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Thread: True Detective

  1. #61
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nyx View Post
    Well, I don't mind the unanswered questions about the killings as much as I mind them spending 7 and a half episodes building Cohle, establishing his character, developing him, just to have him black out and wake up a different, the-light-is-winning person for no apparent reason.
    No, he had a reason, it's just his reason was cliche.

    Also, I wouldn't be surprised if they left things opened in case they revisited some things in the future. But does that bring up a question: Is the next season gonna take place in the same reality that the first season did?

  2. #62
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    In general I feel like the last three episodes weren't quite as good as the first five. They were riding so high, but the last third of the season lost a certain something. I still enjoyed the ending, but yeah, I think it could have been a little better. I don't even care about the plot getting perfectly resolved. I think we always knew this wasn't the type of show that was gonna have a perfect "Good work boys! You solved the whole thing!" type of ending. I'm okay with the fact that they'll never catch all the cult members or that certain things aren't perfectly explained. I just feel like there was a change in the tone and the themes of the show. I could have done without the cheesy stuff like the ridiculous sniper dude or Cohle's monologue. For me, they took the show in a direction that felt too different from where it started. The earlier episodes felt darker and more complex.

    Still, at the end of the day, it was a fucking great show.

  3. #63
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nyx View Post
    Would have preferred it. The last 5 minutes or so were very disappointing.
    I was thinking... "I guess this justifies having different characters in every season since they're both going to die". I was expecting a bit more... but the tension was still there, and when Rust was going through all those tunnels I was at the edge of me seat. Overall, I was satisfied.. but it could have been a hell of a lot better.

    What the hell was that tornado/dark cloud looking thing Rust saw before he got shanked? It really confused me and they never touched upon it again.

  4. #64
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    I have to say, that whole eureka moment with the green ears/paint thing was unbelievably stupid. What the fuck were they thinking with that bullshit?

  5. #65
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    "I drink your milkshake!"

  6. #66
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mantra View Post
    I have to say, that whole eureka moment with the green ears/paint thing was unbelievably stupid. What the fuck were they thinking with that bullshit?
    Would've loved to see how the hell he managed to accidentally rub his ears with enough green paint to from then on be referred to as the green eared spaghetti man.

  7. #67
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    I'm having one of those moments where I'm honestly depressed to see that not everyone loved this finale and then I realize how niche my tastes are and always have been

  8. #68
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    I loved it, I think the series is deeper than people are making it out to be. We'll see with the other seasons. The blue vortex freaked me the fuck out, I also don't know why Errol said "remove your mask" and called him a little priest.

  9. #69
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    Quote Originally Posted by screwdriver View Post
    I'm having one of those moments where I'm honestly depressed to see that not everyone loved this finale and then I realize how niche my tastes are and always have been
    Niche? Please, everyone and ther mom is jizzing their pants over the finale...

    Quote Originally Posted by Kodiak33 View Post
    I also don't know why Errol said "remove your mask" and called him a little priest.
    I'm thinking it's another reference from the fictional play "The King in Yellow"
    Camilla: You, sir, should unmask.
    Stranger: Indeed?

    Cassilda: Indeed it's time. We have all laid aside disguise but you.

    Stranger: I wear no mask.

    Camilla: (Terrified, aside to Cassilda.) No mask? No mask!

  10. #70
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nyx View Post
    Niche? Please, everyone and ther mom is jizzing their pants over the finale...
    I'd like to see your mom jizz her pants

    but seriously, I guess it saddens me to see so much hate on the net for the show. I walked away almost in tears from how perfect that ending was. Maybe it was the whole way Rust's transformation sort of mirrored my own feelings and I'm just projecting
    Last edited by screwdriver; 03-10-2014 at 08:29 PM.

  11. #71
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    I'll let her know.

  12. #72
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    Nyx, come on. Even though I would've preferred an ending SPOILers with cohle looking out the hotel window realizing the media, cops and everyone that received his packages didn't do more to prosecute the tuttles the regular ending isn't all that bad. His character didn't just transform completely, it was a banter with hart more so than anything else.

