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Thread: True Detective

  1. #271
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    imho season 2 is at least as good as the first.

  2. #272
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    this season has a strong Chinatown feel to it imo

  3. #273
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    Quote Originally Posted by baudolino View Post
    imho season 2 is at least as good as the first.
    Oh really...

  4. #274
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sallos View Post
    Oh really...
    right. need some arguments? Actors are convincing (if you don't like how Vince delivers, you aren't able to distinguish between actor and role). Narrative is different yet anecdotal to the first season. Whole new story as promised. Season 2 doesn't comply with expectations (fake pumpgun death). Score and titel song fit the story and characters perfectly. Cinematography as good as in the first season.

    and we are just half way through, hence no need for premature negative critic.
    Last edited by baudolino; 07-21-2015 at 07:02 AM.

  5. #275
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    Quote Originally Posted by baudolino View Post
    right. need some arguments? Actors are convincing (if you don't like how Vince delivers, you aren't able to distinguish between actor and role). Narrative is different yet anecdotal to the first season. Whole new story as promised. Season 2 doesn't serve as anyone expects (fake pumpgun death). Score and titel song fit the story and characters perfectly. Cinematography as good as in the first season.

    and we are just half way through, hence no need for premature negative critic.
    Actors are convincing, but the characters are shitty and so is their dialogue, Rachel's trying to act tough comes as quite pathetic though, Vince's character is a little bitch always whining and complaining about how shitty his life is, he is one sad pathetic excuse of a gangster, only thing he has going for him is that he can throw some mean punches, makes me think he built his whole empire sparing other crime bosses. Now comparing that to the convincing and creative dialogues and characters the first season had to offer...i mean come on.

    The narrative is weaker than the first season in so many ways, this one's slow, the guy that got killed, boy i couldn't care less about him and who killed him, actually the only thing i care about is finding who the guy with the bird mask is, other than that i could care less that some dirty business men or politicians where caught on camera screwing hookers. In the first season whe had two interesting and compeling characters, which i was actually rooting for, here we got three detectives each working for their own respective department, each with their own agenda, which frankly again i could care less about.

    In the first season we had very memorable moments, as the storyline unfolded, and we could actually see the detectives getting closer to the evil murdered who was killing women, from the whole biker/aryans in the ghetto scene to the Ledoux shootout, the fact that the narrative was being told in two seprate timelines. So this whole new story is boring, even though we're only 5 episodes in (more 3 to go) i can already tell without a doubt it won't be as good as the first (which only had a bad ending imo). In the first season the first episode got me hooked, in the 2nd im wanting to get hooked put just keep watching it because, well it's really not a bad show, but it certainlty doesn't reach the heights of the first show.

    Regarding the intro, well im a great Leonard Cohen fan, so yes i like the song and like how it fits the characters, though i don't like how they're always switching and editing the song from episode to episode. As for the cinematography, the first season's is better, and the whole mystical/lovecraftian feel to it really helped. Also the setting was way more interesting than LA suburbs.

  6. #276
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    Don't really agree. We weren't given much reason to care about the first season's victim either, the investigation was similarly rambling and disjointed, and (in my opinion at least) it took a few episodes for the characters to get interesting, and really get under their skin. It also had the irritating and repetitive contrivance of the present-day deposition sequences intercutting the first half.

    I think this season's suffering for having so many main characters, it reduces the focus. We'd definitely gotten more of a feel for McConnaughy and Harrelson's characters by this time last season, it's the skill of the actors that's keeping me interested this time around (particularly Colin Farrell) and having more of a gender-balanced dynamic than last time.

  7. #277
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vertigo View Post
    It also had the irritating and repetitive contrivance of the present-day deposition sequences intercutting the first half.
    Really? Thats one of the biggest strenghts of the first season. And i think you would agree with me that you feel worse about innocent women getting killed than currupt old politicians right? The first season really felt like a detectives show, two detectives, one case (with bigger ramifications than we were first led to believe) and one villain. It was simple and it worked perfectly great. Now all we have is a salad of uninteresting characters and a case that i couldn't care less about.

