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Thread: The Astrology Thread

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    The Astrology Thread

    I sometimes like to look into astrology for fun and entertainment purposes. I'm a Scorpio and a Wood Ox. This topic can also include all zodiacs, biorhythms, numerology, and tarots.
    Last edited by Halo Infinity; 11-16-2013 at 08:45 PM.

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    I'm a Libra (September 29) and an Earth Dragon.

    One of my weird quirks is always memorising a persons' sign after telling me once and never forgetting. Same story if I look up a musician or celebrity or whatever. I always associate personalities with respective signs, both western and Chinese. Very interesting stuff from that perspective rather than fate and that crap.
    Last edited by Ryan; 03-06-2015 at 02:12 PM.

  4. #4
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    Get more into astrology ETS niggas

  5. #5
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    ETS Pisceans FTW! @theruiner @Lunatica @LEA @Lt. Randazzo @elevenism @me
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    Pisces Metal Monkey.

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    Leo and Leo rising, which I suppose cancels the whole Leo thing because seriously I'm the exact opposite of your basic Leo description. Also Fire Dragon apparently.

    I'm supposed to be the super charismatic leader of a world united under my flamboyant natural leadership by now... Any minute now...

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    Well, I'm glad Pluto is no longer a planet, because it made me a total asshole.

    On the other hand, I am a virgo, capricorn rising. And I'm pretty much as I am "supposed" to be according to those signs.

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    Virgo and apparently a fire rabbit. I sometimes read horoscopes for fun, every once in a while there will be one that is spot on but not enough to make me a believer.

  10. #10
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    Capricorn, Virgo Rising, Moon in Libra

    edit: Oh, and my Mercury is in Capricorn
    Last edited by allegro; 03-09-2015 at 02:10 PM.

  11. #11
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    I did this thing and read my results and was surprised how spot on it was and then just hated the fact that a lot of it is right because uuugh. But hey. It's a good read when you're bored.

  12. #12
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    sweet. let the no's begin...

    (moon in taurus, cancer ascendant...rat in chinese astrology)

  13. #13
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    oh, and btw, numerology is excellent. i am currently playing with chaldean numerology.
    i do read tarot (but you have to have a hard ass if you want a reading, lol), but prefer oracle decks because they are more gentle. tarot takes no prisoners, lol.

    also, if anyone on here has studied sacred geometry, please do pm me. i am not finding the kind of info i am seeking online, or in print, and am somewhat frustrated by it.

    thanks, kris, for another funky thread.

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    I'm a Scorpio, Pisces rising. I'm also a Sheep which means that it's my year. My Native American Zodiac sign is the Snake.

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    My wife is a sheep, @marodi . That's why i call her Sheap!

    I don't think that the day to day predictions work very well.
    But as far as the signs, especially the eastern ones, i have found them to be incredibly useful and stunning in their relevance.

    Astrology offers a rich tapestry of symbols and themes which we can use to interpret and enrich our life experience and deepen our understanding of ourselves and those we love.

    At one point, I had backed away from divination. Years of practicing witchcraft had had a decidedly negative impact on my life. At the gentle suggestion of an AA sponsor, I had renounced my dark, dualistic, willpower centered faith and turned to altruistic monotheism.
    I had begun to worry that evil entities were responsible for the startling accuracy (anyone who has read the tarot for any amount of time will know what i meat by startling accuracy) of the information gleaned from divination.

    But then i discovered Jung's principle of synchronicity, and, hot damn, it turns out that divination ISN'T evil. The idea of meaningful manifestations of an "acausal connecting principle" caused me to reevaluate several divination methods. They aren't "magic," rather, they work because they work. Life is NOT random. It is an expression of a "deeper order." And things like the zodiac give us a wonderful toolkit for delving into the layers and layers of meaning and connection that comprise consciousness and life.
    I'm not going to spend a lot of time in this post trying to convince anyone of this. You are either reading this thread because something "paranormal," astrology in this case, is of interest to you, or you are here to mock those of us who enjoy such things.

    I've had experiences in my life that ABSOLUTELY verify the truth and reality of divination, so for me it isn't a question.

    SO. Aside from astrology and numerology, i've cast and read bones, crystals, runes, used pendulum oracles, even dabbled in palmistry. But over the past few years, there is one divination method that surpasses all others.

    It's called the I Ching, or Book of Changes.

    As far as i know, it's the oldest divination method in existence. (Some people think that tarot card reading is ancient, but this isn't actually true.)
    Although the exact date of it's writing isn't known, generally believed to date from between 2953 and 2838 BCE. This makes it one of the oldest books ever written. And on top of that, many believe that the divination method it uses is from fucking FIVE THOUSAND bc (making it over 7000 years old.)

