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Thread: Batman: Arkham City

  1. #1
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    Batman: Arkham City

    This being one of the most popular games of the year, I'm surprised there isnt a thread on this already.

    Obviously this is one of those follow ups that is far superior to the original. The plot may be completely implausible and disorganized, but the gameplay is perfect. You really feel like batman. There's also a ton of cameos, some from really obscure villains I thought I'd never see again, others from characters Ive never even heard of.

    I'm at a point in the post game where I have 3 remaining sidequests. One of which is obviously the riddler quest. Its maddening. There are so many of those little fucking green question marks... its crazy. Its pbvious the Riddler has one, as Batman is reduced to a greedy obsessive question mark collector. Ignoring grisly murder mysteries to dp loop the loops around smokestacks and play hoops with ice grenades. As my buddy once shouted at the screen, truly amgry and frustrated..."the Riddler is so.... cryptic!"

    This game is awesome.

  2. #2
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    I loved this game. I have to finish up the Campaign Challenges and do New Game+ and I'll get the platinum. I'm waiting to start NG+ until after the skins are released, I want to go through as Dark Knight Returns Batman.

  3. #3
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    Probably no thread because we all got it on release day and beat the main story already. Every time I was playing AC, I would think "WHY DOES ETS HAVE TO BE DOWN NOW"

    I had never even played Arkham Asylum until a shipment came in at work, the week before Arkham City was released. I bought it, loved it and got AC during launch week. I missed out.

    This is probably my favorite game of 2011.
    Last edited by krush; 12-02-2011 at 01:54 PM.

  4. #4
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    I don't think any game is as perfect as this one. I've never had more fun with the combat in any game, the animations are smooth as butter, the voice acting is spot on, it's gorgeous, it's fun, I'd fuck it, bring out the dildoes, Batman is in town, he's here to fuck us all, bitches goin' down, all day every day, BOOM.

  5. #5
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    Definitely a fantastic game. I still have a ton of stuff to do, riddles, challenges, NG+. I'm gonna at least wait on NG+ until the skins get released, Animated Series skin will be awesome.

  6. #6
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    Have almost all the achievements and was straight addicted to this after buying the collector's edition. Only thing that's kind of irking me is all the DLC being challenge maps. I of course have Joker's Carnival and the Iceberg Lounge that came with the CE, but haven't bothered with the Nightwing or Robin stuff...would definitely drop the cash on some more campaign stuff for sure.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by october_midnight View Post
    Have almost all the achievements and was straight addicted to this after buying the collector's edition. Only thing that's kind of irking me is all the DLC being challenge maps. I of course have Joker's Carnival and the Iceberg Lounge that came with the CE, but haven't bothered with the Nightwing or Robin stuff...would definitely drop the cash on some more campaign stuff for sure.
    Yeah, there are actually 2 points in the plot where they couldve let the player handle robin and fill in some plot gaps... maybe more.

    I have a question about ng+. It mentions that it shares your gear and riddler trophies between your old file and new one.... or am i getting that wrong?

  8. #8
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    I traded Skyrim (I got rid of it due to time reasons to play the quests and the overall love of Batman also did some talking) to Best Buy for a $35.00 gift card to get this. I got it on Black Friday for $29.99. What's even better is the fact they still had pre-order copies so I also got the Robin DLC for free.

    I'm about to defeat Penguin and rescue Mister Freeze. Catwoman is fun to play with too.

    I was thinking I'd get all achievements for this game but honestly I suck majorly at Challenge Maps. I struggle to even get a Bronze medal in them. Makes me upset. Should've had seperate tied-in single player story mode for Robin and Nightwing in addition to the Challenge Maps.

    I do wish that more single player story mode stuff can and would be released. I'm 100% doubtful of that.
    Last edited by Space Suicide; 12-02-2011 at 03:52 PM.

  9. #9
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    Have the PS3 and the PC version (don't ask me why) and the PC version is STUNNING... that is until you realise DX11 features don't work unless you have a computer from the future and they royally screwed the cutscenes somehow.

