I feel like the finale re-contextualized the whole season and made it into a more cohesive story.
Q's actions which seemed inexplicable initially make a lot more sense in context of the finale which makes me enjoy this season more in retrospect.

Spoiler: For example, let's assume for a moment that the galactic level event we see is indeed the aftermath of the death of a Q (or at lease something he knew was coming), then he would know that this would end up destroying the entire Alpha quadrant. How can this be stopped? By making a world where the Borg and the Federation can work together to create the shield we see at the end. Just as the new queen needed someone to trust and could be trusted, Q would need the same thing. Bringing Picard into a world where the Borg is reduced to a lone Queen is of paramount importance (pardon the pun) as it sets the stage for this partnership. This explains the need for the Confederation timeline. The two-person collective of Agnes and the Borg Queen had to happen which not only saves the Alpha quadrant but also reinforces the theme of accepting past trauma to create a better future. The loneliness they both experience is what drives them together. Q's interaction with Soong also makes sense in this context as it was the only way to bring about the one timeline where "one Renee lives and one dies" (granted, I'm not exactly sure why that would need to be the case). He also needed Renee to have anxiety about the Europa Mission to bring about the events leading to that timeline as well.