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Thread: Dreams with Trent/NIN in them

  1. #121
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    fuck yeah man. nin dreams lol

  2. #122
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    sounds fascinating.

  3. #123
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    Quote Originally Posted by Copy_of_an_Echo View Post
    Your dreams sound interesting. I haven't read your exact dream thread though but if I'm right, (Closure and ATCHB) were filmed tours? Were you engaged in the dream as a dream character, or observing the events like a third person ghost?
    Perhaps you could say a bit of both, since the dream world can also function like that too. When I noticed that I was actually in the same room with Trent Reznor, that's when I woke up because it just hit me as to how impossible that was, and how meeting him face to face just never ever happened.
    Last edited by Halo Infinity; 02-27-2015 at 01:22 AM.

  4. #124
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    Ah yes I see. Very kool. Well too bad that would have been a great way to enter lucidity, and then consciously sit in the room and talk to the imaginary Trent.

  5. #125
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    If only I mastered lucidity, I would've. That's exactly what I was thinking too, aside from hanging out in the tour buses and just enjoying the live performances. Most of it was a blur though. (As most of my dreams are anyway.)

  6. #126
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kris View Post
    If only I mastered lucidity, I would've. That's exactly what I was thinking too, aside from hanging out in the tour buses and just enjoying the live performances. Most of it was a blur though. (As most of my dreams are anyway.)
    I see yeah. Lucidity is tricky. I started when I was 6 just calling "controlling your dreams". Wouldn't have been good at it if it weren't for my dad just bringing the subject up during breakfast, and then me thinking, ooo, I want to try that.

  7. #127
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    As for my most recent Nine Inch Nails dream, I seemed to have dreamt of Nine Inch Nails performing Sex Is Violent from the Natural Born Killers soundtrack. I woke up as soon as the song was finished.
    Last edited by Halo Infinity; 04-01-2015 at 08:02 PM.

  8. #128
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    I had a dream about TR about a month and a half ago(my dreams are rare so just having one is memorable regardless of who is in it). Anyway, he, his wife, a couple of other people, me, and my oldest daughter were sitting in a room that was dark, cozy, heavy, and had a television when all of the sudden an earthquake started happening. We all held on the verge of nervous energy and TR said, "We have been getting these more frequently, just hold on, it's almost over....". Then I woke up in a very indescribable and strange mood that lasted all day.

  9. #129
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    Alright so NIN dream,

    I was in a room I think, perhaps a bookstore in the evening, or someones home, and I saw a large bookshelf beside me. Atop one of the shelves was this one particular book that really stood out to me. Now, the booked looked to be about 5 or 6 feet tall in size, lol, which actually didn't strike me as strange because I wasn't conscious enough to be phased by that. But what caught my attention was the title. I think it said something on the lines of "The Bible to Pretty Hate Machine", or, "The Pretty Hate Machine Bible". The cover of the book was the same cover of the PHM album, and looking at it, I was very curious to see what was inside. I thought it would probably have been a collection of Pretty Hate Machine modeling photos, concert photos and random NIN content and perhaps essays and stuff. Sorry if that got you excited, because I don't actually open the book up haha.
    Next to that book, there was another one that sort of went hand in hand with it. The book was black and the cover had a picture of Trent Reznor on it that looked kind of like the one in this attachment,

    Not sure if that link will work...

    Anyway, so that book was called something like "Pretty Hate Machine: Ribs" Damn, I wish I could remember the exact title for that one. It had ribs in it haha.
    So to me, I saw that book and new that it was like a demo collection or photo album or something.

    So anyway yeah, dreams are fascinating.

  10. #130
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    Dreams with Trent/NIN in them

    I had a dream I met linkin park and a couple minutes later Trent showed up and i tried to say hi but linkin park wouldn't let me get a word in.