    As far as the gender balanced, well i could care less about that, especially since the female character is just "one the guys". I also miss Marty's mistresses.

  8. #278
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sallos View Post
    Actors are convincing, but the characters are shitty and so is their dialogue, Rachel's trying to act tough comes as quite pathetic though, Vince's character is a little bitch always whining and complaining about how shitty his life is, he is one sad pathetic excuse of a gangster, only thing he has going for him is that he can throw some mean punches, makes me think he built his whole empire sparing other crime bosses. Now comparing that to the convincing and creative dialogues and characters the first season had to offer...i mean come on.

    The narrative is weaker than the first season in so many ways, this one's slow, the guy that got killed, boy i couldn't care less about him and who killed him, actually the only thing i care about is finding who the guy with the bird mask is, other than that i could care less that some dirty business men or politicians where caught on camera screwing hookers. In the first season whe had two interesting and compeling characters, which i was actually rooting for, here we got three detectives each working for their own respective department, each with their own agenda, which frankly again i could care less about.

    In the first season we had very memorable moments, as the storyline unfolded, and we could actually see the detectives getting closer to the evil murdered who was killing women, from the whole biker/aryans in the ghetto scene to the Ledoux shootout, the fact that the narrative was being told in two seprate timelines. So this whole new story is boring, even though we're only 5 episodes in (more 3 to go) i can already tell without a doubt it won't be as good as the first (which only had a bad ending imo). In the first season the first episode got me hooked, in the 2nd im wanting to get hooked put just keep watching it because, well it's really not a bad show, but it certainlty doesn't reach the heights of the first show.

    Regarding the intro, well im a great Leonard Cohen fan, so yes i like the song and like how it fits the characters, though i don't like how they're always switching and editing the song from episode to episode. As for the cinematography, the first season's is better, and the whole mystical/lovecraftian feel to it really helped. Also the setting was way more interesting than LA suburbs.

    I got hooked the first episode of S2. after the quality of S1 i could only rely on the producers/directors/authors skills. I haven't been disappointed yet. But a lot comes down to matters of taste i guess. e.g. i find Vince's character very convincing. Frank's ambivalent appearance which you despise is much more contemporary fitting for a villain than lets say the S1 psycho. Ani's "pathetic" nature is something which comes naturally with age . At least that's my experience and what i've observed on others. I do like slow narratives sometimes.

    besides i would like to see that bird-mask guy to be just a red herring.

  9. #279
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    pretentious crap....this may be the most overrated show in the history of pay tv. there is nothing entertaining, enthralling or even eye catching about this borefest. this show was dead to me 10 mins into episode 4, never again.

  10. #280
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sallos View Post
    [Deposition sequences]
    Really? Thats one of the biggest strenghts of the first season.
    It bugged the crap out of me. Maybe it's easier to stomach when you're watching week to week, but watching episodes back to back, it's agonisingly repetitive.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sallos View Post
    And i think you would agree with me that you feel worse about innocent women getting killed than currupt old politicians right?
    I don't care about either of them, we didn't get to know them. We actually know more about Caspere than we did about her - and he died far more agonisingly.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sallos View Post
    The first season really felt like a detectives show, two detectives, one case (with bigger ramifications than we were first led to believe) and one villain. It was simple and it worked perfectly great. Now all we have is a salad of uninteresting characters and a case that i couldn't care less about.
    I think "simple" is the last word I'd use, and we didn't start to zero in on a singular villain until the second half of the season.

    The depth of the character writing is probably the main letdown this season. Like I said, I think they're using too many characters. I've found most of them (Taylor Kitsche being the exception) more initially interesting than Woody Harrelson at the start of the first season, but the lack of focus leaves them all feeling relatively underdeveloped - just having the two detectives in season 1 meant that you could quickly get under their skin, and they could have a more interesting dynamic more quickly.

