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Thread: Star Trek - Series and Films

  1. #391
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    Well, too bad these bozos didn't like it. And not that my opinion matters more than theirs but I loved it.

    Waiting for that show was like knowing you're going to meet with dear, old friends after haven't seen them in a long while. You don't know how it's going to turn out; maybe the memories are better than the reality of right now?

    But after just a few seconds of Picard and Data, everything was all right and I couldn't wait to see what was next for them.

    I found it amazing how seamlessly these two great actors eased back into their roles. I'm in love more than ever.

  2. #392
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    Quote Originally Posted by thelastdisciple View Post
    RLM being RLM, who would've thought?!

    To this day i still don't get the appeal of these guys.
    Or any other YouTube movie critic for that matter.

  3. #393
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    Quote Originally Posted by thelastdisciple View Post
    To this day i still don't get the appeal of these guys.
    They have a dry humour, they bring up solid points and they are free from corporate bullshit, so whether I agree with them or not, at least I know it's their honest opinion. They also don't take themselves too seriously, like most of their reviews are just two guys talking to each other and that's it. No hype, no arbitrary score system, no random partnership ads during the videos. Just buddies talking, sometimes with very differing opinions.

    People take it very seriously when something they like is being criticized, and I even read stuff like "why are they trying to tell me I am not supposed to like this???", when in fact, they did not imply that at all, and it's just fragile egos talking from hurt fans. It's also funny when people desperately try to discredit them for being mindless haters, while they actually praised The Mandalorian, hell, even liked some of the new Trek films.

    And people watch reviewers because they don't want to waste their time with something potentially shitty. I would've gotten a brain aneurism during that whole "Fox news" scene, but now I got to laugh with them instead. That's a win-win. As for people who loved it, they either won't watch this, because why would they care what others think about things they like, or they watch it, because they are curious if something slipped through their nostalgia goggles.

  4. #394
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    With regard to youtube reviews, i always take that with a pinch of salt...and a large one if it's a negative reaction.

    Many YT's are stuck in a constant war with it's algorithm, and many chasing views. A large number of film YT channels that i follow have brought this up, and also brought up that negative reactions get FAR more views, so much so that a lot of them have specific videos every few weeks JUST to shit on something, because that's where the views are! Hell some even just only do negative stuff on terrible films/shows, so when i see stuff like the above i always have the thought in the back of my mind "did they really hate it, or was alot of that hate just for show?"

    It's always good to find critics and film buffs that tend to be on the same level as you, that way when they review something positively you wouldn't normally have watched chances are your going to have a good time, but always take critics opinions as that, an opinion. And if someone is really hating on something on YT that is generally not being hated anywhere else it's probably just for show/clicks.

  5. #395
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    S1E1 Spoilers Coming...

    Aside from what I wrote previously I do like where the story could go in regards to Romulans having a Borg cube in their control, they are clearly rebuilding and repairing it.

    We all know that Romulans are dicks and always wanting the most powerful weapons...

    ... remember this episode?

    PS Whats behind the ending when droid girl (Dahj's sister) said she actually loves listening to people talk? Is that some of DATAs essence?

  6. #396
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  7. #397
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    i loved the first episode. way more intense than i was expecting it to be. very...engaging. ha.

  8. #398
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    Just finished episode 2. Bit of an info dump. Loved the bitchy admiral.

  9. #399
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  10. #400
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    Quote Originally Posted by slave2thewage View Post
    Just finished episode 2. Bit of an info dump. Loved the bitchy admiral.
    Yeah, a character you love to hate, but she did kind of have a point. Another solid episode.

  11. #401
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    I like (with reservations) Discovery, but this is kind of funny.

  12. #402
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    Ugh. I haven't seen any of ST: Discovery season 2, nor have I seen any ST: Picard. Makes me feel like I've been wasting my life lately. Anyone else remember the old days when stuff was just on TV? How is this new ST comparing to the classics so far? Any thoughts?

  13. #403
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dr Channard View Post
    Ugh. I haven't seen any of ST: Discovery season 2, nor have I seen any ST: Picard. Makes me feel like I've been wasting my life lately. Anyone else remember the old days when stuff was just on TV? How is this new ST comparing to the classics so far? Any thoughts?
    Discovery was very hit-or-miss. I enjoyed season 1 but season 2 was a mess, story was all over the place, although I loved Mount as Pike. Loving Picard, best Trek since DS9.

  14. #404
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    How Jeri Ryan came back to Trek:

    Great introduction last week. It will be great to see her get to share the stage with Stewart.

  15. #405
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    Just saw the latest episode "Stardust City Rag," another really good episode. Picard started off as a slow-burn, but now it's getting really exciting!

    I really like this cast and Santiago Cabrera as Rios is starting to be my new favorite character. He is what Poe was supposed to be in Star Wars--a new Han Solo.

    I loved the scenes with Jeri Ryan and Patrick Stewart:

    Spoiler: Picard reminding Seven about her humanity and telling her not to squander it by murder and then having Seven seem to agree, only to lie and come back to murder and seek revenge was very much a clash between old-school Trek of TNG and the new Trek of the 10's. I was also surprised to see Icheb return and thought his death ties Voyager and Seven nicely into this new series.

    I liked Bjayzl, horrible person but great villain. Kind of wish she had stuck around for a few more episodes.

    I am glad Angus isn't just a goofy sidekick, comic relief character. I knew that there was more to her. The murder of Maddox was surprising.

