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  1. #1171
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    Last edited by Your Name Here; 07-25-2016 at 01:56 PM.

  2. #1172
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    Quote Originally Posted by Your Name Here View Post
    This has already been in the press but the day they found Prince in the elevator was the day he was to meet the son of the doctor that was going to take him to California for treatment of addiction.
    There was a Minneapolis-area doctor that Prince had been seeing who dropped off test results the morning Prince died only to discover that Prince was already dead. He's been subpoenaed.

    Dr. Kornfeld was called in by friends and family of Prince in an attempted (but too-late) intervention although sources close to Prince say he willingly sought treatment.
    Last edited by allegro; 06-02-2016 at 05:23 PM.

  3. #1173
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    I don't think they need jail cells but the same "natural" enclosures that exist, now, can be surrounded by 10-foot plexi walls that securely connect to the ground while still providing an adequate "natural" environment for the animal and allowing zoo visitors to safely and fully observe from a distance.

    If a "nut" wants to go to great lengths to get in and breach security, then it's the nut's fault; the zoo has performed its obligatory diligence.
    I forgot about this one a while back.

    No warning on the Cincinnati video which I hadn't seen and shit that freaked me out.

    Last year, I went the San Diego zoo and spent some time at the chimpanzee enclosure. I honestly couldn't tell you how high the plexiglass was next to the pedestrian walk. This one older female was sitting right close to to the glass with only a couple feet between us. With her deep human like expressionless eyes, she looked at me, reached around and scooped a finger full of shit from her ass, continued to looked at me, - and ate it.

    Wow, how we've evolved.

  4. #1174
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    Oh my fucking god, I used to see Dr. Schullenberg, some years ago. What in the fucking hell??!!!! This is like the second time this has happened to me! Last year my old dentist turned out to be a fucking lion killer, and now this, what the fuck!!

    To be honest, reading that article and then googling around some more and seeing different peoples takes on this, its actually incredibly upsetting. Dr. Schulenberg is not one of these scummy pill pushing Hollywood doctors. He's a very kind and sincere person. He runs a totally legitimate family practice, and a large percentage of his patients are elderly people. It's so hard to find a good doctor, but he is the real deal. When I mainly saw him was many years ago when I was having a lot health problems due to a combination of being malnourished/living in my car, and also my own substance issues, and he was everything I could have asked for. He was a warm and sincere person and also incredibly smart and well informed. I see these people on these news sites making these comments implying that he was prince's drug dealer, and I don't believe that for one second. It's horrible to see that his name is being dragged all over the place and all these people are jumping to all these cynical conclusions even though he hasn't actually been accused of anything. Man this is fucking depressing.
    Last edited by Mantra; 06-02-2016 at 05:55 PM.

  5. #1175
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    Last edited by Your Name Here; 07-25-2016 at 01:55 PM.

  6. #1176
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mantra View Post
    Oh my fucking god, I used to see Dr. Schullenberg, some years ago. What in the fucking hell??!!!! This is like the second time this has happened to me! Last year my old dentist turned out to be a fucking lion killer, and now this, what the fuck!!

    To be honest, reading that article and then googling around some more and seeing different peoples takes on this, its actually incredibly upsetting. Dr. Schulenberg is not one of these scummy pill pushing Hollywood doctors. He's a very kind and sincere person. He runs a totally legitimate family practice, and a large percentage of his patients are elderly people. It's so hard to find a good doctor, but he is the real deal. When I mainly saw him was many years ago when I was having a lot health problems due to a combination of being malnourished/living in my car, and also my own substance issues, and he was everything I could have asked for. He was a warm and sincere person and also incredibly smart and well informed. I see these people on these news sites making these comments implying that he was prince's drug dealer, and I don't believe that for one second. It's horrible to see that his name is being dragged all over the place and all these people are jumping to all these cynical conclusions even though he hasn't actually been accused of anything. Man this is fucking depressing.
    I don't think they have found that this Dr. Schullenberg has done anything wrong; they found some prescriptions at Paisley Park but it wasn't disclosed which, if any, were from Dr. Schulenberg, who has since left the clinic where he was practicing for some unknown personal reasons but does not have any complaints or bad history; Prince was treated for illnesses before this, including pneumonia, so whatever "test results" and prescriptions he dropped off could have been related to that. I think once this investigation gets somewhere, they'll find he isn't involved in it at all.

    It's a small world, though, eh? Heh.

