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Thread: Star Trek - Series and Films

  1. #271
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  2. #272
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    Ugh, I can't fucking stand RLM, and though I was initially very excited for Picard & the other TNG characters to return (the tie-in comic book bridging Nemesis and the 2009 reboot films, Countdown, worked very well and helped to give those characters a fitting send-off), now I'm more than a little worried that it's actually going to be pure fan-service wankery, with the un-challenging, vapid plot retreads these neckless dinguses so clearly want, just like the Disney Star Wars films have been. Fuck those guys in their fat fucking eyeholes.
    Last edited by botley; 09-17-2018 at 01:39 PM.

  3. #273
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    I've always argued, and many agree with me and want the same, that Star Trek needs a new series which takes place after Voyager, and same universe.

    Main reason is that it's difficult to bring anything substantially new to the table when you're looking back (Enterprise, Discovery; though spore drive jumping is fucking incredible).

    Most of us would prefer to see new things rather than learn about OLD klingon wars, romulan encounters, section 31, transport tech/development, reaching warp 4....

    What we would rather see is new klingon wars, romulan encounters, section 31, transport tech/development, reaching warp 15 or some new technology (jumping).

    I mean jumping? Why didn't Voyager just jump back home. I am interested to find out why spore drives are a thing of the past... maybe because they fuck with the fabrics that make up the universe and it's far too dangerous... like the PSI resinator.

    Anyways, TV shows don't all need to follow the GOT format (Discovery).


    - Q (didnt Q have a son? whats he up to?)
    - Wesly Crusher, what the fuck has he been up to; or where has he traveled to?
    - Guinen, I loved her and she lives for 100s of years
    - BORG

    I think there is room to have Tom Paris (he's got the characteristics of a captain) come back with Wesley Crusher, maybe even B'Elanna... and other cast members from various series.

    What I don't want... Admiral Picard sitting in his office in San Francisco dealing with political bullshit.

    What do you want to see in Picards new series?

  4. #274
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    P.S. each Star Trek episode should have a plot; start and finish with normal ongoing back stories. I loved how each episode of TNG was like a puzzle, solved in the last 8 minutes.

    I too am against what botley mentioned. I don't want a simple fan based nostalgic overly convenient comeback show... HEEEEEEERRRRSSS DATA! AND YOUR FAVOURTE WORF TOO! You like holodecks? There's a holodeck in every episode, and borg too.... and Picard says "Engage" in every episode.

  5. #275
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    Quote Originally Posted by snaapz View Post
    What do you want to see in Picards new series?
    The following pretty well sums it up for me…

    Edit: Patrick Stewart (Picard) wasn’t a one man show on TNG. Don’t try to make him a one man show now. Use him sparingly, he is a familiar face that gives us some level of comfort. We can explore his golden years maybe as a part-time Starfleet advisor or cadet instructor while at the same time establishing a new ship/captain/crew as well as the bigger picture of the Federation and its role in the galaxy some 20+ years after the events of Nemesis.

    Don’t make it a shameless action romp. Don’t parade around a bunch of the TNG cast pointlessly. In fact, it might be better and more expansive to work in a few characters from the other TNG era shows, I’d welcome back the likes of Nana Visitor, Andrew Robinson, Wil Wheaton, and Tim Russ to reprise their old roles in some limited capacity,… and as always Jeffrey Combs (in any role). Maybe make the show a ratio of 20% Picard (old guard) arc and 80% new ship/crew arc (Stewart is just too old to carry the brunt), while their threads intertwine at key junctures.
    Last edited by Dr Channard; 09-17-2018 at 03:45 PM.

  6. #276
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    I would really like to see what's become of the Dominion.

    And bring back Dukat.

    As for Discovery, there is talk about an episode involving the Borg. Please, please, please....No! But a first contact with the Cardasians would be cool.

  7. #277
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    I heard that too, I'm a big fan but not a super fan (I save that for NIN).

    But didn't Q introduce humans to the Borg?

    Discover S1 spoiler --> Spoiler: Discovery can/has jumped in time; maybe .. maybe DISC jumps to a year after Q introduced Picard to the Borg??? Or maybe DISC jumps to a place in space, far from earth, where the Borg are.

    But since there are already humans on the Borg ship when Q introduces the Enterprise 1701-D to the cube... there must have been previous encounters. Maybe some of those humans on the Borg cube are descendants from someone assimilated on Spoiler: Christoper Pikes DISC.

    ...temporal mechanics gives me a headache - Janeway

  8. #278
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    Quote Originally Posted by snaapz View Post
    I heard that too, I'm a big fan but not a super fan (I save that for NIN).

    But didn't Q introduce humans to the Borg?

