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Thread: Grimes

  1. #91
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dream View Post
    I was just commenting on the rip quality, it's almost as bad as listening to it in mono compared to the official tracks out there.

    It's not breakbeat, it's straight pop, slightly twisted. If you like pop music and Grimes you'll love it.
    what exactly is"pop" though?

    when i say breakbeat, i'm refering to the style of the new track, genesis, and oblivion....

  2. #92
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    what exactly is"pop" though?

    when i say breakbeat, i'm refering to the style of the new track, genesis, and oblivion....
    A lot of it is along the same lines as Realiti, Go and Flesh Without Blood, some of it reminds me of 90's Madonna twisted through Grimes' filter. Seems to be a lot of k pop influence too.
    Last edited by Dream; 11-05-2015 at 12:56 AM.

  3. #93
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    Not a patch on Visions, but lets see, maybe its a grower

  4. #94
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    A proper version is out now, a lot of layers were lost in the low quality rip.

  5. #95
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    honestly though,
    mixing can't save a bad record.

    Is it breakbeat?
    That's what i really wanted, was more breakbeat. I love her breakbeat tracks.
    The record is bad. There's maybe 2 or 3 ok songs i could actually listen to but nothing i was expecting. It's really fucking bad and not in the "grower" sense. Flesh Without Blood is probably a top 3 song on the record.

    It's very bad. Some of it literally sounds like Hannah Montana. Was she trying to be ironic? grimey type lyrics with disney music? But really unless you're sitting there reading her lyrics and playing a long with her how can you not cringe uncontrollably? Also, she's not going anywhere into the "bank" because this isn't new and fresh pop. She's not breaking ground here. This is dated pop. Really outdated pop.

    There was an interview i read recently where the writer couldn't understand why she kept playing Mariah Carey's "All i want for Christmas" when she'd appear as a guest DJ. It always went sour. She's 27, maybe she thinks this shit is ironic? As if those 90s tracks are THAT fucking old that it can be spun with this type of "look at how cool and ironic i am" sense? I'm not sure but it looks like this frame of mind has carried over into her own music to disastrous effect.

  6. #96
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rabbit View Post
    How can you even be caught dead listening to "California" da faq? Was she trying to appear on the Disney network? Or how about "Easily" ? Sounds like a fucking TLC song from the 90s. GTFO


    There was an interview i read recently where the writer couldn't understand why she kept playing Mariah Carey's "All i want for Christmas" when she'd appear as a guest DJ. It always went sour. She's 27, maybe she thinks this shit is ironic? As if those 90s tracks are THAT fucking old that it can be spun with this type of "look at how cool and ironic i am" sense? I'm not sure but it looks like this frame of mind has carried over into her own music to disastrous effect.
    um, TLC was awesome, and if Grimes is channeling that kind of tone/energy, i'm fucking excited about it.

    also, why do you automatically assume she's being ironic? maybe she just genuinely likes it? my wife and i put on new age music when we're making dinner and we realize how ridiculous it is but we 100%, unironically enjoy it. i'm 28, a year older than Grimes. some people can genuinely enjoy things that other people may find ridiculous without there being some grand irony or joke behind it.

    you seem way too upset about this. it's ok if you don't like her new album, but maybe ease off on how angry you are with her as a person about it.

  7. #97
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    After 5+ listens, I think Art Angels has the strongest songwriting and vocals of all her albums. These songs have more structure to them, they aren't just loops with ethereal vocals drowned in reverb. I love her old stuff but it was simplistic.

    I doubt she will make music in this style for the rest of her career, with this album (plus Go and the scrapped album) she has improved her songwriting chops considerably and her future output will benefit from it. If she had chosen a darker sound stylistically I think the majority would enjoy Art Angels.

    My only gripe is a couple of the guitar performances, someone else could have done a better job.

    p.s. I'm 27 and like Mariah Carey's 'All I Want For Christmas', what's wrong with that? It seems like you might be too insecure to enjoy pop music.
    Last edited by Dream; 11-05-2015 at 09:02 AM.

  8. #98
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    I love the dismissiveness when someone says something isn't good. "oh you're insecure to enjoy pop music" or "oh you don't get it" no the problem is I DO GET IT.

