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Thread: Star Trek - Series and Films

  1. #121
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    @sheepdean pointed out that this thread is under-utilized so i figured i'd pop in.

    currently on my FIFTH watch-through of voyager (my wife's first). also on her first watch through of DS9 (i had watched the first three(?) seasons by myself a couple years ago, but we're in to territory i haven't seen before, which is REALLY fun for both of us). anyone have an opinion on the best time to watch First Contact within the context of DS9? apparently my wife remembers almost NOTHING from watching it a year or so ago (which is troubling), so i figured we'd re-watch it within the chronology of star trek.

    also, i am SO EXCITED for the new series. i can't even begin to tell you.

  2. #122
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    Quote Originally Posted by eversonpoe View Post
    @sheepdean pointed out that this thread is under-utilized so i figured i'd pop in.

    currently on my FIFTH watch-through of voyager (my wife's first). also on her first watch through of DS9 (i had watched the first three(?) seasons by myself a couple years ago, but we're in to territory i haven't seen before, which is REALLY fun for both of us). anyone have an opinion on the best time to watch First Contact within the context of DS9? apparently my wife remembers almost NOTHING from watching it a year or so ago (which is troubling), so i figured we'd re-watch it within the chronology of star trek.

    also, i am SO EXCITED for the new series. i can't even begin to tell you.
    Wow, FIFTH watch!? You're hardcore! In the most brilliant of ways, of course. I think I've seen all of the shows twice, except for TOS and TAS, neither of which I've seen. Are they worth the time?

    In relation to your continuity query @eversonpoe , this is a pretty good resource -


    Though, the first time the cast of DS9 wear the new Starfleet uniforms seen in First Contact is this episode -


    So, First Contact fits in neatly around there somewhere. Speaking of the uniforms, I much prefer the grey-on-black seen post-First Contact; less jump-suitey and pyjama-ish.

    I also can't wait for the new series. I heard that it has been delayed again, but I'm more than happy to wait, if it means a better show at the end of the day. I really do miss episodic Trek...

  3. #123
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    First Contact doesn't really fit into DS9 at all due to Worf just vanishing for a while, the TNG films really are kinda out of canon in terms of timing and mood tbh

    Also DS9 is bae

  4. #124
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    I'm getting through TNG. Geordi can be horribly creepy around women.

  5. #125
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    Quote Originally Posted by slave2thewage View Post
    I'm getting through TNG. Geordi can be horribly creepy around women.
    yeah, i don't know if it was a product of the times and the writers trying to make him "relateable" to straight men or what, but for being an engineering genius, geordi certainly has limited social skills when trying to initiate romantic contact.

    harry on voyager and bashir on DS9 have similar flaws. it's like they write "nice guy" syndrome into one of their characters and never allow that character to grow past it. although bashir has certainly gotten better (we're on season 5).

    speaking of DS9 season 5, we watch Trials And Tribble-Ations last night. oh my god. may be my favorite episode of any star trek series ever. we were just smiling the entire time. so good.

  6. #126
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    Quote Originally Posted by eversonpoe View Post
    speaking of DS9 season 5, we watch Trials And Tribble-Ations last night. oh my god. may be my favorite episode of any star trek series ever. we were just smiling the entire time. so good.
    My favourite part of that episode is Jadzia saying "he had the hands of a surgeon" about McCoy with a sleazy grin and Sisko just rolls his eyes in the background.

  7. #127
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    Quote Originally Posted by slave2thewage View Post
    My favourite part of that episode is Jadzia saying "he had the hands of a surgeon" about McCoy with a sleazy grin and Sisko just rolls his eyes in the background.
    and wanting to bone spock. mmmmhmmmm

  8. #128
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    Is there a Bluray release planned for DS9?

  9. #129
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    Quote Originally Posted by SM Rollinger View Post
    Is there a Bluray release planned for DS9?
    None planned right now. It's reportedly because CBS thinks that remastering DS9 and Voyager will be cost-prohibitive.

  10. #130
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    Quote Originally Posted by slave2thewage View Post
    None planned right now. It's reportedly because CBS thinks that remastering DS9 and Voyager will be cost-prohibitive.
    What? Maybe at first, but you know over time it will make its money back.