    As for the case, it's one which is actually significant to one of the main characters, given that it's preventing the reforming crook from going straight. Vince Vaughn's somewhat analogous to Michael Corleone in Godfather 3.
    Last edited by Vertigo; 07-22-2015 at 12:14 PM. Reason: Snipped off immediately-regretted bitchy footnote

  11. #281
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    Quote Originally Posted by baudolino View Post

    besides i would like to see that bird-mask guy to be just a red herring.
    I sort of forgot about that until it was brought up briefly in the last episode. I think it was Frank's wife.

    Quote Originally Posted by center27j View Post
    pretentious crap....this may be the most overrated show in the history of pay tv. there is nothing entertaining, enthralling or even eye catching about this borefest. this show was dead to me 10 mins into episode 4, never again.
    Sooo, I guess you won't be watching anymore?

    I'll say this: Season 1 was definitely intriguing, unique, dark and unexpected. I think that's why most people liked it and it's sort of unfair to compare season 2 to it. Some of the dialogue is just whack a do, but sometimes it's fits and I fully expect a couple of more memorable lines. Colin Farrell, who I think I have only seen in In Burges, a film I really liked, is killing it. The look on his face when Spoiler: he figured out he killed an innocent man was spectacular.
    Last edited by Dra508; 07-22-2015 at 05:58 PM.

  12. #282
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    Semyon's speech to the kid was just perfect and hit close to home with me, honestly ("I've got like five of them now.").

    Also, for fuck's sake, Velcoro! That was "getting low" turned up to 11.

    Spoiler: Bezzerides' Molly flashback? That might be the season's most obvious nod to Twin Peaks. Totally Bob.

    The last three episodes have been home runs but this is my favorite.
    Last edited by Swykk; 07-27-2015 at 08:00 AM.

  13. #283
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    Last few episodes were definitely pretty good. I think my issue with was that it needed a few episodes for me to really soak in.

  14. #284
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    is this season going to continue the Twin Peak homages? holy freaking fuck. This ending even had their own version of BOB in it.

  15. #285
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    That's exactly what I said.

  16. #286
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    First good episode, to bad it's 5 episodes late. The only thing i didn't like was Rachel's character knife training scene, i mean i knew right then and there that she would be making use of it in the party, so once we got there i was just waiting for the part where she would use it, couldn't they have shown her training in previous episodes? Would've worked much much better.

  17. #287
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    True Detective

    Quote Originally Posted by Sallos View Post
    First good episode, to bad it's 5 episodes late. The only thing i didn't like was Rachel's character knife training scene, i mean i knew right then and there that she would be making use of it in the party, so once we got there i was just waiting for the part where she would use it, couldn't they have shown her training in previous episodes? Would've worked much much better.
    Yeah, shitty foreshadowing fo sure.

    The music during the party scenes was totally Hitchcock.

    2 episodes left and I feel like one of those 4 main characters has got to go. If all 4 get redemption it'll seem sort of trite. Considering we all thought Colin Farrell bought the farm early, you'd think they'd follow through. God, I'm cynical.
    Last edited by Dra508; 07-28-2015 at 08:07 PM.

  18. #288
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    I too don't know how this will end up with 90 minutes left. This week was cold and without hope. Or if you prefer, things falling apart. I'm so disappointed with the unjust criticism of this season. I've been liking it a lot. It's going to be a long week.

    Spoiler: Knew Woodrugh was fucked when he bailed. The dumbass. I was excited when he killed those four (possibly five) assholes but when he got to the exit, I was like "You've got to check..." and then he got shot.

  19. #289
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    this season may go down as one of the worst sophomore attempts of all time. man it's bad. and not bad where i get angry, bad where i just don't even care. to me it may never have existed once it's over.

    the only thing i feel is sad for some of these actors. i love vince vaughn, collin farrel never gets a good role, Kirch or whatever the fuck his name is should just quit acting all together. He really must have blown someone to get all these gigs. He's terrible.

    And rachel mcadams... fire your fucking agent. you had high promise, your career is ruined.

