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  1. #1
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    The Smashing Pumpkins

    Because two delicious new reissues just came out, and more are on the way, because a new album (within an album) is in the works, because we miss the old members and hate the new or vicey vercey, and because Billy Corgan and his shiny bald head are entertaining.

    Discuss these things and more.

    I picked up the deluxe reissues Tuesday. A complaint seems to be that the drums are kinda buried in the mix, and Billy's vocals sound dry, and I agree to some extent. Haven't gotten around to listening to the bonus stuff yet. Either way, nowhere near as bad as some remasters I've heard, and well worth it for the sheer amount of stuff included.

  2. #2
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    Adore is still my favorite SP album. That is all for now.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by october_midnight View Post
    Adore is still my favorite SP album. That is all for now.
    Agreed. Must admit though, I haven't seriously listened anything after this album. I kinda just heard the albums after Adore, if you know what I mean.

  4. #4
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    i think SD sounds better. i'm one of (probably a handful of) those people who didn't really get into Siamese Dream because my trial-by-fire was the premaster of Machina I, then Adore and MCIS; by the time i got to SD, the aspects that make its sound memorable were ones that turned me off. i find it easier to appreciate the classic now that the guitars sound more 'controlled' and the vocals dryer (imo), especially since they literally had this sound for one album, then ditched it for the much dryer and barebones MCIS.

    i think "Pissant" and "Siamese Dream" demos fucking slay too, in part because they don't rely on the original SD sound.

    haven't heard the new 2011 mixes of "Starla," etc. yet — i'm willing to bet they're as bad as people are saying, though...

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by seasonsinthesky View Post
    haven't heard the new 2011 mixes of "Starla," etc. yet — i'm willing to bet they're as bad as people are saying, though...
    where are you hearing this?

  6. #6
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    Any idea when Oceania is supposed to drop? First, it was September, then it was November. Is there any kind of solid date or even an estimation?

  7. #7
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    did anyone that preordered the reissues get them yet? still waiting on mine

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by spiral94 View Post
    did anyone that preordered the reissues get them yet? still waiting on mine
    waiting as well. was tempted to buy in store, but the only copies here were the single disc ones.

  9. #9
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    I haven't ordered the reissues yet. I'd love to pick up Siamese Dream in particular (and Adore/Machina eventually), but am I the only one who thinks the new color scheme on the covers makes them look like awful bootlegs?

    Piko: I think the latest estimate is that the release will be sometime in spring. I'd like to think that it'll be up streaming before that, but who knows? Oceania the song sounded damn good live, so here's hoping...

  10. #10
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    I stopped caring/following The Teargarden album after like the second song of the second EP. Worth a shit?

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Space Suicide View Post
    I stopped caring/following The Teargarden album after like the second song of the second EP. Worth a shit?
    Nope - it's pitiful throughout. Hopefully Oceana can be a redemption album of sorts, but I highly doubt it.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Presideo View Post
    Nope - it's pitiful throughout. Hopefully Oceana can be a redemption album of sorts, but I highly doubt it.
    Dunno... Seems like he's realized how bad of an idea it was to do a song at a time and how unfocused it was.

  13. #13
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    My brother picked up the Siamese Dream remaster on vinyl the other day. The packaging is to die for.

  14. #14
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    I picked up both the reissues yesterday and havent checked out the bonus audio discs yet, but did watch most of the '93 show DVD that came with Siamese Dream. I forgot how good they were live back then - incredible show.

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    so just listened to zwan again the other day ... lyric and honestly - forgot how great these are

    plus i have a crush on paz

  16. #16
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    seeing the band live this tour was great...and of all the new songs played, the title track from oceania seemed the most promising--- one of the few times i've felt that billy's been "back on track" since restarting the band. that said, the setlist was to die-for, regardless of who's actually on stage.

  17. #17
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    Like most of you, I'm worried for the new album, but I have to admit this has my hopes up:

  18. #18
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    That song makes me hopeful.