  11. #131
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    I was trying to find a record store that sold the "No More Hesitation" remix album of Hesitation Marks on vinyl and I finally found a place that sold it! The music playing over the loud speaker was none other than SAW3 by Aphex Twin of course. Being unphased by the music, I found the copy of the album and went up to the cashier to purchase it. The cashier was none other than Mr. Rez himself! Well, he had a name tag that said "Trevor Reznik" and he was wearing an obvious fake mustache, so he had to be hiding something. For some reason he ends up getting in a car with me and pulls out a CD that supposedly has the Tapeworm tracks on it and that he's been on the run from MJK because Trent doesn't want to give the CD to him since he doesn't want anymore sub par Perfect Circle overhauls. We somehow get in a car chase with Maynard and then I wake up.


  12. #132
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    According to my dream last night, Trent is now composing an album of string orchestra music.

    He said so during an interview I watched. Took me a few moments after waking to realize this wasn't actually true.

  13. #133
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    Last night I dreamt I was at the first show of a new tour. The stage was elevated up real high, and I somehow got to the very top and was next to Rob filming, everyone else was below me. Sin opened the show.

    Then as I really got into it, I dreamt I was singing along and jumping around, then actually leapt out in my sleep, waking both me and my partner up. She thought I was having a nightmare LOL. Quite the opposite.

  14. #134
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    I had a pretty cool dream where trent was playing piano, it sounded awesome, very dramatic. When I woke up I thought I knew the song, but every piano song by trent I found didnt sound like it. So I guess I heard an unreleased piano song.

  15. #135
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    Quote Originally Posted by Melancholygrl78 View Post
    I had a dream about TR about a month and a half ago(my dreams are rare so just having one is memorable regardless of who is in it). Anyway, he, his wife, a couple of other people, me, and my oldest daughter were sitting in a room that was dark, cozy, heavy, and had a television when all of the sudden an earthquake started happening. We all held on the verge of nervous energy and TR said, "We have been getting these more frequently, just hold on, it's almost over....". Then I woke up in a very indescribable and strange mood that lasted all day.
    That's kool. I just had three TR dreams almost in a row recently which I will post soon.

  16. #136
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    Quote Originally Posted by GlitchyFlame View Post
    I was trying to find a record store that sold the "No More Hesitation" remix album of Hesitation Marks on vinyl and I finally found a place that sold it! The music playing over the loud speaker was none other than SAW3 by Aphex Twin of course. Being unphased by the music, I found the copy of the album and went up to the cashier to purchase it. The cashier was none other than Mr. Rez himself! Well, he had a name tag that said "Trevor Reznik" and he was wearing an obvious fake mustache, so he had to be hiding something. For some reason he ends up getting in a car with me and pulls out a CD that supposedly has the Tapeworm tracks on it and that he's been on the run from MJK because Trent doesn't want to give the CD to him since he doesn't want anymore sub par Perfect Circle overhauls. We somehow get in a car chase with Maynard and then I wake up.

    LOL that's fuckin hilarious. I totally can imagine that. Trevor Reznik lol... Yeah because you're left brain is shutdown a bit when it's sleeping so reading is tough eh.
    Last edited by Copy_of_an_Echo; 12-28-2015 at 06:34 AM.

  17. #137
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    Alright so I have three TR dreams, and surprisingly no AR dreams just yet:

    Dream 1: Missed My Chance During A Feast

    So I was having dinner or late lunch with a group of acquaintances and some family friends and parents. It was a late afternoon with the sun still out and we all gathered at somebody's home to have a spring or perhaps summer feast. Trent Reznor was among a few guests and sat just across and a little diagonally from me! As we had our dinner I remember thinking to myself "damn.. I know I have all these things I want to talk about with him and and ask but I can't seem to remember any of it..." I recall he was thoroughly engaged with most of the other people but I new I could have easily slipped in some words if I just composed my thoughts in time. I was beside him in time... sighh* he just keeps slipping away...
    When we all finished dinner all the guests parted and I was somewhat saddened by this.

    Okay Now Dream 2!: Trent Was Doing What I Was Doing Haha!