    ANYWAY...i started using it about six years ago, and it is utterly stunning. If you are into astrology and the like, i HIGHLY suggest you give it a try.
    For instance, we have the reading we did on our wedding day framed. It talks about a maiden being given in marriage and comfort being given to two people through a long partnership, among other insanely appropriate things. And keep in mind, there are 4,096 core readings.

    Here is a website where you can try it online. I like this website because it has an easy-to-understand explanation of the results of the readings, and will even virtually flip coins for you. I have found that the "virtual" coin flipping works just as well as doing it physically.

    Like i said, if you dig astrology or numerology, you will love this shit.
    But allow me to give one warning. For some reason, i have found that the LESS you use the I Ching, the more meaningful it will be. When i first discovered it, i was using it multiple times a day. But now i use it maybe once a season, and it seems to be more profound.

  16. #16
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    @Kris , I used the I Ching for a while, and although I adore the system and find it extremely profound in itself, the oracles themselves... It's a book translated from chinese which makes references to symbols and cultural memes that are more than 3000 years old. Personally, I think meditating on a randomly picked page of a dictionary would be almost as relevant.
    I know, it's great, vague enough to provide great food for thought, but in the end as far as I'm concerned I arrive at the same conclusions if I just sit and think at my situation for a while and explore the risks and possibilities. Maybe you've had real oracles from the book, but it never told me anything I didn't already know, or that I wasn't already able to foresee.
    I love the principle of mutation, and indeed there's no point in second guessing every daily decision, it's better to inquire on a large scope... But in my experience it never amounted to anything more than ritualized planning, by opposition to actually sit at my desk an write down an actual plan...

  17. #17
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    @Khrz , all that (last sentence) is why I pretty much gave up on Tarot or any other divination because the answer always seemed to show me that my intuition knew the answer already. I mean, literally, it gives me cards that tell me "you already know this." So I don't bother. I just use my own powerful intuition.

    Also, I never read the Astrology column in the paper because it's way too generic and meaningless. And it kept telling me things about work ON A SUNDAY.
    Last edited by allegro; 03-27-2015 at 09:14 AM.

  18. #18
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    Well that's why I actually prefer the tarot. No long calculations, no convoluted hermetic aphorisms, only simple, straightforward archetypes. When I need a tool to use as a "soul mirror", something to help me reflect, the tarot is what I grab. Takes a couple of minutes, and might remind me of elements I didn't take into account or forgot were there.
    And again, I'm not discarding actual oracles. Years ago I've had a total stranger take a simple card game out of his pocket and make predictions ten years in the making that were fucking on point, and not in a "you'll meet a girl with brown hair sometime next week" way. But divination tools just never worked that way for me.
    And, about astrology... Well my first post sums it up : The Leo archetype is equally on point and hilariously wrong. I might as well read anything about any other sign and the description would be just as relevant. Maybe you need to go deeper and take every other element into account, but I have no time for such explorations anymore. Don't even get me started about astrology columns

  19. #19
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    But, @Khrz , I tend to do Celtic Cross readings, it's always been my go-to reading (although my App has pushed my interest to a 3-card reading -- past, present, future -- that's just Quick-and-Dirty), and 9 times out of 10 those cards are telling me things I already know. There aren't a hell of a lot of AHA! cards in there. The only AHA! or "oh, really?" cards might be the #8 position (which I was taught is your FAMILY'S take in the situation) or maybe the #2 position, but otherwise unless I'm trying to read a lot of shit into it that I WANT TO HEAR (and even then my intuition knows I'm full of shit), if I read the cards a few days later I'll know I was full of shit and maybe didn't shuffle the cards enough.

    But, you're right, I think Tarot can be a good "soul mirror" when maybe you're having trouble connecting to your intuition or not listening to what it's telling you.

    For instance, we were having problems with this neighbor and this HORRIBLE FLOOD LIGHT that he installed that was so bright and shone into our bedroom windows that we had to buy and install BLACKOUT BLINDS. We asked him to please dim the light or turn it downward, but he said "close your blinds." He's only lived here 3 years and is a psycho asshole. So I went to the City and we found out that his light is actually illegal. So 3 court hearings and a $1,000 FINE for him later, and he's more pissed and still didn't remove his light.

    So I kept asking the Cards, will this situation work out? And I wasn't getting answers other than Justice is Slow and shit like that. Or Justice works out but be careful what you ask for, which kind of scared me.

