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Thread: after all is said and done - THE FINAL SHOW - Project that remains unfinished

  1. #181
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    Quote Originally Posted by otnavuskire View Post

    "Everyone - we ran into a bit of a snag. One of our files was inadvertently coded as a drop frame file resulting in a sync issue. Unfortunately, as a result, we have to push back the release until we get things solved - should be no later than the end of next Sunday (9/23). Our apologies."
    Nice fucking job. This thing's never going to be released.

  2. #182
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    so did anyone here actually think they were going to make the previous "before end of week" deadline or are we all just laughing?

    Ok new game! You now have to guess what the next excuse will be.

  3. #183
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    Quote Originally Posted by DigitalChaos View Post
    Ok new game! You now have to guess what the next excuse will be.
    "Seriously guys, I was getting ready to release it but some drunk guy smashed his way into my apartment. So.... I'll definitely release it next week."

  4. #184
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    Quote Originally Posted by REPLICA View Post
    "Seriously guys, I was getting ready to release it but some drunk guy smashed his way into my apartment. So.... we are taking donations to rebuild everything. Luckily we still have backups of the original source data."
    fixed that for you

  5. #185
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    For posterity:
    "Tyler, we dont' want to say for sure since people get very invested in actual timelines. But without committing ourselves to anything, I think sometime in the next month to two months or so we'll be re-opening the order period. Hopefully one month rather than two Hope that helps. Don't worry though,, we'll announce at least one week in advance when we're re-opening the order window"

  6. #186
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    Quote Originally Posted by DigitalChaos View Post
    For posterity:
    "Tyler, we dont' want to say for sure since people get very invested in actual timelines. But without committing ourselves to anything, I think sometime in the next month to two months or so we'll be re-opening the order period. Hopefully one month rather than two Hope that helps. Don't worry though,, we'll announce at least one week in advance when we're re-opening the order window"
    This is going to be crazy....

    EDIT: "Hey I have an idea... Before we release this material at all... We start talking about pre-orders again!! It'll be awesome! People can pay and wait another few years!"

    I want my dvd please... That's all I'm asking for...
    Last edited by REPLICA; 09-16-2012 at 07:02 PM.

  7. #187
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    So they are not even planning on seeding the torrent themselves? Does everyone realise they will be paying from their own pocket to distribute the digital copy?

  8. #188
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    Oh my God. I laughed WAY harder than I should have once I saw that on Facebook. Keep up the great work there, guys.

    And I'm sure anyone itching to give money to this project would think differently if they followed this thread. At least nobody's deleting comments here.

  9. #189
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nora Can Cans View Post
    So they are not even planning on seeding the torrent themselves? Does everyone realise they will be paying from their own pocket to distribute the digital copy?
    And they're only asking for seeders now. As if they didn't need seeders for the originally planned release last week.

  10. #190
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    Quote Originally Posted by FernandoDante View Post
    And they're only asking for seeders now. As if they didn't need seeders for the originally planned release last week.
    thats exactly why I posted it! It is clear that they had no intent on releasing it this last week. Either that or they are HORRIBLY bad at planning... which would certainly explain the current state of the project.
    I hope they don't use a "some of our seeders are having issues/missing/etc" excuse this week.

  11. #191
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    They will. I'm calling it right now.

    Edit: V Don't forget working on the Year Zero TV show, plus who knows what else.
    Last edited by ImTheWiseJanitor; 09-16-2012 at 11:40 PM.

  12. #192
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    Delurking briefly.

    So after three years ATLD still can't release a DVD of a three hour show.

    In those same three years Trent Reznor got married, released the HTDA EP, composed two film soundtracks, won an Oscar, did a bunch of interviews, released the "Tetsuo" music, guested on a few of his friend's albums, is about to release the second HTDA album, is possibly working on a re-release of "The Fragile", is possibly working on new NIN, and produced two kids.

    For ATLD to say they need more time takes some world class nerve.

  13. #193
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    It's the end of the week and instead of a release, a bullshit excuse to push it back one more week. Oh, but they'll take pre-orders again "sometime in the next month or two." I don't know why I'm even posting. You know my feelings on this. Anyway, like I told Sasan, if he opens up orders again, I feel like I won't be able to keep my trap shut.

    Is it dickish of me to post a warning on the Hotline about that, if it comes to pass?

  14. #194
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    these people disgust me.

  15. #195
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    He's got no ability to deliver and that makes him a flimflam man. A lot if
    facebook posters are still believing him, even encouraging him. You should post. He could keep his strategy going forever.

  16. #196
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    I'm starting to wonder if "the team" thoroughly hid this project from anyone surrounding them: families, friends, colleagues, etc. just to avoid being frowned upon by real people they know.

  17. #197
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    Quote Originally Posted by Leviathant View Post
    Is it dickish of me to post a warning on the Hotline about that, if it comes to pass?
    At this point I'd almost say it would be your duty.

    If it was only going to be a week/month, why not shut up until it's out? After not bothering to communicate with your customers/bosses for this long? The main thing I'm surprised about is that people on Facebook are still excited about this.

    And regarding seeders, why not do what everyone else does and round up a few community members to leave their computers running overnight? Oh wait, everyone hates you. Why not ask the team to do the same? There are enough of them.

    Also the drop frame/sync issue thing - IIRC this is something you find out before the authoring process - i.e. before the final files are even created. And it's usually a matter of just re-exporting (re-saving) the file after changing one setting. Which takes like, 3 hours. And from what I remember these guys telling me, everyone lives within driving distance of each other so you don't have the problem of time zones and shipping hard drives.

