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Thread: Batman: Arkham City

  1. #121
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    Combat is slowed down a bit and makes you have tl really time your attacks. Nothing freeflowing about it. On the brightside, patch incoming next week. Hopefully I'll be able to resume my game...

  2. #122
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    They slowed the combat down? that's lame... but maybe the idea is that since this is a prequel and your time as Batman is in it's infancy maybe you're not supposed to be as skilled and quick on the draw.. as you would be many years later in to your prime, i dunno.

  3. #123
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    To keep your chain up, yeah. It's not terrible, but yeah, they slowed it down with that. If you don't care about combo chains, then go for it. But, the gameplay may not allow it.

  4. #124
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    Quote Originally Posted by thelastdisciple View Post
    They slowed the combat down? that's lame... but maybe the idea is that since this is a prequel and your time as Batman is in it's infancy maybe you're not supposed to be as skilled and quick on the draw.. as you would be many years later in to your prime, i dunno.
    Yeah, undoubtedly. I can link shit together flawlessly in City (and I'm fully leveled with all gadgets and free flow in Origins) but in Origins I cannot. Batman doesn't snap to as well as he did in City. Shame really and I think it's fault on the developers, not fitting with inexperienced Batman skills due to time frame of this game to the prior one.

    Quote Originally Posted by Piko View Post
    To keep your chain up, yeah. It's not terrible, but yeah, they slowed it down with that. If you don't care about combo chains, then go for it. But, the gameplay may not allow it.
    Outside of achievements, which I both got, the free flow is the lifeline to taking out 12 guys at once. If there's one thing in this game series I hate, it's the fight events that pits you against like 12-18 guys in one go. It's so annoying and leaves next to none for marginal error. Then again, if it wasn't a huge number of guys at once it wouldn't be awesome to be Batman I guess.

  5. #125
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    I think at the end of the day, this game could've used a few more months of work. The faulty fight system (not the end of the world) and game breaking bugs. It was rushed.

  6. #126
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    Haha I didn't even open the copy I got, sold it and spent the money on drinks last night. I win.

  7. #127
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    Lucky you, heh. I'd wait until the patch if I were you. Oddly enough, out of everyone I know or speak to, I'm the only one who got the broken game.

  8. #128
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    Quote Originally Posted by Piko View Post
    I think at the end of the day, this game could've used a few more months of work. The faulty fight system (not the end of the world) and game breaking bugs. It was rushed.
    I don't know if it was rushed but there is some glaringly obvious bugs that weren't fixed and it's kind of unacceptable.

    Quote Originally Posted by Piko View Post
    Lucky you, heh. I'd wait until the patch if I were you. Oddly enough, out of everyone I know or speak to, I'm the only one who got the broken game.
    Everytime I dashboard after a session of playing it, I copy the save file to the cloud. Can't be too sure. I've started to do that with most of my games these days. Extra insurance. I know you're using PS3 though for this one.

  9. #129
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    I didn't lose the save file though. Just the ability to continue it... I've never had any issue like that, ever.

  10. #130
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    Is anyone else here playing Origins on an XBox 360? I'm at the first crimescene in the radio tower. When I do the evidence scan the on the dna on the wall it won't scan unless I'm holding RT and it starts replaying the crime scene. That in itself isn't a problem, but when I need to replay through it again a few seconds later to see where the key card when (I know, it's behind the grate) I can't play forward through the crime scene using RT - I can only stop it playing backwards. I can see a little of the red line then it disappears and when it gets back to the beginning of the crime scene that's it - my game is fucked. I can't get any further. It's maddening. I've tried on two different save files now to make sure it wasn't some sort of glitch, but it's just not having any of it. Any advice anyone?!

  11. #131
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    Quote Originally Posted by Al_Hunter View Post
    Is anyone else here playing Origins on an XBox 360? I'm at the first crimescene in the radio tower. When I do the evidence scan the on the dna on the wall it won't scan unless I'm holding RT and it starts replaying the crime scene. That in itself isn't a problem, but when I need to replay through it again a few seconds later to see where the key card when (I know, it's behind the grate) I can't play forward through the crime scene using RT - I can only stop it playing backwards. I can see a little of the red line then it disappears and when it gets back to the beginning of the crime scene that's it - my game is fucked. I can't get any further. It's maddening. I've tried on two different save files now to make sure it wasn't some sort of glitch, but it's just not having any of it. Any advice anyone?!
    You have to rewind and physically trace your scan reticle on the red line until it goes into the grate.

  12. #132
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    Thats the thing though I can't get the red line to show up for anything more than a few seconds then it vanishes and I can't get it back - I can't play through the evidence anything more than once. The on screen directions suggest LT and RT should allow me to scan back and forth (correct?) but it won't do anything. As I press LT and RT the arrows at the top of the screen illuminate, but nothing more.

    I'm pretty sure I'm just being retarded here (I'm not much of a gamer, but I loved the previous two Arkham games) but it's driving me nuts.

  13. #133
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    Quote Originally Posted by Al_Hunter View Post
    Thats the thing though I can't get the red line to show up for anything more than a few seconds then it vanishes and I can't get it back - I can't play through the evidence anything more than once. The on screen directions suggest LT and RT should allow me to scan back and forth (correct?) but it won't do anything. As I press LT and RT the arrows at the top of the screen illuminate, but nothing more.