    So in the "waking/real life", I've been working on designing Splinter Cell sort of spy suits just for playing airsoft in. For the past couple years I've been using various materials such as fake leather Halloween bondage gimp suits and used wetsuits purchased off of craigslist as the base of the spy suit (when I say base I mean jacket and pants; before the balaclava and night vision or vest/gadgets). At some point I find myself having this dream and already knowing that somewhere along the lines, Trent also started working on the same project as me just out of chance. He too was designing spy suits for airsoft players. Somehow I eventually found myself borrowing one of his spy suit "bases" (jacket and pants) and I was probably preparing for a photoshoot as well. When I put the suit on and observed more carefully, to my quirky surprise I discovered that he was also using wetsuits as his costume base! I thought it was quite funny that he had thought the same way as me!!

    DREAM NUMBER 3 TO BE CONTINUED!!! Once I can get the text I sent to a friend regarding it.
    Last edited by Copy_of_an_Echo; 12-28-2015 at 06:34 AM.

  18. #138
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    YouTube dream: found a live version of Hurt with heavy duty distorted guitars and strangely out of place drum loops in it. Imagine the echo-y breakdown of Demon Seed playing under the chorus.

    Yeah, it sucked.

  19. #139
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    One of those dreams that make no sense but feel natural.
    I was told to overlook the preparation for a show, TR was rehearsing pretty much alone except a handful of tech guys that were dealing with cables and lamps. The place was small, not even a theatre, more like a university auditorium with ascending rows of chairs.
    There was no drummer and I didn't recognize who played guitar. Guitarist looked bigger than Trent, was blond wearing blue jacket. TR was wearing black shirt. I had a camera to take pictures for reference, stood mostly behind and to the right side of Trent, they played a song i didn't recognize at first - because guitar was just silent. Whoever played it was frustrated and tried to force plug into the instrument made gestures to other guys. Keyboard worked, maybe some other synth machine was on, but i couldn't see it in the dark. And the sound came from behind my back and right side, the left part of stage speakers didn't work.
    The song was Suck, Trent's voice was clear and good all the way (i remember the feeling of relief that at least his channel worked as it should) but most of other sounds were cutting off and on. Halfway through they handed him another guitar that worked and a 2nd mic stand to sing along with TR, who turned to a keyboard, they ended the final "Suuuuuuck" and i think after some argument the same song began again.
    The techs fixed most of the setup on-the-fly, all previously missing sound from left side of "stage" kicked in, the song sounded full and complete even though there was no drum kit in the room. Trent went behind curtain, sat behind a table with some paperwork. i followed and asked "hey mr. trent what about hesitation marks", he said "what about it?", i said "we don't have much time left".
    Can't remember any more of it but i think he said something to help me calm down.

  20. #140
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    Quote Originally Posted by Microwave Jellyfish View Post
    YouTube dream: found a live version of Hurt with heavy duty distorted guitars and strangely out of place drum loops in it. Imagine the echo-y breakdown of Demon Seed playing under the chorus.

    Yeah, it sucked.
    lol oh. Usually NIN songs in my dreams are pretty damn good

  21. #141
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    Quote Originally Posted by BenAkenobi View Post
    One of those dreams that make no sense but feel natural.
    I was told to overlook the preparation for a show, TR was rehearsing pretty much alone except a handful of tech guys that were dealing with cables and lamps. The place was small, not even a theatre, more like a university auditorium with ascending rows of chairs.
    There was no drummer and I didn't recognize who played guitar. Guitarist looked bigger than Trent, was blond wearing blue jacket. TR was wearing black shirt. I had a camera to take pictures for reference, stood mostly behind and to the right side of Trent, they played a song i didn't recognize at first - because guitar was just silent. Whoever played it was frustrated and tried to force plug into the instrument made gestures to other guys. Keyboard worked, maybe some other synth machine was on, but i couldn't see it in the dark. And the sound came from behind my back and right side, the left part of stage speakers didn't work.
    The song was Suck, Trent's voice was clear and good all the way (i remember the feeling of relief that at least his channel worked as it should) but most of other sounds were cutting off and on. Halfway through they handed him another guitar that worked and a 2nd mic stand to sing along with TR, who turned to a keyboard, they ended the final "Suuuuuuck" and i think after some argument the same song began again.
    The techs fixed most of the setup on-the-fly, all previously missing sound from left side of "stage" kicked in, the song sounded full and complete even though there was no drum kit in the room. Trent went behind curtain, sat behind a table with some paperwork. i followed and asked "hey mr. trent what about hesitation marks", he said "what about it?", i said "we don't have much time left".
    Can't remember any more of it but i think he said something to help me calm down.
    That's pretty kool. I think I know what you mean when you say it felt natural, although didn't make much sense; as I recently dreampt that Atticus Ross was nibbling my friends neck (who's a dude), but it wasn't that weird to me because I knew they just did that like it was their frreaky silly "thing" they did when they hung out. There was context to keep me from questioning reality.