    As far as Michael Jackson, his drug addiction was related to emotional pain and physical pain; he reportedly had been unable to sleep for weeks, and that's why he was going to different doctors seeking sleep medication. He had also suffered from ongoing pain related to his burn injuries sustained during the filming of the Pepsi commercial. He wasn't taking drugs for "recreational" purposes. So there really was no difference between Prince and Michael Jackson (that we know so far anyway); this is how people get addicted to prescription drugs, it's why they are now so heavily regulated. The investigation into Prince's death, including the search warrant, is to determine how he was getting these drugs, via prescription from one doctor, several doctors, or on his own illegal source. When doctors administer so many drugs that patients become very addicted, the AMA has determined that it IS unethical; this is why these drugs are now heavily regulated, can no longer be submitted via e-script but instead via written prescriptions, etc. Opiate painkillers used to be doled out like candy, but those days are over since they are now Schedule II drugs. See also this.
    Last edited by allegro; 06-02-2016 at 07:00 PM.

  7. #1177
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mantra View Post
    Oh my fucking god, I used to see Dr. Schullenberg, some years ago. What in the fucking hell??!!!! This is like the second time this has happened to me! Last year my old dentist turned out to be a fucking lion killer, and now this, what the fuck!!
    If I were you I'd ask my optician how his awesome cougar of a wife is doing. Maybe you just have a knack for finding doctors who kill cool cats ?

  8. #1178
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    Last edited by Your Name Here; 07-25-2016 at 01:55 PM.

  9. #1179
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    Quote Originally Posted by Your Name Here View Post
    Using a dangerous anesthetic to treat insomnia is insane, taking too many pain killers for legitimate physical pain is another thing.
    Yes, but this is FENTANYL. It's STRONGER than HEROIN. It's total overkill. I have senior citizen neighbors who've had both hips replaced and they're in their 70s and they're on Vicodin and physical therapy, not fucking FENTANYL.

    Fentanyl is abused for its intense euphoric effects. Fentanyl can serve as a direct substitute for heroin in opioid dependent individuals. However, fentanyl is a very dangerous substitute for heroin because it is much more potent than heroin and results in frequent overdoses that can lead to respiratory depression and death.
    Prince had hip replacement surgery in 2010. If he was still taking pain killers 6 years later, after the hip replacement surgery, then he was probably addicted to the painkillers he was taking in 2010. Actually, his friends say he started taking them in 2006. At some point, you build a tolerance and you need to take more and more and more, and that's when what the doctors are doing is unethical (continuing to prescribe). See also this.
    Last edited by allegro; 06-02-2016 at 07:11 PM.

  10. #1180
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    Last edited by Your Name Here; 07-25-2016 at 01:54 PM.

  11. #1181
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    Quote Originally Posted by Your Name Here View Post
    Had Prince had the hip replacement he most likely would still be alive today. Another reason why I have such a problem with ALL RELIGIONS.
    Reports say he did get the hip replacement surgery, in 2010. And he started taking the painkillers in 2006, and just never stopped taking them.

  12. #1182
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    Last edited by Your Name Here; 07-25-2016 at 01:54 PM.

  13. #1183
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    I guess JW aren't against surgery, they're against blood transfusions but it's hard to get anybody to do surgery without the possibility of a blood transfusion. Don't know how he negotiated that, if he broke the JW rules or just got somebody to do surgery without the blood transfusion. He was involved in BLM-type activism which is also against JW rules but he evidently didn't give a shit. At some point, people start taking the drugs for how good it makes them feel and not about the pain.
    Last edited by allegro; 06-02-2016 at 07:43 PM.

  14. #1184
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    I don't think they have found that this Dr. Schullenberg has done anything wrong; they found some prescriptions at Paisley Park but it wasn't disclosed which, if any, were from Dr. Schulenberg, who has since left the clinic where he was practicing for some unknown personal reasons but does not have any complaints or bad history; Prince was treated for illnesses before this, including pneumonia, so whatever "test results" and prescriptions he dropped off could have been related to that. I think once this investigation gets somewhere, they'll find he isn't involved in it at all.

    It's a small world, though, eh? Heh.
    Yeah, tell me about it. Sheesh. My life is becoming so weird. Yesterday my aunt was on lockdown because she works at UCLA and they had a shooting there. I feel like I keep having all these tangential connections to things in the media and its fucking WEIRD, lol

    And yeah, I know that Dr Schulenberg probably isn't going to get into any actual legal trouble, because I'm sure he didn't do anything wrong, but it sucks that his name is dragged all over the place. I see all these news articles and comment sections where people are just assuming that he is responsible for Prince's death. I have to imagine that this is going to have a fairly serious impact on his career. Maybe he'll be able to recover, I hope. His name was NEVER meant to be releases but the fucking sherrifs fucked it up, so now he's all over the media even though he hasn't actually done anything wrong, and it just pisses me off because he really was an extraordinarily good doctor and a good person, and its just not right to see this guy's career fucked with just because prince died and now everyone has decided that they're out for blood. And I guess the reason I have a strong reaction is just because he once made such a huge difference in my own life.

