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Thread: Star Trek - Series and Films

  1. #91
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    There's a theory going around that Chekhov actually dies in Beyond. Apparently, Anton wasn't doing a lot of press for the movie and Chekhov isn't in a lot of the promotional footage/stills. It would be a horrible case of 'life imitating art' if this actually turns out to be true.

    I'm assuming we're getting details on the new show from SDCC on Saturday.

  2. #92
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    The 2017 show is called 'Star Trek: Discovery'. Title announced with a brief teaser showing a new starship at SDCC. I'm assuming this will be online soon.

    EDIT - That was quick.

    Last edited by slave2thewage; 07-23-2016 at 05:23 PM.

  3. #93
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    Saw Beyond, and thought it was quite good. I think many fans who didn't like the obvious regurgitation of Into Darkness will like this better. It seems like a good 'planet' episode from the show. For a Trek film, this does one of the better jobs of giving the whole cast their time to shine. Spock and Bones in particular spend a good bit of time together, and their dialog is gold. Overall, just a solid good time out at the cinema.

  4. #94
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    Quote Originally Posted by Millionaire View Post
    Saw Beyond, and thought it was quite good. I think many fans who didn't like the obvious regurgitation of Into Darkness will like this better. It seems like a good 'planet' episode from the show. For a Trek film, this does one of the better jobs of giving the whole cast their time to shine. Spock and Bones in particular spend a good bit of time together, and their dialog is gold. Overall, just a solid good time out at the cinema.
    Great to hear. Might go check it out tomorrow night. I dug Into Darkness probably more than most, haha.

  5. #95
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    Saw Beyond last night and thought it was pretty weak, tbh. I'm getting used to the cast, but the plot was paper thin and the villain was pretty generic and uninteresting.

  6. #96
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    This was easily my favorite from the new Star Trek series, but it was still just a watch once in the cinema and forget about it. The villain was very weak in every aspect, and it's getting reaaaaaaal tiring how they play the exact same shit during every new ST movie. Stop teasing Kirk dying goddammit!

  7. #97
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    The last great Trek film was First Contact, imho. Great mix of action/adventure with a compelling story.

  8. #98
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    I did not see them all. I definitely saw them in order until the whale movie, then saw the one where Spock's father (I think) screws over the crew, the Borg one with Picard, the one with Picard and Kirk (where Kirk rides the horse) and First Contact. (also saw one where it starts with them being prisoners in a snowy world, but it could be that Spock one I mentioned)

    My favorite Trek film, however, is probably the first one. Star Trek movies never really did it for me, I much more appreciated the style of Voyager and DS9, but the first one just had something really unique in it. It was a bit like A Space Odyssey.

    Still, I'm personally fine with the reboot. Same rather uninspiring stories, but more action and amazing visual effects, while maintaining that quirky comedy and companionship. I'm not against them making an actual story that keeps me on the edge of my seat, but until they get the action scenes and the pacing just right, I won't complain.

  9. #99
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    Bryan Fuller is teasing again - http://www.aintitcool.com/node/75876

    Excited for when he spills the tea next week.

  10. #100
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    Quote Originally Posted by slave2thewage View Post
    Bryan Fuller is teasing again - http://www.aintitcool.com/node/75876

    Excited for when he spills the tea next week.
    Ugh. Star Trek tried and failed at having a TOS prequel with Enterprise. I was really hoping this would be post Voyager.

  11. #101
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    been a while since i've seen a new movie in the theater, i miss it (but i still hate going alone).

    anywho, i liked Beyond so much that i'm just going to pretend Into Darkness didn't happen

  12. #102
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    That Section 31 stuff has me very intrigued!

    I for one liked a great deal of ENT so I'm curious what they're going to do playing in the era before Kirk.

  13. #103
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    Quote Originally Posted by thelastdisciple View Post
    That Section 31 stuff has me very intrigued!

    I for one liked a great deal of ENT so I'm curious what they're going to do playing in the era before Kirk.
    The Earth-Romulan War
    The founding of the Federation

    Two areas that ENT should have covered but didn't.

  14. #104
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    Star Trek: Beyond was awful: the picture was dark and blurred. the action shots were all close-up and disconnected. It dragged on for far too long. All I saw on screen half the time were quickly changing one second moving photos of technological scenery and blurs of aliens and suggestions of action.. Holy shit, can we kill 3D? Or can we can stop Hollywood from doing 3D in a shit way?

    I'm not seeing any films in theatres from now on unless the critical consensus is 80/100 or higher. I've seen that this movie has a decent score of 75/100. For such shit direction? The story was mediocre. I did like the bad guy in the final 10 minutes. But the direction.. just total garbage.
    Last edited by cashpiles (closed); 08-10-2016 at 12:09 PM.

