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Thread: Star Trek - Series and Films

  1. #61
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  2. #62
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    Quote Originally Posted by october_midnight View Post
    I'll take space hippies, space Abraham Lincoln and unicorn dogs over those shitty relaunch movies. Classic Trek, especially season 3 had some clunkers, but even the bad episodes were fun and the (outstanding cast) did the best they could with the material.

  3. #63
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    To me, it's not that the teaser is bad, but compared to the trailers for things like the Hateful 8, the Revenant, Star Wars or other teasers I've seen recently...it's just not that exciting. Never been a huge Star Trek fan, although I have enjoyed the last two movies. Not sure about Justin Lin's involvement on this one.

  4. #64
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    If Kirk gets a Beastie Boys introduction song, why not give a character introducing song to some of the others? Let’s try it,

    Bones - Dr. Feelgood - Motley Crue

    Scotty - One Bourbon, One Scotch, One Beer - George Thorogood

    Spock - The Middle - Jimmy Eat World

    How’s that look?

  5. #65
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    I'm not even a fan of TOS, but loved the first 6 movies (ok at least 2, 3 and 4) and loved TNG and parts of DSN and Voyager. I know the producers have to get butts in seats and that's what matters first. But that feeling at the center of Star Trek which made me love it in the first place is gone from these newer movies. Strip away the Star Trek theme and you are left with what could be any other high budget action movie. I'm sure I'm having a "get off my lawn" moment. I did come into these movies with an open mind, but at the end of the day they just weren't very good.

  6. #66
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    Fingers crossed that the movie has a rather short gentleman in a toga riding around on Chris Pine's back.

  7. #67
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    Star Trek of Duty: Starfleet Ops 3 - Enterprise Edition.

  8. #68
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    Is William Shatner still supposedly in this one? I’ll go see it just out of respect for him if so.

  9. #69
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr. Blaileen View Post
    To me, it's not that the teaser is bad, but compared to the trailers for things like the Hateful 8, the Revenant, Star Wars or other teasers I've seen recently...it's just not that exciting. Never been a huge Star Trek fan, although I have enjoyed the last two movies. Not sure about Justin Lin's involvement on this one.
    idk, the trailer is awful.

    I'm not a huge fan of star trek in general, but I've seen most of the movies, even the recent ones have been at least "ok".

    I'm totally lost on where they are going with Justin Lin, I don't want to hate on the guy, but I'm not seeing the common ground between Star Trek & the fast & the furious. it just seems like either a bad fit, or a blatant attempt to make a very low brow wizbang action film, as a franchise Star Trek just deserves better.

  10. #70
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    Quote Originally Posted by thelastdisciple View Post
    Star Trek of Duty: Starfleet Ops 3 - Enterprise Edition.
    Star Trek: Galactic Drift

  11. #71
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    Quote Originally Posted by koz-ivan View Post
    idk, the trailer is awful.

    I'm not a huge fan of star trek in general, but I've seen most of the movies, even the recent ones have been at least "ok".

    I'm totally lost on where they are going with Justin Lin, I don't want to hate on the guy, but I'm not seeing the common ground between Star Trek & the fast & the furious. it just seems like either a bad fit, or a blatant attempt to make a very low brow wizbang action film, as a franchise Star Trek just deserves better.
    I understand where you're coming from. I'm not optimistic about where this series is going, though, and it seems to me that they're reaching a bit with getting Lin involved. I'll reserve full judgement until I see more, though. Hopefully it's not as terrible as the first impression, but we'll see.

  12. #72
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    This trailer was obviously not targeted at Trekkies, so I wouldn't start worrying until the first, full trailer drops.

  13. #73
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr. Blaileen View Post
    ...I'm not optimistic about where this series is going, though, and it seems to me that they're reaching a bit with getting Lin involved. I'll reserve full judgement until I see more, though. Hopefully it's not as terrible as the first impression, but we'll see.
    They would almost have to put in a concerted effort to make Beyond as bad as or worse than Into Darkness. Star Trek (2009) had some considerable flaws, but was tolerable. Star Trek Into Darkness... man... that movie was just nonstop pissing into the wind. It looks like the writers have mostly changed, so I’m guessing that Beyond has to be an improvement to some degree.

