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Thread: after all is said and done - THE FINAL SHOW - Project that remains unfinished

  1. #121
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    That's good, but I don't understand why you're therefore complaining about nobody doing anything about it. Be proactive or be supportive, but there's no use in standing on the sidelines and heckling*.

    *argument only applies to real life serious things and cannot be brought up the next time I troll something on this forum.

  2. #122
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    takes one to know one

  3. #123
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    Quote Originally Posted by icklekitty View Post
    That's good, but I don't understand why you're therefore complaining about nobody doing anything about it. Be proactive or be supportive, but there's no use in standing on the sidelines and heckling*.

    *argument only applies to real life serious things and cannot be brought up the next time I troll something on this forum.
    Its hardly heckling. if that were the case I'd be telling everybody they were stupid for sending their money to a project that wasn't anywhere near being finished. While I may or may not be thinking that, Its not my business to attack anybody like that.

    The fact is, I'd like to see someone nail this guys ass to the wall. Since I haven't invested in the project, I don't have a legal leg to stand on.

  4. #124
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    i'll take that with cheese.

  5. #125
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    Quote Originally Posted by joymode View Post
    Its hardly heckling. if that were the case I'd be telling everybody they were stupid for sending their money to a project that wasn't anywhere near being finished. While I may or may not be thinking that, Its not my business to attack anybody like that.

    The fact is, I'd like to see someone nail this guys ass to the wall. Since I haven't invested in the project, I don't have a legal leg to stand on.
    Well, saying "or are you all talk?" isn't very helpful, and it's a bit accusatory/incendiary. Like I said, I don't understand why you're therefore complaining about nobody doing anything about it. It's not really going to aid progress.

    And the stuff about not having a legal leg to stand on and being pissed off at them in your last two posts; lots of people inlcuding me agree with you, but that's not really what I'm getting at - there wasn't any of that sentiment in your original post. Let's direct all our hate on them and not each other.

  6. #126
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    I've been quiet about this for a long time, so I'd like to post my personal story regarding the project. I have no news. I know as much about the current status of the project as you do. Nothing. I just want to share my own experiences with you guys. If you don't care about my storytelling, feel free to skip this post.

    The short version: Sasan and I began working together shortly after the project was announced. We worked together for about a year. He went away in 2010 without telling me anything.

    The long version: Man, it's been almost three years. NIN quit touring. I remember the "NIN 2009 WHINE FEST" thread and all the real-time updates we got from the final show. We were going berserk. People were like "where's Marilyn Manson? Where's Adrian Belew? Where's David Bowie?" An ETS user even made an account as David Bowie and shouted "I'M RIGHT HERE. Jeez." I was stuck on my PC for three hours straight, constantly refreshing the page and going back-and-forth between various Twitter accounts. People would tweet their favorite NIN moments to celebrate the end of an era. Hey, remember when ETS made that word filter that replaced "Twitter" with "Twatter"? Anyway.

    The Downward Spiral Live was released a few weeks after the Wave Goodbye tour was over. A collaboration between This One Is On Us and The NIN Hotline, that project was also the first NIN fan release to feature my artwork, along with MAD's. I was excited as hell. I had made tons of stuff for Another Version of the Truth but failed in the art contest (my art ended up being featured in the project anyway; more on that later), so it was amazing to see my PDF files being distributed with the torrent - which also meant that Trent and Rob probably saw my designs as well. You guys gave me lots of appreciation.

    Sometime in November 2009, Synthetik made a post on both and ETS, announcing his final show project. Fresh off the TDS Live project, I immediately contacted him to create some designs. We began chatting and working together. Under his direction, I created lots of covers. We both picked the ones we were the most happy with, and they were posted on as soon as the site was launched:

    (by the way, the logo on the AAISAD trailer was based off the second design of mine)

    I have fond memories from that time. Sasan was cool to work with. Making stuff for the project was a great way for me to exercise my techniques. I may post the WIP's from the other designs I made sometime. I'm very proud of what I had accomplished while working for AAISAD.

    The Another Version of the Truth video was released a month later. My artwork and subtitles were featured in the project. People began raving about the project, though I was kinda pissed that the Gift got more attention than the Vegas edit, which was a true fan-sourced video rather than an edit of footage provided by NIN. The Gift was screened in Los Angeles (I think) by the TOIOU team, and Rob, Robin, Justin and Ilan were there as well (I think). Sasan was there too, providing people a sneak peek at AAISAD. However, he told me that he wasn't that impressed with the Gift edit.