    Discover S1 spoiler --> Spoiler: Discovery can/has jumped in time; maybe .. maybe DISC jumps to a year after Q introduced Picard to the Borg??? Or maybe DISC jumps to a place in space, far from earth, where the Borg are.

    But since there are already humans on the Borg ship when Q introduces the Enterprise 1701-D to the cube... there must have been previous encounters. Maybe some of those humans on the Borg cube are descendants from someone assimilated on Spoiler: Christoper Pikes DISC.

    ...temporal mechanics gives me a headache - Janeway
    There was a Borg episode on Enterprise and that worked, as it was a sequel to the events of First Contact. But any other Borg episode that takes place before the events of TNG will seem forced. And no more time travel episodes. Please, stick with the 23rd century for DISCO, at least for now.

  9. #279
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  10. #280
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    Started binge watching DS9 again several weeks back. Into season 4 already, and currently watching the “Our Man Bashir” episode, so campy yet so good.

  11. #281
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dr Channard View Post
    Started binge watching DS9 again several weeks back. Into season 4 already, and currently watching the “Our Man Bashir” episode, so campy yet so good.
    Man, DS9 4-7 was so fucking good. The early years were great too, but 4-7 is the bees knees.

  12. #282
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    Quote Originally Posted by RhettButler View Post
    Man, DS9 4-7 was so fucking good. The early years were great too, but 4-7 is the bees knees.
    This series is just as immersive for me today as when it first came out. As great as TNG was, it just hasn't aged quite as well as DS9. Great writing, great acting, great pacing, and all consistently for 7 seasons.
    Last edited by Dr Channard; 09-29-2018 at 09:24 PM.

  13. #283
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    Quote Originally Posted by snaapz View Post
    I've always argued, and many agree with me and want the same, that Star Trek needs a new series which takes place after Voyager, and same universe.

    Main reason is that it's difficult to bring anything substantially new to the table when you're looking back (Enterprise, Discovery; though spore drive jumping is fucking incredible).

    Most of us would prefer to see new things rather than learn about OLD klingon wars, romulan encounters, section 31, transport tech/development, reaching warp 4....

    What we would rather see is new klingon wars, romulan encounters, section 31, transport tech/development, reaching warp 15 or some new technology (jumping).

    I mean jumping? Why didn't Voyager just jump back home. I am interested to find out why spore drives are a thing of the past... maybe because they fuck with the fabrics that make up the universe and it's far too dangerous... like the PSI resinator.

    Anyways, TV shows don't all need to follow the GOT format (Discovery).


    - Q (didnt Q have a son? whats he up to?)
    - Wesly Crusher, what the fuck has he been up to; or where has he traveled to?
    - Guinen, I loved her and she lives for 100s of years
    - BORG

    I think there is room to have Tom Paris (he's got the characteristics of a captain) come back with Wesley Crusher, maybe even B'Elanna... and other cast members from various series.

    What I don't want... Admiral Picard sitting in his office in San Francisco dealing with political bullshit.

    What do you want to see in Picards new series?
    Q rescues Sisko from the wormhole to team up with Picard and Janeway to lead a team of familiar faces and unknowns against Section 31, who have made an agreement with the Borg to trade new technologies for large numbers of human lives.

    Or maybe just an entire season of holodeck shenanigans where Moriarty comes back.

  14. #284
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    Quote Originally Posted by RhettButler View Post
    Man, DS9 4-7 was so fucking good. The early years were great too, but 4-7 is the bees knees.
    Quote Originally Posted by Dr Channard View Post
    This series is just as immersive for me today as when it first came out. As great as TNG was, it just hasn't aged quite as well as DS9. Great writing, great acting, great pacing, and all consistently for 7 seasons.
    there are a lot of parallels between the dominion war and some things that are happening in our world today that are making it hard for me to get through.

  15. #285
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    Quote Originally Posted by eversonpoe View Post
    there are a lot of parallels between the dominion war and some things that are happening in our world today that are making it hard for me to get through.
    Oh man, the show is so worth it though. Sure the drama is there, but the light stuff is gold...

  16. #286
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dr Channard View Post
    Oh man, the show is so worth it though. Sure the drama is there, but the light stuff is gold...
    probably one of my favorite moments on the show ever. my wife and i sing it all the time

  17. #287
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    I'm looking forward to re-watching Discovery next month, when it's out on Blu-ray. I'm all ready for season 2. The preview looks awesome.

  18. #288
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    Some new pictures and news about season 2 of Discovery:


  19. #289
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    Star Trek quote of the day:

    - “Who are you people, and what is that thing in your pants?”

