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Thread: Alessandro Cortini (Blindoldfreak, Sonoio, Skarn, & other projects)

  1. #391
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    Guys, I'm sorry to share this news with you. I quickly met Alessandro tonight after the gig in Paris and asked him two questions.

    The first one regarding if he will ever be releasing the few exclusive tracks he's been playing live in a studio format aside from a live recording on a cassette (short answer: no).

    The second one was about if he is ever going to play Sonoio live in Europe, as the few gigs he played with Sonoio were all in the US. Before I was able to finish the question, his answer was (in italian): "Sonoio è finito, non riesco a finire l'album", meaning: Sonoio it's over, I can't finish the new album. I asked if he was really sure about that, and the answer was a strong "yes".

    I wish I could have asked him more questions but as usual he discretely leave the stage as soon as the gig is over.

  2. #392
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    Quote Originally Posted by arsenic View Post
    The second one was about if he is ever going to play Sonoio live in Europe, as the few gigs he played with Sonoio were all in the US. Before I was able to finish the question, his answer was (in italian): "Sonoio è finito, non riesco a finire l'album", meaning: Sonoio it's over, I can't finish the new album. I asked if he was really sure about that, and the answer was a strong "yes".
    I'm hoping this is just an April Fool's joke. I feel like it would be pretty unfortunate if he didn't make at least one more Sonoio record.

  3. #393
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    I know most people here feel very differently but one of the only reasons I check out all his ambient stuff is because of my love for Sonoio and I'd be extremely disappointed if he just only does stuff like Risveglio from here on out. It's neat and pretty and nice to put on in the background and absolutely very little else for me, there just isn't much there for me to chew on and nothing that's going to stick in my head, whereas I'll still have Thanks for Calling get to pounding away in my brain. That song had me really, really excited for more like it. I hope that's just a joke or mistranslated or something.

  4. #394
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    Quote Originally Posted by kleiner352 View Post
    I hope that's just a joke or mistranslated or something.
    I asked the questions in Italian because it's my mother tongue too so it's not mistranslated. We can only hope it was an April 1st joke, but it didn't sound like he was kidding. And if he'll ever finish the album he can always go back and say that of course he was kidding when he said that and it was just a prank for a fan :/

    Let's hope Alessandro is just a troll and the new album will be released in the coming weeks

  5. #395
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  6. #396
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    Alessandro posted a response to someone on Instagram that said "there is no Sonoio album planned for the foreseeable future". That's a real shame. Maybe he just doesn't have any interest in putting out that kind of material anymore.

  7. #397
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    Quote Originally Posted by BRoswell View Post
    Alessandro posted a response to someone on Instagram that said "there is no Sonoio album planned for the foreseeable future". That's a real shame. Maybe he just doesn't have any interest in putting out that kind of material anymore.
    This breaks my heart like you wouldn't believe. I've been more excited for another Sonoio record than almost anything from anyone else ever since Thanks For Calling came out. I just can't connect to the ambient stuff in the same way, or listen to it as frequently. It's so functionally different to me.

  8. #398
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    Quote Originally Posted by kleiner352 View Post
    This breaks my heart like you wouldn't believe. I've been more excited for another Sonoio record than almost anything from anyone else ever since Thanks For Calling came out. I just can't connect to the ambient stuff in the same way, or listen to it as frequently. It's so functionally different to me.
    I'm glad someone else feels the same way. The Sonoio stuff sounded new and fresh and it was really awesome stuff to listen to. Thanks For Calling was a fantastic song as well. Had me excited for what was next. I really do not care about all the ambient stuff either. I've tried getting into it, but it just doesn't do anything for me. That's a real shame. There was seriously something magical about Sonoio.

    I donno if ol' allycat lurks these forums, but if you ever read this dude, Sonoio was your best work ever. I'm glad I caught it live a few years back opening for...what was the band... damn, I don't even remember. Shows you how much I cared about them. They're a pretty popular artist in the electronic scene as well... either way, I went to the show specifically for Sonoio, and left before the main act even went on. (OK, A quick google search found me the name I was looking for - Ladytron).

    I'm sad that you are not in a creative spot to pursue the Sonoio name, but I understand how it can be when you just don't have the drive or interest in a particular project anymore. Hopefully you'll find some inspiration down the road to at least release more electronic music with vocals. I think that's ultimately what I miss when it comes to your instrumental music, you voice adds so much awesomeness to your music.

