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Thread: Star Trek - Series and Films

  1. #661
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    Quote Originally Posted by snaapz View Post
    I agree! Picard S3 has exceeded my expectations. The acting skills are on point and award winning, the story/plot is moving along well, and simply seeing everyone back together and working as a team to solve problems is priceless. 100% rating.

    I wish DISCO had taken this approach, rather than making it a 'Michael Burnham saves the universe' show.
    Discovery has replaced Enterprise as the black sheep/redheaded stepchild in Trek fandom. I also think it's funny that for years Voyager (I think it is an excellent show) and Enterprise have taken a pretty good beating with some fans, but now those shows seem to be held up as "when Trek used to be good," when compared to Discovery and the first two seasons of Picard.

    The warm reception of Picard season 3 and Strange New Worlds seems to have won over some old-school Trekies.

  2. #662
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    I have a lot of thoughts about the last episode of Picard, "Vox."

    The red door reveal was a little too obvious. Some fans were speculating that Spoiler: the Pah-Wraiths were possessing Jack Crusher, as his eyes were red, and it was Dukat who is really "the face." I didn't buy that as there would be too many plot points from DS9.

    Bringing back Spoiler: the Borg seems odd. This seems to recon season 2, as the Federation and the Borg finally made peace. Seasons 2 and 3 were filmed back-to-back, so I don't understand why they decided to do it this way. It's like seasons 2 and 3 had different writers who weren't on the same page.

    And why bring back Spoiler: Shelby only to Spoiler: kill her off two minutes later? That character deserved better. I hope that Spoiler: she is not really dead.

    And it was wonderful to see the Spoiler: Enterprise-D again. I never thought we'd see her again.

  3. #663
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    Quote Originally Posted by GulDukat View Post
    I have a lot of thoughts about the last episode of Picard, "Vox."

    The red door reveal was a little too obvious. Some fans were speculating that Spoiler: the Pah-Wraiths were possessing Jack Crusher, as his eyes were red, and it was Dukat who is really "the face." I didn't buy that as there would be too many plot points from DS9.

    Bringing back Spoiler: the Borg seems odd. This seems to recon season 2, as the Federation and the Borg finally made peace. Seasons 2 and 3 were filmed back-to-back, so I don't understand why they decided to do it this way. It's like seasons 2 and 3 had different writers who weren't on the same page.

    And why bring back Spoiler: Shelby only to Spoiler: kill her off two minutes later? That character deserved better. I hope that Spoiler: she is not really dead.

    And it was wonderful to see the Spoiler: Enterprise-D again. I never thought we'd see her again.
    First point: we've been getting clues to what the Red Door was right from the first episode credits (First Contact main theme, anyone?) If you were already onto that clue, the reveal became more obvious as the episodes passed.

    Second point: why? Because that new development was freaking brilliant. WOW. Holy Great Bird of the Galaxy, Gene, it was pure genius. Talk about playing the long game. It blew me away. As for season 2 and 3 stuff: alternate timeline, my friend. That's the answered I've read somewhere.

    Third point: why bring that person back? Picard said it itself and I agree 100%: the irony. So much irony. That specific character should have seen the parallels from the beginning. Oh the irony!

    Fourth point: I never saw that one coming. Ever. And I bawled like a baby.

    Also: I need to know about Worf and the Enterprise-E. I have a feeling that somehow, it was his fault.

    "Hello, chair."

  4. #664
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    It's also not clear to me why Spoiler: The renegade Changelings formed an alliance with the Borg.

  5. #665
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    Quote Originally Posted by GulDukat View Post
    It's also not clear to me why Spoiler: The renegade Changelings formed an alliance with the Borg.
    Indeed, And I don't think we'll get a clear answer about that. Right now, my best guest is that You Know Who needed an ally to sabotage Starfleet from the inside and that Vadic and her cohort might have been promised that they'll get their chances at vengeance for what was done to them.

    Still one episode to go but I think we could (we being you, me, and everyone else trying to piece this together) try to start on an extended timeline of where and when "events" took place. And I'll say again: First Contact is one of the keys to this story.

    You do understand how Kirk's body ended up at the Daystrom Institute, right? It most likely was "picked up" when... the Prime Directive said that you should not leave "stuff" behind. *wink*

  6. #666
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    Quote Originally Posted by marodi View Post
    You do understand how Kirk's body ended up at the Daystrom Institute, right? It most likely was "picked up" when... the Prime Directive said that you should not leave "stuff" behind. *wink*
    I'm wondering if they did that to entice Shatner to come back, one more time.

  7. #667
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  8. #668
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    Quote Originally Posted by october_midnight View Post
    I'd much prefer a solid two hour movie over a season arc that drags over 10-13 episodes. This might be a backdoor pilot, although I would imagine Yeoh will be a lot more expensive and in demand than any other actor from Discovery.

  9. #669
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    New trailer for season two of Strange New Worlds:

    Glad the Klingons are going back to the TNG/DS9/Voy design and abandoning the Discovery makeover (@54 second mark). Also, looks like there will be a time-travel episode (@1:40).