  15. #105
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    Quote Originally Posted by cashpiles View Post
    Star Trek: Beyond was awful: the picture was dark and blurred. the action shots were all close-up and disconnected. It dragged on for far too long. All I saw on screen half the time were quickly changing one second moving photos of technological scenery and blurs of aliens and suggestions of action.. Holy shit, can we kill 3D? Or can we can stop Hollywood from doing 3D in a shit way?

    I'm not seeing any films in theatres from now on unless the critical consensus is 80/100 or higher. I've seen that this movie has a decent score of 75/100. For such shit direction? The story was ok. But the direction.. just total garbage.
    I actually enjoyed the first half hour. It started off promising, but then the story just went to shit. Good performances and some individual scenes aside, the film was pretty weak.

    My Star Trek film rating.

    13. Star Trek (2009)
    12. Beyond
    11. Into Darkness
    10. Nemesis
    9. Insurection
    8. Star Trek V: The Final Frontier
    7. Star Trek: The Motion Picture
    6. Star Trek III: The Search For Spock
    5. Generations
    4. Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home
    3. First Contact
    2. Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan
    1. Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered County

  16. #106
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    *Ahem* I'll politely ignore the listicle-posting.
    @henryeatscereal observed in another thread about how the 2009 film and its sequels got generally good reactions, but I feel like Into Darkness was not compelling or memorable at all... on the other hand, Beyond has a lot going for it, and so far seems to be a critical success — yet it's not doing as well as its predecessors did in ticket sales. Is there audience fatigue for these films, or did the recycled Beastie Boys track in the trailer just turn that many people off?

    Finally seeing it myself, I really got strong Original Series feelings from this film, in a way that Abrams absolutely failed to capture with his slavish note-for-note approach to rehashing the old movies. The sense of stakes and drama were human-sized, deftly written and well-executed by the whole team with only a few minor sour notes struck. And it's a beautiful film, with some jaw-dropping bravura set pieces. Oh did I mention the sound design? Exquisite. Going to have to go back and revisit this Justin Lin guy's work.
    Last edited by botley; 08-13-2016 at 12:55 AM.

  17. #107
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    I give Lin and Abrams credit for keeping the franchise alive and introducing Trek to a new generation of fans, I just don't think that they are very good films.

  18. #108
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    All three, across the board? The third one is vastly different in tone and construction, so I'm not ready to put it in the same category. Lin really improved on the shallow acting and untethered geography of JJ's outings.
    Last edited by botley; 08-13-2016 at 12:27 PM.

  19. #109
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    I haven't seen "Beyond", i did liked "Into the Darkness".
    As i pointed: i'm not a hardcore ST fan, but the first two movies got me interested on the franchise; and i want to watch the old movies too (i've just have seen "The Wrath of Khan")

  20. #110
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    Quote Originally Posted by botley View Post
    All three, across the board? The third one is vastly different in tone and construction, so I'm not ready to put it in the same category. Lin really improved on the shallow acting and untethered geography of JJ's outings.
    I did like the interaction between the characters, particularly Bones and Spock, and it was a fun film, but not something I'd see more than once. Too much action, not enough of a story, imho.

  21. #111
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    Quote Originally Posted by RhettButler View Post
    I actually enjoyed the first half hour. It started off promising, but then the story just went to shit. Good performances and some individual scenes aside, the film was pretty weak.
    I felt the same. I was hopeful, after seeing the reviews. There were elements of the JJ reboots I really liked, but they just didn't hold up, and had no sense of wonder that all the successful Star Trek outings before now have had. This felt like it had some wonder at the start, but then become generic, had a weak-ass villain, had frenetic hard-to-follow action, and I just gave up caring. Not bad, but not good.

    There really have only been 4 good Trek films (the top 4 in Rhett's list, though I'd swap the order a bit).

  22. #112
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    Quote Originally Posted by Timinator View Post
    I felt the same. I was hopeful, after seeing the reviews. There were elements of the JJ reboots I really liked, but they just didn't hold up, and had no sense of wonder that all the successful Star Trek outings before now have had. This felt like it had some wonder at the start, but then become generic, had a weak-ass villain, had frenetic hard-to-follow action, and I just gave up caring. Not bad, but not good.

    There really have only been 4 good Trek films (the top 4 in Rhett's list, though I'd swap the order a bit).
    I'm really happy with the cast they have--they're actually pretty terrific. What they need now is a good story. Give Ron Moore a call. Have you ever seen Deep Space Nine? Seasons 4-7 in particular, unbelievable. The best science fiction ever, hands down, wonderful writing.
    Last edited by GulDukat; 08-15-2016 at 05:51 PM.