    Did TNG not do so well? I enjoyed the remasters (or some of them at least, some of the CG looked a little wonky, if you know what I mean)

  11. #131
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    Quote Originally Posted by SM Rollinger View Post
    What? Maybe at first, but you know over time it will make its money back.

    Did TNG not do so well? I enjoyed the remasters (or some of them at least, some of the CG looked a little wonky, if you know what I mean)
    i can forgive the wonky CG. the clarity of the live-action parts is so worthwhile. i would kill for remastered voyager and DS9, even without enhanced effects.

  12. #132
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    We now have a Discovery trailer!

  13. #133
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    A 22 minute edit of Star Trek: The Motion Picture, combined with Daft Punk's score for Tron Legacy.

  14. #134
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    Is anyone going to watch the Star Trek Discovery premier tonight? Not having CBS all access I can’t, but would like to hear some feedback if anyone catches it.

  15. #135
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dr Channard View Post
    Is anyone going to watch the Star Trek Discovery premier tonight? Not having CBS all access I can’t, but would like to hear some feedback if anyone catches it.
    the pilot aired tonight on actual CBS but my wife and i were having dinner with my parents. i'm worried about the show being relegated to a streaming service that no one wants to sign up for, even star trek fans (like us).

  16. #136
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    I watched the first episode legitimately and then caught the second ep on a sketchy streaming site lol

    Yeah i can def see the viewership taking a nosedive after the premiere because of the way they've decided to air it. Not smart at all.

    Enjoyed the premiere episodes overall, I am definitely intrigued by whatever they're doing with the Klingons. The new series is very shiny, lots of lens flare like the Kelvin movies and much like when the Archer series came out you'll have to overlook the aesthetics being newer looking than what we saw in TOS which of course can't really be avoided because of production dates.

    Still have those familiar bridge chirps. ^_^

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    brain dead

  18. #138
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    This seem's to have split Trekkie fans, i've heard some fans rave about the first 3, and others slate them.

    As a casual Trekkie (DS9 and TNG were my jam growing up) is this worth watching?

  19. #139
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    Just watched the first two episodes and I love it. It is a lot closer to the Kelvin movies, but it's very well done.

    Spoiler: Gonna miss Captain Georgiou though. Didn't expect them to kill off T'Kuvma so early as well.

  20. #140
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    Quote Originally Posted by Haysey View Post
    This seem's to have split Trekkie fans, i've heard some fans rave about the first 3, and others slate them.

    As a casual Trekkie (DS9 and TNG were my jam growing up) is this worth watching?
    Um, yes. It's a brand new series and we're just two episodes in. Battle stations!

  21. #141
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    I really liked it! Makes me curious about what's to come, since the way the story unraveled, it surely won't be another "one spaceship with one crew goes on a mission of exploration" series. I hope that'll work out well.

    But to be honest, every time the Klingons were on screen, I couldn't help but think of that CollegeHumor skit "Movie Make-Up Makes Acting Hard" But I was really surprised how well that worked with Saru!

  22. #142
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    So what about for a non trekker? Is this show self contained enough for me to like it despite knowing next to nothing about ST?

  23. #143
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    So what about for a non trekker? Is this show self contained enough for me to like it despite knowing next to nothing about ST?
    If the setting is supposed to be in the prime universe, it was hard to tell. The aesthetics were off. It felt like the show was using existing star trek lore but doing its own thing. So think slightly pre-TOS time-frame, and a fledgling Federation/Klingon war as a jumping off point.

  24. #144
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    I'm not sure that's what he asked. But I'd say yes; shouldn't need to know much aside from the most basic lore about Klingons and Vulcans (doesn't everybody? Hah).

    This show is set before Spock's birth. There is no 'prime universe' yet, it pre-dates the events of the rebooted film series — though it obviously shares some of its design elements.

    Just jump in, @elevenism — you're going to dig it.
    Last edited by botley; 09-27-2017 at 08:02 PM.

  25. #145
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    Quote Originally Posted by botley View Post
    This show is set before Spock's birth. There is no 'prime universe' yet, it pre-dates the events of the rebooted film series — though it obviously shares some of its design elements.
    Well, here is another way to think about that. Prime universe predates what we saw on ST: Discovery, by far. As far as ST TV series go, prime universe begins with the Enterprise series which loosely covers events from around 2151 to 2161.

    The Abramsverse timeline is born and branches off the prime universe with the Narada/Kelvin event in the year 2233. And should be noted to be its own alternate reality.