  15. #1185
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    @Mantra , that's really sad, maybe patients like you who know that he is a good doctor can counter this bad publicity by making positive online comments. I hope it works out for him, I hope the Sheriff's office clears his name.

  16. #1186
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    Also... Jehovah's witnesses do not have anything against medicine or surgery at all, but they don't believe in blood transfusions. However, there are plenty of bloodless surgery methods available. Bloodless surgery has come a long way over the years. there are bloodless hip surgeries available. a bunch of people in my family are JWs and they've had various surgeries and medical treatments over the years. They don't believe in any of that faith healing bullshit at all. Also, even if a doctor finds it risky to do a surgery without a blood transfusion, he's not really allowed to deny bloodless surgery options to a patient, because its considered to be a violation of the patient's rights. There have been a shitload of lawsuits over the years against doctors and hospitals who didn't respect the wishes of JW patients.

  17. #1187
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    That's interesting / good to know, I'd read articles about medicine not respecting JW's no-blood-transfusion wishes and insisting on it even when it wasn't necessary (my above post).

  18. #1188
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    @Mantra , that's really sad, maybe patients like you who know that he is a good doctor can counter this bad publicity by making positive online comments. I hope it works out for him, I hope the Sheriff's office clears his name.
    Yeah, for sure, I saw some ppl on a Star Tribune article speaking up for him. The problem is I'm nit at home right now, I'm in California visiting family and I don't have my computer, only my shitty windows phone, so its painful trying to browse the internet and type up comments, and a bunch of sites won't even load correctly, so I'm just gonna wait till I get home on Monday.

  19. #1189
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    Hey, did anyone here mention a story about a Japanese boy lost in the woods because his parents dropped him off as punishment? Well, he's alive:

    Now let's go kick the shit out of those dumbass parents for putting their child in serious danger. That kid is going to have lots of therapy because of their bullshit.

  20. #1190
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    I thought this article about Prince is really great, especially regarding "physical dependence" on prescription painkillers vs. "addiction."

    The rumors that Prince entered a rehabilitation program to address a perceived painkiller addiction—whether or not the rumors are true—illustrate a general confusion about the difference between physical dependence and addiction. Many of Prince’s friends and acquaintances, including his longtime collaborator Sheila E., have attested to the physical pain and discomfort he suffered in his later years, owing to decades of strenuous performing. In the face of such chronic pain, many patients can be treated with an opiate to the point of physical dependence for an extended period of time without adverse medical consequences, resulting in a much higher quality of life. (It remains to be established whether an absence of skilled medical care—surely available to one of his status and means—contributed to the death of Prince.) Indeed, each of us, without exception, will become physically dependent on opiates if exposed to them in sufficient doses for a sufficient period of time. In physical dependence, adaptive changes take place in the brain; upon stopping the drug, a constellation of signs and symptoms appears which is called the opiate abstinence syndrome—the hallmark of physical dependence.

    In contrast with physical dependence, however, a definition of addiction is harder to reach. Neuroscientists call it a brain disease. Others think it is simply a choice or a moral failing. I prefer to say that addiction is a behavioral state of compulsive and uncontrollable drug craving and seeking. Many of those treated for chronic pain will not become physically dependent. And even in those who do develop dependence, only a small fraction will become addicted, and even a smaller number will overdose. It would be cavalier to suggest that physical dependence upon an opiate is an entirely benign condition; we would best avoid it. But we should also avoid the notion that treating chronic pain creates “addicts.” Sufferers of chronic pain are not compulsively craving and seeking drugs. They are looking for relief from their pain.

    Partly owing to the stigma around painkillers, those who suffer chronic pain that is effectively treated with opiates may be reduced to “doctor shopping” in an endless quest for adequate treatment. They may find a skilled professional schooled in pain management; more likely, they will find a “scrip doctor,” an unscrupulous physician who makes his living writing opiate prescriptions. Even worse, they may be driven into the illicit market where heroin and fentanyl, a particularly dangerous opiate, are available, often for less than the cost of prescription drugs. The roots of actual addiction are multiple and often intertwined: adolescent risk-taking, poverty and homelessness, an absence of love or hope or meaningful work. The potential remedies are equally complex. But one thing is certain: No addict will be saved by rules that inflict pain on others.

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  22. #1192
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    Yes, but this is FENTANYL. It's STRONGER than HEROIN.
    This is just silly drug hysteria type phrasing.
    It's like saying LSD 100k times stronger than mushrooms, as if that matters. It just means that you take a smaller quantity. Fentanyl also has other benefits, like skin patches that slowly absorb over a few days so you have a slow steady supply (compared to oral dosage pain killers). There are a lot of reasons to choose fentanyl over other pain killers.