    Loved the visuals of this one and it was just a lot of fun.
    Last edited by GulDukat; 02-20-2020 at 08:17 AM.

  16. #406
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    I'm not nearly the Trekkie that some others are - I barely followed this thread through it's twists and turns - but it's still a very interesting read on the timelines.

  17. #407
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    Just saw Into Darkness for the first time since 2013, not a bad flick. I think it was an improvement over the 2009 film, at least it had a coherent story. I forgot about the WOK rehash with Kirk dying with Spock on the other side of the glass, shameless J.J. fan service, but actually effective, thanks to a great cast. A fun flick, a solid 3/4.

    8 things the Kelvin movies got right:
    Last edited by GulDukat; 02-21-2020 at 09:48 PM.

  18. #408
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    Someone on Facebook made a comparison between Picard and A New Hope:

    Jean Luc Picard- Obi Wan
    Soji Asha- Princess Leia
    Elnor- Luke Skywalker
    Rios- Han Solo
    The Borg Cube/The Artifact- The Death Star

  19. #409
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    Seven episodes into Picard, here are my thoughts:

    This is serialized storytelling done right. One of the most frustrating aspects of the second season of Discovery was that it had this make-it-up-as-you-go-along feel. I think there was a good story there, but by the time we reached the end I had forgotten a lot of plot points, while others seemed to be disregarded, and then it was all shoe-horned together. Picard had a ten-part story mapped out and the execution has been (thus far) nearly flawless. Some people have called it "slow" at times, but to me nothing has been wasted. They took their time establishing characters and stories and now it's really paying off. Also, old characters like Riker, Troi, Seven of Nine, Data and Hugh were used thoughtfully and not just thrown in there. I absolutely love the new cast of characters and the new antagonists too (espcially Narissa). Next up is the penultimate episode, followed by the two part finale. Let's see how it all comes together, and then it's on to season 3 of Discovery.

    Glad Seven is coming back next week and her senes with Soji should be interesting.
    Last edited by GulDukat; 03-07-2020 at 06:19 AM.

  20. #410
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    An we are down to the two-part season finale!

    It's been an awesome ride. Narissa Rizzo is fast becoming my favorite character in the new series:

  21. #411
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    Why we need more Seven of Nine in Picard:


  22. #412
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    Anyone feeling like the other Soji got the Lore end of the stick?

  23. #413
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    Quote Originally Posted by GulDukat View Post
    Someone on Facebook made a comparison between Picard and A New Hope:

    Jean Luc Picard- Obi Wan
    Soji Asha- Princess Leia
    Elnor- Luke Skywalker
    Rios- Han Solo
    The Borg Cube/The Artifact- The Death Star
    Nah, Elnor is Elrohir, son of Elrond of Imladris.

    Quote Originally Posted by thelastdisciple View Post
    Anyone feeling like the other Soji got the Lore end of the stick?
    Oh hell yeah. Data would have been absolutely opposed to what she wants to do.

    God I love Brent Spiner. Also: SPOT!!!

  24. #414
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    Red Letter Media have been brutally tearing Picard apart episode by episode

  25. #415
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    Quote Originally Posted by neorev View Post
    Red Letter Media have been brutally tearing Picard apart episode by episode
    Not going to bother watching them. I've really been enjoying the show.

  26. #416
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    Part I of the season finale--wow. Can't wait until next week. Definitely not TNG. This is dark as fuck.

  27. #417
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    A Seven of Nine spin-off is said to be in the works:

    Season 3 of Discovery may be delayed:

  28. #418
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    Quote Originally Posted by GulDukat View Post
    A Seven of Nine spin-off is said to be in the works:
    Could be good, but remember back when there were rumors of a “Captain Worf” series? It's hard to know what will pan out.

    Anyway, hey fellow Star Trek fans, how about some feedback on this?

  29. #419
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    I have now seen all ten episodes of Picard. Here are my thoughts on the show, overall:

    The entire season was phenomenal--the best Trek since Deep Space Nine, IMHO. Picard did what Star Wars 7-9 and Star Trek: Discovery failed to do--map out a coherent, well-written story from the beginning to the end. And while there were some exciting action sequences, especially during the finale, it wasn't all laser fights and things blowing up every five minutes with little substance--the story was really, really good, with fleshed-out characters, great dialog, visuals and acting. If you like Star Trek, check this out.

    As for the finale:

    Spoiler: While the finale of Discovery season 1 was decent, albeit rushed, the finale of season two was way too action oriented and melodramatic. The season 1 finale of Picard really hit the right notes, balancing some cool action and a great showdown, with excellent writing. Everything was wrapped-up perfectly.
    Spoiler: Loved the Riker cameo and his scenes with Picard. Seven shined as usual, and while I am sorry to see Narissa killed off, Seven did it in a really satisfying way. The scenes and (second) death of Data was really well done. As for Picard being "reborn" as a synth, I saw that coming.

    The final scene was great, when you see the newly formed crew together. Hoping Seven is made a cast member for season 2 rather than have a recurring role.

    Last edited by GulDukat; 03-27-2020 at 03:26 PM.

  30. #420
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    The series was a mixed bag for me, but on the whole, some of the strongest Trek in a very, very long time.

    And that final scene between Spoiler: Picard and Data was wonderful, and perfectly in the spirit of what the character means. It choked me up, and made up for a lot of past transgressions, shall we say. I'm looking forward to S2.

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