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Thread: after all is said and done - THE FINAL SHOW - Project that remains unfinished

  1. #31
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  2. #32
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    Internet IS serious when people have put their money up front. If this was free, or they didn't take orders yet, no one would bitch this badly

  3. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by KrakenWakes View Post

    Is it time to start contacting real people?
    I sent a tweet direct to Sean O'Brien last week. Never heard anything back.

  4. #34
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    We could always report them to their state's consumer affairs bureau. That's how I got my money back from the fan made YZ t-shirts a couple years ago (can't remember what that endeavor was called). Maybe if enough of us reported them, it would either motivate them to wrap this thing up, communicate, or give us our money back.

  5. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by oddityben View Post
    We could always report them to their state's consumer affairs bureau. That's how I got my money back from the fan made YZ t-shirts a couple years ago (can't remember what that endeavor was called). Maybe if enough of us reported them, it would either motivate them to wrap this thing up, communicate, or give us our money back.
    This is where everyone filed their complaints about the T-shirts. They were forwarded to the Utah state authorities, who later took action.

  6. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by jessamineny View Post
    This is where everyone filed their complaints about the T-shirts. They were forwarded to the Utah state authorities, who later took action.
    please try and contact the team first. Document your attempts, let them know what your next step will be, give them a reasonable time frame to respond. Then move on to step 2.

  7. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by KrakenWakes View Post
    please try and contact the team first. Document your attempts, let them know what your next step will be, give them a reasonable time frame to respond. Then move on to step 2.
    are you trying to make a funny?

  8. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by KrakenWakes View Post
    please try and contact the team first. Document your attempts, let them know what your next step will be, give them a reasonable time frame to respond. Then move on to step 2.
    I've reached out to them several times with no response over the course of a year and a half, so I think I'm covered.

    People should stop making excuses for them and jumping to their defense. TOIOU proved that this type of project could be executed successfully. Their collective personal problems are not our problems. If they decided to take the community's money, they should have delivered, plain and simple. What pisses me off the most is their pathetic and unprofessional lack of communication. They should be on ETS addressing these issues regularly in addition to any and all email complaints. They took advantage of the trustfulness of this community and for that, there should be consequences.

  9. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by oddityben View Post
    I've reached out to them several times with no response over the course of a year and a half, so I think I'm covered.

    People should stop making excuses for them and jumping to their defense. TOIOU proved that this type of project could be executed successfully. Their collective personal problems are not our problems. If they decided to take the community's money, they should have delivered, plain and simple. What pisses me off the most is their pathetic and unprofessional lack of communication. They should be on ETS addressing these issues regularly in addition to any and all email complaints. They took advantage of the trustfulness of this community and for that, there should be consequences.

    - I'm sure most of us have given them money, money which could have been used for other things. It's just like The Faction (fan made NIN shirts), he took over too many orders and eventually thought if he didn't talk to anyone that it would all just blow over. I bought a crap load of shirts from him but in the end only received about 3 of them - no refund mind you. Plus, I found out way too late that there was action being taken against him.

    I remember sending these guys an email, but I didn't keep any records... So it appears I'm out on this one too, i think Paypal should still have a copy of my receipt in their history though... I'll have to look it up.

  10. #40
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    i was trying to place an order on reflecting the chrome for a hard drive but was confused about situation/never got an email back. I need to get my hands on this and will pay good money to get it.

  11. #41
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    Quote Originally Posted by ubermensch View Post
    i was trying to place an order on reflecting the chrome for a hard drive but was confused about situation/never got an email back. I need to get my hands on this and will pay good money to get it.
    Totally different project/people.

  12. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by NotoriousTIMP View Post
    are you trying to make a funny?
    I'm just saying give them a specific ultimatum, give them time to respond, then take your complaints through official channels. Document everything.

  13. #43
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    Quote Originally Posted by KrakenWakes View Post
    I'm just saying give them a specific ultimatum, give them time to respond, then take your complaints through official channels. Document everything.
    Why isn't everything that's already happened enough? (More than enough?)
    I'm honestly interested in hearing what you have to say.
    And are you connected to any of the players in some way?