  9. #399
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    It's not even that I don't like the ambient stuff -- there's some real gems in there and they are cool experiments, nice relaxants to have on in the background, that kind of thing, but I'm never going to have anything from Risveglio running through my head when I'm working or feel like dancing to it. I find a real mellow sadness in almost all ambient music, like I'm listening to some desolate empty space that used to be filled but isn't, and it's a really lonely feeling -- I can be open to that and enjoy it at times, but I can't fill my life with it. Sonoio is very dark to my ears but there are plenty of hooks and melodies for me to enjoy and connect to.

    And his voice really is amazing. Like, unbelievably incredible to me. It's a really beautiful, really emotive thing that gets a whole lot out in just a few words. That barely-repressed bed of emotion that you can just hear dying to break through in his vocals on Thanks For Calling, only to build and build and build in tandem with the synths and percussion and to then explode at the end in this huge, cathartic, massive climax? It's just amazing. It's a hairs-on-end moment. It's this emotional space and tone that I can so connect and tap into and it's brilliantly done through something that seems so simple yet does so much. The thought of no more material with him singing is really, really disappointing to me. He's got a special voice that can do a lot and I loved the direction it seemed to be going in. To me Sonoio is like a perfect in-between from the poppiness of Modwheelmood and the experimental electronics of his ambient stuff. Call me simple or old fashioned but I like a good hook, I like a chorus I can sing to.

  10. #400
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    Lots of text in this thread. Let me just say I love the Sonoio and Modwheelmood stuff greatly. Alessandro is an amazing songwriter.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  11. #401
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    Foreseeable future doesn't mean forever.

  12. #402
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    Quote Originally Posted by orestes View Post
    Foreseeable future doesn't mean forever.
    Yeah, but the new record is already 3 years late. Soooo..... "foreseeable Future" could mean 10 years for all we know. So in total, that's was a 13 year wait. That ain't cool.
    This isn't TOOL we're talking about here.

  13. #403
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    Yes, but it's not like Alessandro is doing nothing but sit around and play video games. Dude's been quite productive these past few years.

  14. #404
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    Quote Originally Posted by ManBurning View Post
    "foreseeable Future" could mean 10 years for all we know.
    "No new album for the foreseeable future" can actually mean "I really have no interest in this project for the moment and might never come back to it".
    Apparently Sonno is much more exciting to him creatively, or more rewarding somehow than Sonoio was. I wouldn't wait for a new album anytime soon. For all intents and purpose, that project is done, apparently.

  15. #405
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    Listen I love Alessandro and his work. I enjoy Sonno and the Forse series, but they're more just noodling. I can see why he likes to work on those instead because they seem like much more simpler and easier projects for him. Sonoio takes time because there's actual songwriting and structure involved. Sonoio is present music. The Forse stuff is more like background score music that just goes along and builds here and there. Don't we wrong, I enjoy it. But nowhere near as strong as his Sonoio stuff. Who wouldn't love to record themselves just fucking around and noodling in the studio and having people eat it up? Sad to see he's not continuing Sonoio though, it's his strongest work.

  16. #406
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    Quote Originally Posted by ManBurning View Post
    Yeah, but the new record is already 3 years late. Soooo..... "foreseeable Future" could mean 10 years for all we know. So in total, that's was a 13 year wait. That ain't cool.
    This isn't TOOL we're talking about here.
    Hey now, if he's reading this thread you're giving the guy some great ideas. I'm gonna start saving for my Sonoio tour shirt blanket today and be ready when they hit the store! Who knows, maybe I'll even get to attend a $300 VIP event with light refreshments when he does a mini-tour in six years and plays two minutes of a new song

  17. #407
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    Quote Originally Posted by neorev View Post
    Listen I love Alessandro and his work. I enjoy Sonno and the Forse series, but they're more just noodling. I can see why he likes to work on those instead because they seem like much more simpler and easier projects for him. Sonoio takes time because there's actual songwriting and structure involved. Sonoio is present music. The Forse stuff is more like background score music that just goes along and builds here and there. Don't we wrong, I enjoy it. But nowhere near as strong as his Sonoio stuff. Who wouldn't love to record themselves just fucking around and noodling in the studio and having people eat it up? Sad to see he's not continuing Sonoio though, it's his strongest work.
    Lol, just noodling around with a bunch of analog equipment (but not exclusively mind you). I dunno, maybe he just finds it more stimulating and rewarding to limit himself to using one instrument; i.e. Sonno albums.