    I got my period today; stay tuned for more.
    Last edited by icklekitty; 09-17-2012 at 05:45 AM.

  18. #198
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    Well, looks like they've deleted most of the comments on their page from the last 24 hours, including a couple if mine, and from people from ETS. I said something about it, but I don't imagine it will stay up for long.

    They're officially putting more effort into hiding the negativity toward their project than they are toward the project itself.

  19. #199
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    Apparently it will be two months before the people who paid for it are going to get it. Because there's "things to be completed"

  20. #200
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    Quote Originally Posted by Leviathant View Post

    Is it dickish of me to post a warning on the Hotline about that, if it comes to pass?
    It wouldn't hurt to put a small warning stating that they have been saying "It's nearly done" for too long and have taken loads of peoples money with no sign of a finished product coming any time soon. Then link to this thread or something

  21. #201
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    This seeder excuse is beyond stupid. We at TOIOU used an FTP server to seed the stuff before it was announced to the public. Are you telling me that this team full of audio-video editors and web developers is unable to use FTP and practically begging the customers to seed it? What a load.

  22. #202
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    theyve deleted all my comments and blocked me from commenting more. I clicked the "report this page as a scam" button.

    i suggest everybody else do the same. hah that would be funny

  23. #203
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    Quote Originally Posted by Leviathant View Post
    Is it dickish of me to post a warning on the Hotline about that, if it comes to pass?
    No, i think its fair to warn the community from your platform that those who have placed orders have yet to see their physical copy of this project and there's nothing concrete about when they will see what they paid for. Order with caution.

    There was a situation back in 2006 or 2007 with some dude making posters and tshirts - wolf something - didn't the hotline warn folks then?

    Speaking of dickish....
    we dont' want to say for sure since people get very invested in actual timelines.
    yes, people who fork over their own money are INVESTED in getting the product they PAID for in a timely manner.


  24. #204
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    Reznor and co should be sending a cease and desist warning to these assholes. This is crossing copyright barriers, clearly intended to be for profit and is also negatively impacting branding.
    Last edited by allegro; 09-18-2012 at 08:10 AM. Reason: correcting weird iphone autocorrect wtf

  25. #205
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    If they were to shut them down, I think the NIN camp should follow that up by (whoopsie) letting their concert film of the Wiltern show make its way onto teh interwebs. Rob is probably pretty preoccupied with that wedding and, you know, mistakes happen...

  26. #206
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    Quote Originally Posted by Leviathant View Post
    Is it dickish of me to post a warning on the Hotline about that, if it comes to pass?

    Levi, do it man. I could type up a college essay on why you should, but I don't think I need to. You want to do it, and nobody can think of a single reason you shouldn't. You warned people about previous "NIN fan-made, pay now and never get anything" scams, and waited a full year of positive business before you ever mentioned the actually cleared by Trent shirts Darjis and I produced. I didn't even pre-order this and I'm pissed at what he's doing to the community.
    If he opens pre-orders again, before a single person gets their disc in hand and watches it, you should post up a warning on the Hotline. Even if it's just "just a warning, guys, he took pre-order money X months ago and nobody has received anything but excuses, so be cautious before purchasing just yet."

  27. #207
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    I'm not sure that the entire community of people interested in buying the thing are a part of the Hotline community, though. I mean, I have a feeling that they're only opening the purchasing window again because they have more people on the Facebook that have just heard of the project recently, and have no idea of their shenanigans, and are overly excited to put their money into "an awesome fan-made project omg."

    Basically, I think posting a warning on the Hotline might not be enough. They need to have a warning on their Facebook page, which seems to be one of their main hubs for reaching people now. I just don't think that they'd go for keeping that on their page for long. But hell, I'd be willing to help keep it posted on their wall daily. We could come up with some kind of warning to new fans, give it to a few members here or on the Hotline, and then one of us can post it on their page. If it gets deleted, someone else will post it, and so on. That way it'll stay on their front page, without being spammed all over, and they might have a harder time blocking people to keep us from posting it again.

    That, or get the list of people that like them and send a message to every one of them, hah. As direct as that is, I feel it might be crossing the line in terms of spam. But if it's going to keep people from dumping their money into this bottomless pit, then it might not be such a terrible idea.

    Edit: This is all assuming that they can't follow up with a finished product soon, and I mean soon. The physical product is already out the window as far as I'm concerned.

  28. #208
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    The funny thing is, when this thing was announced, I couldn't fathom streaming 1080p video to my tv and really wanted a bluray. It's been so long that my tastes in media have changed and now I'd just love a giant mp4 file that I can play on my PS3.

  29. #209
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    Yeah the problem with a warning on the FB page is that it WILL get deleted.
    This page has been posting about this debacle for a while, even negative comments posted on the ATLD page are still there.
    I'm not sure why the nin camp have been so quiet on this tiny buyer beware tweet from Trent would sink any future ordering plans ATLD have.
    Last edited by Nora Can Cans; 09-17-2012 at 05:24 PM.

  30. #210
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    Quote Originally Posted by jessamineny View Post
    If they were to shut them down, I think the NIN camp should follow that up by (whoopsie) letting their concert film of the Wiltern show make its way onto teh interwebs. Rob is probably pretty preoccupied with that wedding and, you know, mistakes happen...
    Something tells me that Trent & co. aren't too keen on releasing the final concert in its entirety. I think they'd rather select the top performances from that last run of gigs. Not to be a dick here, but there were very clear fuckups at the Wiltern, that weren't necessarily present at the previous gigs. It's like the focus was on the special guests, rather than on playing the best version of each song.

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