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    Quote Originally Posted by 1337 View Post
    does anyone here post over at the netphoria forum? They are killing these re-issues for their sound quality

    not saying I agree with them (both sound quite good to me), but it's funny to see some of the shit those people are saying..
    Yeah, I'm there.

    The new version of SP is awful, though. The new drummer is horrendous. Corgan needs to change the name and stop playing old Pumpkins hits.

  20. #20
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    i love reading Netphoria, shit is hilarious! they're right about the squishy dynamics, though i think it suits the sound of Siamese Dream quite well — for instance, "Hummer" is loud and ugly, but the quiet ending retains very similar dynamic range.

    the drums always suffer, though...

    Quote Originally Posted by Lessthanzero View Post
    where are you hearing this?
    i wasn't at the time. mp3 copies of the reissues were around for days once copies started arriving to people. i'm currently listening to it now and, as predicted, it's not nearly as bad as Netphoria makes it seem
    Last edited by seasonsinthesky; 12-07-2011 at 10:54 AM. Reason: woops, missed that post

  21. #21
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    1994 Double Door shows to be released? I hope this doesn't fall into the "promised but never released" category.

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shadaloo View Post

    I actually want one for some fucking reason. Maybe just the sheer ridiculousness of it all.

    I'm laughing because I actually bought this TBK package years back when it was released, and today the only part of it I still own is the obelisk in question here. The music/concept of that whole thing was so bad that I just ditched every other aspect of it, save for the obelisk, long ago.

    It's sitting on one of my bookshelves right now, staring at me as I type this. And a part of me has zero idea why I even kept the fucking thing and wants to send it to you as a joke, like, tomorrow.

    But I'm also getting this strange Twin Peaks-esque vibe like it's akin to that mysterious jade ring from the Black Lodge, where I'm going to need it to cross over into another dimension one day. Hopefully to one that has better music from William Patrick Corgan than anything we've heard in the past decade.

    Goddamn you, @Shadaloo. Now I'm overthinking this shit. The confounded powers of WPC have won again..

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by Prettybrokenspiral View Post

    I'm laughing because I actually bought this TBK package years back when it was released, and today the only part of it I still own is the obelisk in question here. The music/concept of that whole thing was so bad that I just ditched every other aspect of it, save for the obelisk, long ago.

    It's sitting on one of my bookshelves right now, staring at me as I type this. And a part of me has zero idea why I even kept the fucking thing and wants to send it to you as a joke, like, tomorrow.

    But I'm also getting this strange Twin Peaks-esque vibe like it's akin to that mysterious jade ring from the Black Lodge, where I'm going to need it to cross over into another dimension one day. Hopefully to one that has better music from William Patrick Corgan than anything we've heard in the past decade.

    Goddamn you, @Shadaloo. Now I'm overthinking this shit. The confounded powers of WPC have won again..
    LOL, don't worry about it. It's my great shame to come forth and admit that I found one brand new at a record shop for 20 bucks a few weeks back and caved. I wouldn't touch either volume when they were released but in comparison to some of the stuff that's come since...I'll probably track down the 2nd EP just to say I have everything now.

    I had actually thought only some volumes had the obelisk with the different vinyl, but it's all of them and the special ones are fool's gold. Mine's ugly brown marble.

    Thanks though. And glad to be of service

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shadaloo View Post
    There's a claim that a source close to D'arcy says Billy and James tried to get her back for months and it didn't work out because she's just not in the head space for it anymore.

    I desperately need to believe this, because I can't compute them all shutting her out - especially not James - unless there was a goddamned good reason. It's behavior too shitty for three (mostly) functioning, professional adults.

    Any way you slice it I'm heartbroken. Today's the day I finally accept I'll never ever see the original 4 perform together as long as I live.
    Right...a "source". Probably Kerry Brown, who was once married to D'arcy in another lifetime ago. Close enough, I guess.

    And then there's D'arcy herself over on Facebook, interacting with fans and lamenting how bad she wanted to do this reunion for the longest time, and getting shafted by WPC.

    Really? Why would she do this if she was "invited all the way" and has been singing the same tune for years about her eagerness to perform as the original lineup again?