    Events so far shown in ST: Discovery are allegedly happening in the 2240s to 2250s time-frame.

    And ST: TOS covers events from 2254 to 2269.

    So, assuming that Discovery takes place in the prime universe, and assuming that the Battle at the Binary Stars happens in 2256, not only is Spock already alive at this time but he had already served on the Enterprise under Captain Christopher Pike as The Cage (episode) shows set in the year 2254.

    Sorry to geek out there.

    Edit: To elevenism, what is it that has prevented you from either watching or enjoying ST: TV series in the past? From these first two episodes it doesn’t seem like Discovery is going to exist in its own warp bubble. There is clearly connective tissue to existing canon, but as a longtime trek fan it also feels like some bizarre creative liberties have been taken. All in all, if you’re looking to get into Star Trek, Discovery might prove to be a confusing place to start. But watch it and judge for yourself.
    Last edited by Dr Channard; 09-27-2017 at 10:40 PM.

  26. #146
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    @Dr Channard , as to what has prevented me from enjoying ST in the past: it's just the fact that there is so much content. I have no aversion to it, but I know there are an absurd amount of NG episodes and deep space nine etc.
    I feel like there is just too much to get into it. I kept meaning to jump in in the 90s but kept putting it off; meanwhile more and more episodes kept coming iut

    That being said, I was able to understand and enjoy a couple of the 90s movies,especially the one about the borg.

    I think I'm going to try discovery because it's supposed to be a massive spectacle.
    Last edited by elevenism; 09-28-2017 at 06:47 AM.

  27. #147
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    @Dr Channard , as to what has prevented me from enjoying ST in the past: it's just the fact that there is so much content. I have no aversion to it, but I know there are an absurd amount of NG episodes and deep space nine etc.
    I feel like there is just too much to get into it. I kept meaning to jump in in the 90s but kept putting it off; meanwhile more and more episodes kept coming iut
    Yup, there’s no shortage of content.

    Okay, after looking around it appears most every source I see places Star Trek: Discovery within the prime universe. The prime universe basically denotes all the TV series (and motion pictures) that happen in the same universal continuity. In a nutshell here are those TV series along with their respective in-universe sequential timeframe (roughly) that compose the prime universe (it should be noted that the non-Abramsverse movies also are part of the prime universe).

    Star Trek: Enterprise (4 seasons) primarily covering years 2151-2155
    Star Trek: Discovery (a few episodes) loosely covering the 2240s-2256
    Star Trek: The Original Series (3 seasons) covering years 2254-2269
    Star Trek: The Next Generation (7 seasons) covering years 2364-2370
    Star Trek: Deep Space 9 (7 seasons) covering years 2369-2375
    Star Trek: Voyager (7 seasons) covering years 2371-2378

    So yes, it appears that Star Trek: Discovery is going to assume that the viewer already has some level of knowledge of existing canon. As examples, the character Sarek and the subject of a katra are both featured in the first few episodes. These are items that would be much better understood by those already versed in the series.

    In any event, if you decide to jump in, this series may be an odd place to start, but at least it’s a start.

  28. #148
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dr Channard View Post
    Well, here is another way to think about that. Prime universe predates what we saw on ST: Discovery, by far. As far as ST TV series go, prime universe begins with the Enterprise series which loosely covers events from around 2151 to 2161.
    Sure, and the Zefram Cochrane stuff in First Contact is even earlier. It's just that we don't have any clear indication of when exactly the new series is set and my suspicion is that it's significantly more than ten years before the Kirk/Spock mission. How do you surmise 2240s–50s from the new series?

    EDIT: I Riker-Googled and found this. You're right, I'm wrong.
    Last edited by botley; 09-28-2017 at 08:12 AM.

  29. #149
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    Just saw all three episodes. Some initial thoughts:

    -Really nice visuals. Maybe the best looking Trek.
    -As prequels go, this is definitely better than Enterprise.
    -The stories were good. Not great, but good.

  30. #150
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    Plot, galactic war between Federation and Klingons? One word…. Organians.

    Quote Originally Posted by RhettButler View Post
    -As prequels go, this is definitely better than Enterprise.
    Just wait till 130 year old Fleet Admiral Travis Mayweather makes his debut on Discovery, you’re guaranteed to love it!

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