  14. #74
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    Indication that at least they’ve found a good starting point for Star Trek Beyond.

  15. #75
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dr Channard View Post
    Oh great! Let's throw away the baby with the bath water. Let's ignore the movie with the greatest villain Kirk ever faced. The baddest villain in TOS lore. Yeah, let's forget it happened because bad writing sort of ruined the whole thing.

    These people should know that only Worf could get away with "We do not discuss it with outsiders.".

    I was merely annoyed before but now I'm starting to get pissed.

  16. #76
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    Quote Originally Posted by marodi View Post
    Let's ignore the movie with the greatest villain Kirk ever faced.
    Dude 1982 was a long time ago and that was a different continuity.

    I did it so nobody else had to

  17. #77
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shadaloo View Post
    Dude 1982 was a long time ago and that was a different continuity.

    I did it so nobody else had to
    But at least, they did not decide to "ignore" it when they realized that Khan could not have recognized Chekov because Chekov wasn't is "Space Seed". :P

  18. #78
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    As I recall, Walter Koenig's explanation for that was that off-camera, Khan had to use the bathroom on the Enterprise for a good long time while Chekov was in there, and that's why he never forgot his face. That's my headcanon.

    Anyway, the article says they're ignoring the blood that can reverse death, it seems, but the movie will still be in continuity. I can't say I blame them much because, really, immortality blood is an option worthy of its own film. Maybe in the future.

  19. #79
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  20. #80
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    Looks great to me! As a big fan of "Star Trek: Enterprise" (the one element of original continuity still intact within the new timeline), I am absolutely LOVING that we seem to be catching glimpses of what appears to be an old NX-class starship saving the day.


    So we've got Idris Elba as the big bad alien guy (has his species been identified yet?), blade-girl from Kingsmen as the hot new awesome alien chick, a superfan script by Simon Pegg, and what looks like a pretty kinetic and capable job of directing by Justin Lin so far...fuck it, man. I AM IN.

    Oh, and that warp field footage was GORGEOUS.

    100% excited for this movie!

  21. #81
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    Well, that was a lot better than the first trailer. Seriously, the whole marketing team in charge of that first trailer should be canned. This looks like a proper space-set Star Trek movie. With this trailer and the fact that Orci, Kurtzman, and Lindelof aren't writing it, I'm going in optimistic.

  22. #82
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    Quote Originally Posted by october_midnight View Post
    IDK. Looks like more of the same. Lots of action and explosions. Even a bad Trek movie like The Final Frontier had a good premise. Last great Trek movie was First Contact, imho.

    The Spock/Uhura romance thing is a terrible idea and was never hinted at in the original series and films.
    Last edited by GulDukat; 05-21-2016 at 08:09 AM.

  23. #83
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    Hmm, you really think The Undiscovered Country is bad? I think some of the early-90s VFX have not aged well — pink blood, anyone? — and some are victims of their own success (the 'Praxis effect' invented by ILM for this movie was stolen by zillions of later films, to the point where it became a cliché image; eg. in the revamped Star Wars Lucas retconned the first Death Star destruction from a dinky backyard sparkler going off to being a 'proper' moon-sized blast complete with shockwave). In any case, it could stand to benefit from a director and cinematographer-approved restoration/refresh using modern digital compositing, but there's nothing wrong with the movie itself. For that reason I'm really glad they are bringing back Nicholas Meyer to work on the new TV show.
    Last edited by botley; 05-21-2016 at 07:54 AM.