  23. #1193
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    Quote Originally Posted by DigitalChaos View Post
    This is just silly drug hysteria type phrasing.
    It's like saying LSD 100k times stronger than mushrooms, as if that matters. It just means that you take a smaller quantity. Fentanyl also has other benefits, like skin patches that slowly absorb over a few days so you have a slow steady supply (compared to oral dosage pain killers). There are a lot of reasons to choose fentanyl over other pain killers.
    You mean, for a DOCTOR to choose it. Not, like, Elvis with his own PDR at home, flipping thought the pages, "I choose Fentanyl." Word among Prince's friends was that he was also dependent on Percocet. So he was evidently on several painkillers. He accidentally OD'd on Fentanyl, and the report says he "self-administered" so I don't know if that means he got it on his own, or what ... But it seems that if a doctor knows that a patient is already dependent, he/she wouldn't give Prince the King Kahuna of painkillers, saying "here ya go!" So, there was probably some dr. shopping, here, or self-medicating?

    My late best friend died of colon cancer at 34, and his oncologist had him on a constant dose of Percocet; I always laugh remembering what my friend said, "Take one of those and, honey, you gotta RUN for the couch!"
    Last edited by allegro; 06-03-2016 at 01:17 PM.

  24. #1194
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    You mean, for a DOCTOR to choose it. Not, like, Elvis with his own PDR at home, flipping thought the pages, "I choose Fentanyl." Word among Prince's friends was that he was also dependent on Percocet. So he was evidently on several painkillers. He accidentally OD'd on Fentanyl, and the report says he "self-administered" so I don't know if that means he got it on his own, or what ... But it seems that if a doctor knows that a patient is already dependent, he/she wouldn't give Prince the King Kahuna of painkillers, saying "here ya go!" So, there was probably some dr. shopping, here, or self-medicating?

    My late best friend died of colon cancer at 34, and his oncologist had him on a constant dose of Percocet; I always laugh remembering what my friend said, "Take one of those and, honey, you gotta RUN for the couch!"
    I don't think there is anything inherently bad about self-administration as long as you educated yourself. And yes, it would be a bad idea to treat opioid dependence with more opioids. The guy clearly was convinced to go through addiction treatment, and with the knowledge of a doctor. It's entirely possible multiple doctors were involved that had no idea about the other prescriptions he already had (dr shopping).

  25. #1195
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    Quote Originally Posted by onthewall2983 View Post
    Word is that he's on life support now, vitals are 'terrible' and it 'won't be long until he passes away.' This year can kiss my pasty white ass.

  26. #1196
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    Fuck you 2016. Really. Fuck you. Prince, Glenn Frey, Alan Rickman, Maurice White, Natalie Cole, several other names I'm forgetting, and our beloved David Bowie. Fuck you 2016. I want this fucking year to end now.

  27. #1197
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    Random Celebrity Headlines

    Quote Originally Posted by DigitalChaos View Post
    I don't think there is anything inherently bad about self-administration as long as you educated yourself.
    So is the assumption that Price educated himself on self administration?

    I don't I got clear whether Prince ever did get the hip surgery. I remember when I saw him perform at Coachella, my brother pointed out that he wasn't wearing his typical high heeled boots, but rather white tennies. If he didn't get his hip. fixed back then and has been educatedly self medicating for THAT many years.. Oy. Doesn't your tolerance just keep going up? Honest question.
    Last edited by Dra508; 06-03-2016 at 10:02 PM.

  28. #1198
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    Quote Originally Posted by october_midnight View Post
    Word is that he's on life support now, vitals are 'terrible' and it 'won't be long until he passes away.' This year can kiss my pasty white ass.
    God bless him, I hope he doesn't suffer. He truly was the Greatest.

  29. #1199
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    Whoa, kinda crazy I was JUST talking about fentanyl in this thread and then lo and behold THAT'S what it turns out Prince OD-ed on.

    And "self-admistering" fentanyl can be as simple as slapping on a transdermal patch, fwiw.

    My pal brought one to a party a few years ago that he got from a terminal cancer patient who traded it for weed and we cut it open to smoke its gel off of some foil. I'm not really a downer kinda guy but I hit it a few times anyway and HOT DAMN, that shit was strong as fuck. Plus it was a 72 hour patch, there's that. I accidentally got some on my fingertip while helping to cut it open and absentmindedly licked it off though so I think THAT'S what REALLY kicked my ass.

    Spent the next day-and-a-half puking bile and water while thinking of Putin gassing Chechan terrorists with Moscow theater-goers and I was THIS close to throwing in the towel and going to the hospital before I finally got over it. No surprise to hear it killed it a n00b, that shit happens ALL the time. Feds actually track its distribution by hospital OD statistics.


  30. #1200
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hazekiah
    No surprise to hear it killed it a n00b, that shit happens ALL the time.

    Prince was paying $40k for six-month supplies for over 25 years.

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