    Cohle was a pessimist but with a good heart, we saw this in multiple scenes, why you think it's out of character for him to have a breakdown about his loved ones is ???? Don't understand. I think this is a case of you projecting on to the characters your own bleak perception of reality.

  13. #73
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rabbit View Post
    why you think it's out of character for him to have a breakdown about his loved ones is ???? Don't understand.
    Because it seems to come out of nowhere? Because Cohle, as we have come to know him, would never utter those things? So he had a near death experience. It wasn't even his first, remember? He had taken three bullets to the stomach many years prior, if nothing else. He was ready to die, ready to be done with this world, yet somehow (for some magical mystical reason) he gets transformed. But I get it, not many American shows can have a bitter pessimist atheist running around being the (anti?)hero without eventually neutering him with some spiritual crap and finding hope in the end. I wouldn't really have minded as much if it was his character gradually developing into that direction, over time. Instead, he just wakes up and boom, the light is winning.

  14. #74
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    A friend of mine sent me this, great article.

  15. #75
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nyx View Post
    Because it seems to come out of nowhere? Because Cohle, as we have come to know him, would never utter those things? So he had a near death experience. It wasn't even his first, remember? He had taken three bullets to the stomach many years prior, if nothing else. He was ready to die, ready to be done with this world, yet somehow (for some magical mystical reason) he gets transformed. But I get it, not many American shows can have a bitter pessimist atheist running around being the (anti?)hero without eventually neutering him with some spiritual crap and finding hope in the end. I wouldn't really have minded as much if it was his character gradually developing into that direction, over time. Instead, he just wakes up and boom, the light is winning.
    I don't see it like that at all. He was ready to die and that's why he says multiple times "I'm not supposed to be here". He seemed miffed at the whole situation actually, he was clearly in despaire from surviving. Why does it have to be mystical? He was a broken man and was battling his daughters death throughout, or did you forget him showing up to harts house drunk on his daughters birthday ?

    He had some sort of near death "experience", or another way to look at it, a reconciliation with himself over the loss of his loved ones. Like Hart experienced with his own family but in the real world, Colhe experienced it when he was unconscious and now both men have to move on and deal with their lives and what they just went through. It's not like cohle started talking about angels and shit come on .

    And at the very end Hart tries to support his partner as he watches him have a complete break down. A final moment of role reversal, as each says something the other would have normally said. A cute moment of bromance
    Last edited by Rabbit; 03-10-2014 at 08:56 PM.

  16. #76
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    Great show, shame about the last twenty minutes of the finale.

  17. #77
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nyx View Post
    Because it seems to come out of nowhere? Because Cohle, as we have come to know him, would never utter those things? So he had a near death experience. It wasn't even his first, remember? He had taken three bullets to the stomach many years prior, if nothing else. He was ready to die, ready to be done with this world, yet somehow (for some magical mystical reason) he gets transformed. But I get it, not many American shows can have a bitter pessimist atheist running around being the (anti?)hero without eventually neutering him with some spiritual crap and finding hope in the end. I wouldn't really have minded as much if it was his character gradually developing into that direction, over time. Instead, he just wakes up and boom, the light is winning.
    you're making a huge assumption here, which is that his personal philosophy should always overrule his personal experiences

    people change; it can be a little bit over time or with sudden trauma

  18. #78
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    Having had near death experiences, I can say that it was a sudden change for me. Also, there was plenty of foreshadowing toward Rust's change in the previous episode.

    My opinion is that the show ended perfectly, as it was the entire time.

    People who wanted more of a twist weren't watching the right show. I guess the title "True Detective" might lead one to believe such a thing, but the show has always been about the development of characters, not about the mystery.