    So, sure enough, the City finally got him to turn that light off, but now the City is fighting with THE NEIGHBOR NEXT TO HIM whose lights are WORSE. So, it's nothing but a bunch of mean neighbors and the "solution" (Justice?) is probably buying 5 acres in western South Dakota. Which, of course, I already knew. I *wanted* it to all work out, I *wanted* the neighbors to be nice, I *wanted* the City to fix the problems, but ultimately the only real solution is to hide in my darkened house at night or move to the Prairie with 5 acres full of trees.

    Or, WAIT, and let Justice do its thing, which could take a long time.

    The City bought a light meter to get a reading on how bright the New Mr. Mean Man's lights are so they will have new ammo against him. We shall see.

    But, the cards were right, I guess. "Justice" did occur against Mr. Mean Man, his light is gone, it just took a while (2 years). And now the City is going against the New Mr. Mean Man, so I just have to let Justice run its course and leave it alone, let it go. I can't control it; I can babysit it, make sure the City doesn't forget it, but that's all I can do. I don't ask the cards, anymore.

    (Now, I just plan various landscape designs that include fast-growing evergreens.)
    Last edited by allegro; 03-27-2015 at 05:47 PM.

  20. #20
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    No, I totally get that @allegro , that's also how I read them usually, unless I want a quick glimpse and do a 3 card one. I also only use the major arcanas, still haven't got the courage to do finer tuning with the minors. I also follow Jodorowsky's kind of reading on a Marseille deck, no reversed cards, no negative reading, everything's objective.
    And I never got any AHA moments, but then again that's not how or why I use it. I use it as a strategy map, a way to get a bird's eye view on a situation. I know already how the landscape looks like, but it's a fine tool to recapitulate and sum up what my objectives are and what I can expect from my actions.
    The problem I have with divination, and that's entirely personnal, is that I'm extremely wary of self-programmation. That's also why I don't do negative or positive readings, as I believe it would be too easy for me to doom or fool myself into self-fulfilling prophecies.

  21. #21
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    @Khrz , Ooooohhhh, you ONLY use the Major Arcana? See, I use the Major and the Minor AND I use reverse cards. It's a lot more tedious, sure, but I think it gives a much fairer and realistic window into your head, heh.

    Quote Originally Posted by Khrz View Post
    The problem I have with divination, and that's entirely personnal, is that I'm extremely wary of self-programmation. That's also why I don't do negative or positive readings, as I believe it would be too easy for me to doom or fool myself into self-fulfilling prophecies.
    Exactly. I think Tarot is good for checking yourself when maybe you're thinking too much with your heart and not your head, or when your intuition is really strong but you're not using it, or when maybe you're surrounded by a bunch of shady people but you're not seeing it. If the reading looks way too negative (or way too positive), I re-shuffle. I don't pay attention to overly negative or overly positive readings. Unless there's something there I think needs to be addressed, or something comes up again and again. Usually, negative readings are there to tell you something in a positive way, is the way I was always taught. I mean, in a way that encourages change. You know from experience that it all means something in relation to the other cards, as a whole.
    Last edited by allegro; 03-27-2015 at 11:27 AM.

  22. #22
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    sun sign astrology is pretty generic, but dark star astrology offers sun signs by the decan and that, for me at least, was pretty bang on...
    i agree, allegro, about the fact that any divination is kinda pointless if you simply listen to your intuition...but for those who are uncomfortable with validating their intuition, the divination systems are useful.
    when i was in university i went on a pagan/wiccan study marathon. i had my dad make me an altar, i bought all the flaming accessories, set it up...lit the candles and sat back and realized "oh. the altar is in my heart/head/soul, these tangibles are unnecessary". it was quite a realization. but...the tangibles can help you reach a mindset sometimes, and quite frankly they can be fun. lol.
    i recently took a class in intro to journeying, and it was sort of the same as the altar experience in that you realize that the base of the exercise is intuition and that the how of accessing information is secondary to the actual accessing. most people were having amazing and vivid full sensory experiences and i would get literal symbols or colours or single flashes of info...and it was hard to accept that journeying, for me, was going to be pretty much the same as how i always received information (via intuition), but that the process was mindful instead of random and sporadic.
    lol, i cried actually. i had been hell bent on having 3D disney ultra rad visions, and it was kinda bitter (in a very immature way, lol) to find that was not going to be the case and that, for me, it wasn't necessary. i was told, in essence, that wanting doesn't always get filled but need does. oh i was pissed. but i am over it now and enjoying the mindful seeking of info rather than what i used to call "arrows from the dark". they are the same in the end.
    oh how i love that you folk are here to talk to about this stuff. thanks.

