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Thread: Random Celebrity Headlines

  1. #1711
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    DUDE! This is not the @thevoid99 I've come to know here...
    My feelings exactly. I don't know what going on but this is so not like the @thevoid99 that I know and appreciate...

  2. #1712
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    Quote Originally Posted by marodi View Post
    My feelings exactly. I don't know what going on but this is so not like the @thevoid99 that I know and appreciate...
    is it possible that he's been hacked? I'm kind of stunned that he would even say SJW.

  3. #1713
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    Quote Originally Posted by thevoid99 View Post
    Honestly, who cares who plays a transgender? It's just a film role. I can't believe people are getting angry over Scarlett Johansson playing a transgender man. Honestly, it's just a role. If they can get a man to play that part, fine. Still at the end of the day, it's a business. If you want people to watch a movie about a transgender pimp, get whoever you can that can bring a wide audience. I honestly don't know why people are really upset over this. If they can get a transgender person to play that role with a top-notch director with a certain pedigree. Fine. Stop with this political correctness bullshit. I'm fucking tired of you SJWs acting like whiny little bitches.
    People are frustrated by it because trans people have a hard enough time getting jobs. Not just in acting, but really everywhere. I googled a few minutes ago and the stats I'm seeing are really sad. Transgender folks have much higher rates of unemployment. So when influential art mediums like film choose to tell a story about a man who is trans and have an opportunity to hire a trans person for that role, it's insulting for them to choose a cisgendered woman. It's insulting to the trans community, it's insulting to the person who they are actually telling the story about too. It's not about "political correctness" or "SJW" anything - it's about being logical (story about a man who was trans? Hire a trans man to play the role, duh) but it's also about being gracious to a group of people who have been historically ignored at best and treated pretty viciously at worst.

    To make the bite more painful - Hollywood makes a lot of money off the trends that the LGBT community set and the stories they tell, but it's unusual for that community to reap the financial benefits of their contributions to pop culture at large.

    It doesn't harm you to learn about what other people deal with on a regular basis. Others speaking up out of concern for a marginalized group doesn't take anything from you. It doesn't cost anyone anything to be kind. That's all that's being requested here. Nobody is saying that we should cut Scarlett Johansson's head off - only that it was wrong that she got the role.
    Last edited by eachpassingphase; 07-10-2018 at 11:57 AM.

  4. #1714
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    Quote Originally Posted by thevoid99 View Post
    No, it's Bruce. He/she will always be Bruce and we all know he changed his sex to avoid some manslaughter charge.

    Ok, so you want to send me a PM about how I'm talking about things I don't know about, but you think I'll just let this shit slide? Ok then kiddo, let's play that game.
    Tell me about how transitioning somehow negates a murder charge. Tell me all about how going through the years of paperwork beyond the medical things, tell me how in all that paperwork somehow makes it so you can get away with murder. Or fraud. Or any criminal act. You know we have to have our entire past combed through before the government will even look at our case? You know if we even have anything on the books, that makes it 100x harder to move forward because they're paranoid as fuck about the idea that we may be doing this to deceive anyone (I was warned that by simply HAVING loans would make my name change take longer and I would have to fight harder because "maybe you're doing this to circumvent your loan"). Do you actually know a single god damn thing about what trans people go through in order to transition, let alone the reasons why? You want to talk about speaking "about things you don't fucking know"? Because that's literally what you've been doing in here. And we ALL called you out on your bullshit. And now you're pissed. Maybe take the opportunity to learn from it instead of lashing out like a little kid.

    No matter how much you wine and cry and throw a tantrum, Caitlyn is Caitlyn. She is not Bruce. She is not "he". She is she. Nothing you can say will change that truth.
    I don't like her. Honestly, I fucking hate her. But she is who she is.

    You don't know why she transitioned, and your attitude here has proven you probably don't know why ANY of us do. I know nothing I say will actually get through to you, and at the end of the day, I'm really just doing this so everyone else can see how completely pathetic your tantrum here was.
    Trans people are real, their identity is valid, their experience is one you don't want to understand and I am ok with that. If someone wants to understand, if they want to communicate, if they want to learn, ask anyone: I am more than happy to talk and educate and help. But when you go around pulling this shit I will hold nothing back and roast your ass because I have had to protect my brothers and sisters in the streets, so I sure as hell will stand up for them online. Even if I hate the person, you will not try that bullshit transphobic talk about her in here and not get called the fuck out.
    Last edited by sick among the pure; 07-09-2018 at 11:48 PM.

  5. #1715
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    Also, her name is legally Caitlyn so that is literally JUST transphobia backing up that insipid, tired statement.

    Also also, dude, where the fuck did this come from?

