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Thread: The Smashing Pumpkins

  1. #2701
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    I was thinking about something just now.

    People spent five, six, seven or more hours in line to get NIN tickets today. Say SP did the same thing (current lineup or with D'Arcy) and you could only get tickets via the actual venue. How do you think that would go? My guess is there would be a decent turnout but not like today for NIN.

  2. #2702
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    Quote Originally Posted by RhettButler View Post
    I was thinking about something just now.

    People spent five, six, seven or more hours in line to get NIN tickets today. Say SP did the same thing (current lineup or with D'Arcy) and you could only get tickets via the actual venue. How do you think that would go? My guess is there would be a decent turnout but not like today for NIN.
    Id agree that NIN is probably the more popular live act right now, and probably has been for awhile.

  3. #2703
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    Quote Originally Posted by Krazy View Post
    Id agree that NIN is probably the more popular live act right now, and probably has been for awhile.
    Agreed. Outside of their main acts, and nothing against professional wrestling as I still admire the shit out of it, while Billy was playing around in TNA and getting deeply involved with all that drama ... Trent was keeping a steady profile with his film scores. I'd also say that personal opinions on everything post With Teeth aside, I think Trent's had the better discography and overall better live show between him and Billy.

    That being said though, I am still a little bummed that St. Louis is getting the shaft for this tour and I won't be able to make the Kansas City show. I've still never had the chance to see them live and if anything, this tour would be one hell of a first show.

  4. #2704
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    nin is in another league altogether now, any which way you look at it. they can even headline festivals, SP did in 07 but probably not today. obviously the quality of the output is also higher.

  5. #2705
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    Most of these arena shows seem to have sold from 65-80% with a few sold out dates. Considering all factors, that's impressive and better than expected but there would not be the kind of scramble there'll be for NIN tix

    Where the fuck is that single?

  6. #2706
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    NIN in 2018 is about a billion times more exciting than SP in 2018, and I fucking love both bands.

    SP would almost certainly be more exciting if the past 10 years of SP hadn't happened, though, just by virtue of it being a huge reunion. Say what you will about the music of SP 2.0, and even the WPC solo album (I really like probably 2/3rds of all that music, honestly, and I think Oceania is a really solid album), but my opinion of Billy has diminished heavily over that time. Dude has proven to be a petulant asshole so many times over, breaks promises/abandons projects more consistently than he keeps them, and has effectively shat all over whatever amount of goodwill he's been able to build in that time (Oceania got pretty good reviews, the lineup was 'believable' and he broke it apart; came across as a good guy after the WPC album, then pulls nearly unforgivable (imo) shit with D'arcy, etc.) He has no idea how to connect with fans. Look at netphoria- it's basically a Billy Corgan hate site.

    Trent is better than just about anybody when it comes to connecting with fans in interesting/unique ways. They're the only band I'd ever go stand in line for tickets like this for. Fuck, a NIN show really is the only event I'd line up for like this. I trust Trent. I don't trust Billy. I think that's what it boils down to.

  7. #2707
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    I’m at a point with Billy where all I want is for him to be able to do the Machina reissue and Zeitgeist remaster/overhaul so I can stop paying attention to his weird self-serving BS

  8. #2708
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    Looks like their new touring keyboard player is their old touring bassist.

  9. #2709
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    Every time I see this thread I'm expecting to read that the tour has been canceled.

  10. #2710
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    I sincerely wish for this tour to be successful and the reunion to last. But some people just want to watch the world burn, I guess

  11. #2711
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    Quote Originally Posted by RhettButler View Post
    Every time I see this thread I'm expecting to read that the tour has been canceled.
    I was hoping for news on the Solara single release and/or music video. That still frame of it actually looked pretty cool and the director appears to do good work. Maybe I shouldn't get my hopes up too high because there hasn't really been a GOOD Pumpkins video for at least a decade.

    Quote Originally Posted by fillow View Post
    I sincerely wish for this tour to be successful and the reunion to last. But some people just want to watch the world burn, I guess
    Agreed. I'd like to see the D'arcy situation get resolved so she could rejoin them at some point down the line, but if that never happens, I'm content with the current lineup. I would, however like to see them get a permanent bass player who fits in with the rest of the band and contributes to the song-writing process, rather than a hired hand who bangs out the hits for a paycheck.
    Last edited by sonic_discord; 06-05-2018 at 10:54 AM.

  12. #2712
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    With the whole Bass player situation, it still baffles me that they didn't at least reach out to Melissa Auf der Mar to see if she would be interested in coming back. Melissa is a bad ass Bass player and fit well in the Pumpkins lineup during the Machina era.

  13. #2713
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    Isn't Melissa retired? I know she has a daughter and may have taken a step back from touring/performing.

  14. #2714
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  15. #2715
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cookster426 View Post
    With the whole Bass player situation, it still baffles me that they didn't at least reach out to Melissa Auf der Mar to see if she would be interested in coming back. Melissa is a bad ass Bass player and fit well in the Pumpkins lineup during the Machina era.
    FWIW Billy never liked Melissa's chunkier, more aggressive bass tone and thought it was too harsh a contrast to the SP sound. Melissa said about a decade ago she wouldn't mind coming back but I recall reading she runs an art installation in addition to having a family.