    I don't need Grimes for pop, especially when the variant of pop she's giving has been done too death. There's nothing on this album that says "i should buy this" over some other contemporary pop artist or even her peers like Churches, Purity Ring, etc. It's a shame because the other Grime releases has something deeper, more unique.

    She's sucked all that out of her music. For her sake i hope one or two singles catch on because i don't see this going well for her.

  9. #99
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rabbit View Post
    I love the dismissiveness when someone says something isn't good. "oh you're insecure to enjoy pop music" or "oh you don't get it" no the problem is I DO GET IT.

    I don't need Grimes for pop, especially when the variant of pop she's giving has been done too death. There's nothing on this album that says "i should buy this" over some other contemporary pop artist or even her peers like Churches, Purity Ring, etc. It's a shame because the other Grime releases has something deeper, more unique.

    She's sucked all that out of her music. For her sake i hope one or two singles catch on because i don't see this going well for her.
    You're the one who keeps going on about pop music like it's the devil and embarrassing to be associated with and you seem angry about it.
    Last edited by Dream; 11-05-2015 at 09:04 AM.

  10. #100
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dream View Post
    You're the one who keeps going on about pop music like it's the devil and embarrassing to be associated with.
    when it sounds like Disney channel hannah montana... yes, that is embarrassing. lol

  11. #101
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    Looks like a cool show, nice venue

  12. #102
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    It really does sound like Hannah Montana though. Disappointed, however we still have Visions and Halfaxa.

  13. #103
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    Quote Originally Posted by BrewHa View Post
    It really does sound like Hannah Montana though. Disappointed, however we still have Visions and Halfaxa.
    No it doesn't.

    Up there with Carly Rae Jepsen's Emotion, contending for pop album of the year for me.
    Last edited by Dream; 11-05-2015 at 09:11 PM.

  14. #104
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    Oh man, this new album is so great. It's so unapologetically pop.

  15. #105
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    I miss the darkness lurking behind her songs... new album is alright after first listen. Nothing has fully grabbed me yet. A bit disappointed.

  16. #106
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    Quote Originally Posted by richardp View Post
    Oh man, this new album is so great. It's so unapologetically pop.
    Is this some type of irony now? like, "hey look at me i'm so fucking unapologetically pop!"

    Fucking hipster culture man. fuck. It's not "cool" to sound like you could be on disney channel. Especially after beating your chest with the idea that you don't need help from no stinking producer or a "man" and then come out sounding like every other $$teeny bopper$$

  17. #107
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    Well i've listened a couple of times now and I think it's ok. Yes it's very pop, and I'm a little disappointed about that, but let's see if it grows on me. I'm looking forward to the tour and seeing how this stuff works live.

    I noticed this video on another site and thought it was pretty funny and a good way to describe this album.....

  18. #108
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rabbit View Post
    Is this some type of irony now? like, "hey look at me i'm so fucking unapologetically pop!"

    Fucking hipster culture man. fuck. It's not "cool" to sound like you could be on disney channel. Especially after beating your chest with the idea that you don't need help from no stinking producer or a "man" and then come out sounding like every other $$teeny bopper$$
    It must suck to constantly wish that artists would only make music attuned to YOUR tastes. Musicians make music that THEY want to make. If you don't like it, don't listen. You're so unbelievably butt hurt over her new sound, for no reason. Just go listen to her last album, if that's what you want to hear.

    Seriously though, just WHY exactly are you sooooo personally offended at her changing her sound? Like what does it mean for you. Why is it THAT important that you cannot just simply say "this album isn't for me"? You sound like the kid in school who has a crush on a girl, but she doesn't like you, so you go around constantly talking shit on her to everyone you can find, when truthfully... no one cares.

  19. #109
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    New album is wonderful. I love every bit of it. Can't wait to see her at The Metro in a few weeks.

  20. #110
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bachy View Post
    New album is wonderful. I love every bit of it. Can't wait to see her at The Metro in a few weeks.
    haven't decided if i'm going, yet, but if i do, i'll let you know and we can awkwardly say hello to each other!