  23. #113
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    I actually enjoyed the new one. I had the lowest expectations and was pleasantly surprised. I didn't dig the reboot in general and Into Darkness was a miss for me.. This is the first of the reboot series that has felt like a Trek movie. I still think Star Trek > Star Wars.

    Edit: My biggest qualm...did they HAVE to destroy the Enterprise again? We get it...the stakes are high.

  24. #114
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    My Star Trek Beyond thoughts:

    Villain sucked, tired of seeing the Enterprise blown up, Beastie Boys in space moment was ridiculous, was kind of bugged by how grounded the film was... not enough space.. wanted to see some more planets and just get around more. EXPLORE!

    Aside from that, great effects with the hologram stuff, I loved Jaylah and I loved the crew banter.


  25. #115
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    Finally got to watch Star Trek Beyond, quite enjoyed it...

    I find it funny how people were bugging out when the trailer featured Beastie Boys' "Sabotage" like it was some betrayal...meanwhile it was used within the first film and part of the plot point in Beyond. So including the song in the trailer does make sense. The song choices didn't bother me.

    I enjoyed all three movie though I am not a Star Trek fan. I was never into the show or original movies, but I found the new ones enjoyable and fun. Is Beyond the best of the 3, probably not, but still not a bad movie. I had no problem with In Darkness, both it and the first movie go back and forth as my fave of the three.

  26. #116
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    Quote Originally Posted by neorev View Post
    Finally got to watch Star Trek Beyond, quite enjoyed it...

    I find it funny how people were bugging out when the trailer featured Beastie Boys' "Sabotage" like it was some betrayal...meanwhile it was used within the first film and part of the plot point in Beyond. So including the song in the trailer does make sense. The song choices didn't bother me.

    I enjoyed all three movie though I am not a Star Trek fan. I was never into the show or original movies, but I found the new ones enjoyable and fun. Is Beyond the best of the 3, probably not, but still not a bad movie. I had no problem with In Darkness, both it and the first movie go back and forth as my fave of the three.
    The Beastie Boys had no place in the first movie, it was totally shoehorned in as a way to make Trek look hip, and maybe it worked with the 15-25 demographic, as it was a huge hit, but I just rolled my eyes. And then they do it again with Beyond!

    Anyway, check out the classic episode "City on the Edge of Forever" to see what a great Trek story looks like.

  27. #117
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    Yeah, Abramsverse is a very, very different thing from what Gene was doing with Star Trek. Beastie Boys is a perfect fit for what goes on in Abramsverse, but I’d like to think that Roddenberry would have kicked somebody square in the dick for even suggesting something like that in his Star Trek.

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    I'm 32, the Beastie Boys didn't really bother me. I'm glad they did something different with the newer movies. I've only caught moments from the classic movies and shows, just wasn't my thing. My friend from back in the day was a huge Star Trek fan and I went with him to see Star Trek in the theaters, the one with the Borgs being the main part of the story.

  29. #119
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    Quote Originally Posted by RhettButler View Post
    Anyway, check out the classic episode "City on the Edge of Forever" to see what a great Trek story looks like.
    I am generally surprised by how often this episode gets singled out as the best Trek episode of them all. I mean, it's a great episode to be sure, but I can't give my stamp of "best ep" to one where most of the episode is on earth in the 1930s (it is Star Trek, after all). I'll admit, even though I do love TOS, I am more of a NextGen, DS9, VOY kind of guy. Hell I even really like Enterprise. For the original series, I suppose I have to go with Amok Time, Mirror Mirror, and the Naked Time (special shout out to Mudd's Women). For best of all Trek there are just too many TNG and DS9 episodes that are top notch for me to even whittle down.

  30. #120
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    Quote Originally Posted by neorev View Post
    I'm 32, the Beastie Boys didn't really bother me. I'm glad they did something different with the newer movies. I've only caught moments from the classic movies and shows, just wasn't my thing. My friend from back in the day was a huge Star Trek fan and I went with him to see Star Trek in the theaters, the one with the Borgs being the main part of the story.
    Understandable. Certainly not every episode or movie in the series is a masterpiece, a fair number were duds. But even in many of the failures there seemed to be higher aspirations to explore real world social and moral issues against the backdrop of the sci-fi epic. The TV series usually more so employing this narrative.

    And there isn’t anything wrong with Beastie Boys, it’s a proper fit for the new movies.

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