Quote Originally Posted by DF118 View Post
Even if you do know it's him, it's still an incredibly bad idea, because you could be sued for harassment. Especially considering you're considering harassing lawyers. Even if you're not, if that's how you're being perceived, you'll ruin your own case too.
to be clear, I'm not considering harassing anyone. I was responding to the poster.

I agree with you generally, though -- sorry, didn't mean to implicitly endorse the idea of harassing this guy at work if it is, in fact, him. just wanted to call attention to the fact that there's no guarantee it's him.

(that said, as a lawyer myself, I'm not really sure what you could be sued for for writing him at work, or how you could ruin your own case, unless you go crazy. but I agree that it's best to contact state authorities and let them handle this)