    Around Spring 2010, I was going through a hard time in my life. I would talk to Sasan about more personal stuff. I needed people to talk to, and I was glad we were developing a good friendship. Sometimes I would go a bit too personal, but he didn't seem to mind. Oh, anyway, the point is, that didn't affect our collaborations.

    Until certain things started happening.

    Torgo and Ash left the project. A Tiny Little Dot opened the orders without having a finished product, then closed them. I think they re-opened them again for a little while. People began to be annoyed by the group's secrecy. I found all this to be very upsetting. What the hell was going on?

    Sasan would appear online for less and less time on my Google Chat friend list. He never appears online anymore. Could he have deleted me? Then, he would simply ignore me, not replying to any e-mails or messages.

    When ETS was relaunched, Ash posted this:

    Quote Originally Posted by Ash512 View Post
    They had about 2/3 of the amount of footage we got for Vegas, and their show's an hour longer.
    Sasan had told me that, at their lowest point, they had footage from at least eight cameras, and 25 at their highest. Was he lying to me?

    I've been very disheartened by all this. Yes, I'm glad ZootZap took matters into her own hands and made her own Wiltern edit (which included some of Sasan's footage, right? Fancy that!), but I'm sad to see all the good times I had while working for this project led nowhere.

    If anyone's interested, I'll show you guys the other stuff I made for AAISAD. I still hope the project wasn't a scam, and that it will see the light of day eventually. Until then, I'm not bothering with this anymore.

  7. #127
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    If anyone responsible wants to head up a new project id gladly donate my hd footage from the final show.

    My conditions no $ up front a set end project date and constant updates so we know the project is getting done.

    I am ashamed to have even donated my footage to sasan for this past project he took everyone's $ and footage and ran I suggest everyone fight for their money back and withdraw from this past project.

  8. #128
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    Quote Originally Posted by wizfan View Post
    Sasan was there too, providing people a sneak peek at AAISAD. However, he told me that he wasn't that impressed with the Gift edit.
    Sounds like someone was just jealous

    What a douche.

    It would be cool to see some unreleased cuts from the project though. I wasn't a fan of the Somewhat Damaged clip that was put up. The editing was a little corny in places and overall it had a complete lack of differing angles at different zooms, which can't be cut together well no matter who's editing.

  9. #129
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    Quote Originally Posted by sa_nick View Post
    It would be cool to see some unreleased cuts from the project though. I wasn't a fan of the Somewhat Damaged clip that was put up. The editing was a little corny in places and overall it had a complete lack of differing angles at different zooms, which can't be cut together well no matter who's editing.
    One of the things I got out of working on those DVDs was that I realised the problems with BYIT weren't Rob's. You can only do so much with the camera work you're given!

    (No offense intended to the awesome folk that donated footage; I hope that one day something will come along to give The Slip the same redemption)

  10. #130
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    Quote Originally Posted by icklekitty View Post
    One of the things I got out of working on those DVDs was that I realised the problems with BYIT weren't Rob's. You can only do so much with the camera work you're given!
    What problems? I love BYIT! Interested to read some examples. Eraser maybe?

  11. #131
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    Well, for one - cutting between different shows to make one seamless edit of a song is a bit of a task, especially if it's hard to mask continuity problems between the different movements of people on stage for each night. You can only do so much with that - aka cut away to a closeup to disorient the viewer. Most of the time, more than half of the footage that your working with isn't going to work well in your next cut because of said continuity errors, and you can only have so many closeups at a time. It's kind of like working with a puzzle that sometimes has pieces that fit, while other times you're trying to jam a piece that doesn't quite fit in because it's the only one that could connect the rest of it together that's available.

  12. #132
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    Also, shots where you have half of Trent on one side, half of Aaron on the other, and a huge void as the centre focus. Grosspants.

  13. #133
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    Quote Originally Posted by Leviathant View Post
    After assuring me that the finished product will be available before June (you know, this month)

    Annnnnnd... it's not.

  14. #134
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  15. #135
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    Seems like there's movement on this, with TOIOU taking up the mantle, without Sasan's involvement:-

  16. #136
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    Sweeet, the creature lives!