  14. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by jessamineny View Post
    Why isn't everything that's already happened enough? (More than enough?)
    I'm honestly interested in hearing what you have to say.
    And are you connected to any of the players in some way?
    I have zero connection to anyone working on the project. I disagree with every way that they've handled the PR for this. But my primary desire is to see the finished project, not to see these guys burn.
    I'm not saying give them another year or even a month or even a week. But I think contacting them directly in every way possible (email, twitter, facebook, here,, etc), explaining exactly what they're forcing you to do, and exactly when you're going to start, is the smart way to proceed.

  15. #45
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  16. #46
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    Quote Originally Posted by KrakenWakes View Post
    But I think contacting them directly in every way possible (email, twitter, facebook, here,, etc), explaining exactly what they're forcing you to do, and exactly when you're going to start, is the smart way to proceed.
    No it's not, they'll just come up with another holding message and fuck you around for another year.

  17. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by DF118 View Post
    No it's not, they'll just come up with another holding message and fuck you around for another year.
    Go for it then. You're in charge.

  18. #48
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    Quote Originally Posted by KrakenWakes View Post
    I have zero connection to anyone working on the project. I disagree with every way that they've handled the PR for this. But my primary desire is to see the finished project, not to see these guys burn.
    I'm not saying give them another year or even a month or even a week. But I think contacting them directly in every way possible (email, twitter, facebook, here,, etc), explaining exactly what they're forcing you to do, and exactly when you're going to start, is the smart way to proceed.
    Makes sense. Sounds like a mature, measured response.

    Here's an idea: I would be happy to nominate myself to gather names/email addy's of people that are prepared to take the same action we took against Faction Nation (and won) and prepare an email to them stating our intention if we don't start seeing some measurable milestones with associated dates with everyone who wants to be involved cc'd. We found when dealing with Faction that the sheer number of complaints was the only thing that caused such swift action by the Utah Consumer Protection Bureau. If we're organized, we stand a better chance of either pushing them to finish the damn thing or refund us.

    If someone else is passionate enough that they would like to take the lead on it, please feel free.

    Comments? Thoughts? Agree or disagree with the approach?

  19. #49
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    First I'd like to point out that I didn't pre-order this but I've been following the development (or lack of it) since almost the beginning.

    That being made clear, here are my 2 cents about it:

    I think that KrakenWakes idea is the way to go. And I think that oddityben's suggestion is great too. All of you who are interested in at least having your money back should get together (even if it's only on the Net) and document everything that each one of you have done to try and get a response from those responsible for this project. And like oddityben suggested, establish a timeline for them to respond to and if they don't, go ahead with the complaint.

    I remember that on Old ETS Leviathant managed to get an email response from the leader of this project (his name is escaping me right now). If I remember correctly, he told Levi that he would be writing an update in the ETS thread, which of course he never did. But we know he is watching both this (new) board and because it is only after people started getting more vocal about their feelings that they finally posted a message on their site (or was it Facebook?) that the project would finally see the light of day this fall. We're 16 days from Christmas; I think it's fair to say that fall has since come and gone.

    In my mind, these guys are guilty of 3 things: 1) they took money from people without having a physical product to sell. It's almost always a very bad idea since you never know what might happen down the road. 2) They stop communicating with their costumers. There's nothing worst than not telling people about what's been happening; I'll bet most of you would have been far less annoyed with having unimportant update than having no update at all. 3)They never offered to reimburse those who became tired of waiting and/or weren't interested in this anymore. Huge, huge mistake.

    On a side note (and speaking as a moderator): this whole project has become such a joke that the official thread for it on has become a thread on F1 racing... and we let it go on because that's the most action the thread has seen in the last couple of years.

  20. #50
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    I'll throw in my vote for taking care of this in an organized manner. But it's really not about the money for me, personally. If I remember right, I only ordered one blu-ray copy (still have my receipt e-mail sitting in my inbox. I always keep those sort of things juuust in case something like this happens.) I want to hear something back about all the waiting and delaying bullshit just like everyone else, but I also know that nothing's going to come from just being angry without being organized about it. The thing that really gets me is that not only am I out money, but a lot of the people from this fan community of which I'm a member have fallen for it, too. It's obvious that they're not taking the steps to handle any of this right now. And if they're going for the whole "Trent Reznor goes without telling people all of his plans all the time" or "big projects like this take time" excuse, I won't buy it. Their lack of communication says that they haven't been putting aaany work into this. Hell, the most activity they've had recently was when they opened up orders again, taking more money.