    Are you an audio engineer or show manger in the waking life or did you just happen to be one in this dream only?

  22. #142
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    Quote Originally Posted by theimage13 View Post
    Really, really wish I could record dreams. Last night, I had the most absurdly long, epic, and detailed dream ever. It was more or less a Fragile-based miniseries (without a single mention of NIN though), akin to something you'd see on PBS or the BBC. Extremely skilled no-name actors, amazing visuals, an extraordinary storyline. I have absolutely no idea what brought this on, but damnit, I wish I could just go back to it every night. It was a massive mindfuck.
    That's very interesting. So you mean you dreampt you were watching a TV show that was reminiscent of themes from The Fragile?

  23. #143
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    Quote Originally Posted by Copy_of_an_Echo View Post
    That's very interesting. So you mean you dreampt you were watching a TV show that was reminiscent of themes from The Fragile?
    That was literally almost four years ago. I don't remember what I dreamed about last night.

  24. #144
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    I have been a hardcore NIN fan since the 90s, and I don't recall ever having a single dream with NIN in it. It is strange as much as I have listened to the music and researched it I would think that my sub and/or un consciousness would be layered with all kinds of crazy shit from it.

  25. #145
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    I hate having dreams where I find a little record store and it's FULL of NIN stuff that I don't have, and also don't exist in real life.

  26. #146
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    I guess, as everyone here I'm starting to really anticipate the new NIN album... anyways, I had a dream about it last night.

    Trent was having a listening meeting with some executives. He stood away from the meeting table in this huge room. Then "I" saw on a wall a huge promotional poster for the new album. All in scarlet red with this bit of marketing on the bottom: "Recorded in super hd sound".. I can't remember the exact terms but it was some new super hd audio format. then a review quote in another scene: "the best 'sounding' album of all time... they didn't mention music though. anyways. that was what i could remember of the dream

  27. #147
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    Had a really vivid dream of NIN playing live last night.

    I was given access to the visuals and such. I encouraged Trent to play unusual songs, but he said he could only fit a few in.

    The setlist contained typical staples, plus The Becoming, The Great Below, Down In It and Where Is Everybody?

    The latter made everyone shit their pants. Other instrumentals were also played that haven't been done live before. I forget what they were.

  28. #148
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    I had a dream some days ago in which I was working in my hospital and Trent came to visit one of my patients (the patient I dreamt of is driving me crazy IRL right now) and I wouldn't recognize Trent until he was about to go. He then gave the secretary of our hospital ward a chocolate bar. I wanted to go to him and shake his hand but the patient I mentioned before started screaming and I had to go to his room then. When I came out of his room Trent was already gone.
    Even in my dreams he's haunting me...I'll be so happy when he finally goes home.
    The worst part is that I'll never know why Trent came to visit him

  29. #149
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    Quote Originally Posted by reznovka View Post
    I had a dream some days ago in which I was working in my hospital and Trent came to visit one of my patients (the patient I dreamt of is driving me crazy IRL right now) and I wouldn't recognize Trent until he was about to go. He then gave the secretary of our hospital ward a chocolate bar. I wanted to go to him and shake his hand but the patient I mentioned before started screaming and I had to go to his room then. When I came out of his room Trent was already gone.
    Even in my dreams he's haunting me...I'll be so happy when he finally goes home.
    The worst part is that I'll never know why Trent came to visit him
    He may have visited your patient to speed up his recovery.

  30. #150
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    @cashpiles just hit like on 3 posts I made in here, so I just re-read them. I totally don't remember those dreams now. Except maybe the one about opening the show with MOTP.

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