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Thread: True Detective

  1. #541
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    Friendly reminder that I still have the extras from the Season 3 Blu-ray on my filehost (including the amazing extended finale). Anyone interested may shoot me a PM

  2. #542
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    Just finished the entirety of Season 2.

    Watching 4, and this, back to back, Night Country can never stand on the same pedestal with what this season brought, and makes it seem even more hollow.

    It's stylish, brooding, riveting, the soundtrack is amazing, and knows exactly what it wants to be. I'm a sucker for very down-feeling movies, and shows, and watching it 8 years later with everything I have gone through personally since then, it packs an even bigger punch.

    It is extremely character driven, with every lead actor pushing themselves to arguably some of their best work they have portrayed on screen. You are lead to believe these people are not very good at the bone, with each having incredibly dark backstories, each with a gigantic chip on their shoulders. As the season plays out, you start to realize that even if they're not doing the best a good person would do, they start to unravel, and you learn that there is good in each and every one of them... Even Frank.

    The theme that "We get the world we deserve" is littered throughout the season. Even if you have this glimmer of hope that they will all get out, it does such a good job with keeping you invested in these characters, you start rooting for even the most troubled ones, like Frank, and Velcoro. But that theme starts to slowly creep in as soon as you see things will not be a fairytale ending.

    I'm sticking to the dialog being snappy, and very good for the Noir setting the show really takes on. You would expect characters in this type of setting to speak the way they do, and even if some is borrowed, it is warranted. Taylor Kitsch does not get enough credit for what he brought to the table with his role in the show; fuck, that scene with him in Episode 7 is so gut-wrenching, it literally brought me to tears, along with Frank, and Velcoro's demise. Also, the voice message Velcoro was sending, never sent...just UGH.

    I felt so bad for Ani, finally finding someone as broken as she is, only to be hit with the reality that Ray was not coming back to meet her. The scene on the boat with her watching the water, as the show switches back and fourth with Frank, and Ray meeting their ultimate ends was done very well. These characters are all of us, and it is a shame that people pretty much gave this no time to land on its feet when it was released, because expectations were holding on to a Season 1 continuation or something... but I guess I cannot blame them.

    For all the fans that say "It doesn't make sense" I couldn't disagree more. It's all there for you to follow along with, but I understand this type of setting, and continuous dread can be tiring for some. Again, the show knows what it wanted to be, and I was so angry, and also happy at the same time when everything starts to go south, and seeing the bad guys win; it's just good stuff, man.

    Seeing Woodrugh at least get something he deserved, was a nice touch, especially since he loved working the highway so much. His kid was born, along with Ani and Velcoro's, so there are some happy endings there to be had. Overall, this is arguably my favorite season, on par with Season 1. The characters stick with you, and when Ani leaves the info for the reporter at the end, there is that glimmer of hope that they will be ok (Nails is the fucking man btw), and that the bad guys will eventually get the world they deserve as well.

    Some of my favorite quotes:

    Ray: "I would've been different."
    Frank: "Of all the lies people tell themselves, I bet that is the most common."

    Ray: "I used to want to be an Astronaut. But Astronauts don't even go to the moon anymore."

    Paul: "I just don't know how to be out in the world, man."
    Ray: "Hey, look out that window. Look at me... Nobody does."

    Ani: "If you know where to look... I don't know if it'll make any difference...but it should. Because we deserve a better world."

    Ray: "Do you miss it?"
    Ani: "What...?"
    Ray: "... Anything."

    Frank: "On the ropes, ain't the same thing as bleeding out."

    Paul: "If you want to get over something, maybe sitting around, and remembering it in every detail ain't the right way."

    Now, onto Season 3!
    Last edited by Self.Destructive.Pattern; 03-14-2024 at 03:35 AM.

  3. #543
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    Quote Originally Posted by Self.Destructive.Pattern View Post
    Just finished the entirety of Season 2...
    Cool review! i've always defended Season 2 and think it's quite underrated!

    My favorite quote is by Frank when he's staring at a water stain (for some reason i can't find the whole scene):

  4. #544
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    Quote Originally Posted by henryeatscereal View Post
    Cool review! i've always defended Season 2 and think it's quite underrated!

    My favorite quote is by Frank when he's staring at a water stain (for some reason i can't find the whole scene):

    There are so many good ones in there, and some that didn't make that compilation, Hahaa. If it is the scene when they're on the ceiling:

    "How'd a water stain get there? It rained maybe twice this last year. It's like everything's papier-mache... I dont like being on a ledge."

    That scene is actually very important to what unfolds throughout the relationship with him and Jordan. Some saw the stains as the eyes of Caspere, and some as ovaries, since the entire scene is about money, children, and leaving what is yours behind:" It's never really yours." Meaning land, and things you own. Such a good scene.

    The stains pop up again, symbolizing when he was locked in the basement as a kid, and the 3 marks on the map, showing the mine runoff that contaminated the land.

  5. #545
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    If we are talking about the best one liners from season 2 you really can't beat the one about fucking the kids dad in the ass with his severed head or whatever.

    I found it!

    "If you ever bully or hurt anybody again, I'll come back and butt fuck your father with your mom's headless corpse on this goddamn lawn."


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