  24. #84
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    Quote Originally Posted by botley View Post
    Hmm, you really think The Undiscovered Country is bad? I think some of the early-90s VFX have not aged well — pink blood, anyone? — and some are victims of their own success (the 'Praxis effect' invented by ILM for this movie was stolen by zillions of later films, to the point where it became a cliché image; eg. in the revamped Star Wars Lucas retconned the first Death Star destruction from a dinky backyard sparkler going off to being a 'proper' moon-sized blast complete with shockwave). In any case, it could stand to benefit from a director and cinematographer-approved restoration/refresh using modern digital compositing, but there's nothing wrong with the movie itself. For that reason I'm really glad they are bringing back Nicholas Meyer to work on the new TV show.
    I meant to say The Final Frontier. My mistake. The Undiscovered Country is actually my favorite Trek movie.

  25. #85
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    Oh cool. Yeah, Final Frontier is an unwatchable turkey... good intentions, terrible execution.
    Last edited by botley; 05-21-2016 at 09:16 AM.

  26. #86
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    Quote Originally Posted by botley View Post
    Oh cool. Yeah, Final Frontier is an unwatchable turkey... good intentions, terrible execution.
    I see it as a sort of noble failure. Interesting premise, but it really didn't work or make a lot of sense. Still, the campfire scenes were great, and the cast still shines. I would take it over those J.J. movies.

  27. #87
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    What...you guys didn't like the "YEAH BOI FUCKIN' BEASTIE BOYS RAWK IN YO' FACE BITCH" marketing approach to STAR TREK that they first went with?

  28. #88
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    Quote Originally Posted by RhettButler View Post
    I see it as a sort of noble failure. Interesting premise, but it really didn't work or make a lot of sense. Still, the campfire scenes were great, and the cast still shines. I would take it over those J.J. movies.


    Quote Originally Posted by bobbie solo View Post
    What...you guys didn't like the "YEAH BOI FUCKIN' BEASTIE BOYS RAWK IN YO' FACE BITCH" marketing approach to STAR TREK that they first went with?
    I actually thought the first trailer was fine...and same goes for the J.J. Star Trek movies in general.

    Don't forget, these movies (and, by extension, their trailers) are meant to help rescue the franchise from its chronic problem with low numbers, stagnant audience growth, and the threat of cancellation which has loomed over it since its earliest days. Getting J.J. Abrams and Justin Lin to punch it up and make it more "in your face" is a big part of that, and throwing in some badassery from the Beastie Boys can only help.

    Plus, it also works on MULTIPLE levels!

    Not only does does it help illustrate and highlight the more balls-out approach for a newer, younger audience, but it ALSO helps reinforce the connection between Lin's film and J.J.'s earlier installments by referencing the same song used in the '09 film to showcase Kirk's rebelliousness AND it hilariously plays off Shatner's own absurd history with the word "sabotage," lol. Which of course helps reassure know-it-all die-hards that these moviemakers know their Trek-history and trivia.

    Furthermore, it works plot-wise, insofar as its a callback to Kirk's relationship with his father and his growing pains as a captain, which this movie obviously continues to dwell upon. Likewise, rumors persist of a Shatner cameo and any use of the word "sabotage" can only hint towards that all the more.

    Lastly, we're talking about Star Trek here...it only has so many opportunities for the justifiable inclusion of modern day, contemporary pop-culture references. At least they chose one that's as appropriate and hilarious as it is badass and awesome.

    Again, the first trailer was fine. It was just aimed more towards the casual moviegoer than the second trailer. And that's okay, too. We should all know how to share our toys by now, after all.


  29. #89
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    Holy FUCKBALLS, this is great!

    I actually really like the way they used her song in the new trailer, too. Kind of Rihanna's version of Miley's "Wrecking Ball," I guess? The lyrical theme of hitting a wall and overcoming it really echoes Kirk's struggles as he attempts to Star Trek Beyond, as it were.

    But whatever. HOT DAMN.

    Great song. Great video.

  30. #90
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    JJ Abrams confirms there will be no recasting for Chekov in Star Trek IV

    He's unsure about what will happen to Chekov (killed off?) but he says there's no replacing Anton Yelchin.

    I'm glad about this and I hope Abrams will stick to it.

    And apparently, they are going to bring back Chris Hemsworth for ST IV. Oh dear, daddy issues...

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