  20. #290
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    So I caught and watched the Best of Both Worlds on BBC America earlier this week and now I wanna rewatch the entire TNG series from start to finish. Just finished Code of Honor (S1EP3) now!

  21. #291
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    I caught a showing of Into Darkness last night on television. I kind of like it despite its flaws

    There's one line of dialogue I did not remember and that hit me like a ton of bricks: after Scotty quits, Kirk asks Chekov to replace him as Chief Engineer and he says to him " Put on a red shirt you're my new Chief". And Chekov makes a funny face when he hears that. Of course, at the time, the joke was about the red shirt thing and it must have been funny at some point but now, I found it heartbreaking.

    I really miss you, Anton.

  22. #292
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    Anyone been watching the Discovery shorts? Here's my rundown:

    Runaway--Tilly discovers an alien that enters the Discovery and is a "twin" with her homeworld (were born and develop together). Interesting premise and I like Tilly and a Tilly-centric story, but this should have been a full episode, as it feels rushed, not fleshed-out and half-baked.

    Calypso- Set 1000 years in the future with no crew on board, Discovery has become self-aware and picks up a solider who wants to return home. This one was a little anti-climatic, but is was so well acted and executed, I rather enjoyed it. I've read that these shorts will be incorporated into the series, so it would be interesting to see how the ship becomes self-aware and why the Discovery is stranded.

    The Brightest Star- Saru's origin story. He is shown on his homeworld with other Kalpiens, who worship and sacrifice themselves to some kind of alien orb. Saru then contacts the Federation and is taken from his homeworld. This was by far my favorite story. Saru is fast becoming my favorite character on the show and it was cool to see his homeworld and how he left and eventually joined Starfleet. Spoiler: It was also a treat to once again see (prime) Georgiou and her first meeting with Saru.

    Season 2 trailer:

    Not crazy about the Spock re-con. Spock from TOS didn't smile or show anger.
    Last edited by GulDukat; 12-15-2018 at 09:35 AM.

  23. #293
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    Soooo.... that Discovery premiere was pretty bananas.

    Amazing open to the season and really something that could easily have been on the big screen!

  24. #294
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    Saw episode one tonight. Love Anson Mount as Pike. Too tired to post additional thoughts, but I thought it's off to a good start.

  25. #295
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    Just saw the fourth short "The Escape Artist" and it's my favorite of the four. Really funny, well-done story with a delightful twist. Rainn Wilson is perfectly cast as the new Harry Mudd.

    As for the season 2 premiere--Loved Anson Mount as Pike, made me forget about the loss of Jason Isaacs (Lorca), who was my favorite character from season one. The rest of the cast shined--Jones, Wiseman, Rapp, but they were just sort of there and didn't have much to do with the story. I liked Tig Notaro as Jet Reno and think she's a welcome addition to the cast. The show of course centers around Martin-Green as Michael, and I like her character better as a part of the crew, than as a prisoner working for Lorca.

    I don't know where the story is going (The Red Angel, orbs) but it's off to a good start. That said, I want there to be a greater emphasis on story-telling for the rest of the season.

  26. #296
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    I don't know how we missed this bit of news but apparently Star Trek 4 has been cancelled: https://www.independent.co.uk/arts-e...-a8721651.html

    Reasons cited are the poor box office of Beyond and the negotiations failure with both Chris.

    It's a bummer, I really enjoyed Quinto, Urban and Pegg. But I won't have to get out the pitchfork if they had decided to recast Chekov.

    We haven't seen Discovery's Spock yet but the bit we had in the trailer was enough to annoy me. Spock doesn't smile, damn it; he raises his eyebrow!

  27. #297
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    Just starting watching TNG for the first time since the 90s.

    Realizing that the court scene takes place in 60 years and I might be alive still...
    Last edited by MrLobster; 02-04-2019 at 04:26 AM.

  28. #298
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    Quote Originally Posted by MrLobster View Post
    Just starting watching TNG for the first time since the 90s.

    Realizing that the court scene takes place in 60 years and I might be alive still...
    I just started season 2 the other day. Finished Elementary My Dear Data.

    I love the Holodeck episodes.

  29. #299
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    Well, the lead actors are all doing great work, as usual, but apart from some good moments in the first two episodes of this new Discovery season (I especially enjoyed the Jonathan Frakes-directed, more relaxed, classic-style Trek of "New Eden"), I am not quite as enamored yet as I was of the first season's twists and turns. Maybe because I'm incredibly bummed out by the world around me, but it's harder to get as invested in it. Anybody else feeling this way?

  30. #300
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    TNG is the best, I have the whole series on Blu-ray. The reworked cg is hit or miss, some seasons are better than others.

    I wish DS9 would get the Blu-ray treatment

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