  19. #79
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    Quote Originally Posted by Maury View Post
    People who wanted more of a twist weren't watching the right show. I guess the title "True Detective" might lead one to believe such a thing, but the show has always been about the development of characters, not about the mystery.
    That about sums up the shows major flaw: that it screams "THERE WILL BE TWISTS! LOOK FOR CLUES! DETAILS!" when it has no intention or interest in those things at all. It's like a goth kid and you think he's about to go listen to some Marilyn Manson, but then you find out he's never heard of Marilyn Manson. but you have a good time anyway.

    The Finale did kind of blow. I liked that the show had depth, but I did not like when it was exposited like vomit from Rusts mouth. I like subtlety. I did not like that suddenly Rust and Hart can just secret agent that guy off the boat with snipers for cover fire and shit. These are small town detectives not james fucking bond. They sort of pushed this in the biker gang episode.

    Basically any time the show tried to make the heros look like badasses in any way it tripped up.

  20. #80
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    I didn't like how they advertised it with lots of horror/supernatural elements (I started watching once I heard "Lovecraftian" in a feature about it) and then in the finale it was just "LOL HERE'S A WEIRD VORTEX THAT WE'LL NEVER EXPLAIN".

  21. #81
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    Some of the gripes people have with the finale makes me believe they weren't paying attention at all during the series.

  22. #82
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    I thought the vortex thing in carcosa was just Cohle having drug flashback, like that episode where he was driving and the lights were streaking by.

  23. #83
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dream View Post
    ALL of the gripes people have with the finale makes me believe they weren't paying attention at all during the series.
    fixed that for you

  24. #84
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wretchedest View Post
    That about sums up the shows major flaw: that it screams "THERE WILL BE TWISTS! LOOK FOR CLUES! DETAILS!" when it has no intention or interest in those things at all. It's like a goth kid and you think he's about to go listen to some Marilyn Manson, but then you find out he's never heard of Marilyn Manson. but you have a good time anyway.

    The Finale did kind of blow. I liked that the show had depth, but I did not like when it was exposited like vomit from Rusts mouth. I like subtlety. I did not like that suddenly Rust and Hart can just secret agent that guy off the boat with snipers for cover fire and shit. These are small town detectives not james fucking bond. They sort of pushed this in the biker gang episode.

    Basically any time the show tried to make the heros look like badasses in any way it tripped up.
    in addition to not understanding most of your post, I have to say I find it amazing that you think the biker gang episode "pushed" your reality of the show, but the sniper thing broke the camel's back? man, that seems totally backwards to me.

  25. #85
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    I don't have a problem with an optimistic ending, and I don't have a problem with Cohle discovering his own sense of spirituality, at least not in theory. But the execution was poorly done, I thought. Matthew McConaughey made a very valiant effort to make that scene work, but the dialogue itself was so gushing and epic and cheesy. Compare that to the scene where Cohle tells the story of his daughter's death. He could have broke down crying and gave a dramatic monologue in a quivery voice, but instead he just had this dazed look on his face and his sentences were trailing off and he seemed lost in his own memories. That approach seems more powerful to me, and it made the scene feel so incredibly sad. I wish they'd handled his final monologue more like that.

  26. #86
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    The problem I had with the show was that I thought the case was more interesting than the character development/conflicts.
    Quote Originally Posted by hobochic View Post
    Would've loved to see how the hell he managed to accidentally rub his ears with enough green paint to from then on be referred to as the green eared spaghetti man.
    I just assumed he was wearing something like this while working

  27. #87
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    Quote Originally Posted by Frozen Beach View Post
    The problem I had with the show was that I thought the case was more interesting than the character development/conflicts.

    I just assumed he was wearing something like this while working
    Or maybe wearing some of these while working:

  28. #88
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    Cast of True Detective's season 2 revealed:

  29. #89
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    i couldn't stop laughing when they were on the boat and they show the vhs tape to that cop guy they kidnapped and you hear him belt out this monstrous 12 second scream. i know it's horrifying footage, but come on, who does that?

    "Aw jesus, why you showing this to me? hAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!"

    lol, fucking ridiculous. dude was like darth vader in episode III.

  30. #90
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    Howard Dean does that.

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