  20. #290
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rabbit View Post
    this season may go down as one of the worst sophomore attempts of all time. man it's bad. and not bad where i get angry, bad where i just don't even care. to me it may never have existed once it's over.

    the only thing i feel is sad for some of these actors. i love vince vaughn, collin farrel never gets a good role, Kirch or whatever the fuck his name is should just quit acting all together. He really must have blown someone to get all these gigs. He's terrible.

    And rachel mcadams... fire your fucking agent. you had high promise, your career is ruined.
    Honestly, with that kind of vitriol, I don't know why you are watching the entire season.

    I'd like to think I'd still be watching this show if the first season has never happened. I tend to agree about Taylor Kirch, but isn't his character damaged and in denial so brooding works better than annoying and high pitched.

    Anywho, I see this wrapping up no problem. I'm curious how they tie in the Vinci secretary. Didn't see that coming and need to got watch this episode again to make it clear how the diamonds and the land deal come together.

  21. #291
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rabbit View Post
    this season may go down as one of the worst sophomore attempts of all time. man it's bad. and not bad where i get angry, bad where i just don't even care. to me it may never have existed once it's over.
    Yeah, feeling the same.
    I just don't care about these characters at all.
    I keep hoping something will happen that redeems this season.
    But a huge drop in quality.

    Someone needs to make a video that combines Christian Bale's Batman talking to Colin Farrel's Velcoro character ASAP!

  22. #292
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dra508 View Post
    Honestly, with that kind of vitriol, I don't know why you are watching the entire season.
    Because it's only 8 episodes and i had already committed myself to watching the whole thing before it even started. I owed it that much for how great the first season was.

  23. #293
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    Quote Originally Posted by neorev View Post
    Yeah, feeling the same.
    I just don't care about these characters at all.
    I keep hoping something will happen that redeems this season.
    But a huge drop in quality.
    I don't care a whole lot about the characters but I actually really like the story. Hopefully season 3 goes back to leaning more emphasis on characters though like 1 did. Story in 1 was really cool too but Rust and Marty were the show, this season's all about the plot with only Paul having any (interesting) development, and still not much at that.

    Season 1 was just so damn good though it's almost unfair to compare them.
    Last edited by ibanez33; 08-03-2015 at 03:43 AM.

  24. #294
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    S2 is great, fuck the haters.

  25. #295
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    @Dream , i think it has a lot of great SCENES.
    and i think there's a great story in there somewhere.
    It's just not being told right.

    Like, i could barely tell what was going on until ep 4 or 5, which is great, except there are only 8 fucking episodes.

  26. #296
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    This episode was extremely great. I was originally one of the original naysayers of Season 2, but this episode blew my socks off. I enjoyed this episode as much as any of the episodes from the first season. Such a big increase in quality with this episode.

  27. #297
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    This helps too.

    I really need to watch the entire season over when it's done. I think it's great.

  28. #298
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    Quote Originally Posted by Frozen Beach View Post
    This episode was extremely great. I was originally one of the original naysayers of Season 2, but this episode blew my socks off. I enjoyed this episode as much as any of the episodes from the first season. Such a big increase in quality with this episode.
    Cause Vince V's character is way more violent then you thought possible? crossed the border for me from "product of your environment" to "sick and twisted"

  29. #299
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dra508 View Post
    Cause Vince V's character is way more violent then you thought possible?
    No, not really. I knew Frank was sick and twisted from the moment Spoiler: he pulled that guys grill out with pliers. This episode just had that tension that was missing from all the other episodes. It actually felt like something was at stake, despite some things being predictable.

  30. #300
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dra508 View Post
    Cause Vince V's character is way more violent then you thought possible? crossed the border for me from "product of your environment" to "sick and twisted"
    He was always sick and twisted. It's just that he's finally given up on trying to "go legit", he knows he's getting fucked over by everyone in town so he doesn't care about his reputation any more. He's gonna fuck everybody's shit up and skip town and start completely fresh instead of taking 2 steps forward and 1 step back trying to get out clean.

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