  17. #137
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    Quote Originally Posted by simonn View Post
    Seems like there's movement on this, with TOIOU taking up the mantle, without Sasan's involvement:-
    Um, no. Those tweets are clearly about the Dresden Dolls project we had been working on and not this. Hence the very first thing in the tweet being #DDNYC.

  18. #138
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    Quote Originally Posted by icklekitty View Post
    Um, no. Those tweets are clearly about the Dresden Dolls project we had been working on and not this. Hence the very first thing in the tweet being #DDNYC.
    Yes, they've bought me up to speed on that now, put two and two together and made three when they mentioned project leaders going missing!

  19. #139
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  20. #140
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    So when do the marks form a collective to start legal proceedings for reimbursement?

  21. #141
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    He's gonna pull a Sony/EA/Valve and say "no class action lawsuits!"

  22. #142
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    Edit: Oh hell. I just looked at the date on the Wretched video and it's from last year.

    TLD submitted a YouTube clip of "The Day The World Went Away" but I opted not to post it, because Sasan was a dick about pre-orders, and keeps making up when the project will be released. At this stage, I think I'll only post about it if every single person who pre-ordered can confirm that they have either been refunded, or have received what they ordered. The video for TDTWWA has since been marked private, but now has an embedded video for The Frail/The Wretched. You know what it says underneath that?

    a very limited ordering window will be re-opened (date TBA).

    I guess the money ran out! Buyer beware...

    the project isn't dead... at all. were still set to finish in early fall this year.

    --Sasan, June 22, 2011
    yes we intend for this product to be finished before june

    --Sasan, March 26, 2012 the extent that youre asking us to provide you with an accounting of time, course, costs schedule etc, that's a bit too patriarchal for our liking.

    --Sasan, March 29, 2012

  23. #143
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    This just in:

    To loyal nine inch nails fans everywhere,
    Tonight we had hoped to release a full digital version of the final show to coincide with the 3 year anniversary of the Final Show. After years of long hard work, our 3 1/2 hour edit of the final show, rendered in full 1080p is complete and ready to share with the masses. But due to a few last minute tweaks, we won't be able to release tonight. As much as we'd like to, we've waited this long to get it perfect, and we're not going to release it any other way. But rest assured, the full digital release isright around the corner, and we expect it to be ready by the end of this week.
    We will be releasing the full digital version of the show, representing years and years of our work for free, to anyone who wants to it, anywhere around the world. It's our gift, as belated as it may be, to the NIN community - a community to whom we apologize for those who've been frustrated and waiting patiently for the birth of this project. This project is NOT DEAD - we've been burning away in the background, putting the final touches on, and now its days away from full digital release.
    For those who've ordered a DVD or Blu-Ray of the project... it's coming too... and we intend to reward your patience with a host of special features, bonus content, and a 5.1 surround mix.
    Though we couldn't surprise you all with the full release, on the anniversary of this amazing show, as we had hoped - Here's a little something to tide you over. BURN.
    Happy Anniversary NIN fans!,
    a tiny little dot
    p.s. a very limited ordering window will be re-opened(date TBA).

  24. #144
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    I'm definitely still gonna download and watch it, but I'm fucking glad I didn't order a physical copy, and I don't intend to do so. I really do feel for those of you that have been robbed.
    Last edited by Fred; 09-11-2012 at 02:01 AM. Reason: mmelahouris beat me to it

  25. #145
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    "and we expect it to be ready by the end of this week."

    anyone taking bets on the timeline this time?

  26. #146
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    Well I think they really mean it this time. So i'm going to say that the timeline will be a release date of October 1st........2045.

  27. #147
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    Last minute tweaks for 3-year long project sounds laughable. Sorry.

  28. #148
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    That Burn video isn't too bad. I didn't really dig any of the other edits they'd released previously but that was cool. Questionable cuts throughout, especially the first half, but it has some sweet moments and captures the feel of the song pretty well. For the first time I'm keen to see the rest of the show.

  29. #149
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    Goddamn, he has some FUCKING BALLS to say he's opening orders again.

  30. #150
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    that video made my eyes hurt. that said, does anyone know what kind of guitar Finck was playing there? I want it. also, why does the audio sound so crappy and phasey?

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