to be as receptive as possible, while remaining as emotionally neutral as possible.

    I wouldn't change a thing so far, buddy.

  11. #371
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    As another child-free person, I can't offer advice there. But I wanted to commend you for being there for your furry friend when the time came. I only lived with a cat once, but technically it was my parents' and I was away on tour when her time was up. I just can't even imagine. I read the book Dewey a few years back and I outright sobbed when they reached the chapter about his last day. (Side note: I cannot recommend this book highly enough to anyone who has cats. Most heartwarming book I have ever read.)

    The primary reason we don't have cats now is logistics ($1200 a year in rent increase, plus not knowing how long we have before we'll have to move again, plus often ending up with an unoccupied apartment). But I will admit that I still grapple with whether I can actually go through with adopting again when we're otherwise ready, because I know what inevitably comes, and I don't know if I'm strong enough to do the right thing. Nothing but love and respect for everyone who has ever had to say goodbye to their four legged friends, and stayed with them to the very, very end. Cry your eyes out; you're still the toughest fuckers out there. Goddamn, I'm getting a little misty just writing about this.

  12. #372
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    Hi @allegate , very sorry for your loss and my condolences extend to your family. I just went through almost the same thing with Pesto, who was the stimky light of my life for ten years and passed away just after he reached age 16. We weren't able to get a home call from the vet but he was a very brave boy and I held him close at the end.

    Pretty shattering, but sharing lovely photos as you have already done and getting loving tributes from those whose lives he touched did help me grieve. It's an ongoing process. I would absolutely echo the suggestion not to dive into getting a 'replacement' pet before you and the whole family are ready. It's not fair to the animal who will sympathetically feel the sadness right away just as they first enter your life.

  13. #373
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    @allegate , I'm so sorry for your loss. I don't have kids but obviously am one and saw (and still see) firsthand what not addressing the grief head on with my mom led to when our German Shepherd Delaney had to be put down in 2001. She had an aneurysm burst in her stomach and...it was awful. Rather than be healthy about it and discuss it with my brother (13) and me (17) at the time, my parents closed off and both mourned deeply, leaving us to mourn on our own. That was hurtful--especially because they didn't let us be there when she was put to sleep despite the fact she was dying in my arms in the backyard before they took her to the vet. It was horribly traumatizing but they only cared about themselves.

    It's been 18 years now and my brother and I have since moved on, but my mom still openly weeps about Delaney if she's brought up because my mom can't/won't move on. You don't need to do it immediately--you need to grieve and everyone does it in their own way, but for the love of everything, don't let the grief and sorrow consume your or your child's lives. It's extremely unhealthy.

    It's natural to be devastated. There's a hole in your life now without your cat in it and it's never quite evident just how impactful pets were until they're gone. It's important to remember all of the wonderful things your pet added to your life and to be thankful for how they impacted you, filling the hole of their loss with all of the happiness they brought to your life, not the sadness of them being gone.

  14. #374
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    Thanks guys, I appreciate the kind words and stories.

    I came home Wednesday and my wife said that she felt the same way I did about the burial spot and had moved her body during the day. Said it was the hardest thing she's ever had to do. We've had some time and it's not as bad, which is good. Spent Saturday picking up trash with my son for Earth Day and we talked about her and what being sad for her is like. Today I get home and my wife showed me a card the vet mailed to us. God, it was like being in the office last Tuesday all over again.

    Little things keep popping up to tear my heart out. Yesterday I made some cream of wheat and went to put some yogurt in. I took the foil off the yogurt and was halfway turned around - and very nearly called out for the cat - when it hit me that I can't do that anymore. I sobbed as quietly as I could in the kitchen. I came in from mowing the grass and I swear I saw her on the couch like she did, sitting in the sun. But no, it was just my eyes playing tricks on my heart.

    We went to the river yesterday to hunt around for a rock that was about her size. We're going to paint it to look like her - ok, my wife the artist is going to, we're going to 'help' - and put it on top of her final stop.

    My wife took a picture of our cat on my lap, probably 15 minutes before the vet showed up. Scrolled past that yesterday, whew.

    Speaking of yesterday - Kind of hard to hide eggs in your yard with a fresh body! So we had to keep the eggs in one area.

    I probably should name the cat, eh? Her name was Rover, so named because A) our other cat at the time was Fido and B) when we picked her up she liked to rove all over the place looking for stuff to get into. Her favorite was to steal your sock and take it behind the television.

  15. #375
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    Hugs to you @allegate . I was weeping last night watching that fucking Mr. Rogers documentary and thinking of Pesto every time I saw him with the Daniel Tiger puppet, and it's already been a few weeks, so I imagine it will be an ongoing thing for you as well. That idea of painting the rock sounds brilliant, though, what a great idea! Nice tribute to a dear friend.