    Friday, huh? About time.

  16. #2716
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    Yeah Melissa spoke about TSP but that was way back in days leading to Zeitgeist when she was actively recording and touring solo. She's been inactive on music front for a few years now

  17. #2717
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    Saw an Instragram post from Billy's girlfriend. Looks like Jack Bates is going to be the Touring Bassist after all. Sorry I don't have the link.

  18. #2718
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    James shared a rehearsal photo of the group about a week back.

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  20. #2720
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    Quote Originally Posted by sonic_discord View Post
    Meh. Pretty much what I expected. I don't dislike it, but it's certainly not going to be some huge hit that brings the Pumpkins back into the limelight.

  21. #2721
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    Quote Originally Posted by imail724 View Post
    Meh. Pretty much what I expected. It's not the worst song I've ever heard, but it's certainly not going to be some huge hit that brings the Pumpkins back into the limelight.
    After listening to it twice, I'd say it sounds like something that would have fit on Zeitgeist (and been among the better songs), but with better production. It's better than everything on Monuments to an Elegy except for Tiberius, but not as good as most songs on Oceania. Still, I'm happy to hear new Pumpkins tunes in 2018 that don't suck!

  22. #2722
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    Quote Originally Posted by sonic_discord View Post

    Sounds like a b-side from Zeitgeist. Not bad, not great, kind of "meh."

  23. #2723
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    Yeah, this has completely got 'Zeitgeist single' written all over it. It's a step up from Monuments , but it's pretty by-the-numbers. Not terrible, not mindblowing. Very middle of the road.

  24. #2724
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    The Smashing Pumpkins

    Quote Originally Posted by Shadaloo View Post
    Yeah, this has completely got 'Zeitgeist single' written all over it. It's a step up from Monuments , but it's pretty by-the-numbers. Not terrible, not mindblowing. Very middle of the road.
    Yeah, hopefully the other seven songs are better. I will say that their (or the label's?) choice for singles have been rather perplexing in the past. Oceania is a great example. I have no idea why you would choose Panopticon (which IS a decent song) over songs like Pinwheels, The Chimera, or Inkless, which I think did a better job of recaptured the '90s Pumpkins vibe and would have surely performed better as singles.
    Last edited by sonic_discord; 06-07-2018 at 10:54 AM.

  25. #2725
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    I've heard it. Meh.. You have three guitarists. This is what we got from them? Sounds like James only plays toward the end. It's a Zeitgeist song. I was really hoping for more. Hopefully there's better.

  26. #2726
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    It's been taken down. I'm curious to hear it despite the reviews if anyone snagged a copy.

  27. #2727
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shadaloo View Post
    Yeah, this has completely got 'Zeitgeist single' written all over it. It's a step up from Monuments , but it's pretty by-the-numbers. Not terrible, not mindblowing. Very middle of the road.
    I would place any song off MTAE over this. This new song is only a step up from the Teargarden material.

  28. #2728
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    Someone on the SP reddit said you can Youtube to MP3 it and it still works, and it does! Yeah, this is not any more exciting than any of the post-2000 material for me, and this isn't even a highlight. Not surprising but I was still holding out an irrational hope that it would be special.

    I wonder if Billy would be capable of writing a good imitation of his more creative and coincidentally younger self's material if he tried. Beyond the voice, the music just doesn't feel like them and isn't anywhere near as special. I guess the decline is audible for some of the Machina material, but it's still a bummer he never reversed it. Why would you announce a huge reunion and only ape the post-breakup version of your sound?

  29. #2729
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    It's another Tarantula. But, less inspired and not as good. Three guitarists and I only really hear one. Multi-Billy vocal tracks and way up in mix, again. Pretty much most of what I dislike about Zeitgeist is in this song. You'd never think James and Jimmy were back.

  30. #2730
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    Quote Originally Posted by RhettButler View Post
    I would place any song off MTAE over this. This new song is only a step up from the Teargarden material.
    Not me. Run2Me was fucking embarrassing and his personal nadir as far as I'm concerned. This feels like they're trying to be a rock band again and I stress "trying".

    Copypasting my impressions from Netpho:

    -Bill's trying really hard not to drop consonants anymore, there's some creaks in his voice on the -y of 'body' in a spot or two, like he's not used to enunciating that way. Vibrato's been brought down a few notches.

    -Lyrics are a step or two away from flowery nonsense garbage, which IMO is a step in the right direction.

    -Production is all over the place. Everything feels like it's fighting for dominance and dry is the word.

    -Really, really needed a solo. Without one the song feels quickly over and done. This song is a carryover from the Monuments sessions so I'm not terribly surprised.

    -Not the worst thing I've heard out of latter-day SP. Falls far short of Tarantula, but I would still take it over Doomsday Clock or Run2Me. It's kinda catchy on repeat listens but has no real staying power. It aims to be exactly what Bill described it as - 'a 90's rocker', but it's a really generic one.

    It's repetitive and nothing special. I don't hate it but I'm not in love with it. I'm going to let it simmer for a few days because I don't do hyperbolic first-listen reactions anymore.
    Last edited by Shadaloo; 06-07-2018 at 02:18 PM.

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