Quote Originally Posted by aleywwu View Post
I think that taking action in this case will require some amount of organization in order for it to be effective. A single complaint about an unfulfilled $10 order isn't going to get much traction. A complaint on behalf of all, most or some of the people who ordered is a lot more likely to. As a reference, the faction thing involved ~$3500 of orders. I have no idea to tell how many people ordered from these guys, but given that they have 1900 twitter followers and 3800 facebook likes, it stands to reason that it could involve significantly more money.

As I said, I'm happy to take the lead on communicating with the Consumer Protection Division in California, and the California state bar association (if it comes to that). I just don't think I'm in the best position to solicit and collect the information that we need to make this worthwhile.

You've got my full support! Let me know what info is needed and I'll update the first post in this thread