  6. #1716
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    I hate to say it, but something that people are missing when it comes to the whole ScarJo thing is that...well...she got cast because she's going to put asses in seats. That's fucked up, but until people start making stars out of transgender actors and going to see the films they're already in, Hollywood is going to continue to cast non-transgender people in those roles in order to get an audience. Think about it: how many transgender actors can you think of that also have a big audience behind them? The only one that comes to my mind right now is Laverne Cox, and even then, her audience isn't nearly as big as ScarJo's. It's easy to point to what she's doing and call it out, but if you're not going to see transgender actors in the films they're already in, then you're never going to see a transgender actor in a big role like that. Most actors had to work their way to the top, and transgender actors are no different, even if the climb is much more treacherous than the one cisgender actors have to do.

    TL;DR - Start making transgender actors famous by supporting them in films they're in rather than lamenting a role they didn't get.

  7. #1717
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    Quote Originally Posted by BRoswell View Post
    TL;DR - Start making transgender actors famous by supporting them in films they're in rather than lamenting a role they didn't get.
    While I agree with your post, this is much less about "they cast a cis person for a trans role" and much MUCH more about "they cast a woman to play a trans man". They literally said, to the actual human that the character is based off, that they see him as a woman.
    That's the something that I think people are missing about this...

  8. #1718
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    I understand that frustration as well, but my point still stands. The solution is not giving people grief about playing these roles, but supporting the people who could inevitably play those roles in the future. Even if she ends up quitting the role (which I doubt will happen), the problem is still there. In this day and age, it's easier for us to tear people down than to build up the people up who could solve it later on.

  9. #1719
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    Oh THAT Kylie. I got you.
    OH. I see where you went before. Haha (god no, not that other one)

  10. #1720
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  11. #1721
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    Let me say first that Scarlet Johansson has done some other things that have rubbed me the wrong way.
    She's also been shitty on Israel/Palestine:

  12. #1722
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    Quote Originally Posted by BRoswell View Post
    I understand that frustration as well, but my point still stands. The solution is not giving people grief about playing these roles, but supporting the people who could inevitably play those roles in the future. Even if she ends up quitting the role (which I doubt will happen), the problem is still there. In this day and age, it's easier for us to tear people down than to build up the people up who could solve it later on.
    Hollywood casting agencies and production studios are the ones who can fix this, and they've been slow to make this happen. Getting angry about ScarJo teaming with the same director who did Ghost In The Shell (whose movie appropriated Japanese culture and ultimately bombed for doing so) for casting her and ignoring trans actors is how we make them fix it. Her PR response was garbage - invoking Jeffrey Tambor, a man a lot of us hate right now, as precedent for her doing this is completely tone def.

    ScarJo has done three Woody Allen movies to try and get that Oscar nom and it. has. not. happened. She's a fucking Avenger - she's not doing this for money - she's doing this to try and get nominated for awards and with the Academy just recently welcoming in new members who are diverse, does she think she's going to get one now that the old white men have been diluted? Please.

    Also - has anyone actually seen the man she's going to be portraying? She's gonna wear a fatsuit too because she's not putting on 80 lbs. for this role.

  13. #1723
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    Well then.

  14. #1724
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    Hopefully they replace her with, oh idk, a guy?

  15. #1725
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    Not going to lie, that kind of made my Friday.

  16. #1726
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    Her statement was MUCH better than the one given after the casting announcement.

  17. #1727
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    Quote Originally Posted by BRoswell View Post
    Even if she ends up quitting the role (which I doubt will happen)
    Well this post aged well

    Quote Originally Posted by BRoswell View Post
    In this day and age, it's easier for us to tear people down than to build up the people up who could solve it later on.
    The problem I see is that even with tearing down barriers, it's still a slow build up to the solution. So if you tried to take the civil approach and promote positivity while just letting shitty things continue to happen in the meantime, that buildup would be so painfully slow that people alive today may never even see the payoff. Sometimes bad things just need to be torn down to make way for good. And in this particular instance, convincing Johansson to step down isn't really tearing anyone down - it's not like she's never going to work again and her life is ruined or anything like that. (I will concede that some people were super shitty to her, but let's be honest: that will always happen, even to the most unbelievably wonderful people, because there will always be assholes in the world.)

  18. #1728
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lt. Randazzo View Post
    Her statement was MUCH better than the one given after the casting announcement.

    Good. Hollywood’s many exposed rapists could learn a thing or two about humility from this statement.