    Not game of the year in my book though. It's a nice expansion on Asylum but I just felt as if I was going through the motions on this one, also it had way too many villains. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying it was a bad game, in fact it's technically excellent but I felt like I was on auto pilot throughout the whole thing. When you consider awarding a title GOTY you have to remember that you're awarding the company that developed or published it as well. WB games fucked up quite a bit on this one, especially the PC release... even though the game is good.

  10. #10
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    I agree. The plot was flimsy from the start. It buckles at the very premise of having a portion of the city turmed into aprison run by a super villain.
    You could see why they did it though: they wanted to put batman in a city setting without dealing with the consequences of an actual city. Like: innocent bystanders, cars...etc. I appreciated the villain cameos but as a result, and because of the source material. None of the characters have much depth. That said gameplay is great...

    I actually think the Infamous games are much better. The writing in those games is always engaging and interesting, and the characters are generally well developed.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Wretchedest View Post
    I actually think the Infamous games are much better. The writing in those games is always engaging and interesting, and the characters are generally well developed.
    I hated that game series. I guess I don't 'get it'.

  12. #12
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    As I stated in the Game of the Year thread, I really enjoyed this game. I'm also a fan of the Infamous series and don't think there's a need to choose. I recently earned the platinum trophy for Arkham City. For those trying to achieve this, here's what needs to be done (in addition to earning the listed trophies and completing the challenge rooms):

    In addition to the main story, you have to do all the side-quests, again (even AR training, which I despised, both times). The only exception is that you do not have to find the Riddler trophies/answer the Riddler's riddles, again, once you have found/answered them in the original play-trough. However, you do have to rescue the Riddler's hostages, via his various puzzle rooms, again.

  13. #13
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    I just got Arkham City on "Black Friday" for half price, couldn't afford the $60 when it came out and still didn't find it likely that I'd be able to get it for a while but miraculously i got it for $29.00 sealed, brand new... definitely scrounged up my peanuts.

    This game is insanely huge in comparison to Asylum, wow, it's immense. I'm loving the fluidity of the combat still, a lot more added to the glide gameplay which is awesome i love just cruising around and pouncing on thugs at every turn. The story is fun, sure it's like X-Men 3 by way of every Batman-Universe villain known to man having a role but oh well.... i just whooped Rha's Al Ghul's ass!

    Still have a way to go in the story but that's because i have been dinking around doing side missions and searching for the riddler stuff. I do realize like the first game that you have to eventually make your way through the campaign because it triggers special events (i.e addition of new gear) that benefit you in finding all of Riddler's trophies and what not.

    All ready i found out the hard way thinking i could grab three Riddler trophies from some hole in the wall in the sewers, damn gas!

    Ahhh this game is so fun.

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    I don't complete games. I just get bored too easily. The last game I completed before this year was Halo ODST. Before that? There genuinely hasn't been one this century prior to that.

    Which makes the fact I've done Arkham twice now all the more astonishing. I did it on easy, found out that didn't unlock the skins in the main game (thanks for pointing that out before we started, Rocksteady), got 53% in on easy before starting against on normal where I'm now at 58%.

    Amazing game. I was happy to play it again (though it did piss me off in spots) simply to here Mark's acting again. His Joker is just phenomenal.

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    Quote Originally Posted by krush View Post
    Probably no thread because we all got it on release day and beat the main story already. Every time I was playing AC, I would think "WHY DOES ETS HAVE TO BE DOWN NOW"
    I was saying the same thing myself. I love this game so much!

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    Arkham Asylum was superior to this. They didn't really weave the story together, it all felt like detached sidequests, without much of a story arc. Gameplay is perfect though. Another thing that bothered me was that after you unlock the combo upgrades and the armor there's little reason to keep levelling up. You don't really need or want half of the upgrades in the game. I guess some of them help with riddles, but I'm way too stupid for the puzzles in this game.