  16. #376
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    this is Gizmo

  17. #377
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    this is Gizmo
    don't feed him after midnight!

  18. #378
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    On July 9, I finally felt that it was more than time that I got a 4 legged friend to love and to take care of. I went to a refuge near me and I adopted this little guy:


    His name is Bristol, he is five years old and he is full of energy and very cuddly.

    But when my brother died a little over two weeks later, I was the only one in my family with the capacity of taking in his cat. So meet my other fur baby:


    His name is Shadow. He is 7 years old. He is a huge kitty; He is not pure bred but he definitely has some Maine Coon in him. My brother's ex had found Shadow for him but he was taken away too early from his cat family and he's missing some socialization. Among other things, he believes that a hand is a toy and boy, does he want to play! But Shadow knows me and I don't have problems with him. And my brother would be so happy to see that I am giving his beloved cat a good home.

    The kids are getting along, most of the time. Bristol gets burst of energy and sometimes decides to jump on Shadow but Shadow gives him a disdainful look and walks away. Life made it so that these two kitties would end up with me and I will give them the best life possible.

  19. #379
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegate View Post
    My wife said that it was probably a good thing that she was a chaperone on a field trip my son went on today, so they could keep each other company and their minds off being sad. Going to be tough tonight.

    Parents, what kind of coping did you use for the kids? He's pretty torn up because she's been his cat since he was born.

    Think about this. You loved her. You still love her. And you can never replace her. But...you know you will love another one eventually, right? Animal lovers are animal lovers and you sound like someone whose life just isn't complete without some hair and drool and poop in his life. (I can relate.) That said, imagine this is two days before you got the cat you just lost. Imagine the cat you and your little boy are hurting over is out there somewhere right now in a cage or kennel or on the street hungry and scared, waiting on you to come and take her home. (Where's my family???)

    The next animal you'll grieve in ten or fifteen years is probably already out there as we speak, waiting on you. It already needs that love you've got lying around after losing her. So GO GET HER OR HIM and take them home.

    There are too many animals that need our love right now for us to be selfish and "take time to grieve." Who's feeding my next best friend while I'm thinkng of how bad I feel? Who's making sure the next creature who will love me unconditionally is warm and safe and has all the medicine and affection they need while I'm focused on my own needs?

    Animals love us no matter what. They get lost, they get hit by cars, they get sick. They get mistreated, they go hungry, they get abandoned, they have litter after litter and those babies get dumped in shelters or on the side of the road because people don't spay and neuter like they should. We fail our pets every single day. But they continue to love us just the same.

    Learn from them. And let them teach your little boy something I wish more people knew. Forget coping with anything. Do what the pet you just lost would do. Just love. Think of a new name. Better yet, let your little boy think of a new name. And then get in the car tomorrow and tell him you're going to find, "Squeaker" or "Riley" or "Mr. Fuzzy Butt" because they need him and you now.

  20. #380
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    Our pupper turned 1 yesterday!

  21. #381
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    This is Neo. We adopted him on Thursday. An early Christmas present for our daughter.

    Last edited by Bachy; 11-09-2019 at 02:07 PM.

  22. #382
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    This is Poptart. His head is soaked due to drinking from the tap...

  23. #383
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    my old photo is gone for some reason... here is a new picture of Gizmo. He is cute.


    Am I doing something wrong? Why isn't that img linking?



    [img]<blockquote class="imgur-embed-pub" lang="en" data-id="U66D0MF"><a href="//imgur.com/U66D0MF"></a></blockquote><script async src="//s.imgur.com/min/embed.js" charset="utf-8"></script>[/img]

    I give up. He's cute. Trust me.
    Last edited by Jinsai; 11-20-2019 at 04:13 PM.

  24. #384
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    OH MY GOD I LOVE HIM! What a goofball!

  25. #385
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    ..and our other cat, Mystique.

  26. #386
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    Not very good at the whole linking instagram thing, but here is my dog's instagram. Yes, he is named after Greg Puciato from Dillinger Escape Plan/The Black Queen.


  27. #387
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    (you might want to turn up the volume a bit)

  28. #388
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    Quote Originally Posted by MrLobster View Post

    (you might want to turn up the volume a bit)
    Heh, Balsalm does that when we cook burgers indoors but he uses his claws to latch on to the bottom fridge grate and drag himself.

    He's just getting ready to turn 7 and already has a cataract forming in his right eye. Happy and as fat as he can be.

  29. #389
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    My dog looks like he's staring down the kids that are standing on his lawn...

  30. #390
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    The light was right, had to take a pic....

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