Quote Originally Posted by Sister Midnight View Post
I didn't know where to post this so I thought I would post this here. I have already posted pictures of my two cats and my tarantula. I'm a big supporter of the pot movement and I was at my local dispensary here in Nevada, did you guys know they have pot for your pets?

First let me state that I love my two cats dearly and there isn't anything I wouldn't do for them, I buy them tons of toys, the expensive Blue Buffalo for cats, cat food they have really cool beds but they sleep on mine all the time, I spend lots of time with them and develop routines because cats respond better to routines. Here comes the funny part, I don't know how I feel about giving my cats pot, first of all, neither one of them have jobs, they lay around the house all day, you have to constantly clean up after them and from time to time they destroy furniture. Not to mention they sleep 23 hours a day if I give them pot they will be comatose all the time.

The other thing is and serious part is, I make a conscious decision to smoke pot knowing the benefits and the downside to using marijuana but it is me making that decision for myself. My cats trust me that anything I give them that is edible is safe and won't hurt them. I'm not saying pot is not safe, but for a cat? They would have to come to me and say I would really like to try some pot, but since they can't talk they are not getting any.

I'm not sure about the whole pot for pets thing, if one of them were sick and the CBD could help them with easing pain, or give them an appetite if they weren't eating then I would reconsider it. Pot for recreational use for my cats, I don't think so, they are just going to have live with chasing the red dot on the floor for amusement, chasing the lie. I do it in my life with my job so they can chase the lie as well.
THC is toxic to both cats and dogs. CBD is not. My Siamese gets CBD oil twice a day for his arthritis and it seems to be helping.