    I'm bashing on it a little, but I had huge expectations. Still a great game, somewhere in my top five this year. Top ten at least.

  17. #17
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    ^^ I agree with you Re: Upgrades. Like the freeze grenades... i could really give two shits about freeze grenades, the sonic batarang, the grapple boost (really, what does that even do?), and the electro gun. Also, batman should be able to swim.... seriously.

    Spoiler: There was a point in the game where batman is at risk by a shark, and I thought it would be a perfect moment to bust out the shark reppelent spray... sadly, this did not happer

    I don't think either stories were spectacular, between this and the last one. The first game had a brilliant set-up, but the ending and the boss fights were lousy. Genetically altered soldiers? give me a break...

    In this game, the set up is awful, and absolutely unconvincing. The villains, indeed are diluted, I think the game would have benefitted from a slightly more episodic approach. It seems logical.

    Still, it was fun, and I'm catching up on those riddler trophies now...

  18. #18
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    In defense of the grapple boost, it does help you catch up a bit during those phone calls that you have 2 minutes to get to in trying to track down what's his face, this much i know.

  19. #19
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    Not much depth? If you listen to the tapes you see how the villains got to the city. Plus the comics that you can download is a great prologue to the game.

    To each their own. I really hope we get campaign dlc. But all the clues hint to a third so.

  20. #20
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    I enjoyed Arkham City, but I still think I prefer Arkham Asylum. There was a particular density to Asylum that I thoroughly enjoyed.

    Also, it took me a while to suspend my disbelief enough to accept that a whole section a Gotham was walled off and turned into a prison. What a stretch.

  21. #21
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    The best clue leading towards the next game is the hidden, and hard-as-fuck-to-open-with-the-cryptographer Spoiler: hidden room with the dead body, jars of bugs, and shipping manifesto to Dr. Crane

    Pretty good set up I think...

  22. #22
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    So I finally just caught the riddler. His punishment is satisfying.

    But im stuck with the watcher and identity hief missions with no leads. Very frustrating.

  23. #23
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    All of the preorder skins DLC just went up in a download pack today. An added bonus in the pack is a Batman: Year One skin as well. Pretty awesome.

  24. #24
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    I would like to get the different skins for this game. I think this has to be my 2nd favorite game of 2011. With Skyrim and Deus Ex: Human Revolution tied with 1st. I was so happy to play this, the day it came out. I stayed up all night and finished the main story. I really felt bittersweet towards the end though. Been a big Batman fan ever since I was a kid when I saw Burton's Batman in 94'. The story presented in this game is on of the best Batman stories I know of. I highly recommend it. Play the 1st though. I think my favorite character in this game besides Batman and Joker has to be Mr. Freeze. I was so happy to see him in Arkham City. I was happy to help him too. I need to play as Catwoman more though. I liked her moves but I think it could have worked great with just Batman on his own.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Lt. Randazzo View Post
    All of the preorder skins DLC just went up in a download pack today. An added bonus in the pack is a Batman: Year One skin as well. Pretty awesome.
    How much is it?

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by Space Suicide View Post
    How much is it?
    400 MS Points, so $5. I assume it's the same price for PSN.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Lt. Randazzo View Post
    400 MS Points, so $5. I assume it's the same price for PSN.
    Might have to get it sometime. Love to play as 1970's Batman or Batman Beyond.

  28. #28
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    Apparently there was something about the Bat Cave to be added in some form for DLC, i guess as a challenge room/map?

  29. #29
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    It's been a bitch trying to get all the riddler trophies lol. I think I have about 50 or so left.

    I was hoping we would get free-roam of the Bat Cave and/or Wayne Manor in this game.

  30. #30
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    damn it. Just opened new vegas and someone at work gave me Assassins Creed 2. My arkham city time is taking a hit. also rumor has it that there will be a fairly good PSN sale right after the new year so hopefully the DLC for this game is included.

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