    I'm pretty sure I'm just being retarded here (I'm not much of a gamer, but I loved the previous two Arkham games) but it's driving me nuts.
    Don't press LT and RT together at the same time. You have to rewind to the beginning of the scene and then play it with RT and keep your scan reticle on the red line as it appears, follow it to the grat and then aim there.

  14. #134
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    Thanks- I do appreciate your help, but I've not been as clear as I could- once it's rewound I can't go back through it with rt. When I press either of lt or rt the arrows illuminate but neither button pressed on it's own is doing anything. So I only get the one opportunity to view, pressing rt doesn't allow me to view again and trace the red line properly. Does that make sense? If not I'll post some sort of video tomorrow.

    Edit: bizarre, I think my 360 must have been malfunctioning yesterday, it's working fine now - can scan the evidence on the wall without it having a fit and go back and forth through the incident without issue at all. Thanks anyway!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Space Suicide View Post
    Don't press LT and RT together at the same time. You have to rewind to the beginning of the scene and then play it with RT and keep your scan reticle on the red line as it appears, follow it to the grat and then aim there.
    Last edited by Al_Hunter; 11-05-2013 at 11:18 AM.

  15. #135
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    Quote Originally Posted by Al_Hunter View Post
    Edit: bizarre, I think my 360 must have been malfunctioning yesterday, it's working fine now - can scan the evidence on the wall without it having a fit and go back and forth through the incident without issue at all. Thanks anyway!!
    Super weird but great hat it works for you.

    Anyone else try out the Deathstroke Challenge Maps? I find using him is easier and funner than using Batman in the challenge map mode, playing the Predator challenges are super fun since you don't have gliding to save your ass when you mess up.

  16. #136
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    Patched the game just now and everything seemed to actually be working. Beat up a couple guys and broke the game, again... Guess I'm just going to start over.

  17. #137
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    Not reading the thread, to avoid spoilers. Just 10% into gameplay and enjoy it: I'm a fan of the Arkham franchise. However, I think the whole "Origins" title is misleading: It makes no sense since you already have Batman gadgets that needed to be unlocked in earlier "sequels." Further, Batman already has all his fighting moves as soon as the game begins. I was hoping they would truly make it a prequel in which you had to unlock new moves; actually start out as Bruce Wayne trying to find his way to becoming the Batman we all know. It would have been cool if you had to use your wits and weren't quite able to take on large groups enemies, at the beginning. So, the game feels more like a sequel and/or large DLC; even the fight mechanics are identical to the previous games. So, again, I like it because I enjoy the Arkham franchise and the game is fun on its own. But, I can see how some might be disappointed if they were expecting a true origin game.

  18. #138
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    Finally finished it yesterday. I liked it. Calling it Arkham City 1.5 seems pretty accurate. Seems like I was towards the end when it crashed on me, last time. And of course, WBID still doesn't work like it should.

  19. #139
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    I have it on good authority now that Rocksteady's new Batman game is coming out in the fall. I know I'm captain obvious over here, but my suspicions were confirmed in a recent conversation I had with someone working on the game.

  20. #140
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wretchedest View Post
    I have it on good authority now that Rocksteady's new Batman game is coming out in the fall. I know I'm captain obvious over here, but my suspicions were confirmed in a recent conversation I had with someone working on the game.

    I'm not complaining but I hope they don't milk it to death.

  21. #141
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wretchedest View Post
    I have it on good authority now that Rocksteady's new Batman game is coming out in the fall. I know I'm captain obvious over here, but my suspicions were confirmed in a recent conversation I had with someone working on the game.
    The official Batman Arkham twitter account has been saying they have a 'big announcement' on 12/31. Would it be this perhaps?

  22. #142
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    Quote Originally Posted by Space Suicide View Post

    I'm not complaining but I hope they don't milk it to death.
    The person i was talking to specifically mentioned that Rocksteady wanted to move on from Batman, although that probably keams that a different studio will do it from then on.

    I cant claim to know that its related to the new years announcement.... Hopefully!

    My friend didnt say much: he wasnt even supposed to.mention that the project exists.

  23. #143
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    Boo! I got the dreaded disc read error message in Origins. It's right when I fight one of the Assassins and talk to Gordon. If I go and return it should that fix the problem or do I have to actually start all the way over? Thanks.

  24. #144
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    Origins is seriously underrated. After reading the reviews I wasn't even considering playing… Glad I did, it's just as fun as Arkham City, minus the novelty.
    Fuck shitty reviewers.

  25. #145
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    Guess we found out what the story DLC is and what the December 31st announcement was:

    Looks like we get story DLC with Mr. Freeze! He's is one of my favorite villains. Can't wait to get this if it (obviously looks like) involves him! Loved the portions with him in Arkham City.

  26. #146
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    Last edited by october_midnight; 02-06-2014 at 05:42 PM.

  27. #147
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    Holy broken links Batman!

    Fix? i'd fancy reading, can't find any stories anywhere.

  28. #148
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    Not much to read: Article.

  29. #149
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  30. #150
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    Quote Originally Posted by october_midnight View Post
    That's super lame. I luckily encountered no game breaking bug or issues. Shame it has some that will never be fixed because this game has an incredibly good story that some just won't bother with.

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