  19. #1729
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    Quote Originally Posted by theimage13 View Post
    The problem I see is that even with tearing down barriers, it's still a slow build up to the solution. So if you tried to take the civil approach and promote positivity while just letting shitty things continue to happen in the meantime, that buildup would be so painfully slow that people alive today may never even see the payoff. Sometimes bad things just need to be torn down to make way for good. And in this particular instance, convincing Johansson to step down isn't really tearing anyone down - it's not like she's never going to work again and her life is ruined or anything like that. (I will concede that some people were super shitty to her, but let's be honest: that will always happen, even to the most unbelievably wonderful people, because there will always be assholes in the world.)
    This is a really good point. Progress is messy because people are messy and sometimes there is no way to right wrongs without somebody taking some heat. It's important as a society not to attack another person's dignity as a human being when they screw up and do something wrong, but I don't think that means people shouldn't be forceful and vocal when they see something wrong occurring.

    It was the wrong move for ScarJo to be cast in that role and to accept that role. I don't want to ruin her life or anything (and I'm pretty sure dropping this role won't), but I don't think it's a mistake for people to speak up and to do so loudly. Too often calls for civility have been used like a gag in the mouths of people who would otherwise instigate change with their words, which is part of why people get so frustrated when somebody says "well you may have a point, but you should ask nicer."

  20. #1730
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    Has Elon Musk lost his fucking mind?

  21. #1731
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    Quote Originally Posted by Harry Seaward View Post
    Has Elon Musk lost his fucking mind?
    I think he's just childishly angry because that guy suggested he stick a submarine up his ass.

  22. #1732
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    Probably also symptomatic of being under even more stress than usual. It was an appalling thing to tweet though, and came just days after mentioning in an interview that he's aware he needs to tone down his Twitter outbursts.

    Honestly - Tesla is one of my favourite things in the world, and the things Elon Musk has achieved are amazing. More than any other Silicon Valley pioneer I think he has a real claim to making the world a better place. But, I really don't like the way he conducts himself. By choosing Twitter as his chosen medium, at the expense of "Mainstream Media", being hugely boastful and occasionally quite nasty and classless on there, there's a definite hint of Donald Trump in him.

  23. #1733
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    Quote Originally Posted by Harry Seaward View Post
    Has Elon Musk lost his fucking mind?
    No, this seems about par for the course for him.

  24. #1734
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    I wish he didn't feel the need to elon must

  25. #1735
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    Quote Originally Posted by theimage13 View Post
    No, this seems about par for the course for him.
    Really? I feel like I don't remember him saying and doing so much stupid shit so publicly and loudly until relatively recently. Am I just noticing it more because I'm mad at him for dating Grimes?

  26. #1736
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    Quote Originally Posted by Harry Seaward View Post
    Really? I feel like I don't remember him saying and doing so much stupid shit so publicly and loudly until relatively recently. Am I just noticing it more because I'm mad at him for dating Grimes?

    Probably. We're talking about the guy who once told his wife that if she were an employee, he would have fired her. He rants on twitter a lot, and by his own admission, recently said that he needs to tone it down. I'd love to look the other way because SpaceX is so fucking cool, booksmart as he is, he's not the "smartest" guy in a lot of other ways.

  27. #1737
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    What a cock. It just seemed especially stupid to call a dude who's been more or less considered a hero across the world lately a 'pedo.'

  28. #1738
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    Hot off the whole ScarJo thing, we have less shitty casting announcements.

  29. #1739
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    Elon is a damned tool. A genius, sure, but if you've seen that video about him and his (ex?) family, you'd understand that he's pretty close to the autistic spectrum.

    And no talk about the James Gunn incident? I only heard it today that he was fired for his 10 year old tweets. I'm all for being trigger-happy with famous people who sexually abused or just even threatened others, but shit's becoming crazy. At least I don't have to wait for the newest season of Black Mirror, because I'm living in it.

  30. #1740
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    Quote Originally Posted by Volband View Post
    Elon is a damned tool. A genius, sure, but if you've seen that video about him and his (ex?) family, you'd understand that he's pretty close to the autistic spectrum.

    And no talk about the James Gunn incident? I only heard it today that he was fired for his 10 year old tweets. I'm all for being trigger-happy with famous people who sexually abused or just even threatened others, but shit's becoming crazy. At least I don't have to wait for the newest season of Black Mirror, because I'm living in it.
    What incident?

    This is DISNEY we're talking about here. Have you seen the rules for people who work at the park? Super strict. They're one of the biggest companies in the world and go to extraordinary measures to make sure that their brand is clean. I've never even heard of James Gunn, but after some quick reading, here's my take: sounds like a nice guy, but the things publicly linked to his name are in extreme conflict with the rules that Disney sets out for their employees. He didn't fit the corporate code of conduct, so he was let go. If my company heard me making comments like that, I'd expect to be fired too. (Also, for those bad at math, 2012 was not ten years ago.)

    This isn't some Black Mirror shit. This is a private company disciplining an employee whose public comments go against their clearly stated standards.

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