I think what Aziz did, provided he makes positive change, is something I can move past with him. I think it was wrong, and I think it was assault, but I think many, many men have probably done something similar at some point. That's what I found so fucking frustrating about the Aziz thing, how normal it was kept people from realizing it was wrong. But like, we're not going to get anywhere if our only options are to decide someone is a monster or to excuse their behavior. There's so much shit between those two points.

I'd recommend you read a bit about restorative justice to see some paths forward for people who did awful things, but where it seems like parties involved can make a change. Also, I don't know if you talk to a therapist but there are some great apps for that these days. I think you struggle really hard with stuff like this sometimes, and with your connections with folks, so it might be helpful?