    Anyway...before this turns into some kinda rant, I'll give my information to any kind of group e-mail or petition or whatever it is we decide we want to do about this.

    Let me just say - The fact that the ones who started the thread for this project here on the new ETS are people who are all waiting on the project rather than the ones in charge of the operation says something. If they were really concerned with their connection with the customers, they could have at least started their own thread. It's not a big deal at all, but it's all these little things that are building up.

    Edit: I wanna clarify. I'm not saying that I'm going to deny any excuse they have for not having the project done, as I'm sure that they've probably got one good reason or another. But But it really takes no time at all to open up ETS/, type a sentence or paragraph saying what's going on with the project at that moment, and then hit send. If they'd done that the whole way up until now, then we might have a different story, and people wouldn't be nearly as angry. Again, it all goes back to the lack of communication with the customers waiting for answers.

    Quote Originally Posted by KrakenWakes View Post
    I just went on the AAISAD Facebook page and saw that. Good question - What the hell is it?

    Edit again!: V Huh, missed that. at least he's still alive, eh? :P
    Last edited by ImTheWiseJanitor; 12-08-2011 at 03:24 PM.

  21. #51
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    I'm just gonna quote myself form the first page. I'm not trying to defend him or anything, just saying that he replied.
    Quote Originally Posted by MAD View Post
    I sent him a message few days ago, here's the reply:
    Originally Posted by Synthetikz to me (6 hours ago)Hey MAD,

    hope all is well. sorry for the delay in getting back to you. the project is still going. and very close to being finished. we had a few technical set backs
    Should do it here though.

  22. #52
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    I would like to begin going down the path I laid out above. I need some help, though.

    1. If you'd like to be involved in a group effort to nudge this thing along, please send me your name & email address via PM.
    2. I need a counterpart at the forums. Looking for a volunteer to gather names & email addresses over there as well.

    I'm thinking that once we have a volunteer, we give everyone who wants to participate in a group effort 2 weeks to give us their information. From there, we'll craft an email message to the project team with a request for certain deliverables and communication with the condition that if they don't deliver, we'll collectively report them to the IC3.

    I think that for the majority of us, we'd like to see the finish product rather than get refunds and that's the way I'd like to approach this with them.

  23. #53
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    Quote Originally Posted by oddityben View Post
    I would like to begin going down the path I laid out above. I need some help, though.
    You could ask on the facebook group too.
    It has almost 4000 members.

  24. #54
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    How is this going?
    If these guys no longer have hardware to edit on then at a minimum I would love to see them release everything in the current state. stock footage, FCP files, etc. Then some others could pick things up and move forward with it. We have lots of editing talent who could do just that. I realize it would be LOTS of data but it isn't impossible. If they still have the data it would be a waste to just have it sit around.

  25. #55
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    Seems to be the general consensus, am I right?

  26. #56
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    I dont know about official dvd or torrent release, but it appears that synthetikz (im assuming that he is linked with "a tiny little dot") has started posted videos up on youtube. Theres a few shows on there including the wiltern show...
    Last edited by R37R0; 01-14-2012 at 02:36 PM.

  27. #57
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    It's not really "has started" as none of that is anywhere near new. He submitted footage for AVOTT and taped a lot of shows during the final year(s) of NIN Live.

  28. #58
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    Facebook page updated!!!....

    ...The facebook page was finally updated!.... but only to disable all comments! WTF?!?! Maybe this was only done to me because I've left a few negative comments. Is everyone else experiencing this?

  29. #59
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    Quote Originally Posted by Brokenfern View Post
    ...The facebook page was finally updated!.... but only to disable all comments! WTF?!?! Maybe this was only done to me because I've left a few negative comments. Is everyone else experiencing this?
    It looks like I'm able to post a comment.

  30. #60
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    looks like I could comment on their wall... maybe it is just you?
    10 more days and it will be exactly 1 year since their last status update. Hopefully they say something then. To be fair, they didn't open up for the 2nd round of orders yet. If they were intentionally going to scam people they would have kept the orders open. There is still a large chunk of people who would give them money.

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