Guys, I'm sorry to share this news with you. I quickly met Alessandro tonight after the gig in Paris and asked him two questions.

The first one regarding if he will ever be releasing the few exclusive tracks he's been playing live in a studio format aside from a live recording on a cassette (short answer: no).

The second one was about if he is ever going to play Sonoio live in Europe, as the few gigs he played with Sonoio were all in the US. Before I was able to finish the question, his answer was (in italian): "Sonoio è finito, non riesco a finire l'album", meaning: Sonoio it's over, I can't finish the new album. I asked if he was really sure about that, and the answer was a strong "yes".

I wish I could have asked him more questions but as usual he discretely leave the stage as soon as the gig is over.