  18. #408
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    Quote Originally Posted by orestes View Post
    Lol, just noodling around with a bunch of analog equipment (but not exclusively mind you). I dunno, maybe he just finds it more stimulating and rewarding to limit himself to using one instrument; i.e. Sonno albums.
    I'm pretty sure he's expressed that any time he's talked about them (those awesome tours of his studio touched on it a lot I believe). I get the joy and challenge of making art under limitations like that, and it is really neat -- there's not many people that I'm aware of doing things along those lines, but I don't know, my interest really changes in all of it when previously the feeling I had was "Well this is a cool other thing and there's going to be more Sonoio too so it's just sort of a bonus project" and now it's "This is all there is and that's the main focus." It feels a little all in one direction now that just isn't the main draw for me, but if it's what the guy is feeling it's what he's feeling and I can't act like he shouldn't go for it. I just wish it lined up more with what I'm into.

  19. #409
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    not my image

    Skarn - Revolver Cassette (limited to 100) cop while you can

  20. #410
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    I'm also really sad to hear there'll be no more SONOIO.

    The recent ambient stuff is really hit-or-miss for me, but when it hits, oh man is it good. I love all of Forse 1 and much of Forse 2 -- to me those aren't just background music. I love getting sucked into the world he makes. Forse 3, Sonno and the rest were misses, but Risveglio was also damn good. I don't expect to like everything he makes, but I'm glad it seems he's doing what makes him happy!

  21. #411
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  22. #412
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    For those of you in the Toronto area.

  23. #413
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    Alessandro Cortini LIVE @ Lincoln Center NYC 6/16/16 7:30 PM. FREE ADMISSION.

  24. #414
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    @blindoldfreak: "I had the pleasure to write the music for this...great work, @tamarlevine !"

    Very nice! First I looked "is it her...?" Yes it is, Jenna Fischer, she is so beautiful to me... (I alredy mentioned once movie The Giant Mechanical Man) Oh yes, and the music complements everything nicely. :-)

  25. #415
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    I will be on RBMA Radio today playing some unreleased music (including some Sonoio). tune in!

  26. #416
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    I don't know if the site hosts official archives, so I captured it with an app. PM me for the DL link, or rub the clique for the prize. Someone else has the link too, I'll update this post with their username if I get swamped because I'm not always available quickly due to an injury.

    It was cool, nice chats in between the music about various things. It's unreleased material from the past 15 years, including 2 unreleased Sonoio songs. More instrumental records are coming, one by the end of the year. Just listen, I'll leave the rest for you to discover.

    I missed the first minute or so, just the first half of random intro music. Edit: listened to part of it again, it might have been one of his tracks for the intro I missed half of.
    Last edited by blassster; 07-21-2016 at 07:32 AM.

  27. #417
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    be sure to listen to this interview! Lots of new unreleased music!

    The first track is actually a song that I heard during the pre-show music for a NIN show in Copenhagen. I immediately loved it and and later asked Josh on twitter if he knew which song it was but he didn't know. When I heard this song in the interview I just couldn't believe it was from Alessandro, but it makes sense and now I know why I liked it in the first place haha.

    Three weeks after Copenhagen, I was at a NIN show in Zurich and heard a full version of this unreleased track. This one was also played from TR's ipod, so I'm wondering if they're actually part of the same project? I'm wondering how many other unreleased songs were played before those NIN shows.
    Man, I wish one day Alessandro will release those tracks. We need more interviews like this one! : )

    Again, thank you blassster for recording it!

  28. #418
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    I split the seven unreleased tracks from the interview, tagged and put them in a zip file. Two are unfortunately incomplete.
    Just PM me for a download link, I can also give you a download link to blassster's complete recording of the interview if you want.

    And by the way, Alessandro will be playing his new A/V project Avanti (which means forward) at Atonal 2016 in Berlin

  29. #419
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  30. #420
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    thanks for that, ordered

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