  21. #111
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    Quote Originally Posted by richardp View Post
    It must suck to constantly wish that artists would only make music attuned to YOUR tastes. Musicians make music that THEY want to make. If you don't like it, don't listen. You're so unbelievably butt hurt over her new sound, for no reason. Just go listen to her last album, if that's what you want to hear.

    Seriously though, just WHY exactly are you sooooo personally offended at her changing her sound? Like what does it mean for you. Why is it THAT important that you cannot just simply say "this album isn't for me"? You sound like the kid in school who has a crush on a girl, but she doesn't like you, so you go around constantly talking shit on her to everyone you can find, when truthfully... no one cares.
    Agree so much. It's similar to the people who say NIN was better when TR wasn't sober.

    That's one reason why I respect Claire so much. She reminds me of TR a bit in the way that she does pretty much anything and everything musically with her albums, and no two albums sound alike. Her music is always changing.

  22. #112
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    At first listens I was pretty unaffected as a whole, save for some songs or parts of songs. (This is while entering data at work, which I think is actually a good setting for initial exposure.) Caught off guard, for sure. It's brand new, and basically most unfamiliar to the feeling of her old works. This has happened with artists/bands I like, and I tend to always at least appreciate the evolution/explorations.

    I do like this upbeat mood pop album though, the cohesive celestial sounding world that's created, it works well as a full listen. A lot of strong songs in the context I didn't originally catch. Vocals and melodies are on point all over the place.

    This version of "Realiti" fits the album tons better than the demo would. Very nice to hear that already fantastic song in all the differences.

    Other strong songs of those previously unreleased include "Belly of The Beat" and "Pin" and "World Princess part II".

    And fucking "Flesh without Blood". Singing along to that number under my breath at my work.
    Last edited by Amaro; 11-07-2015 at 03:54 PM.

  23. #113
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    Quote Originally Posted by richardp View Post
    It must suck to constantly wish that artists would only make music attuned to YOUR tastes. Musicians make music that THEY want to make. If you don't like it, don't listen. You're so unbelievably butt hurt over her new sound, for no reason. Just go listen to her last album, if that's what you want to hear.

    Seriously though, just WHY exactly are you sooooo personally offended at her changing her sound? Like what does it mean for you. Why is it THAT important that you cannot just simply say "this album isn't for me"? You sound like the kid in school who has a crush on a girl, but she doesn't like you, so you go around constantly talking shit on her to everyone you can find, when truthfully... no one cares.
    Exactly, i anticipated this album a lot, i was very hyped and it was a major let down. It is what it is.

  24. #114
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    Never more

  25. #115
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    Hannah Montana? TLC?
    I have to listen to this.

  26. #116
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    After 10+ listens I think Art Angels is her strongest album.

    It has the best production of all her albums by far, I notice new things with each listen. Some of it reminds me of NIN, though it's obviously stylistically different.
    Last edited by Dream; 11-07-2015 at 10:44 PM.

  27. #117
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    i really like this. i wouldn't have known it if it wasn't for ets. really great stuff. makes me feel good. hooray for pop music.
    Last edited by kel; 11-07-2015 at 10:51 PM.

  28. #118
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rabbit View Post
    Is this some type of irony now? like, "hey look at me i'm so fucking unapologetically pop!"

    Fucking hipster culture man. fuck. It's not "cool" to sound like you could be on disney channel. Especially after beating your chest with the idea that you don't need help from no stinking producer or a "man" and then come out sounding like every other $$teeny bopper$$
    it must suck to have such hang-ups. sorry, brother. music can be fun, you know.

  29. #119
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rabbit View Post
    Is this some type of irony now? like, "hey look at me i'm so fucking unapologetically pop!"

    Fucking hipster culture man. fuck. It's not "cool" to sound like you could be on disney channel. Especially after beating your chest with the idea that you don't need help from no stinking producer or a "man" and then come out sounding like every other $$teeny bopper$$
    DAE listen to real music with 4/4 guitar sequences and drums and hairy middle-aged men shouting "yeah" who don't use the fake GIRLY BLEEPY BLOOPS?

  30. #120
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    this is like The Downward Spiral after Broken kind of leap to me. this album makes me want to get a Push 2

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