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    @Lew, that's why I love the philosophy of Chaos magick. I can pray to Mickey Mouse if I want, make it an archetype of humble bravery, and project my will towards my goal, it doesn't fucking matter, it's all cosmetic, dressing made to realize abstract concepts. If there are actual entities responding to those archetypes, I doubt they are any closer to Appolo or Isis than they are to Daffy Duck anyway. What matters is how you dedicate yourself to your objective and what you learn in the journey.
    @allegro : That's fundamentally what Jodo says : negative readings are a bias, situations are fundamentally objective and negative outcomes are richer than positive ones, every situation has something to teach you, if you're ready to accept what comes. Yeah I know, major arcanas are a really rough, vague way to read. Might as well flip a coin I just got tired of browsing my book every time I put a 7 of coins on the table

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    Quote Originally Posted by Khrz View Post
    I just got tired of browsing my book every time I put a 7 of coins on the table
    Then use a helper (like an app or a web site) until you get better at reading or just use the helpers forever like I do, who the fuck can memorize ALL THOSE CARDS, both upright and reverse, unless they do it for a fucking living??!!

    I have a bunch of books and there are certain ones I like better than others, but I still end up back at a web site because it's way easier and more comprehensive. Again, though, I haven't done it in a long time (other than my app) (edit: I have this one on my iPad) because I'm lazy and I know that I know the answer.

    Quote Originally Posted by Khrz View Post
    every situation has something to teach you, if you're ready to accept what comes
    Isn't that the whole story of the Tarot? The Fool's Journey?
    Last edited by allegro; 03-27-2015 at 05:19 PM.

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    Isn't that the whole story of the Tarot? The Fool's Journey?
    And that, ladies and gents, is when you know you're talking to someone who knows her fucking tarot, and not someone who's trying too hard to be all mystical and mysterious by goofing around with hermetic cards...

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    it still blows me away, lol.

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    I am a Scorpio mostly with a cancer moon which makes me unconventional and a bit on the emotional side. What I have to keep that under control is lots of Sagittarius but this adds a lot of idiosyncrasies in the way I communicate. This makes it somewhat challenging for me to get my point across at times...what is inside of my head is often difficult for some to comprehend when I try to articulate it in writing. Which is ironic because I am a writer, (working on a novel since 2009), and once I get past my fear, I am really good at speaking in public and motivating people. I have tested most of this out and found it to be true. I just joined astrologyanswers.com recently and so far, its been interesting.
    Last edited by Melancholygrl78; 03-30-2015 at 05:43 PM.

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lew View Post

    it still blows me away, lol.
    Me, on the other hand, was equally unimpressed...
    It's really funny though, because every aspect of my sign, rising, dark, moon etc point towards a fundamentally flamboyant/overwhelming personnality, if I take everything into account it's almost a nuclear blast of solar ego.
    I'm the guy who'd rather finish his book than attend the party, and once at that party will probably have drinks while waiting for the time when I can leave without being rude. Somewhere along the line, there's been a massive wrench thrown into the astral gears

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    i don't quite know how to explain my feelings about these things.
    they are kind of like tools for interpreting the present and using symbols that appeal to the subconscious to ponder it, the past, and a likely future.

    but at the end of the day, i do think that they are ultimately paths to inherent intuition.

    i think it's bad ass that there are a few people around here that are at least somewhat interested in these matters.
    @Khrz , your thoughts on the subject are quite interesting, as are yours, @allegro .

    as far as the i ching, it hasn't quite told me anything i didn't know, or assume would happen, rather, it has REINFORCED things. For me, that can be equally powerful.

    Khrz, your astrology experience may mean that mine is all a big fucking coincidence who knows?

    btw: at one point i read the "daily forecasts" for my sign in the newspaper even though i thought it was horse shit, but one too many times it told me i was going to have a BAD DAY. The one in dallas had a number on a scale from one to ten. Bright and early on the way to work, i would be informed that "today, your day will be a Three!"
    Considering how important perspective is, i realized that something like that could CAUSE me to have a bad day, especially considering that i was a commission only salesman.
    Last edited by elevenism; 04-02-2015 at 02:33 AM.

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    Khrz, your astrology experience may mean that mine is all a big fucking coincidence who knows?
    Or simply that, ultimately, it is your experiences and what to take of them that forge who you are... Maybe the stars provide your particular alloy of metal, but life will make you a sword, a shield, or a fucking bucket...

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