    This looks awesome. I can't wait!

  10. #670
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    The finale "The Last Generation" was amazing. What a send-off for the TNG crew. It's obvious that they set this episode up for Spoiler: a spin-off show with Captain Seven, Sydney, Raffi, and Jack Crusher.

    I was surprised to see Spoiler: Q return at the end of the credits.

  11. #671
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    Quote Originally Posted by GulDukat View Post
    The finale "The Last Generation" was amazing. What a send-off for the TNG crew. It's obvious that they set this episode up for Spoiler: a spin-off show with Captain Seven, Sydney, Raffi, and Jack Crusher.
    I really hope that happens. Great finale for sure. A little bitter sweet knowing it's likely the last time we see a lot of those characters.

  12. #672
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    Quote Originally Posted by otnavuskire View Post
    I really hope that happens. Great finale for sure. A little bitter sweet knowing it's likely the last time we see a lot of those characters.
    Looks like the door is open for a fourth season.

    That would be great, but honestly, I'd be happy if they ended things with season 3. That last scene where they are all Spoiler: playing cards was really special, and a much better send off than what we got in Nemesis.

  13. #673
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    I'm not putting this behind a spoiler tag because it's more Easter Egg-y than spoiler-y. And I do want everyone who's yet to watch the episode to fully appreciate it. If you don't want to be fully spoiled (ha!), don't check the link.

    Federation President Anton Chekov

    Yeah I was ugly crying within two minutes of the series finale.

  14. #674
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    Quote Originally Posted by marodi View Post
    I'm not putting this behind a spoiler tag because it's more Easter Egg-y than spoiler-y. And I do want everyone who's yet to watch the episode to fully appreciate it. If you don't want to be fully spoiled (ha!), don't check the link.

    Federation President Anton Chekov

    Yeah I was ugly crying within two minutes of the series finale.
    Apart from Discovery, I think all the previous shows were referenced. That was Walter Koenig's voice. Nice tribute to Anton Yelchin.
    Last edited by GulDukat; 04-21-2023 at 05:10 PM.

  15. #675
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    Of all the celebrity deaths in the world, only two actively piss me off: Anton and Phil Hartman.

  16. #676
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    Haven't been watching any of the new Trek - I wish I could blame it on lack of subscription but instead it's "there's no one to watch it with" - but is it seriously this much of a member berry gala?

  17. #677
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  18. #678
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegate View Post
    Haven't been watching any of the new Trek - I wish I could blame it on lack of subscription but instead it's "there's no one to watch it with" - but is it seriously this much of a member berry gala?

    As far as Nu-Trek goes, the best so far is season one of Strange New Worlds and season three of Picard. I think after four seasons of Discovery and two of Picard,the suits at Paramount+ finally figured out what a majority of fans want.

  19. #679
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    Kind of disappointed we didn't get to see Barclay in season 3 of Picard.

  20. #680
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    Fan made, but this looks awesome. This shows the events that took place directly after Generations:

  21. #681
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  22. #682
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    New trailer:

  23. #683
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    Is this canon?

  24. #684
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    Season One of Strange New Worlds is available for free on Youtube. These were the strongest, IMHO.

    Complete episodes:

  25. #685
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  26. #686
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    Are we not going to talk about poutine now being Trek canon?

    Okay; let's talk about how they finally seem to have Khan's ethnicity right.

    Don't you think Canadian money is cute? So colourful and plasticky! With pictures of the late QEII! Aww...

    Seriously though, great episode. Need more Pelia.

  27. #687
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    Quote Originally Posted by marodi View Post
    Are we not going to talk about poutine now being Trek canon?

    Okay; let's talk about how they finally seem to have Khan's ethnicity right.

    Don't you think Canadian money is cute? So colourful and plasticky! With pictures of the late QEII! Aww...

    Seriously though, great episode. Need more Pelia.
    I thought it was very good. Some people compared it to "City on the Edge of Forever."

  28. #688
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    One of the best moments in all of Star Trek:

    As much as I love Captain Picard (who would have handled the situation much differently), Kirk's a soldier. Watch @1:35. Superb acting from Shatner. Kirk is arguing for a war that could result in the deaths of millions, and then when this is explained to him, he can't defend his position. Earlier, he looks down at the The Organians as being naive and stupid. Turns out the Organians are as ahead to humans as humans are to the amoeba. Kirk has egg on his face and is humbled. Shows that our heroes aren't perfect.

    Spock has no lines during the exchange, but his face says everything.
    Last edited by GulDukat; 07-11-2023 at 04:58 PM.

  29. #689
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    Kirk and Spock meet for the first time (prime), @1:50

  30. #690
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    I enjoyed the Lower Decks and SNW crossover, but I feel like it was lazily wrapped up by Trek standards. Spoiler: They could've just tried to appeal to the Orions with science and reason in stead of appealing to their pride. It would've given a more respectful portrayal of the Orions. How they went about it undercuts the "not all Orions are pirates"-thing that LD has going on.

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