    I'll tell you what makes perfect sense: William Patrick Corgan the Elitist Prick shitting on one of his collaborators yet again. Because we've never seen that before. Just ask Paz, or Pajo, or Sweeney, or James, or Trent, or Mike Byrne, or..

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by RhettButler View Post
    Really? That's not how I read it.
    This is the same scenario as that debate we had about Bush around this time last year, if you recall. There will be fans (like yourself) who will be willing to accept this as a legitimate reunion with James back in the fold. And then you'll have fans (like myself) who see this as a half-assed money-grab that just isn't the real thing. And much like Bush, I'm willing to bet this will ultimately turn into a classic case of a 90s "who cares?" act..

    People cite the Gn'R reunion as an example, but remember...they had 25 years of animosity, soap opera drama, album delays and one-off guest appearances to build interest. Not to mention Axl was still selling out tours globally even without Slash and Duff onboard. The fact that Izzy and Adler were still on somewhat-cordial terms and randomly appeared at certain shows added to the fan interest.

    Billy has none of that going for him. The last 10 years have seen him living in denial about how little anyone really cares about SP outside of a full classic lineup reunion. He had one shot to do this right and look at what's happened. Total mismanagement from the word go, and now you have a disgruntled ex-member looking to tank the whole thing with tell-all interviews, and doing a pretty swell job of it, from where I sit. Gn'R managed to live up to the quarter-century of drama with a successful tour, but I certainly don't see WPC doing anything close to it. It's telling that he'll be using a stand-in bassist who happens to be the son of another egomaniac who shamelessly cashes in with a Joy Division tribute band and can't understand that his legacy just isn't that important to people.

    And like Peter Hook, Billy has only himself to blame for that. So I'm willing to bet by the time all is said and done, the "Shiny and Oh So Bright" tour will just be another WPC whiny and oh so trite endeavor..


  26. #26
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    If Billy is looking to bring a concept to this tour, I'd say he's got more than enough material in the classic SP era to make an appropriate setlist:

    1. I Am One (when it comes to this band)
    2. So Very Sad About Us
    3. Zero (thought put into this)
    4. Thirty-Three (songs you've heard on every other tour we've done)
    5. Cash Car Grab Star
    6. Awful (Hole cover)
    7. Behold! The Nightmare
    8. (This arena sure is) Quiet
    9. STP (probably draws more fans than this)
    10. Shame
    11. Fuck You (A Reunion For No One)
    12. (Going to take a miracle for my fans) To Forgive
    13. Death of a Mind Band
    14. 1979 (total tickets sold so far)
    15. Infinite Sadness
    16. Once Upon a Time (we were pretty awesome)
    17. My Mistake
    18. Vanity
    19. (The fans have) Never Let Me Down Again
    20. Nobody's Fault But Mine (Zeppelin cover)
    21. She (won't be joining us on this tour, or any other)
    22. Atrocity Exhibition (Joy Division cover)
    23. Wish You Were Real (interested in this reunion thing)
    24. (This reunion is far from) Perfect
    25. Money, That's What I Want
    26. (Ticket sales slow as a) Snail
    27. There It Goes! (Our fanbase)
    28. Blew Away (my only shot at this)
    29. Our Singer (sure is an asshole) (Pavement cover w/ Stephen Malkmus)

  27. #27
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    Those new songs sound jizztastical. It doesn't sound like the old SP, but I like it with the same part of my brain as I do their old stuff without it feeling like a nostalgia act.

  28. #28
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    The Metro dvd on the Siamese Dream reissue is really good. Makes me really miss the Pumpkins we first fell in love with. Killer setlist too.

  29. #29
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    I can't believe how fucking amazing the Siamese Dream remaster is. The album finally sounds the way I always wanted it to; I don't really give a shit about the bitching other fans are doing. Honestly, I can't really claim to be much of a SP fan, but I've always liked most of SD. The heaviness of the re-release melts my face like the original never did.

  30. #30
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    The remasters? Wow.

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